Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    HI everyone. Sorry I have been MIA lately. I have had a LOT of work and been staying late til like 8 o'clock sometimes. :( So needless to say, its just been crazy. Its taken me a few days to read where I left off because this board moves FAST!! HA!
    It will take me forever, to respond to everybody so I'm not going to but know that I have read everyone's blog. :)
    Update on my situation: I had been on restrictions since going into pre term labor the day before Thanksgiving and I was SO over it! I had an appt the 15th last week and was hoping and praying that I could go back to regular exercise and off restrictions! NO can do. I have been put on complete bed rest. WTH! Do you know how aggravating that is. Midwife checked me and said cervix was mushy, etc. and that I needed to be completely down until 36 weeks. :( After arguing with her for a few minutes she put me on half days at work since I have a desk job and I will then be working from home. So I finally said, please clarify bedrest for me. She said, when you get home, you are in bed! I'm like geez, GREAT!! when there is SOOOO much to do. I honestly feel fine. So I guess this is a little weird for me. So, I'm listening to her and hanging on for another 3 weeks until I'm able to get back to normal.
    I think Nkster said she is over being pregnant and I AM TOO!!! This not exercising, being in bed crap just has me very frustrated. She doesn't think I'll get to my due date, Feb 5th. So we'll see. Hubby has been working on the house and getting everything ready. Working on nursery, etc. (this is because he procrastinated) painting the house. Lots of work to be done and I can't even do anything about it!!!
    Besides that, I only gained 1lb so I'm up 24lbs and lets see if this trend will keep going. I hope I will not go over 30lbs. We'll see since my goal was 25lbs and that doesn't look like it'll happen.
    Goals: Drink more water!!! (have not been able to do more than 32 oz a day )
    watch EVERYTHING I put in my mouth!!! since I can't really exercise
    Strech! I feel really soar from not doing anything. :(

    Elce 33W1D (23lb gain)

    Elce, I was getting worried about ya!! Hadn't heard from ya for a while but I know we are all under tons of stess....Glad to hear that your ok...well, as ok as can be. You too hang in there. This baby will come soon enough and you'll be back at your work out routine in no time!! ((hugs))
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Happy Monday Morning!!

    Had my doctors apt this morning for my 3rd gestational exam. Should have results in the next day or two. Doctor was extremely pleased with my results to date. Only gained 3 lbs in the last month!! WOO HOO!!! :smooched: and the baby is growing right as scheduled. Also found out, that apparently I've been having BH and didn't even know it. Now, that I know what they are and feel like I can keep better track of how often I'm getting them. From here on out I'm on the 2 week visits. Kinda excited about that :smile: BUT he did tell my that apparently I'm no where near drinking enough water....

    Weekly Goals:
    Yoga or Pilates (depending on work load)
    Drink 8 glasses of water DAILY
    Maintain my fruit/veggie intake through this next week
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi Everyone!! Wow it's hard to keep up with the posts on this board lol ;)
    I hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend!
    I'm officially on vacation and it feels great, so nice to be able to focus on personal stuff and not have to worry about work for a bit!

    We had our 3D ultrasound on Friday...I can't even describe the experience it was so amazing...but I'll try lol. It was WAY more detailed than I had expected, I was completed shocked when Mason came up on the screen and it was MASON...really - every detail of his face and hands and legs and heart and spine and it was surreal - I was completely overwhelmed with emotion and tears were pretty much streaming down my face for the first 5-10 minutes and I couldn't even speak. he is so beautiful and looks just perfect and happy and healthy! And man does he have some LEGS lol
    It's crazy too, he has my face...he has my nose and my lips and little features that I have, he has my husbands jaw line and definitely my husband's legs! lol His foot was right up beside his head and he kept kicking himself in the face! lol
    He was really active because they kept feeding me suckers lol
    Anyway not to go on too long it was a really amazing experience and I feel so lucky to have been able to do it! We got a DVD of the whole ultrasound and a CD with 100 pictures as well as a teddy bear with Masons heartbeat inside - it is so cool!
    Another great part as well was that my mom and Jay's parents got to be there with us, my dad and Jay's sister got to watch live online cool.

    Anyway, that was the highlight of my week...or well my life in general so far lol it was amazing, I would highly recommend it to anyone considering it!

    Ok well I'm off to go meet my friends brand new baby boy and then do some Christmas shopping!

