
fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
So I get a craving for a Toblerone bar about once a week or so. I have NOT given into this craving but was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on substitutions they'd like to share.


  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    maltesers! Less than 200 calories a bag and they save my life!!
  • kazzar77
    kazzar77 Posts: 17
    keep eating a little everyday I def have to or else life wouldnt be worth living
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Try dark chocolate, less calories.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    So I get a craving for a Toblerone bar about once a week or so. I have NOT given into this craving but was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on substitutions they'd like to share.

    do it, but not the entire bar. .get a bar, freeze it and put it in the fridge as an award. .. or as your guilty pleasure each day.

    Gods, i love toblerones and toffifees and rittersports. . liebe Gott. LOL. .miss germany so much

    I currently have a slice of the best EVER cake that we get at work to celebrate things like 5 yrs with the company, I cut it into a lot of thumb width sizes, and froze them. . and they will be my award. . I'm pulling one out tonite to defrost for tomorrow to celebrate reaching of my first goal(20 lbs).
  • I found a recipe for a sugar free chocolate custard and I made it this morning again!!! It is wonderful!! it is like a little piece of chocolate heaven. I posted the recipe on my site and I said I would share it so you might can search and look it up. But it is really easy. I eat it as a meal it is 3 eggs, tbsp cocoa powder, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and 2tsp Xylitol sweetener or you can use honey. warm a pan on stove while you mix all ingredients together in a bowl. whisk really good the lumps in the chocolate will come out while you are cooking. pour in the warm pot and stir till thick. serve warm. I love it for breakfast when I have a chance to fix it. I have a couple of more but I have not tried them. I have been on a paleo diet since last month and I bought several cook books and they have some wonderful recipes. I will be glad to share if you like. Hope this one works for you. Good Luck.
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    One square of Lindt dark chocolate. Intense chocolate flavour for fewer calories.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Snackwell's devil's food cookie cakes. 50 calories each and one usually is enough to satisfy my chocolate craving. I eat them in 3-4 bites too so that kind of lets me savor them
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I have a bit of chocolate everyday. Usually Bryer's Smooth & Dreamy Chocolate Caramel Brownie sandwiches. 160 Calories & 4 grams of fat.
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    So I get a craving for a Toblerone bar about once a week or so. I have NOT given into this craving but was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on substitutions they'd like to share.

    OMG!! II was given a bag of the minis of these (also a variety pack with the milk, white, and dark) and they are sooo hard to resist! The good news is that my family ate most of them and the ones that are left are the dark chocolate and they are not my favorite. :)

    As for curing the cravings, I usually give in and have a mini bar just so I don't go crazy and eat a king size bar!! Wish i had some better advice!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I get dark chocolate bars. I am actually having a piece of Hageland's Costa Rica 71% dark chocolate right now. 80 calories for a huge square of chocolate and it doesn't break the bank on carbs, fat, and whatnot. I also am not a huge fan of dark chocolate, it's so rich, so I eat it very slowly.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Another vote for dark chocolate. I keep the small individually wrapped squares from World Market around. They have different interesting flavors (sea salt is my fave) and I don't feel at all guilty for eating a small square of dark chocolate.
  • alazarus
    alazarus Posts: 80 Member
    Hear hear, yet another vote for dark chocolate! Although I LOVE milk chocolate, it's basically nothing but junk-- tons of fat, sugar, and caloties. Dark chocolate has less of the bad stuff, and more of the healthy stuff! PLus it's easier to feel satisfied with less. I usually go for Lindt's 85% dark chocolate squares... and I'm almost always satisfied with just a small piece (1 inch square). If at first dark chcolate is too intense, start yourself at the lower percentages and try to work your way up... It really helps to wean yourself off o f the bad kind of chocolate!
  • AQHAShowgirl
    AQHAShowgirl Posts: 82 Member
    Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches!!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Although I'm not a fan of Toblerone (I find it to waxy) it's actually a pretty easy bar to portion and save. The way the bar and packaging are designed it's simple to just snap off a single section and put the rest in the fridge for another day without having to deal with all the paper wrappers of other bars. So I'd say just do that, if it's really what you're craving.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I get my choc fix from a 1/2 cup serving of chapmans black stray cherry yogurt it has dark choc in it and kills that craving dead for 120 cals.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I almost always have a bar of dark chocolate in the house. I buy the kind that are in small squares that break apart easily. I find that I am much more satisfied by 70 calories of a good dark chocolate than any of the skinny cow ice creams or jello sugar-free desserts. Its so rich you can't eat much anyway.
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
  • i_Dance
    i_Dance Posts: 30
    Those jello chocolate mousse things = LOVE
    and under 100 calories,

    or melt one tablespoon of milk chocolate chips for 70 calories, or just snack on them normally! it's all good in moderation.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I have a bag of froozen dark chocolate chips in my freezer. When I'm craving chocolate I put a tablespoon in vanilla yogurt as my treat. Its 80 calories per tablespoon. I also love kellogs fiber bars chocolate chip bars are 120 calories and I get my fiber. Just don't start out eating a whole bar!
  • Don't deprive yourself! Every girl needs a chocolate fix once in awhile. I keep candy bars in my freezer and if I want a candy bar than I do an extra workout on top of my normal workouts and therefore, I have earned it! The chocolate tastes so much better if you have to work hard to get it. But that's just do what feels right to you. I have days that I burn over 1000 calories now but when I was starting out I definitely didn't have those days and went weeks feeling sore and deprived and have worked myself up to this point where I can indulge sometimes.
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