30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I'm not shredding tonight (at least I don't plan to) but I wanted to touch base and say hi.

    Missy - I'm going to be on L1D4. I did about 5 minutes of that on Sunday, but stopped, so I don't count it as succeeded. I think you're right about me seeing the 30 days and thinking I automatically need to finish it. I feel like I have an obligation to everyone on here. But I know that everyone on here would encourage me to not do it every day if it's too much. Plus, I committed to C25K first and so that will be my main focus until I finish that program. I think it won't be too long before I'm strong enough to do both in a day and can resume Shredding every day. Way to go, by the way, on following Natalie! huge accomplishment! The ButtKicks get me too, but I have more trouble with the jumping rope. I assume it'll get better over time! Hang in there!

    MHoch - sounds like you have a very solid plan of attack and if you have the energy after work, why not use it on Shred. You can get it done in 30 days, but if you add other exercises, just be prepared to possible have to adjust your mindset to allow for the added exercise. There's no pressure to finish it up in 30, but it sounds like you're on track to!

    BP - Yay! Congrats on beginning. Was it as bad as you thought it would be?

    KJean - That's the idea - to do 10 days of each level, finishing in 30 days. But there's no rule that you have to do that. Many people (I think probably most on this forum) aren't aiming to finish it in 30. They're either going to do level 1 for a certain amount of time (3 weeks, or a month) and then move on and spread it out, ot they're alternating with other exercises. It's completely up to you as to what will work best in your schedule and with your body.

    Steph - I think I'm going to bring a stereo down and play something during the workouts. The one thing I've noticed is that I can sort of tune her out and just listen to the backbeat (this is primarily for the cardio parts). The backbeat is (obviously) set to the rhythm of the movements, so if I tune her out, I can become all machine-like to the backbeat and stick with the jumping around. I need to find some tracks that have that same beat so I can turn Jillian off altogether.

    Ceejay - WTG! It's totally a manageable workout and easy to fit into the day. Besides, now that you're on this thread, you'll have to stick with it so you can come and let us know your results and how it's working! Plus, we'll find you if you don't (j/k - sorta, lol).

    Great work everyone, welcome to the newbies, and lets git 'er done!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I'm sure other people have said it too, but I know I was one of them!!
    I just want to say "welcome" to those who are new to the thread. Noticed some new names and thought I would say - you were noticed.

    So, this cold is kicking my butt!!! However, I still plan to keep going with this. Today is a C25k training day so I am not sure if I am going to do shred tonight. My run in in 20min so if I give myself til 9 tonight I might have enough recovery time.

    I remember someone saying they hated her comment about the 400lb people who can do jumping jacks....I have to say, it annoyed me too. But did not notice that later, during the punches, she says that punching is a good way to get in cardio if you have a lower body injury? I guess that is suppose to be a clue for those who really cannot do the jacks with out feeling like to is offering a general way to not do the jacks.

    Good idea about muting or turning her down low and playing music. I might use that tonight. Starting to learn the video so needing her to talk to me less and less.

    Well, time to prep for run. Have a great day everyone! Let's get shredded!! (sorry, Jillian's line, could not resist the corny comment.....lol:laugh: )
  • Done with D5L1! I'm not sure why, but I am sweating way more today than I have so far. Maybe it is because I try to push myself a bit harder each day!

    Keep encouraged! I'm also not planning on finishing in 30 days. :smile:
  • lilybean17
    lilybean17 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started last week and finished day 6 of level 1 today! It's definitely getting easier and I think I will be ready to move on to level 2 by day 11. However I don't have weights and have been using filled up water bottles, so I might do a few more day of level 1 after this weekend when I'm able to get some weights. I'm really excited to lose weight, but more importantly, inches! It's more about being in shape and fit and toned-I need some of these pounds to stick around but in muscle form!

    Like others have said, I usually mute Jillian and put on music or the TV (I watch the dvd on my computer), and it makes it much more enjoyable.
  • WindmillSong
    WindmillSong Posts: 81 Member
    I just completed L1D1 of 30 Day Shred. Wow...I'm sore already! Not looking forward to the pain tomorrow, but will work through it.
    The pain is the best part! That's how you know you're working hard!!
    So is anyone else excited that she's coming out with a new DVD? It's called Ripped in 30. Same premise, except there are 4 levels and you up a level every week instead of every 10 days. Each workout is supposed to be just as short and killer as 30 Day Shred. Only 2 weeks to go! It comes out March 1st.
    Oh that's cool. Something else to look forward to. Thanks for the info!

    Very true! :) I made it through L1D2 today-and I'm actually looking foward to continuing for the next 28 days!
  • tkslp
    tkslp Posts: 19 Member
    Checking in: as of yesterday completed L1D3
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    I'm loving the 30 Day Shred! I did D7 L1 today! I want to move up soon, but I have some neck pain (non-Shred related), so I might stay in L1 for a while more... I dunno. Maybe one more day of L1.
    L1D9 complete! Anyone else's ankles hurt? Mine are freaking killing me and I can't figure out why. Can't decide if I want too move up after 10 days. Is L2 a killer?
    1ofthegang... I got a bit of that too. Be careful on the jumping jacks, and the "skiing" move where you lung from side to side (side lunges?). Focus on proper form.