    Have a great day all!

  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Quick check in!!!! My weekend didn't consist of much. Not feeling good on Friday night, went to bed super early, Saturday I did pretty much nothing, cleaned house, made a gingerbread house with my son, ran a few errands, Sunday I did yard work! So glad to get that out of the way!!! Damn tree still has more leaves and I've already raked and bagged 19 bags!!!!!! It's almost done though. Cleaned house, Sunday also, organized a few things made the Christmas Dinner menu, (First year I'm having it at my house)! Pretty much a boring weekend. Work will be super busy this week, but I only work half days Wed. and Frid. I'm glad about that! Totally have no appetite at all! Anyone else having this issue? I am making myself eat and it makes me want to puke!! I feel like I could go all day w/o eating and I probably would if I wasn't pregnant, but I am trying to get in calories for the baby. I think I finally came up with some names, won't fully decide until baby comes, but Avery if she has lighter colored hair, and Emberlei if she has dark hair....hubby don't like either, but we are never going to agree so too bad, he'll have to learn to like the name. Kinda feel mean, but I'm really to the point I don't feel like caring. I just want a name picked out. Had lots of contractions this weekend, with tons of pressure!!!! Kinda feel like she could fall out, doctor says it's normal, but my tailbone hurts and my hips hurt too....can't wait to just have her and be done with the whole pregnant thing!!!!!!!!!!

    Will try to catch up more later, trying to get a million things accomplished today!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Amanda- That is cute! Glad to hear you are ok. I think that is how the baby movements start, I also waited to feel afor a good while and it started slowly.

    Misti-Awww the naming game, I had that issue with the hubby & son, trying to figure out a boys name. Good thing we had the girl name set in stone. I like those names they are very unique, one of my coworker named her little girl Andelyn, cute. if i remember correctly you said the baby's head is down? My Dr said that my ababy's head is down and could have caused the BHC i felt A week ago sunday. I have felt pressure on my tailbione too, no more BHC TG.

    Rayna-Too cute! Hope you share an U/S pix.

    Denise-yay for a good appt. Hope your results are favorable! Yes, drink that H2O.

    Nichole-keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Elizabeth-Prayers & thoughts, sounds like your lil one while arrive soon.

    Elce-So sorry to hear you're on bed rest, knowing you're such an active lady, it sounds like it's driving you up the wall. ((hugs)) to you and hope things slow down and baby stays on sched.

    I had the worst headache last night, that i ended up taking some non aspirin, but i feel so sleepy today. It will be crazy at work this week too, I am off fri-mon and I am looking forward to that. Friday we have the vinyl stickers to be installed in the babies room on schedule. YAY I am so excited.

    Sat & Sun we did lots of cleaning, organizing and more cleaning. So the house is clean overall & all the baby's stuff is in the closet waiting for the holidays to get over so we can setup the crib, dresser & all the clothes.

    Whoa still lots to do!

    ~Brenda~ 29wks 6dys
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Slow day yesterday! Everyone must be busy getting ready for Christmas. My work day was pretty nuts yesterday. After work I managed some strength and time on the mill. I tried to do some running but I am seriously feeling a little wobbly these days and almost a little unsafe running on the treadmill. It's like it happened overnight. Eric even commented my belly looks bigger and lower. So my center of balance seems to be a little off so it may be in fact time to hang up the running hat for the rest of the pregnancy. I think I could stil manage outside but the treadmill is proving difficult, so walking hills it is! I'm a little sore today from the strength so that feels good. It's getting up in the high 50's here today but unfortunately I think it's going to rain. If not I may try to see how running outside feels.

    My due date is 5 weeks from tomorrow so we're getting closer! The glider was on the front porch this morning so we have everything for the nursery to appear complete now except a mattress and rug so that makes me feel better. Eric should get lots done on that next week while he's off work.

    Hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday!

