Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    literally cried myself home from my prenantal, I have gained 26lbs, how what how? I know there are worse things that could be going on in my life but man, I didnt want to gain 60lbs again, why why why? I work out and eat resonably well. Why:sad: I am now super depressed.
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    literally cried myself home from my prenantal, I have gained 26lbs, how what how? I know there are worse things that could be going on in my life but man, I didnt want to gain 60lbs again, why why why? I work out and eat resonably well. Why:sad: I am now super depressed.

    I know how you feel! I've gained almost 20 and I'm due the same time as you. A lot of it could be water retention so don't worry. Just watch your sodium intake. I cut back on my sodium and I went down a few pounds.

    If I would've had a boy my hubby and I were thinking of Evan or Gabriel
  • batgirlrox
    Wow 4 pages in less then 2 days. Kudos for those keeping up and posting multiple times a day!

    Name: Amanda
    Hubby/Partner: Jon
    Age: 25
    How many kids do you have: Baby #1!!
    Due Date: June 1, 2012
    How far along are you: 14 weeks 1 day
    Do you know the gender: Nope(crossing my fingers for a boy but trying not to get my hopes up)
    Babies Name: Lukas Jeziah for a boy and Evelyn Alya for a girl
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Just outside of Red Deer, Alberta
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Swimming lengths, walking, occasional cardio DVD

    AFM- Things are going well. I'm starting to feel my energy return in the second trimester but definitely haven't received that "burst" yet people tell me is coming. I seem to be doing things backwards this pregnancy to most. I am still down 3-4 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight and I haven't had any mood swings yet. My doctor asked about them at my first pre-natal and I joked that I don't have any, he told my husband he wasn't allowed to comment but he replied "She actually hasn't had any noticable ones yet. Saying that though I lived with her on Prednisone for almost 3 months." So I'm sure they are coming. Maybe the insane steriod induced ones from my collitis prior to TTC taught me how to cope with my crazy emotions a little bit more ;)

    I got some super cute newborn sleepers from a friend who just had a baby in October. They are all gender neutral since she didn't know what they were having so it will work perfectly. Babies tend to grow out of the 7lbs newborn clothes so quickly I don't think I'll buy anymore. I'm still getting hassled to rent a trailor and haul all the baby furniture my aunt and uncle bought me before I was pregnant. It's only gotten worse since I told them we were pregnant. They live 2 hours away and both my husband and I work shift work and they work Monday-Friday jobs so it's very difficult to match schedules. I might be trying a little harder if I liked it but it's not at all what I wanted or had picked out for myself when it comes to nursery furniture. I'm still pretty bummed that I don't get to pick out my own stuff. The thought is nice but I find that's something pretty personal and since they didn't even ask or get ideas of what we liked before they went out and bought it. *sigh* Oh well it's just furniture I'll get over it ;)

    Hubby and I are going to the Emergency Services Ball in our City tomorrow and I'm very excited. The dress shopping was a bit of an adventure but I got one that hides my re-located fat well ;) Took us 2 hours to get a dress for me even though it only took me 5 minutes in the mall to find it. I can't believe how ignorant some sales people are, especially in a store they work on comission and my purchase was going to be a minimum of $150. Arg. If they weren't my only option to get a dress I definitely would have gone elsewhere!

    On another note, for those of you who are having to go back only a few weeks after your baby's are born, you are incredibly strong women! I get 52 weeks for maternity leave and I'm already wondering if I should take a little more time off after that!

    Anyways I'm off to hide on the couch at work away from the 90km/hr wind gusts today!
    Happy Friday to all!
    14W1D -3lbs
  • Demwitted
    So glad I saw this thread! Thank you for posting this info! I just took a home test today, but have only been at MFP for about a month. I was told I had PCOS by a doctor who barely looked at me (I think he was a drug pusher). I ignored him thinking "I'll lose at least 40 lbs and then I'll probably get pregnant. If not, I'll explore my other options in a year." That was in September. I can't believe it was that fast! So many people I know had so much trouble getting pregnant.

    Anyway, I'll probably explore this thread more and send some of you friend requests tomorrow. I do not want to slack off for 9 months or gain back the 20 I've lost this year and then some.

    Is anyone still calorie counting? I decided not to until I talked to my doc next month.

