Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    Sorry I have been MIA. Things have been crazy busy, plus I've been so ashamed of myself...No exercise, Bad's been BAD. I've gained 19 pounds and I'm 23 weeks yesterday. I'm so mad at myself. And even today, I ate horribly for lunch. But I swear...I am making a change!! Tonight I'm doing my strength/cardio workout, NO.EXCUSES. And I'm cooking some chicken with rice and vegetables. Time to get back into my healthy habits! I know it will be hard the next couple weeks with the holidays, but I'm going to try my best and then kick it into super high gear after New Years! So...I apologize for not being on here with you wonderful ladies...and I promise to get back to it!!!!

    So...goals for the rest of this week and weekend:
    1. Workout every day...either strength/cardio or yoga.
    2. Drink LOTS of water.
    3. No eating out.

    Hope you will all fogive me! :) And sorry for the vent...

    ~Kristin~ 23 weeks, 1 day
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Catching up here!

    andreamichell, that’s exciting you were able to get pregnant on your own! Congrats! :happy:

    breezy, ho coordinated do you have to be for that salsa cd? I took a salsa class once and had to drop it!

    jaimesco – that’s amazing that you lost so much and ran a marathon! Congrats!

    Ashley, what a beautiful pic in your profile! So exciting being so close to delivery date!

    Babeed, you can get a lot of waling in shopping, so that’s a plus! Good luck with the hormones, YOU CAN DEFEAT THEM!

    nkster – hope your little one makes an appearance soon! Hang in there!

    Rosanna – So sorry to here about your SIL, ovarian cancer can be very aggressive so I am praying she has a less active type. Glad the crib situation worked out! You are doing great with staying active!

    Kristy- I love your name Abigail! I guess I also like biblical names, too, and its so classic and can be shortened to a fun name!

    Hi Elizabeth, have you continued exercising throughout your pregnancy? What’s your story?

    Welcome Dixie! Wow, you are more than a foot taller than me! I am a Jillian fan as well but I am already getting short of breath and tired during her dvds! Sorry to hear about the foot cramps. I found Ripped to be a bit high impact for me during pregnancy.

    mistibergman – I TOLD you the kidney was fine, lol. Glad to hear you got confirmation and you are doing fantastic on your weight gain. I would be ecstatic to be in your position in a few months

    kcurtis – I’m glad your DH was able to turn things around, it’s hard for men to understand. Great job on the Zumba! Oh, and I’m actually July 9th since the doc is still going by my LMP. but I’m sure that will change anyway

    EngiAli, you are superwoman! I have found I am extra sore after my weightlifting compared to non-pregnant. I am also more short of breath when training. Have you noticed any differences?

    Lunaroka – How long is the flight and when in January are we talking? I would think if he can get back within a few hours he should be good, but it sounds like you two need to talk more. You are unlikely to want him to leave town after the baby comes, so before seems better…Good job on continuing the walking! What’s a babymoon?

    jchecca – congrats on your doctor’s appointment and have fun in FL!

    MrsJax- you have gained so little, it’s probably all water making you look puffy. Try not to be too self-conscious about it. $1500 does seem like a lot to cough up, I am blessed to have such good health insurance. Glad you’re feeling better, it tends to be off and on. My hubby and I are already bickering over names as well.

    batgirlrox – I’m glad you are feeling much better, congrats on the cleaning. The story about your hubby’s present is too cute! The elbow thing sounds more like an overuse injury like to the joints or tendons. Are you an RN?

    Demwitted, Zantac is definitely ok during pregnancy, whereas Prilosec is listed as an unknown. Consider zantac when it gets bad!

    BB/Ashley – Congrats on being so close and having a great appointment! I am not feeling social events either, I wasn’t that into them before but now I’m really a homebody. DH pointed out that when animals get pregnant they always seems to retreat from others except their mate as well.

    timanda – congrats on a great 11 week appointment! kcurtis has a list out there for us, you and I are only a day apart.

    kistinbee – good to see ya! Everything will be okay, you can still hit a normal weight gain range with your gain so far, just try to slow it down a little. If you can’t, it just may be what your body needs. Good luck on your goals!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    AFM - so far, so good. Time is still crawling by till my NT ultrasound on the 29th but I snuck a peak at work and the baby was MOVING! It was too neat! :happy: Also finally getting the home doppler I bought to pick up the heartbeat, which I am going to rely on for reassurance until the 29th. I will probably not get away for Xmas since I only have that one day off and am working the day before and after, debating whether I should let my mom tell my extended family. We hardly ever get together en mass and this would be our only opportunity to tell everyone together. However, my 1st trimester isn't over until the 1st week in January, not to mention if the US doesn't go our way. So still torn. But I have made it further than I did with the last one and that makes us happy, we are already getting really excited. I am doing better with getting exercise in 5-6 times per week but still battling a veggie aversion and carb cravings.