  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    I'm not pregnant yet, but we are planning on starting in the next 3-6 months so I'm definitely bookmarking this thread. This would be our first and I have no idea at all about anything, including diet, extra calories, exercising while pregnant, etc. So I'm very much enjoying reading this thread!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    Been up since about 3ish....This baby was HUNGRY!! thank goodness for cottage cheese & pineapple. Couldn't keep it down my 1st trimester and now I can't seem to get enough of it...:laugh:

    I have a TMI question:

    I am finding it extremly difficult to do things that I'm use to doing: shaving my legs, painting my toes, tying my tennis shoes...Little things that we have always taken for granted.... do you ladies//what do you ladies do to stay.....hmm...."groomed"....I've never done waxing and I don't think this is a good time to start....Just curious!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member

    Been up since about 3ish....This baby was HUNGRY!! thank goodness for cottage cheese & pineapple. Couldn't keep it down my 1st trimester and now I can't seem to get enough of it...:laugh:

    I have a TMI question:

    I am finding it extremly difficult to do things that I'm use to doing: shaving my legs, painting my toes, tying my tennis shoes...Little things that we have always taken for granted.... do you ladies//what do you ladies do to stay.....hmm...."groomed"....I've never done waxing and I don't think this is a good time to start....Just curious!

    Hahaha....nothing is TMI once we become soon to be mommies...that's just life! I never had trouble with the shaving my legs thing, but putting on my shoes was a pain with my first. I'm not that big yet but last time around, I had to get a mirror for my "grooming" lol!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    Options do you ladies//what do you ladies do to stay.....hmm...."groomed"....I've never done waxing and I don't think this is a good time to start....Just curious!

    definitely not TMI!!! like dixiejo said...i think anything goes for us soon to be mommies :tongue:

    so this is going to sound crazy...but i have always 'groomed' myself...only waxed a couple times for big vacations and such. but i knew this would become an issue with not being able to see in the i started practicing 'blind grooming' if you will. so now that i cant see anything...its all by feeling and not really seeing anything. granted, its probably not a perfect job...but it does the trick!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning all!!

    Had a not-so-good weigh-in this morning. I don't know why I am gaining so fast!! I eat around 2200 calories and exercise ALMOST every day. SO frustrating!! I think part of it has to do with the fact that I was not in maintainence mode before getting pregnant...I was only eating around 1200 calories daily and exercising usually 1-2 hours each day. Now, exercise is much less and I'm eating many more calories. I don't know! It's SO frustrating!! I 've gained 21 pounds and I'm 24 weeks! My goal is to gain no more than 35 pounds, and I'm hoping this is still an attainable goal. Just so frustrated at the moment.

    On a positive, I got in a great workout last night, and planning to do the same tonight!

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Kristin--23 weeks, 6 days
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    so back after was it nice down in FL! we had perfect weather and it was so good to get away for a couple days to see some family :flowerforyou:

    this week i am back at it big time because i weighed myself and DID NOT agree with the number on the scale. so i am trying to be ultra good this week...working out every day (so far so good because i got a gym work out in yesterday and am planning to go after work again today), plenty of water and eating healthy.

    parker has been super active lately and i know he is just getting so much bigger & stronger because i can feel him so much more throughout the day which i looooove. i am doing well...we're almost at the two month mark and i have to say i am panicking a little bit. we still have not gotten the nursery set up and that is my biggest TO DO right now. i have all of next week off of my goal is to get every stitch of stuff out of the extra bedroom and into the basement and get that nursery set up! if we can get that done before january i will be a happy momma...just right now its stressing me out like crazy :frown:

    other than that...i am so happy its christmas time!!!! such a great time of the year! hope everyone is having a great day!!!
  • Demwitted
    I'm not pregnant yet, but we are planning on starting in the next 3-6 months so I'm definitely bookmarking this thread. This would be our first and I have no idea at all about anything, including diet, extra calories, exercising while pregnant, etc. So I'm very much enjoying reading this thread!

    Buy the book Taking Charge of your Fertility by Toni Weschler.

    A friend of mine recommended it to me and she swears it is magic. Every woman she has recommended it to who has bought it has conceived within 4 months. I didn't even look at it much, let alone try any of the suggested methods. lol.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies! Just a quick check in :)

    Kristin if you are eating nutritious food and staying active, then do not let the number on the scale get you down! I gained the majority of my weight by the middle of the second trimester and hardly gained any weight at all at the end. I ended up gaining 32lbs all together....12 of that being the first trimester and and 15 of that being during the second trimester. So just keep on doing what you are doing, feed the baby healthy foods (with a treat here and there) and stay active and it will be okay. Within a week after having Charlee I had dropped 20lbs! I am 8lbs away from my prepreg weight and haven't started logging my food (and am eating dessert daily), and haven't gotten back into a regular workout routine yet.... So trust me when I say it will be okay if you just stay active and eat nutritious foods during your pregnancy and not stress about the number on the scale. Easier said than done, but I'm living proof that it works!