    This is my first pregnancy. I'm super excited and pretty freaked out right now.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Good morning ladies:)
    I am happy to say that the m/s is pretty light today...mild nausea, but managed to eat breakfast without the aids of the evil constipating Zofran. I have been taking it before I get out of bed this week because I have had night nausea and the idea of puking during my first block class is not appealing -- although a few of those kids probably do deserve to get yukked on ;) Gosh, I am ready for the weekend! Teenagers are crazy. It also looks like the spotting is stopping - so yay for that! Even with it being mild and the doc saying not to worry -- we all know we worry even when we shouldn't.
    I am tired as all get out, but will fight through it, put on some clothes and take the dog for a short walk. Hopefully that will get me moving enough to start cleaning house, since I have not done that since Wednesday. Hubby is at work, so it will be nice for him to come home to a clean house :)
    I hope I am feeling up to a paddle tomorrow. There have been a lot of manatee reports in our rivers since it has gotten colder, and I haven't been on the water in a few weeks.

    On another note - is anyone else feeling like a cow even though you are early on? We are at 7wk, 6d now...I have officially gained 1 lb, which I know isn't a huge amount...but I feel like I am a ball of jello on my belly....
    I am good with my eating, only go over on cals once or twice a week and by a hundred or so....and a lot of days eat most of my exercise cals but still have a deficit. Maybe I need to be watching my sodium. Maybe it is hormones. I did cry yesterday because I couldn't poop and was going to be late to work. poor hubby! It is a really funny thing to think about now, but it was awful yesterday morning.

    Hope you guys all have a great weekend!
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Bump for later!

    Happy Saturday!
    34 weeks, 4 days
  • Roobean33
    Hey all! So much to read - I love it!

    Name- Mary
    Hubby - Steve
    Age - 25
    Kids - Only a fur baby so far...
    Due Date - July 7th
    How far along - 9wks 1 day
    Gender - Unknown
    Names - Lucas Alexander or Teagan Rose (just what we like now)

    Mrs Jax - Um yes! Feeling HUGE. I've gained 4lbs but it feels like 20 at times. I keep saying I feel fat and hubby keeps reminding me that I just feel BTW Yay for July babies!

    CutMD - Yay for July babies! So sorry to hear about your first lil' one. *hugs*

    Demwitted - Congrats! Yes I try to calorie count but on maintenance cals.

    Amanda - <3 the name Evelyn.

    Kimmers - 3 girls!!! WOW. I have 3 younger fun (most of the time). :) Hope your other 2 feel better soon.

    AFM I don't know why but I am just craving the fattiest, high cal foods (read donuts - wth i don't even like donuts! and fried chicken fingers with fries). I ate grilled chicken instead. Not the same. *sigh* Anyone else craving?????
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Taldie, I'm sorry about the weight gain but at least that was the most upsetting thing that happened. Maybe your weight will balance out and/or you are retaining lots of water. Just keep up the exercise and healthy eating as best you can.

    Batgirlfox, I can't believe you get so much time off, I'm jealous! When was your ultrasound pic taken, like 11 weeks or so? It's adorable!

    Demwitted, a lot of us are sticking to maintenance for the first trimester, not sure how many are counting, but I try to

    MrsJax, I am feeling so bloated and even developing a little waddle! I gained >5lbs already! 

    Roobean, I feel nauseated all the time and you'd think I would not want greasy food but that's all I want - carbs and fat! Trying to stick to maintenance but it is rough.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Taldie - I know the feeling...i had crazy weight gain with my first but I had to remind myself having a healthy baby is more important then my weight and if you lost the weight once you CAN lose it again. Hang in will lose what you gain especially when you have a toddler to run after all day.

    Batgirlfox (Amanda)- 52 weeks!!!! pd? I need to live where you live. this time around I only work part-time but I am still wondering if I need to take off 12 weeks like I did with my first...probably not and if I could bring the baby to work that would be awesome... Also wondering could you take the furniture and return/exchange the pieces you really don't like or would that really upset/hurt your aunt and Uncle. Nursery furniture is a really personal mom brought my son's crib but I told her what to get and when I was pregnant my husband tried to force his sister's changing table on me but it didn't go with my picture of what I wanted so I rejected it...there were a few times I wish I had it afterwards but still having a say it important. Either way once you are holding your more than likely won't matter.