    Continue low impact exercise 5-6 times per week (strength, elliptical, walking hills, spinning, etc)
    Drink lots of water
    Stay in the 130s until 20 weeks (cause I am already ahead of the game at +8)

    10weeks 4 days
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Quick check in. Had my 39 week appointment. I'm only 0.5cm dilated. My midwife is betting I'll be about a week late. I figured this would happen. So I could have a Christmas baby which I don't really want but healthy baby is the most important thing. I'm scheduled for my NST and U/S on Wednesday to determine if she is late then how long she can stay. So we will see. You just never know. I've read stories of women who went from 0 to 10cm in one day. Please send me good labor vibes:0)

    If I'm late I'll have plenty of time next week to catch up since it is the start of my maternity leave. Hope you all are well.

    EDD 12/19
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Melissa- babymoon,I guess they refer to it, as a last Couple trip, retreat or vacation before baby arrives. Good thoughts & vibes for your pregnancy. Aww too cute seeing the LO move in there, how amazing.

    Nichole-Good labor vibes to you! You are right you might be surprised soon. With my son, I was 4cm dilated on my appt & like 2 days after my water broke & Jason was born 3 hrs after.
    Good thoughts for you.

    Kristin- I think many of us have posted regarding this, and everyone on this board is supportive and do not judge, that's why i love MFP FF&P mommies. I think as long as your baby is ok, you should take it easy on yourself.
    You have good goals!

    ~Brenda~ 29wks 2 dys
  • batgirlrox
    Demwitted- I hope you can find something to ease that heart burn soon. I’ve been told its VERY painful and I’m not looking forward to that possible symptom.

    DixieJo- Do you like bananas? The potassium in them helps with my leg cramps.

    Babeed- I hate when we eat something horrible for us and then have to pay the consequence later. Hope today went better for you! I’m glad those pains have subsided! I really hated yoga pre-pregnancy but I think I may need to give up and try some of the prenatal yoga videos later in pregnancy.

    Ashley- I have definitely become more of a home body since being preggo.

    EngiAli- That skate treadmill definitely sounds interesting and like quite a workout. Although probably would work well for me even though I grew up in blistery Alberta winters I can only waddle on skates haha.

    Kristy- That sounds like a perfect night to me, Christmas movies and decorating cookies! Have fun!

    Timanda- Glad everything looks great!

    Melissa- I’m an advance care paramedic so it very well could be an overuse injury. I just hadn’t ever experienced it until I was pregnant so wondered if there was some correlation or if it was something like that. I’m glad you got to sneak a little peek of babe moving around so you could ease your mind a little. I think as healthcare workers we worry more because we know how often things do happen (and unfortunately you have already experienced that end of things as well) Great goals for the week!

    Nichole- I’m totally trying to mentally prepare myself to be 1-1.5 weeks late. I know when it comes time it probably won’t help but I keep trying to remind myself that it will likely happen that way. I hope she doesn’t come on Christmas for you and decides to grace you with her presence before or after that day!

    AFM-Someone had mentioned on here in the last few days about the Bradley method. I’d never heard of it before so I googled it and read up on it. Sounds pretty neat AND I found a class that starts just before my 3rd trimester in my area, so talked to hubby about it and he’s really keen on going! Hope I can learn something from it anyways. I’ve also decided(since I’m a very picky eater without being pregnant) I really need to try and incorporate more things into my diet. I know babies are more likely to eat and like foods they have “tasted” while invetro since the amniotic fluid picks up the flavours of the foods we eat. So my new goal for the week is to add one “new” item to my diet a day in hopes to broaden baby’s taste buds that are going to form next week! That’s all that’s new for me for today! Happy Thursday!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Demwitted: I hope your heartburn improves.

    Ashley: You’re getting so close! How exciting!

    Timanda2: Our due dates are so close! I’m July 4th. That’s fun.

    Brenda: Happy Babymoon. I want one of those. Hubby and I bought cruise tickets to the Bahamas but we don’t know when we can actually go. We have a year to use them, but the schedule is tight for going before baby is here.