    As for the "grooming"...this was quite humorous for Al and I cause every time I took a shower I looked like a circus act trying to groom myself! lol I finally got to the point where I would do the sides and then every couple of days I'd ask Al to make sure things were even and help me out if they weren't. lol It was so funny and yet a little humiliating that I couldn't see if I was indeed even a girl anymore! And don't get me started about the doctor's office telling you to pee in those little cups...How are we supposed to hold a cup to pee in it that we can't even SEE down there?! lol Needless to say I always got pee on my hands....lovely. We have all been there, are there, or are going to be don't worry about it and ask the hubby to help a girl out...he will love it! :)

    I know around the holidays it seems impossible to keep up with working out and eating healthy...but just remember you are carrying those little ones that still need tlc so continue to do your best and I wish all of you a very happy holidays!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Options are WONDERFUL. Thank you! I don't think I would be so concerned if I hadn't gained so much my first pregnancy, however I did not exercise AT ALL that time. And I really ate anything and everything in sight, so I know I'm doing much better this go-round. But your words are very encouraging and I'm seriously keeping you as my role model this time! So, thank you. And I hope life with new baby is treating you well. I remember all those sweet moments with Kadence when she was that tiny...and I so look forward to that again with my new little munchkin. Enjoy every second!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I have been a huge slacker with catching up. I am currently out doing Christmas shopping and wanted to give you ladies a heads up. Target is having a huge baby clearance on the larger ticket items including car seats, strollers, pack and plays, swings etc etc. They are on sale for 30-50% off. I just got a bassinet for $40 and a bounce seat for $20.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Elce -- you are in my thoughts...hope your bedrest goes well and you get off of it quickly!
    Nkster -- happy thoughts your way, too...I can only imagine how ready you are!

    Well, I have been a moody beotch lately and can't stop wavering between loving and hating Christmas and all the crap that goes with it. Thankfully I don't have major nausea all day anymore -- just mildly all day, and if it really hits, it does so at night. The other symptoms come and go...
    but a question for you girls about leg pain...
    before pregnancy I had mild spider veins in my legs, and one or two visible larger veins behind my knees, but they never hurt.
    Yesterday, after shopping for a few hours, my left leg was really sore, and I saw it in the mirror today -- I have a new big vein showing and a bunch of purple spider veins. I read up on it and it seems to be a normal symptom...but should I worry? call the doctor? I appreciate any thoughts on this as I don't have a general practictioner...I was going to the wellness clinic provided by my school district, but really don't find them knowledgeable, friendly, or helpful. They treated me 4 times for a sinus infection and never fixed it -- I finally went to an urgent care center and that dr got rid of the infection...
    anyway -- I wonder if my OB/GYN would refer me to somewhere or would need to know? will the discomfort go away?
    I have been exercising and everything, only gained two lbs....
    sooooo tired. Gonna nap now.
    Hope you all have a great day:)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    AHA! How I :heart: you ladies! You guys have become my very bestest online best buddies!! LOL!!
    As for all the grooming comments- thank you! Make a girl feel right at home, LOL!! I've tried the blind grooming and that didn't work so well (at least not for me) and I'm just not brave enough to get it waxed. Tried the mirror the other night but I couldn't do the balancing act and groom at the same time...

    Heather, your comments just made me laugh out loud!! DH has told me on more than one occasion that we would gladly help, as he gladly claims it as his prenant hubby duty.....but being a girl that has always done as she pleases I just find it hard to relinquish that duty!! Can a girl have 1 thing to herself? LOL!! As my tummy continues to go I may have to just give in to the obvious :laugh:

    Heather as for the pee on the hands, Just went through that incident yesterday and I couldnt' help but laugh to myself!! Extra wash time on the hands!

    Thanks ladies!!!
  • Maidopo
    Maidopo Posts: 2 Member
    So glad to find a forum for the preggers out there!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...I've slowly been starting to feel crummy all day (really since lunchtime) and now my head is throbbing and a feel a little queasy! Don't know what's going on! Hoping I'm not coming down with something! Still hoping to get in my cardio/strength workout tonight, but if I feel like this all evening it may be a yoga night. We shall see... such a bummer when I actually have the motivation for a good workout!

    Hope you all have a good night!