
  • emh009
    emh009 Posts: 14 Member
    I eat the same thing for breakfast everyday too! Kashi GoLean Crunch cereal mixed with nonfat Greek yogurt. I try to mix it up with different flavors of Greek Yogurt (it's worth the extra 20-30 calories!) but I find it an easy routine to stick too. For dinner, if you can get access to a kitchen, a stir fry is super easy to make, I don't even make rice anymore, I just load up on veggies and some tofu, throw that with a little bit of oil in a pan, mix in some hoisin sauce in the last couple minutes, and you've got the world's easiest dinner. The leftovers keep well and it's ready in 20 minutes. You can mix it up with different meats and veggies, the possibilities are endless!
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    SW of 8 week challenge: 135.4
    Todays weigh-in: 134
    Thurs: 20 mins kickboxing
    Fri: 30 mins jogging
    Sat: 30 mins jogging 60 mins zumba
    Sun: 30 mins zumba 30 mins weight class
    Mon: 60 mins zumba
    Tues: 60 min zumba
    Goal for next weigh in: 1.5 lbs
    Starting JM30DS today!!
  • I dont even want to post what i ate yesterday! Feel off track. Getting back on it tomorrow!
  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    8 wk SW: 121
    Wk 1 Weigh-in: 119.5

    I lost track of exercise but I know I passed 200. I passed that today alone! haha I love how cooking burns calories (yes I'll admit to making a really elaborate healthy dinner just so that I burn off more caloreis)
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Second weigh in

    Week 1 - 172.4

    Week 2 - 171.2

    Loss of 1.2lbs this week! Happy enough with that :flowerforyou:
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    My weigh-in after week 1:

    SW: 139
    CW: 136.5
    8 week goal: 128

    2.5lbs in a week :) Which leaves me with 8.5lbs for the next 7 weeks...
  • seemae
    seemae Posts: 38
    One day late on the weigh-in (spring break has made this whole weight loss thing kind of a bust), and I'm at the same as last week. 167.3lbs. I'm just glad I didn't gain what with Dairy Queen being open, Girl Scout cookies getting delivered and all that.
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    hmmmm a little disappointed...WHERE ARE ALL THE GIRLS THAT SIGNED UP?! come on girls motivate!!!!!!!!!!!
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    yes i agree etpx3, where is everyone?? lol
    what do all you girls use for motivation? Sometimes, i go on these binges where I don't even know why I am eating and feel extremely guilty afterwards and then it's really hard to get back on track. Is there Anyone else here that has this problem too?
  • Could I still join this group? I am a junior in college. I weigh myself on Fridays though so tomorrow is my weigh day.

    LW: 125
    GW: 120
    CW: 138 ( last Friday)
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Am I too late to join? I'm in first year, mostly trying to avoid the frosh15 right now but hoping to lose over the summer!
    I'm lucky that my school was voted most vegan-friendly in Canada, and that we have a relatively healthy selection...but trying to lose is still so hard!
  • have any of you read 'dorm room diet' by daphne oz? Soooo good, totally opened my eyes to so many things! I would definitely recommend it!
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    im in
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    im just coming to the end of my first year, and i can totally see how the term freshman 15 came about!

    people just drink and eat and sleep and eat and drink some more, and occasionally go to class if theres time to spare. LOL. my schools on-campus housing has just short of 2000 students. there is a Dominoes pizza place just down the street that get most of their business from the dorms. they have a "2 for tuesday" special, which is just buy one get one free. the students go mad for it every single week, and every wednesday morning ill come into my kitchen to see a couple pizza boxes lying about!
  • ykondo
    ykondo Posts: 38
    I would also like to join but I'm not sure how this works... haha :P
  • Hi everyone, I've never posted on the boards but I've been on MFP for maybe five-ish months...I'm a college girl so this thread sounds great! Is it okay if I join even though my goal is to maintain and get in better shape??
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    yes ofcourse you all can join!! it's just for motivation. weigh in on wednesdays!! also state any goals you want to achieve week by week
  • I think this week I am going to try to up my water intake, I think it will curb my snackiness :)
  • My goal for the week is to get above 1200 calories every day, hopefully around 1400...it's easier for me to stay too far under while I'm here at school and I think that's what leads to going wayyy over when I go home to my parents' house! I need to get the overeating at home problem fixed before the summer so I'm trying to gradually raise my calories to something I can stick with.
  • daisy89
    daisy89 Posts: 151 Member
    Can I join as well?

    My name is Daisy. I am THREE hours short of being a Junior. =]
    I gained most of the weight immediately after high school. It was more like
    the Freshman 50 though...

    I used to be incredibly thin and fit, I was a girl's wrestler
    in high school but, when I started college, I stopped working out and kept the same
    eating habits. Hello weight-gain! =[

    Because of MFP I've managed to drop almost half of the weight, my CW is: 137.6 =D

    In 7 weeks I would like to 129.

    Is there a weekly challenge this week? I tried reading through the thread, but don't think I saw a new one.
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