Too cheap to buy new fat clothes.
Hang in there. I've had 2 major injuries in my running career. One was a torn meniscus in my knee, and the other was a far worse torn hip labrum. Both required surgery. My best advice is to follow PT protocol exactly as prescribed and strengthen all of our your supportive muscles religiously. Also, make sure to not set any…
Then you are good to go. That mileage should get you across the finish line easily. After your March HM, if you want to continue running, I would suggest you focus on base building up to 30-40 miles a week and mix in some mild speed work. I would also recommend the book "Hansons Marathon Method". Even if you don't want to…
How many miles a week have you been running and for how long? If you can run 10 miles, you can likely finish a half marathon, but it might be slow and potentially painful depending on what kind of shape you are in and how old you are. So it just depends on what you are in it for. I personally hate racing unless I am…
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Most guys I know don't get as hurt by comments like that. When I got overweight, I had several people tell me I gained weight. It didn't hurt my feelings because it was the TRUTH! Why would that bother me, unless I was in some stupid state of denial. I wish my wife had been hard on me…
Go get fitted for shoes at a local running store. Slow down. If you still struggle, slow down some more. Yep, I know you're already slow. Shuffle if you have to. Or do lower impact activities like biking and wait until you've already lost some more weight.
Unless you are wealthy enough to outright buy a house (without having to take out a mortgage) then this whole "Renting is dead money" argument is not quite as powerful as people make it out to be. Have any of you actually looked at a typical amortization schedule? On a 30 year mortgage, for the first 15 years an insane…
I own a Omron Full Body Sensor with scale The accuracy for weight is dead on, and the BF% is usually within a few % of being correct. More importantly, it seems to trend accuratley so…
Go get fitted for shoes. You can risk it if you want but you'll probably start to feel it if you've picked the wrong shoe once you're mileage gets to 15+ / 20+ per week. Your primary focus will need to be on getting steady increases in mileage per week while remaining uninjured. The extra weight you are carrying will make…
Just wanted to chime in with a bit of clarification here. Firstly, HRM's are not terribly accurate to begin with (especially the lower end models like Polar FT7). Models that take into account resting HR and VO2 max are a little better. Most folks do not accuratley know what their max HR is and/or not capable of testing it…
I did eat a huge piece of chocolate cake for breakfast once. I felt sick all day and didn't eat anything else. So yeah, it worked...
The 12 oz. curl.
On the issue of using MFP, my wife suggested it to me and I scoffed at her because it sounded like a huge pain in the butt. I thought I could exercise enough to eat what I wanted. It took me not getting the results I wanted to eventually turn back to it. So he may come around given some time. On the issue of motivation, my…
Do not combine running and ibuprofen. Just google running and ibuprofen to see all of the warnings. If it's just a bit of soreness, suck it up. If you're trying to push through an injury, rest and/or see a Doctor. Ignore this advice at your own…
You can just do the fake jump rope thing.
Yes, your routine could potentially lead to overtraining. One of the warning signs is feeling burnt out and not making any more progress despite increasing workload. I would take a 1 week break and decide what's important to you. If it's running, you're going to need to probably drop some of the other cardio and run more…
Passing people or being passed by people on a TRAINING run has absolutley no bearing on who is in better shape to run. On my recovery runs I probably look like an out of shape coach potato with how slowly I run them but I don't have an ego problem like some here seemingly do. Plus if somebody sprints by you, how do you…
Incorporate walking breaks along the way too if you start to feel like you're losing it. Once you're gassed you've accumulated a big oxygen debt and burned most of your easy energy; that's tough to come back from. Incorporating walking intervals is nothing to be ashamed of, it's a great way to build some endurance and…
I had surgery to repair torn meniscus (10% medial, 5% lateral removed) in August and spent some time away from running or any impact activity and I hated it. I worked my butt off in PT and they cleared me to run a few weeks early because I did so well. So I came back way too fast and tried to burn out my old mileage even…
Good information. I didn't read through all the responses so I apologize if something like this has already been posted but I think there is another big one to add. Underestimation of calories consumed and overestimation of calories burned. I think this accounts for a big portion of people who struggle to lose. If you're…
I almost never eat breakfast but it's mostly because I'm not hungry and I eat most of my calories late at night before going to bed. Yes, that's right. I violate the 2 cardinal sins that that mass marketed diet advice would have us believe. Good thing for me, it's just a bunch of nonsense. If you believe that you have to…
I don't know. Judging someone for their routine is stuipid, and you can make different workouts work for you, but there are still better and worse ways to acheive a goal. Not incorporating any strength training at all is certainly on the side of being worse. Honestly, I'd rather remain a bit fatter than risk lean muscle…
Family Man It's a Wonderful Life NL: Christmas Vacation
Very well said. It isn't 1 or 2 days a year that made us overweight. I like to have a good long workout or run a race early Thanksgiving morning. Do I do it so I won't feel guilty, or burn more of those Turkey day calories? Nope, I do it so that I'm even hungrier for all the yummy food. My realtives are probably on here…
Acg already gave you the best answer but just to back it up, it doesn't matter how many meals you eat. In fact, my weight loss accelerated when I started doing what was convenient (no breakfast, small lunch, large dinner). Just stay within your Kcal goal and try to hit your macros.
I'm a little confused. Are you wanting to stop because you are terribly out of breath / physically spent or you're just being a little lazy? If it's the former, you're running too fast or may need to incorporate some walking intervals in. If the latter, well maybe have a progressive training plan so that you know exactly…
Returning from injury so I'm going to miss my local 5 mile race on Thanksgiving but I do have plans for early 2013. Miles for Miracles 5k (tune up race): 2/2/2012 Woodland's Half Marathon: 3/2/2012 Just turned 30 and my bad habits are starting to catch up with me so 2013 will be focusing on remaining injury free. On…
Clearly the use of the word "pointless" is intentionally inflammatory. However, if you're talking body composition, it's pretty clear that lifting is more important than cardio (outside of diet of course). And I would agree with you that it's alot more fun to train for an event or race than to run on a dreadmill like a…
My wife has always been thin (though sexy thin with curves) and her whole life she has been accused of anorexia and other ED's. And it's simply not true and it's very hurtful to her. And most of the time it comes from overweight women. Jealousy maybe? I am smack in the middle of the healthy BMI category (6'1" 170 lbs) and…
Keep this in perpective. If you eat donuts and cookies all day, but then log it as chicken and broccoli, does it really change anything? You've had a lot of success already so I think you know what is working for you. Just be as honest and accurate as you can be. If you want some extra cals and feel you did extra work to…