lilybean17 Member


  • Last week everyone, let's gooo! This week for me: 135! Met my challenge goal! Just hope I don't gain this week :) I love the name for the new challenge!
  • I'm so proud of myself and everyone here, it's these long challenges that really help us stay on task. Great job everyone, I'm excited to be in such motivating company. I couldn't lose the weight without this! 3/17: 149 3/24: 147.5 3/31: 145.9 4/7: 145.3 4/14: <<<mini goal 145>>> 145.9 4/21: 145.1 4/28: 144.2 5/5 : 142.6…
  • oh this is fun! I think ramen noodles and a whoooole bunch of reese's peanut butter cups!
  • Missed posting last week with a bad weigh in. Back on track this week! 3/17: 149 3/24: 147.5 3/31: 45.9 4/7: 145.3 4/14: <<<mini goal 145>>> 145.9 4/21: 145.1 4/28: 144.2 5/5: 142.6 5/12: <<<mini goal 140>>> 144.4 5/19: 138! 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: <<<challenge goal 135>>>
  • 3/17: 149 3/24: 147.5 3/31: 145.9 4/7: 145.3 4/14: <<<mini goal 145>>> 145.9 4/21: 145.1 4/28: 144.2 5/5: 142.6 5/12: <<<mini goal 140>>> 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: <<<challenge goal 135>>> Keep up the good work everyone! We can do it!
  • Headed in the right direction! 3/17: 149 3/24: 147.5 3/31: 145.9 4/7: 145.3 4/14: <<<mini goal 145>>> 145.9 4/21: 145.1 4/28: 144.2 5/5: 5/12: <<<mini goal 140>>> 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: <<<challenge goal 135>>> NSV: I was home this past weekend, and my dad commented on my weight loss! He NEVER notices that kind of thing!…
  • I'm 5'1" and my goal right now is 130. I've always been overweight though so I have no idea what 130 will look like, so I will reassess as I get closer to see if I need to be more or less. I do not want to be scary skinny at all-I like having some (good, not flabby, muscley) meat on my bones!
  • Grr, bad few weeks for me. Still gonna aim for my next mini goal though (just means I gotta break through the first one first!) 3/17: 149 3/24: 147.5 3/31: 145.9 4/7: 145.3 4/14: <<<mini goal 145>>> 145.9 4/21: 145.1 4/28: 5/5: 5/12: <<<mini goal 140>>> 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: <<<challenge goal 135>>>
  • Happens to me all the time on an extended walk. Even if I'm just walking around the mall for a while! I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  • I think people look like IDIOTS when they're not wearing a helmet. Any excuse is crap. My brother had a very bad fall off his bike last year and thankfully came away only with a very very bad concussion and a horribly scratched up face. I say only because if he hadn't been wearing his helmet we were assured he would have…
  • Slow week for me, but I should be able to still reach my first mini goal! 3/17: 149 3/24: 147.5 3/31: 145.9 4/7: 145.3 4/14: <<<mini goal 145>>> 4/21: 4/28: 5/5: 5/12: <<<mini goal 140>>> 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: <<<challenge goal 135>>>
  • Good week for me! This next week makes me nervous though, I just feel like my eating will be off :( 3/17: 149 3/24: 147.5 3/31: 145.9 4/7: 4/14: <<<mini goal 145>>> 4/21: 4/28: 5/5: 5/12: <<<mini goal 140>>> 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: <<<challenge goal 135>>>
  • Just stopping by to say how awesome this little program is. I started at 6 pushups (not modified) and at the end of week 4 I could do 42 in a row!! I'm mad at myself to say I started slacking at that point but I'm trying to get back on track to pick it up again. If you guys follow this program you really will see your…
  • Let's gooooo, keep it up everyone! 3/17: 149 3/24: 147.5 3/31: 4/7: 4/14: <<<mini goal 145>>> 4/21: 4/28: 5/5: 5/12: <<<mini goal 140>>> 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: <<<challenge goal 135>>>
  • What caused you to gain weight? I wish I had an interesting story, but nope, I've always been a little bigger than everyone else. I think since I've been that way forever, by high school I was used to it and ate according to it-a little more a little unhealthy, but not awful. Because I had always been that way, I was never…
  • Weigh in 147.5. Slowly getting down-just thankful for every week that isn't a gain, because that mean I'm headed in the right direction! Keep it up everyone-I think most of us are probably just back from spring break, so time to bust out the beast mode til the end of the semester!
  • Same here! Well, I'm definitely closer to 5'1" but I am somewhere in the middle, and I'd love to get to 125 eventually! Maybe once I'm there I'll see if I need to go lower. 110 is like a dream! I don't know how that would look on me though because I've never been that small, so who knows!
  • 200 minutes of exercise-it's embarrassing, but I work in the gym at my school! I have NO excuse not to get this done! SW (as of yesterday): 147.7 GW (8 weeks): 140
  • I am a peanut butter ADDICT! I try not to eat it too too much cause once I get started there's no stopping. I love it on everything though-apples, carrots, tomato slices (seriously), and rice cakes especially! That's a great alternative to a PB sandwich with regular bread. Oh and of course, PB and chocolate, duh. Possibly…
  • More (RedOne Remix)-Usher Best pump up song ever. It does amazing things for me when running up those long, tough hills. There are some great suggestions on here! I'm definitely downloading some.
  • Ooh I like the mini challenges idea, that'll make me actually have something to work towards short term. And I'm in for weighing in weekly, any day really works for me. RE drinking your calories-I'm having trouble with this too! I've been trying to avoid those nights where you have a few drinks but don't really get…
  • Awesome! I need this. I hope I'm not being too ambitious! Starting Weight: 149 Goal Weight: 135 3/17: 3/24: 3/31: 4/7: 4/14: <<<mini goal 145>>> 4/21: 4/28: 5/5: 5/12: <<<mini goal 140>>> 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: <<<challenge goal 135>>>
  • Can I add some of you guys? I'm off at school til May but I'd love to be involved with some local support for summer!
  • Woo hoo I'm in! No freshmen 15 for me, I was just big already when I got here!
  • Started level 2 today! Most of it was actually okay but man, those arm moves in strength and then moving to the plank moves is a killer. I know my arms are really gonna be feeling it tomorrow. I was more nervous than I needed to be for level 2 though, and I for sure still really love this DVD!
  • Same thing happens to me! My fish definitely does not like it when I do those jumping jacks at all. Today was day 9 for me! Of level 1. I think I will see how I feel after tomorrow but I think I will be moving up to level 2. I'm really excited!
  • Did D7L1 today. It was really tough for some reason-harder than the past couple days! Hopefully just an off day for me. I really like this workout and if I like levels 2 and 3, I think I'll buy her new video that's supposed to come out in March (right?) to do after the shred. I can't do all the push ups in a row, and I do…
  • More-RedOne Jimmy Joker Remix by Usher. Youtube it. PERFECT workout song-it's amazing how it seems to always come up on my shuffle when I'm dying on the elliptical and need that extra boost of motivation.
  • Hi everyone! I just started last week and finished day 6 of level 1 today! It's definitely getting easier and I think I will be ready to move on to level 2 by day 11. However I don't have weights and have been using filled up water bottles, so I might do a few more day of level 1 after this weekend when I'm able to get…