

  • Could you alter it with egg whites and splenda instead of agave nectar? Would it be possible to do that? and how much would the cal count go down?.
  • So 500 a day? or 500 over your whole period, I mean depending on how heavy it is should that have anything to do with it?
    in Period? Comment by i_Dance April 2011
  • I'm just asking out of curiosity. I mean if it's true, I want to have that bag of pretzels! It would be amazing to give into ONE period craving and have it all be burned off for me!
    in Period? Comment by i_Dance April 2011
  • I froze it and stuck it in between 2 graham crackers and, voila! an Icecream sandwhich! Or the chocolate jello mousse freeze it and it's a 60 calorie icecream cup! if you want to put in on a graham cracker too! I freeze everything.
  • I am a vegetarian, I was looking for a good protein source to add in. Is a 1/2 scoop (or a whole scoop after a hard workout) of it in a shake 5 times a week bad?
  • I'm 5'7 my ultimate goal is 117.
  • She was considering the lapband but when she found out about the no bread or pasta EVER she said it wouldn't work. However there is no way to cheat the gastric bypass like monica said.
  • My bestfriend had her gastric bypass a few ago and is already down 30 pounds I think. Her recovery time was really fast. You can't really even see the incision marks on her stomach. She was in basically no pain 4 or 5 days after. She can only eat like 4 bites before she is full, she said this is just because she just got…
  • 1 egg white.....How exciting am I! one everymorning with my coffee.
  • Unsweetened almond milk = Blechhh! I couldn't even put it in my cereal! Original tastes great! I've never tried the chocolate or vanilla unsweetened. Is it sweet enough to drink on it's own? or in cereal? The unsweetened was a dissapointment. I recently bought coconut milk because I LOVE coconut, and I must say the almond…
  • I've been a vegetarian for about a month, after the 2nd week you really don't even crave it. I WISH i could go vegan, but I am too much of a egg/milk/cheese person. I live by protein shakes and eggwhites. I talked to my doctor before hand just to ake sure I was ok to do it. She said vegetarianism is completely fine aslong…
  • I second this! I LOVE caramel, but this one tasted like vanilla. I loved the chocolate though. Freeze it and it's a 60 calorie ice cream!
  • I LOVE skinny cow! But they can be a bit pricey for college. If your on a budget, get the keebler waffle bowls (50 calories per bowl) and get one thing of stawberries, and blueberries, or banana if you want sweeter and some light cool whip. Get the bowl, put one tbs of whipped cream, load it with the strawberries and…
  • I'm not much help considering i'm not in recovery yet. I had BED for 2 years, Now I am EDNOS with anorectic tendencies.
  • BURGERS! I used to dream of them even, been a vegetarian for 2 weeks and haven't had ONE meat craving. Nutella, god. that stuff is better than sleep. I miss it sooo much D: gave it up. Cold turkey, god, i could eat a whole jar of that stuff in a sitting. Potatoes. I know they are good in moderation, but I'm giving them up…
  • I went from a 38 D to a 38 C to a 34 C My boobs are gone D:
  • Those jello chocolate mousse things = LOVE and under 100 calories, or melt one tablespoon of milk chocolate chips for 70 calories, or just snack on them normally! it's all good in moderation.
  • *phew* So i'm not the only one who does it.
  • Look at the back of the cans to figure out the calories of those, then google or use the my fitness pal search for the calories on the peppers or anything you didnt have the calorie information on, then add it all up and divide it by the portion you had, i.e. 900 calories all together, you had a third of it, divide it by 3.