    Demwitted- I am tracking calories on days when I have the time to get it all in...but I am trying it helps me realize just what I am eating. In Second tri adn gain 4 lbs in the last 3 weeks but no weight gain prior to that so I like tracking just so I can stay on top of the gain and make sure it's baby.

    AFM, I am up super early...I went to bed at 8:30 last night after putting my son down and can't seem to fall back asleep now. I ran my race was great really but cold and after 5 miles I had to lag behind the girl I was running with because I was feeling some numbness in my left leg could have been the shoes or the cold but I wasn't chancing it. I had a great race overall and it makes me really hopeful that this time around I will stay active and be able to bounce back into exercise once this little one is born although I have no idea how with 2 babies but it will work out. Eating after the race was just ok...not sure I ate enough but I definitely got tons of rest and water...trying to debate now if I should try to get more sleep or get some work done for work.
    Today we are taking my sons, neice (4 yr) and nephew (3yrs) to the aquarium should be fun and hectic...

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Sunday.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Roo and Cutmd- I have eaten more fast food the last 3 weeks than I think I have in 6 months....but staying within the macros and taking my vitamin, so....I can't get too upset about it. But I mean tacobell, Wendy's, Chick fil a, potato chips, frozen pizza, white bread....I HAD to have white bread grilled cheese sandwiches and PBJ this week. And I am having an aversion to salads and veggies - so I am drinking juices when I can't stomach whole fruits and veg. It will pass, though. That being said - I want spaghetti for lunch :)

    Dem -- I track my cals. Some days if I am feeling really icky in the evening (which is oddly when my m/s is worse) I don't bother. I try to eat all of my exercise cals, too, but since I am at maintenance and pretty healthy with what I consume, sometimes I can't possibly eat them all. Once or twice a week I go over, but not by a lot.

    I have read all the other posts, but can't specifically see them on this page to comment...sorry girls! You are all looking great, and doing awesome!

    AFM-- trying to not take the Zofran...but I caved today. I spent two hours feeling icky and I really want to go out on the River to Kayak. I wish my energy would come back. I am soo NOT a lay around and do nothing person. I had to force myself to go on 2 short walks with the dog and clean house yesterday. MrJax is lifting right now, and I am going to try to pick a route to paddle...something short so I at least get some fresh air! Then off to the grocery store. I am feeling some shrimp.

    On another note -- My doc didn't say anything about avoiding certain foods or activities. He seems to be pretty laid back about it. However, my old Dr was adamant that I ate all of my beef well done, didn't eat seafood or drink any lunch meat.
    Personally I feel like women have been having babies for so long without all of these rules, and back in the day many drank, smoked, and drank tons of coffee and ate things like liver....not like I would do that, but darn it, if I want a turkey sandwich I am going to have it! I am being cautious, though...I get my lunch meat at Publix, which is very clean and has a lot of business so their food is always fresh...and I only eat the lunch meat that day -- I don't let it sit in the fridge. I am happy that I can stomach food at all, so I kinda just eat what I want. What is everyone else doing?
  • Roobean33
    CutMD and MrsJax - So glad to hear you ladies are battling the cravings as well! With morning sickness, I feel like carbs and fat really help keep it at bay and it's all I want too! I've been able to throw in some veggies occasionally and fruit is still good (especially fresh pineapple for some reason), but I would happily eat nothing but carbs until baby was here if I could!! lol

    MrsJax - I don't go nuts over the 'what to avoid' list. I ate tuna in the beginning maybe 2X a week. Really, the only thing I absolutely avoid is alcohol and curbed my sweet n' low addiction. I enjoy a small cup of coffee occasionally. To each his own, but I agree with you...

