

  • 3 weeks of spring break does NOT do a body good, especially if you were doing on a tight budget, and your meals consisted of free pastrys/cookies at hostels, countless bowls of pasta and pnut butter and jelly sandwiches. I was so thankful to get back and have a REAL meal, but now I just can't see to get back on track to…
  • Hello all!!! I am going on spring break on saturday (woot woot!) and will basically be traveling around europe for 3 weeks on a very tight budget!! So, naturally, food is my least concern :) Haha, but was wondering if any of you had any good ideas on non-perishable, non-smashable, able to put in a carry on for a flight…
  • Ive been at this for about a week now, and i am consistently under in the protein column! I am usually right up there with the carbs, OVER fat, haha, but protein seems to be under all the time, and i usually eat all of my calories! Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to up my protein? Im a pretty poor college…
    in Protein! Comment by wiesk1 March 2008
  • Thanks, i'll consider the "mini" days and other options :)
  • Hey, I was just thinking about this and was wondering, are juice fasts or diets ok? I was thinking about possibly doing a juice diet, maybe just one day a week, one of those lazy days where all I do is homework and sit on my bum in front of my laptop. Is that ok to do? And if so, what kind of Juice? Not one with a ton of…
  • I like goofy/rockish music....lately ive been listening to Cobra Starship, love Guilty Pleasure and City is at War!! Also, a lot of the old taking back sunday stuff, like your so last summer and 180 by summer. ooo and head automatica....love at speed of a yellow bullet and absolutely anything by motion city soundtrack.…
  • haha yea, the food is very expensive compared to the States. It looks like a normal price, but because of the exchange rate you really need to double it. I have had my parents send me some food, but none of it is good for me! Its like boxed macaroni and cheese, instant mashed potatoes, and rice. But one good thing i do get…
  • Just be sure to drink plenty of water as well. Pop can actually dehydrate you, probably not the one can a day, but it might add up, so just keep in mind to be drinking enough water and I don't see the problem!
  • Well, I was sitting in the steam room today after my workout, and I was really just wondering...what does it do? I mean it obviously makes you sweat, but does it actually burn any calories sitting there or am i making myself suffer for 10 minutes by sitting in those germ infested rooms?:sick:
    in Steam Room? Comment by wiesk1 March 2008
  • Hello all! I just started, and my parents and I are going to GREECE!!! mid-April...so my goal is to be about 10-15 pounds lighter by then.....keep up all the support, i love it! :heart:
  • Hey, Im a student living on my own, having to cook my own food! It stinks! Haha, plus im living in the UK, and the food is WaY different from the states! So I was wondering, does anyone have really good and easy lunches that I could try? Or small meals? Very few ingredients, im on about a 20 pounds/40 US dollars a week…
  • ha! i totally know what you two about are talking about!! I was born and raised in America, specifically Iowa, and Ive been studying in Wales. Since ive been here ive noticed a lot in the differences in portion sizes in restaurants!! And plus, going to school here we don't have a meal plan or cafeteria like I did back…
  • vent all you want :) Thats what the posts are for. Read my posts on another discouraged user....Its called Help I need motivation stat! or something like that. Hope everything goes well for you today!
  • Don't loose hope, everyone falls down once in a while!! You just gotta learn to pick yourself back up. Start a new day today. Plan out what your going to eat. How about tonight, you have a grilled chicken breast atop a nice green salad, maybe even a spinich salad? And for dessert, hmmm fruit!! Fruit and yoghurt, my…
  • I would definiatly hit up the thrift store! I do occasionally, and some people bring in really nice jeans for amazing prices, usually 3 dollars!! I know one of my old friends from school used to bring in her jeans, usually always silver/lucky brands. Always a little used, but good thing that's the look these days haha
  • So in the morning i usually have a Quaker breakfast cookie and some green tea, well my green tea isnt in the database, and on the box it doesnt have any nutritional information on it!! Im living in the UK at the moment, so that information doesnt have to be on the box. I looked on the website, and also none to be found…
  • I love cereal, but im currently trying to switch to the Carnation instant breakfast drinks! They are very good and filling, the milk chocolate one is my favorite! They also have ones low in sugar/high in fiber. I strongly suggest!
  • Im a student in college at the moment. Currently always preoccupied by thoughts of food! I find that i have trouble even getting my schoolwork done because im constantly thinking of what im going to cook for dinner, what I should get at the grocery store, etc. So Im really hoping for some hints of how to get food off my…