80lbslost Member


  • I'm in the same boat. I want to exercise more for my own sanity. I feel better when I do!
  • Honestly, you have to find what works for you. When I was pregnant I just made myself get up early every morning to use the elliptical so it became a routine. Now that I had my baby it's hard to get into that routine again but I do take walks. I do miss working out everyday and I never thought I'd say that!
  • You said your son was born in April on your profile-my daughter was too! April 22nd :smile:
  • Thanks for sharing! I have a can of chickpeas in my pantry so I'm going to try your recipe today. My snacks are pretty boring and usually consist of the following choices: a rice cake with a tablespoon of peanut butter, yoplait greek yogurt (100cal) with nuts or raisins mixed in, Knudsen's cottage cheese doubles, low fat…
  • Come join the Post Partum Pack group. Lots of info for nursing moms and great support network! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/639-post-partum-pack
  • Welcome! MFP is a wonderful tool to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I've been using it for 1 1/2 years and even used it throughout my last pregnancy. My baby girl is 3 mos and I just have a couple of more lbs to lose. Good luck on your weightloss journey. :smile:
  • I would start with walking and/or using an elliptical. Both are easy on joints.
  • :smile: Thanks for taking the time to post all this info!
  • I don't use a scale but I use measuring cups/tablespoons. When cooking meat I just use the nutritional info on package as my calorie source. When eating out I have to estimate since I would look ridiculous whipping out a measuring cup to measure my rice and curry chicken LOL.
  • Greek yogurt or a protein bar
    in Snacks! Comment by 80lbslost July 2012
  • I am EBF my 3 month old and I eat 2000/day and subtract 500 calories for BF. If I exercise I eat back my calories burned. Right now my only exercise is taking walks with baby which doesn't burn a lot of calories but I'm going to get back to using my eliptical 30 min/day.
  • We're here for support whenver you need us! :smile:
  • Please try not to stress about your weight. Just remember that it took 9 months to gain baby weight and for some people it takes that long to lose all the weight. You'll reach your goal before you know it. :smile:
  • Just had my 3rd child 12 weeks ago and I EBF. I was back in my size 2 jeans by 8 weeks without exercising. I eat 2000 calories/day and still have a few more lbs to lose to get down to 120. I noticed that I'm losing weight gradually so I'm not stressing about it. During this pregnancy I exercised daily (cardio and strength…
  • I would cut back on the sugary snacks and eat more protein calories during lunch and dinner!
  • I always struggled with overeating and for me I had to resolve emotional issues and find other ways to handle my stress. You literally have to stop and think before you pick up your food. It takes a lot of self motivation and dedication to retrain your brain and body but you can do it. I log everything I eat-good or bad…
  • Go to the goals tab under "My Home" and click "change goals" and do "guided" recommendation and it will ask you how much weight you want to lose per week. MFP will adjust your calories for you.
  • Good for you! I allow myself one cheat day a week and it doesn't interfere with my fitness goals, as long as I stay on track.
  • After I lost 80lbs I considered a lower body and breast lift but decided against it due to risk of hemorraging and scarring, not to mention the cost! If you have the means to do it and aren't worried about any risks then go for it!
  • I'm 5'3 and currently 126lbs at 2 months postpartum. I'd like to be 120lbs but I have MFP goal set to maintain weight. My daily calories are 1510 but I add 500 calories for breastfeeding so I'm eating about 2000 cal/day. I think if I reduce my calories more then it will affect my milk supply.
  • Congrats on all your hard work and determination. You look great!
  • I have a 2 month old that I EBF. I just eat an additional 500 calories/day but you can add it by searching for breastfeeding under food search and then choose how often you breastfeed. It will then give you that additional amount each day. I also eat back my calories but I only have 5 more pounds to lose.
  • I am exclusively breastfeeding my 2 month old. My BMR is 1600 so I eat 2100/day. When I exercise I eat back my calories lost since I'm not really trying to lose the last 5lbs right now. If you're trying to lose weight then I guess you wouldn't eat back the calories burned.
  • Hi Everyone- I'm only 21 weeks today and I'm having a lot of groin pain when I'm standing or walking. I'm going to ask my Dr. about it tomorrow but I'm wondering if it's because I'm using my elliptical everyday? Anyone else feel this pain? It feels different than round ligament pain but I guess it could be. I haven't been…
  • I know how you feel! I've gained almost 20 and I'm due the same time as you. A lot of it could be water retention so don't worry. Just watch your sodium intake. I cut back on my sodium and I went down a few pounds. P.S. If I would've had a boy my hubby and I were thinking of Evan or Gabriel
  • Hi Everyone! I've been missing from this thread since early first trimester. Some of you may remember me. I'm the one who had a mass/cyst growing in sac with my baby. Well the mass resolved itself by 8 weeks and my baby is healthy thank God. We are so excited about having a girl after 2 boys. I'm a little disappointed with…
  • Back from my specialist appt. with good news! Baby's heart rate is 133bpm and Dr. said it looks healthy. Dr. thinks that the "mass" is either a twin that didn't develop or a small placental cyst. The good news is that it doesn't have blood flow to it so it can't get bigger...yay! He said that I still have a 10% chance of…
  • Back from my specialist appt. with good news! Baby's heart rate is 133bpm and Dr. said it looks healthy. Dr. thinks that the "mass" is either a twin that didn't develop or a small placental cyst. The good news is that it doesn't have blood flow to it so it can't get bigger...yay! He said that I still have a 10% chance of…
  • Had another ultrasound today at my regular ob appt and the mass in my gestational sac is bigger so I could barely see my baby. I did still see a heartbeat so that was reassuring. Dr. said he's still worried because he's "never seen anything like it". I see the Perinatal Specialist tomorrow morning so hopefully I'll have…
  • Thanks for the prayers.....I'll keep you all updated!