    I had ankle pain too when I did lvl 1. It was because I was not wearing shoes. Are you wearing shoes?

    It went away about 3 days later after I started to wear shoes and never had issues since.

    I actually was doing it barefoot and thought that might be the issue. I bought some good sneakers the other day and today will be day 3 with the sneakers. I am really hoping this helps since I really don't want to stop because my ankles hurt :blushing:
  • mhoch
    mhoch Posts: 50
    I do the workout barefoot becuase I recently broke my pinky toe and it gets smushed in the shoe and hurts when I walk or workout. I havnt had any ankle pain or any other pain other than sore muscles : ) Which i consider a good thing
  • so this morning I did D1L1 at 5am. I am so so so tired right now. what happened? I usually don't work out in the morning - evenings are best but is that the only reason? anyone else?
  • lorirogs
    lorirogs Posts: 65 Member
    Today was D1 L1 ... WOW that was hard! I will be doing it again tomorrow - my goal is to complete all 30 days!
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    I bought this DVD over 2months ago(shame on me) never even tried it!! BUT NOW Im all in starting monday when I come back from a small vacation...:) YEY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • nikkisekstal
    nikkisekstal Posts: 14 Member
    Newbie post! I need some friends :happy:

    I joined MFP on a recommendation from a very inspiring friend, its amazing how tracking food could be such an eye opener. I wanted to kick it up a bit by adding in a workout since I haven't really done anything besides walking for exercise in the last few years....started 30DS last week and I completed L1D4 today! :happy: Hoping to stick with it for the full 30 days, although I plan on taking off Sundays for dog walking... I like Jillian and her tough approach to training, although I have to do the modified push-up everytime! I hate push-ups, the most challenging part of Level 1 for me....the workout goes by so quickly I can actually fit it in before work, puts me in a great mood knowing I have gotten it out of the way LOL :laugh:

    Happy Shredding!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Just finished Day 2, Level 1. My thighs were screaming before I started, so that was quite a challenge! The hardest part for me is still getting through the squat and press, and then the jumping jacks/jump rope. After the push-ups and squat and press, my legs and arms are so tired that it's hard to do the cardio workout. Anyway, after those two circuits, I feel that I can complete the whole thing (which I did, for the second day in a row!).

    I'm looking forward to when I know the workout well enough that I can listen to music instead of listening to Jillian. I find that music always makes the workout go by more quickly, but also, I know that I'm going to get sick of Jillian pretty quickly...
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Steph - I think I'm going to bring a stereo down and play something during the workouts. The one thing I've noticed is that I can sort of tune her out and just listen to the backbeat (this is primarily for the cardio parts). The backbeat is (obviously) set to the rhythm of the movements, so if I tune her out, I can become all machine-like to the backbeat and stick with the jumping around. I need to find some tracks that have that same beat so I can turn Jillian off altogether.
    I haven't experimented with this yet, but you might start your search for alternate music with some Spanish/latin beat-type tracks. I was listening to some Zumba-ish stuff the other day in my friend's car, and it has a really great pounding beat that reminds me of the Shred stuff.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    sneakers... I'm at my best after breakfast, around 10:30-11:30, or in the afternoon around 3pm. Last night I did the shred at 9:30pm and felt fantastic! :laugh:

    Today I got my shred on at 12:30pm. D9 L1 done!! It was my second good day (the first was on Day 6, I think), meaning I followed all the moves as shown, and completed them all (except the 2nd squats with weights... did those without the weights, cause of my neck). Almost time to move on to L2!!! :happy:

    Unfortunately, I hurt my ankle today when I was turning around... It still hurts now. I just hope it's better by tomorrow!!
    I actually was doing it barefoot and thought that might be the issue. I bought some good sneakers the other day and today will be day 3 with the sneakers. I am really hoping this helps since I really don't want to stop because my ankles hurt :blushing:
    :laugh: That's probably all you needed...
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Going to go do D1L1 right now. I will probably only do this on Tuesdays since every other day I go to different classes at the gym . But we will see. I'll be back to post what I thought and how I did. Hopefully I won't feel sick after finishing up some of my Valentines goodies, haha.
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    Still thinking of trying 30DS... how do you log it under exercise if you don't have a HRM??
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    L1 D6 completed. OMG that kicked my butt! Probably because I did 30 minutes on the elliptical beforehand. My heart rate was already going and I was sweating like no other by the time I was done. I normally do the elliptical after but I wanted to switch it up to see what I liked better. I think perhaps after D7 I will move to L2. Depends on how i'm feeling Thursday.. How's everyone else doing ?
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Still thinking of trying 30DS... how do you log it under exercise if you don't have a HRM??

    I log it as "circuit training, general."
  • L1D3 down. I WILL make it through that aerobic combo in the first circuit without taking a couple quick breathers! It's my calves. No matter how much I stretch before that section kills them. It'll get better. I have faith my body will adapt!
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