    Kim: Thanks for making the list. I miss the old signatures; I loved to see how far along everyone was.

    Nichole: Good luck!

    AFM: I've been MIA lately because my life has been more interesting than I'd like. Yesterday I got called out of the middle of my pre-algebra class because the principal wanted to see me (I thought I was in trouble for something I couldn't remember doing!:tongue: ). When I got to the office, I was met by two adminstrators and the school nurse. One of my students in my first period has 5th's disease, which is a virus. I've now been exposed to it. The nurse advised me to call my doctor immediately. They were all looking at my like "poor baby". I didn't even know what it was so I wasn't freaking out until I talked to a lady on my team. She said that several years ago 5th disease made the rounds and 3 women lost their babies. Why would she tell me that!? Anyway, so I guess it's pretty serious and my doctor wanted to see me today for some bloodwork. I'm trying not to be worried because there's nothing I can do about it, but I'd be lying if I said I've been calm.

    In other news, I got a fruitcake in the mail, and I've been picking at it all afternoon. The serving size is like an inch (that's 250 calroies), but I've had like 6 inches. :noway:

    edited to say that I walked today for an hour. Better than nothing, but my neighbor (who I usually do crossfit with), is outside doing box jumps and I feel guilty for sitting on the couch watching Seinfeld. Tomorrow is another day!! Hubby is taking me to a movie for my birthday! :happy:
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hello all you beautiful fit mammas...

    I haven't been on in like a week and man have you all been posting. I haven't had a chance to read everyone's so I will have to reply later...all I remember is the advice about the milkies and I just found out about those this week...and I am picking up a pair on Sunday...yeah...i think I am also going to get a Maya ring sling ( do any og you other 2nd or 3rd time mammas have one?) I think it will be easier to carry the baby while carrying for my son.

    Jalyner - sorry to hear about the exposure...I had never heard about that disease...I agree I hate when people tell you the most tragic things about other pregnancies. Just hang in there ( I know easier said than done) until the blood work comes in.
    As for watching you neighbor workout...I can so understand that I have only been doing bootcamp 3 days a week and I know I need to do more but some days I just can't due to lack of sleep.

    Nichole - Sending prayers your way...hopefully the baby will come before or after xmas but a xmas baby would be cool (IMHO)...What worked for me with my first was lots of walking I was having no contractions so my mom and I walked to the store and back about 2 miles and that night I went into labor...couldn't hurt...

    AFM - Had a doctor's appt on was ok..pretty routine just going through my medical history and a PAP ( i think I don't know) there was way too much pressure down there...I seem to have blocked out a lot of things from my 1st pregnancy doctor's all the blood they need...but the best news was that I hadn't gained a pound since my last visit a month ago and i was super happy about that because I was sure I was up 2lbs...hopefully I can keep monitoring my weight...I am 13 weeks I only want to gain 10 max in this 2nd Dr's appt and u/s in the new year...
    This week eating has been ok, 2 workouts so far...I am trying to mentally prepare myself to wake up in the am and go and workout. On Wed, I did a run and seriously had to push myself the last mile but was glad I got up to run.

  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Well, I am happy to say that our ultrasound yesterday went wonderful!!!! Oh my goodness, hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time, watching it beating... I mean, that is incredible. If you think about it, that's something we really only get to experience with our children... I don't get to watch my husband's heart beating even tho I can hear it and it just seems profound to me that even when they are the size of a grape, our baby's heart is beating for us... I just love it. Baby looks healthy and normal according to Dr. I have been advised to keep my calories at 1870 to maintain my current weight. I was 164lbs and am now 165lbs, 5'6". The past couple days, I haven't been eating so well so I would like to get back on track with all of that.
    I was informed that I have 1 fairly large fibroid and a smaller one hanging out in my uterus. My mom had this issue too, so while I know it's not a concerning problem at this point, pregnancy hormones are known to cause fiobroids to grow larger. We shall see what happens in that department!
    Baby is 1.25cm long, Heartbeat at 168bpm. Can't wait to meet out little sweat pea <3
    Hope you all are doing wonderful. I have been reading along with your posts and am delighted that you are all working through this as a group. Wonderful to see. *hugs*
  • kimmers99
    jalyner: I went through a similar scare when I was pregnant last time re: fifth disease. The Dr. did the blood work and it turns out I was already immune to it. Chances are if you are working with children you have already been exposed and don't have to worry. I don't work with children but I guess I had had it when I was a child.

