Not so guilty treats?



  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Men's Fitness has an article about something I have already been doing. Block off about 10% of your daily calories for a guilty treat every day. Whether it's cookies, ice cream, snickers or twlizzlers. This is the easiest way to stick to a diet and not burn out like most people do. If you include things like this that you normally would eat outside of a diet then you're less likely to burn out. And as long as you still keep your daily calorie intake at or below your goal it doesn't matter where these 10% of calories come from. It's over-doing healthy that burns most of us out.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Trader Joe's has these little chocolate soy ice cream sandwiches that are either 50 or 90 calories each. Absolutely DELICIOUS!

    (So tasty in fact, that the caps were absolutely necessary.)
  • moyyster
    moyyster Posts: 37 Member
    Pineapple is my favorite healthy sweet treat!
  • Dreawolf
    Dreawolf Posts: 37 Member
    Try a banana with a little bit of chocolate syrup. Take a banana, peel it, then place it on a foil and put it in the freezer. Frozen bananas taste just like ice cream and wil satisfy your sweet tooth for a LOT less calories. :smile:
  • i_Dance
    i_Dance Posts: 30
    Frozen cool whip free! It only has 15 calories for 2 tablespoons... add some ice cream toppings and fool yourself ;)
    I froze it and stuck it in between 2 graham crackers and, voila! an Icecream sandwhich!

    Or the chocolate jello mousse freeze it and it's a 60 calorie icecream cup!
    if you want to put in on a graham cracker too!
    I freeze everything.
  • Wow, so many great ideas!! Thanks!!!
  • elyssiam
    elyssiam Posts: 31 Member
    Dark Hershey's kisses are 20 calories each, 2g of sugar.
    I like the dark chocolate sugar free jell-o pudding (which I find more satisfying than the lighter, more airy mousse, and it has more calcium).
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