30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm going to jump in on this. I did day one level one yesterday so will do level 2 today - but it's now 8pm and I am running out of time. I will do it though and I will do the full 30 days!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    I'm on day L1 D2. Those push ups are killing me. Have no upper body strength and hoping this might help me in that area. It's got to get easier right?????:laugh:

    it does, once u get to day 6/7 it gets soo much easier :)
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Hey guys, well I have done L1 D4 (did threedays in a row then had two days off until today as I was ill). Heres to the next 26 days without any days off!!

    Really need to take my measurements though!
  • suelynn62
    suelynn62 Posts: 67 Member
    Just finished Day 1 level 1. Can I just say "I Hate Push Ups"!!! The workout was great though. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow.
  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    Completed L1, D1 last night and felt great! Need to make sure I squeeze in D2 tonight. I have a sick :sick: husband (down with the stomach flu) and a daughter that has a dance to go to at 7. Soooo....I need to get busy and just do it! Can't wait until Monday (weigh day) to see the loss...I measure too:happy:
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    I am on day 3 of level 2 and I feel like I have constantly been sore the past 13 days :blushing: It really kicks my butt, but I'm already starting to notice a difference, especially in my arms! My right calf is ALWAYS super sore though, I wonder if its because I do the video bare foot? I'm on carpet, and I just don't have any good shoes for exercising, and can't really afford any right now. Any ideas?
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    I just did Day one level one this morning! Wow! what a workout! Can't wait to see my progress! Glad I got this dvd
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    Did L1D8 today and for some reason today was really hard for me. I was feeling like it was getting a little easier but today really kicked my butt! Wonder if it has to do with my TOM? Who knows but I can definitely see a difference in my legs and arms.

    Anyone else have to mute JM? I can't listen to her talk incessantly.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I just remembered I also did JM's boost metabolism once or twice this month. :)

    The only other thing I did was a 15 minute abs video twice during the month. LOL. I totally planned on doing it a few times a week and just didn't.
    Oh, and I did it 6 days a week... sometimes 5. There were days here and there where I couldn't get it in.

    Did you do anything else too (aside from chasing your kids around)?
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Whew! L1D5 outta the way! I like to do this at 2:00 in the afternoon because that's when I don't have anything to do. But today!!! I met some girlfriends for lunch (I behaved :bigsmile: ) Really! and they all came over to my house to watch a movie. BUT they weren't gone til 5:30 and I was tired! My stomach hurt (I had to tooty toot toot) from lunch probably! I was SO tempted not to do it. But I wanted to post on here that I cottonpickin' did it!! AND I did it better than yesterday!

    I see that from Day one. I went from 2 fonkietated girlypushups to 15! Once anyway, the second time around I could only get up to 12. I can do pretty much all the jumping jacks and roping and buttkicks! Couldn't do them all on day one! and the cruches!!! Let's not go there. haha. I do see a difference in my endurance and strength and I'm SOO SOO SOOO glad I'm doing this!!
  • meadows654
    Officially did D1L1 today! Yeah! I don't believe in doing the same exact workout every single day, so I'll probably alternate and do this every other day, with just cardio on the off days. I can't wait to see my new body!
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member
    First I would like to share that I just joined MFP 11 days ago (Feb 1st) and was so motivated by all of the positive and informative posts everyone shared here. I lost 2 pounds in the 1st 6 days and I know it had a lot to do with the great information/tips, support and encouragement everyone provided on the message boards, blogs, etc. along with the discipline to log everything I ate each and everyday. This site is AWESOME and I'm happy to re-commit myself to a healthier lifestyle.

