MsMouseMouse Member


  • Yea, people are very set in their sometimes unhealthy life styles and think that what ever they are doing is what is right and everyone and everything else is wrong. It is true you can lose weight on low fat, low calorie diets.. people have for ages, but rarely does it stay off and you can certainly be thin and unhealthy…
  • It has been 23 years for me. I went cold turkey, and I also think I would be a dead turkey if I had not. I smoked 2 packs a day. , bI could not even string 4 words together with out coughing my guts up.. Do I think about smoking? Yes, Would I ever start up again? NEVER. You can do it. I know, I know because I did. Good…
  • Maybe you should search out healing hands. There is probably more to this than we think.
  • YOU DIDN'T FAIL.. You did what you had to do for the day because of work etc. If you are only 30 calories over your calories for the day then that is no biggie. You worked a 10 hour shift and probably wore that off anyway. The 1200 calories most of us are given is a guide line to follow, for some it is far to low. Hang in…
  • Hi, There are lots of people on here that follow low carb diets. Just go to search on the line above where you post and just write in Low carb and you will see lots of questions and answers on that subject. Remember you are the only one in charge of and responsible for you. Good luck.
  • Okay I think I have now found what I was looking for. Here is my weight. Weighed in yesterday. My next weigh in will be on Sunday the 29th, that will be my last weigh in if we finish up on the 31st. I can't remember if I started out at 193 o4 192. Didn't mark it down, bu my WII weigh in said I was down 5.5 lbs. That number…
  • Bump for later, would like to hear about this also.
  • I would like to join in. I am trying to get back down to where I was until I fell of the wagon. I only weigh in every two weeks, last week I was 193 so I will use that as my starting weight My next weigh in is on the 15th, I am trying so hard not to weigh every day. SW 193 VD goal 180
  • I am new at replying to peoples comments so I have no idea if this will work out or not. Even though I agree with what you are saying to some degree the problem is for me is.... There are some people who can not work out for various reasons, or some that can work out more than others. I can not do the JM 30DS. I can not do…
  • I would love to join in if I am in time. SW -191 lbs (Sunday Jan 1) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 8 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Feb 1)
  • Weighed in this morning.. Not so good, after losing 10.2 lbs the month before I was up 2.4lbs. So still down 8lbs from when we started. Still going to try and get that 12 lbs off before Christmas.
  • So, when I let my 15 yo son know that I'm having a hot flash (we homeschool so I'm with him most of the day) his comment to me is, "It's a calorie burn, Mom!" (He's studying chemistry right now so he related it to the definition of a calorie.) So, I'm wondering if there's a way to put hot flashes under our calories burned!…
  • Bumping for later. I am interested. I am 61 and have not had a period in forever it seems.
  • I have a question that I have not seen asked on here and I am wondering ... I am 62 and have never been a person who has worked out.. I have been following IF for a month now, and in that month I have had remarkable results. (Lost 10.2lbs). How ever I am not lifting weights, or going to the gym. I have done some walking on…
  • Have been away from home for a couple of days and man oh man my stomach hurts. I have not really been over eating. I just eat one plate full but eating later. My body is use to my last meal for the day being around 3pm and then nothing again until 9 or 10 am next day. Now my supper meals have been around 6pm and have had…
  • So here I am one full month into IF. I have not ever done a 24 hour fast. I just do 18/6 daily. I just weigh in every two weeks and today was my 2nd weigh in since I started it.. Have no idea why but first weigh in 5.1 lbs down and second weigh in 5.1 lbs down, for a total of 10.2 lbs in one month. I however have a fair…
  • Good Morning I weigh in every two weeks, and I was suppose to weigh in on Sunday 23rd. How ever we have to go out of town because of a family illness in another Province. So I decided to weigh in today instead of Sunday. I could not believe it. I lost the same amount as my last weigh in down 5.1 lbs...That is for two…
  • This is a wonderful place to be. It gives you everything that a weight loss program out there offers you for tons of money only you can get here for free. The people who developed this and then decided to offer it out there for free are saints, and angels to most of us. It matters not what you do for your diet (journey).…
  • Thank you foodcraver. I live in Canada and I bought "Liberte" from our co-op. I am just getting in Yogourt so I bought the blueberry one. It has 0% fat and 15 g of protien but alas 22g of sugar, 150 calories per 3/4 cup. I will look in the SuperStore and check those out... and thank you everyone for the information on this.
  • Good Morning. Hope everyone is still motivated and hanging in there. This is week four for me. I only weigh in every two weeks, so my weigh in will be on Sunday. Now sure how last week was, not always good choices, This week I am trying not to eat bread, but a lass I had toast this morning. It really is the easiest thing…
  • I think I have (with age) lost the ability to cross my eyes.. I use to be able to, but not something I have tried to do in many years... lol and now when I just tried to do it, GONE.... I sure it would be fun.
  • Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving to any Canadians on here. I have just completed my first two week weigh in towards my 20lb Christmas goal. Down 5.1 lbs. Now the real challenge is not to blow it all on my Thanksgiving dinner. Hope everyone else is doing well with the challenge.. Marilyn aka MsMouse :flowerforyou: SW 193…
  • Thank you for the advice. Very much appreciated. This weekend is our Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. I am sort of fearing it. I seem to have lots of will power most of the time but I am afraid I will start on a feasting binge. Today I am close to a 24 hour fast. my last full meal was at 2pm yesterday and a part from 2…
  • Hi there, count me in. I just got back on here after a very good or bad summer. Good in the sense I did a lot and ate a lot. Bad as I gained almost 15 lbs.. So my first weigh in back on the 26th of sept was 193. I am going to be weighing every two weeks on my Wii. Hope I have lost some of the 20 lbs on Monday the 10th of…
  • I have been trying to find people on here that support this life style. It can end up being a very secretive way of life. Most people do not understand or believe in it. Dieters think that the 3-6 meals a day is the best way to go.. other than that you are starving yourself. I know I have been there many many times. I have…
  • I gain when I eat a lot of bad carbs.
  • Good Question. I lost mine also. Started out a year and a half ago and lost 30 lbs. Maintained that for about a year. Fell off the wagon over the summer and have not been able to drag myself back up onto the wagon again. Now I have gained back 15 of those lbs.. My friend and I at work decided to start on Monday as sort of…