    Batgirlfox - I'm so happy for you, 52 weeks! *sigh* Here I am, happy for 12...something wrong with that. :grumble:

    Kelley_m -Great job on your race! Way to stay active!
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    Happy Sunday! i hope everybody is getting some rest.
    Childbirth class was awesome! a lot of good info, now i have to practice the respiration exercises until it came common to me.

    i think i going to need exercise more this week, all this hollydays partys with all that delicious food are putting a few pounds on me, lets see what my doctor say tomorrow in my appointment :noway:
  • batgirlrox
    Welcome Demwitted

    Mrs Jax- I'm glad the m/s seems to be subsiding a little bit for you. Constipation is common in pregnancy and probably only made worse by a drug that does the same. Hope you can come off them very soon. As weird as it sounds if we can drag our butts out for a little activity our energy level does increase(gotta love them endorphins;)) I felt very bloated in trimester one but didn't gain any weight. Now I'm to the feeling fat stage ha. In regards to food my Doctor told me it was all in moderation. If I wanted to have a non decaf coffee or tea then have 1 mug a day instead of 3 and if I was really craving sushi(which I hate ha) he said I could have it once and a while. Since in seafood and sushi they worry about mercury levels and you basically have to eat a TON of it to have any influx in your mercury level. In North American the chance of getting contaminated lunch meat is really low so he said not to worry about that either. The only thing he said NO to (which is a given in my books but apparently not in others) is no alcohol and no smoking.

    Roobean- Thanks me too. It's growing on my husband. At first he told me if we name our daughter that she will hate us for life but he likes it now ha.

    Cutmd- Ultrasound dated at 12wks 2 days and thanks it was definitely a treat since they don't routinely do them here until 18-20 weeks.

    Kelley_M- Yup, now that being said it's not a full wage. They have the max top out of income fairly low but I will still be getting over $1800 a month for the whole time so that excites me. I hope you can bring baby to work with you. My job won't allow that since I'm a Paramedic, probably not the safest thing to do either ;) The baby furniture is all from a custom wood building shop so there is no way to return it. They are also the type that would be angry if I told them it wasn't my style or that I didn't like it. I'm glad you got a say in yours! Good work on the run!

    Paulandrea- Great to hear about the classes. Good luck at your appointment.

    AFM-Our a emergency services ball was a blast last night! Was a very busy day but felt great all day and stayed up WAY past my "bedtime" of 10 ha. I ate a lot but mostly protein and veggies so I'm not to worried about it. Besides with the amount of dancing we did it all worked itself off in the end! I'm down another 1.5 pounds this morning but I'm sure some of that is probably dehydration. Lots of water today! Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!
    14W2D -5lbs
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I hope everyone has had a good weekend. Bedrest is mind numming boring. Today I family stopped bleeding after 5 days. That means 7 more days of bedrest then limited activity. I just hope that this sticks and I don't have anymore bleeding. We did talk about some more about names. He doesn't really want a girl so he won't agree on any girl names...ha silly boy. We also looked up all the fees for our insurance so we are ready for that.
    Anyone have a fun productive weekend?
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member

    I am so glad that I went out paddling today -- even if it was a short one :) There were tons of manatees ~ one almost tipped me out of my boat as it swam under me!!

    Then it was off to the grocery store, and a nap when we got home. I did some steak and potato action for dinner - yum! Oddly I wanted iceberg lettuce for my salad, which I haven't eaten in an eternity...
    making shrimpy pasta for dinner tomorrow....mmmmm...garlic deliciousness!!!

    I don't know how to make the pictures appear smaller -- so half of the sea cow is missing!
  • Demwitted
    Awesome pic, MrsJax!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Quick check in before my day begins.

    I was able to finally treat myself to a new hair style after almost 6 months!! Hair stylist already told me she wants to be the first to give our baby a "trim"...too cute and way to funny!!

    Anyone else having issues with water retention? My tennis shoes aren't fitting, I can't wear my wedding ring anymore and I just feel heavier...Started cutting sodium out this weekend but I have a feeling it may take a few days to get back to normal.

    Have my yoga DVD & Pilates DVD ready for tonight!! Really excited!!