    I saw so many post out there about how great Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred was that I just had to go out and buy it myself ($10 at Target)... I also purchased Shred-It with Weights which I will start in mid March. I logged my food for week 1 on MFP (love having it as an app on my Droid 2) and decided to jumpstart my exercise on week 2 (Feb 8th) starting with 30DS. Today was Day 4 of Level 1 for me and I must say I'm loving the way I feel afterwards. I foolishly tried to use my 8 pound weight the first 3 days and could only use them half way thru the weight lifting exercises but I found my 5 pound weights today (DAY 4) and did a lot better ...I think 3 pound weights are ideal for Level 1. I'd commited to weighing in only on Sunday mornings but I cheated and took a peek today and I'm down a total of 7 pounds ...5 more pounds since my Sunday weigh in... WOW! and I'm sure its partially due to 30DS. I'm definitely breaking a sweat and feeling energized afterwards. Yes I too was very sore on days 1 and 2 however, I know it gets better with each day. Jillian is awesome so fear not what she's trying to help us accomplish. Just have to push ourselves to meet the challenge. My goal is to add 30 additional minutes of cardio (elliptical) in week 3 (Feb 15th) at least 3-4 days but I plan to do the 30 Day Shred for 30 days straight (10 DAYS@L1 10 DAYS@L2 10 DAYS@L3) so Count Me In:happy:
    By the way thanks for starting this thread... It always helps having that extra support:smile: . Each of your daily updates for 30 Day Shred have already given me the motivation and encouragement to Keep It Moving ...4 Down... 26 To Go ... Day 5 HERE I COME!
  • blcotton
    I have been doing Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred Video for about 3 weeks now and I just started level 3 about 2 days ago! It's definitely challenging but if you keep yourself motivated and just tell yourself "it's only 20 minutes" you will definitely start seeing results if you stick with it everyday. From doing this video my legs have toned up a lot and my stomach has gotten quite a bit flatter. There are a lot of plank poses throughout each level and while I am good at some of them I definitely still need a little work, and I hardly ever do push ups so doing them has been a challenge but I push myself through. Good Luck! I know you can do it!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Did L1D2 tonight. Last night I started Shred after my C25K run. Tonight I did Shred first, then moved on to the elliptical for 30 minutes since it's not a run day. It was MUCH easier having not just ran/walked for 30 minutes. My legs were much less like jello and the video seems so much easier (easier - not easy). I was able to do all the jumping jacks, most of the jump rope. I was able to do a lot more of the pushups. The ab stuff is the easiest for me, right now, which is ironic because that's one of my biggest parts of my body. The lunges (front and side) were much easier not having just run. Not just the muscles. The knee pain I experienced yesterday wasn't there today. I know it's part of C25K but I have committed to that program and I think I need to do it before Shred on run days because otherwise I'm worried I won't make it through the ever-increasing runs I have to do. Either way, tonight was an interesting new perspective on what to expect from Shred. I'm still sore (moreso after I've been sitting still for a while) but it is a good kind of sore.

    I won't lie, I'm glad I"m already upstairs and don't have to walk up the stairs again though.
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    L1 D3 and I feel like everyday I hurt in a new place, be never as bas as the first time I did 30DS like 4 months ago. I really wish my abs hurt more. I am pushing it soooo hard with the ab workouts too. I thought for sure I would be sore this time...maybe there is still too much fat covering my midsection to get in a great crunch??? My husband watches me and spots if my form is not good, but he says I look like they do on the video...my thought: (only not as skinny):tongue: But Day 3 is done, we will see how it goes on the weekend, my hubby is a get up and go kinda guy, so we are rarely home. Well I have a total love-hate relationship with 30DS! So, I am going to go sleep it off.
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    L2 D3 for me. I am still really sore. I just keep pushing through. I can keep up with all of the exercises and don't stop. The abs are pretty hard for me. I think I need to incorporate more ab exercises into my routine. Build them up. I don't know if I can stick with L1 for 30 days. Its tough but I don't sweat enough lol. As odd as it sounds I feel like I have done more when i sweat. That's probably why I do cardio everyday along with this program. I might skip to L2 and see if I can work up more of a sweat!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I'm totally DONE with the Shred! I lost 16 lbs! Woo!!
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    ok so just finished day 5.-L1

    i have a lil bit more stamina but not much. the 1st circuit cardio kills me. and i still do the girl push ups- what helps me, is since i cant do 30 seconds non stop of the push ups..i take a second. if i miss 2..i do those 2 before i move on to cardio..so im still doing the same amount the girls are in the video.

    and no cool down- i do crunches cause thats a problem area for me.

    my bf says he wonders if its gonna work for me cause when im done, i dont sweat and besides from my inner arms, im not sore. i hope its not true. i NEVER sweat..ever. if im hot or workibg out- i get a lil sticky on my forhead..thats it. so i dont think it has anything to do with the dvd. and the arm strength is still hard and i still find the dvd challenging so i would think it has to be doing something for me. we shall see.. im 5 days away from taking my weight and meaurements again. i hope i see some sort of change.

    what sucks is that last night i made a tattoo appoitment and he has barely ANY openings and my appoitment is on feb 24. ill be getting a tattoo on my inner arm 3 days before i finish circuit two....so im gonna have no choice but to take a few days of a break, which sucks...cause i dont wanna spoil seeing results because i had to stop for 4-5 days. then finish2, then go on to 3.
    i think ill def run on the treadmill so im still doing something...but i cant mess with my arm for a few days
  • ImSoPerfectlyFlawed
    I'm ordering it today!! I'll definitely need some support though :ohwell:
  • tkslp
    tkslp Posts: 19 Member
    Just completed L1D1 of 30 Day shred. I think I will like it, probably will be sore later today though. I had a tough time with the push ups, but keeping at it!