love88keys2600 Posts: 9
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Well, everyone keeps talking about groups-- how about a group for us college girls? I don't know if there is a group already, how to join one, or even how to make one, but I'm liking the idea.


  • NotaNikki
    NotaNikki Posts: 40
    Count me in!
  • I'm down!
  • snmonson
    snmonson Posts: 79
    I'm in :)
  • minmatt
    minmatt Posts: 62
    You know how happy that thread title is gonna make all those creepy men out there? :)
  • IN! I'm a junior. Freshman 30, sophomore 20. Yeah. Lol
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172
    You know how happy that thread title is gonna make all those creepy men out there? :)

  • lilybean17
    lilybean17 Posts: 31 Member
    Woo hoo I'm in! No freshmen 15 for me, I was just big already when I got here!
  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    I'm in!
  • awesome :) idk how to make a "group" so if anyone figures that out let me know.
  • NotaNikki
    NotaNikki Posts: 40
    I don't think you actually make a "group," we just leave this thread as our group thread and post encouragement and whatnot.
  • Gennawest
    Gennawest Posts: 171
    im in. finals this week. ugh. im going to be so happy when they are over. graduate school is easier on one hand, but when it comes to tests it is soo not! the tests are all cummulative, short answer/ fill in the blank/ definition. blah blah blah. needless to say, i need a trip to the spa.
  • What's everyone's opinion on dining hall food?
  • What's everyone's opinion on dining hall food?

    Options are healthy, portions are waaaaaaay too big!
    For entrees, we always have rice, and I watched them serve it the other day and it was somewhere between 3 - 3 1/2 cups ON ONE PLATE!
    Or today I watched the person make an egg salad sandwich for the person in front of me... healthy right? Not when there's 2 cups of egg salad and 4 slices of provolone cheese, not to mention at least 2 tbsp. of mayo ON TOP of the egg salad - needless to say when I got my egg salad sandwich (I saw his and couldn't resist) I needed to ask for ONE scoop of egg salad, ONE slice of provolone cheese and NO mayo. And the server lady looked at me like I was a freak. Sorry for not wanting a 700 calorie sandwich!
    Grrrrr... :grumble:

    Edit: typos, bit of a rant... :laugh:
  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    I'm so lucky that our school posts nutrition facts most of the time, but it's so hard to find something low cal! If I even eat in the dining halls I end up having a salad and a veggie patty, and I'm not even vegetarian. And my roommates wonder why I find dining halls more stressful than finals haha
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    I'm in! I'm a sophomore right now and our cafeteria is horrible!! :(. The only thing I can eat are the salad bar and sandwiches. Even the vegetables that are cooked in line are dripping with butter haha
  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    @econn: omg i know! the menu will list "steamed vegetables" but last time I checked, steamed veggies werent drowned in butter or oil! and the only salad dressing we have that isnt cream based is...pure balsamic vinegar. I'm just grateful that we have that and I like it haha
  • I'm in too, let's get some goals or tracking going! I need some motivation to face the partying this weekend with a birthday and sister visiting while not going crazy over on calories (trying to work in some jell-O shooters for tomorrow, lol)
  • What's everyone's opinion on dining hall food?

    dining halls here is why I gained all my weight. We have 5 different dining halls. The one right next to my dorm I obviously went to most of the time.

    you walk in and right in front of you is the pizza area, to your right is the salads. keep walking and to your left is dessert, then chinese, to your right is burgers and fries. then in the back is the 'home cooking' which was chicken, ravioli, etc.
    not very many healthy choices, and when you first walk in you see the food that you love, but is completely bad for you.!
    this year i got a dorm with a kitchen, so I cook all my food myself :)
  • I'm in too, let's get some goals or tracking going! I need some motivation to face the partying this weekend with a birthday and sister visiting while not going crazy over on calories (trying to work in some jell-O shooters for tomorrow, lol)

    the weekends are my problem too :/ between partying and friends wanting to eat out things get a little tricky.
  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    It can be a problem as alcohol and snacks etc have so many calories, however I'm not going to stop myself having fun with friends because of this, I think moderation is the key!

    Jell-o is kind of low fat/calories... so I guess that part of the jell-o shooter is lol!
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