    ~*Denise 26 wks*~
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies! Here's to a start of a new week! To try to keep us on track, post some goals you have for the week. I have a pretty busy week - 2 work Christmas parties, some things to get done around the house (productivity has been lacking between Thanksgiving out of town and family in all weekend), and I want to get Christmas decor up. So, here are my goals:

    1. Strength (?) and treadmill Monday
    2. Yoga Wednesday
    3. Get next piece of furniture painted
    4. Christmas tree up
    5. Some kind of activity this weekend
    6. 8-10 glasses of water a day

    We had a nice weekend with my family in town. Our shower was also nice. We got a couple big items (co-sleeper, stroller/car set, and high chair) and some other little stuff both on and off our registry. I have my other shower on Sunday and am a little overwhelmed with all the stuff we still need to get. We're coming up on about 7-7.5 weeks to go and the nursery is still about half way there. Really we just need to get our crib and glider and decorate, so we can knock that out pretty quick. I just don't not like having things in order. I'm also starting to stress a little about work. I need to have a couple really productive weeks to wrap up several projects. All that being said, I still want to make fitness a priority, but I need to not do so to the point of stressing me out. My diet has remained relatively good and I do get at least some activity in each week. Other than that, I'm still feeling good. I did have a scary thing happen to me Saturday morning. I was coming down our slippery wooden 9" high steps with 2 cups of coffee in my hand (not holding the railings like I normally do) in sock feet, and took a slip on the last 3 or 4 steps. I came down on my butt (and have the bruise to show for it) and slid down the rest of the steps. I could feel the baby move almost immediately after and didn't have any abnormalities after so I'm sure everything is fine, but I was pretty shaken up over it for about an hour. Just a little scary taking a fall. Our stairs are getting carpeted tonight.

    I hope you all had a nice weekend and have good weeks to come!

    32w 3d
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Well, today is my first day back to work after being in Oklahoma all last week. Thank you all so much for the kind words and support. It means so much. My dad's funeral was a nice service. We shared a few funny stories and tried to keep it somewhat light hearted. That's what he would have wanted. There were a couple days that were very tough, but I've held it together pretty well. I have comfort in knowing he is in Heaven looking down on us and will be watching after we have our baby. At the service the preacher said something about when you hear a newborn cry he'll be there. That hit home and made me feel good. My eating habits weren't that great while we were gone. We were so busy that there were days all I had was toast and peanut butter for breakfast and then didn't eat until almost dinner time. My water intake wasn't as much as it should have been either. Needless to say, I didn't get in any walking or anything either. I'm trying to get back on a schedule this week. I haven't gained much weight at all the past few weeks. At 24 weeks I've only gained about 12 pounds, which isn't bad, but I want to make sure I'm gaining at a steady pace and I know some of it was due to the lack of eating last week. She has been moving a lot around 11pm-midnight though so she's definitely doing okay in there. :) Again, thanks so much for all of the encouraging words. Love you ladies!!

    I have another OB appointment and ultrasound this Wednesday so I'm excited to see baby girl again. :) Oh and a girlfriend of mine is planning our shower for January 14th so I'm super excited about that!! :)

    Name: Kristy
    Hubby: Eric
    How many kids do you have: This is our 1st
    Due Date: March 23, 2012 (My hubby's birthday!!)
    How far along are you: 24 weeks 3 days
    Do you know the gender: Girl
    Babies Name: Abigail (Abby) Elizabeth or Sophie Elizabeth
    Where do you live: Maryland
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking/jogging, prenatal yoga, a little strength training (not as much as I would like though)
    Fun Fact about yourself: I don't know about "fun" fact, but my husband is in the Navy so we move every 3-4 years. I am originally from Oklahoma, but have lived in Washington and now in Maryland. We'll probably be moving to Hawaii or back to Washington in 1-2 years for another few years of sea duty (deploying military squadron). This will be the first grandbaby on my husband's side of the family. My brother and sister-in-law are having a baby 2 months after us.
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Hi Ladies! Hope you had a great weekend!

    kristy_estes2: Really good to hear from you. Glad you're back and to hear that you're hanging in there.

    Better_Balance: I'm totally in the same boat. Something is going to have to take a back seat. At this point, I know that for my own sanity I need to make sure that my work projects get done, and my house projects are all accomplished by the time baby gets here. I vow to continue eating well, and hopefully the best I have my entire pregnancy, but I know that the workout are going to have to be the last goal to accomplish every day. What makes me feel a little better about this is I know that in order to accomplish everything else I have my goals set to, I will be extremely busy all day and night long. I won't have any time for lounging.

    Goals this week:
    Walk dogs 4x
    Eat out 1x max
    Yoga 2x
    Strength 2x

    Have a great Monday everyone!
    34 weeks, 6 days