    I haven't posted lately my life has been pretty boring (thank goodness)
    I have not been watching what I have been eating lately but I'm not worrying to much. I have gained 10 pounds so far and I'm happy with that. Just trying to make sure I track my exercise and that I stay active. Lots of aches and pains was thinking about trying prenatal yoga or pilates can anyone recommend any good videos?

    Kim 23 weeks
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope everyone is well! I am 8 weeks as of today and I woke up to a little belly pooch surprise! I know you tend to show earlier the 2nd time around but at 8 weeks!?! Sheesh! I didn't show until 7 months with baby #1. Well, hope everyone has a great day! :wink:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!

    Thanks for the support, gals. I got in a good workout last night! Plan is some yoga tonight, or maybe strength/cardio again depending on how early I get home. Also taking Kadence to look at the big Christmas light display we have downtown! Should be fun!

    Hope you are all well!!
  • sas6575
    Hey Dixijo,
    I'm 8 weeks today as well and my hubby is taking weekly photos of my growing bump so that we can look at them all together at the end - I've got a nice 'bump' coming to! I was shocked because like you I didn't show until I was about 6-7 months with my first (12 years ago!) Anyway I googled it and it seems that on consecutive pregnancies your uterus etc 'remembers' how it had to adapt and stretch from the first pregnancy so it does this straight away to make way for the baby. Also our tummy muscles aren't as intact as they were before so everything shows much quicker. I've only put on a lb in the last 8 weeks so I'm pretty sure it's not excess fat, there's definitely a bump there!
    I'm going to try and keep squeezing into my 'normal' work trousers until we finish for Christmas but after that I think the maternity ones will be on!
    Have a fabulous Friday xox
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning Everyone-

    Worked late last night....Didn't work out but did get in a good meal in :smile: However, DH and I have noticed that the last few days in a row I get sick right after dinner. We have moved dinner time up to 630 to make sure my stomach has time to settle before bed and still I get sick. I'm 2 days from hitting my 3rd trimester. Anyone ever experience somethign like this? Going to ask my doctor on Monday but thought I'd ask-

    Hubby and I had a wonder conversatin about slowing down the next few months and trying to enjoy our ourselves. We've been so busy with the baby stuff, holidays, his new job that we have alreayd fallen into a routine per say.

    Today's goals: Prenatal Yoga or Pilates which ever sounds good!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. Happy Friday! Wow the board is so active; it's hard to keep up with everyone, but I'll try anyways.

    Rosanna - Hope your hair turned out fab. You do have a head full! I'm glad your furniture issues are working out. We still don't have a crib either, but have a co-sleeper. I ordered our glider yesterday so it should be here this weekend!

    Jaime - Holy crap! 120 pounds? That's like a person; good for you! Welcome!

    Becca - I hear ya on the people commenting on pregnancy shape. Mostly people have been telling me I'm all belly and small which is nice to hear. However I have one girl I work with who says some days, "you look huge!" or refers to my "waddle". The girl is really sweet and I know she doesn't mean anything but seriously. I have another friend who is just a big smartass and she is always calling me fatty. I've known her forever and I know she is totally just being, well a smartass, but it is still annoying. Even though we know we are getting huge, we still don't necessarily want to hear about it. Jack Jax.....that's funny. :smile:

    Kristy - Yay for good glucose results! I love the name too and think that is a very sweet way to remember your Dad. :heart: I have had those days too where I've just done too much and am finally like, I don't care if I planned on doing more, I am done. I hope you got your cookies made.

    Dixie - 6'4"?! You are over a foot taller than me! Good for you for embracing it. I work with a girl who is 6'5" and her husband is nearly 7' tall. Their kids are quite tall as well. How could they not be. Welcome!

    Misti - So happy to hear your appointment went well! So the baby is already engaging at 33 weeks? Do they think she will come early? I'm glad the kidney issue went away too.

    Kim - I hope your hormones are better today. I am typically a pretty mellow, non-irritable person, but some days the smallest things set me off.

    Jessica - Hope you're enjoying FL!

    Amanda - Glad you're feeling better and apparently being super productive! Good for you.

    EngiAli - The skate treadmill sounds interesting. I have days where I am not getting all of my calories too as I am supposed to be eating over 2000 now, more if I work out. I am not stressing too much. If I have 500 calories left at the end of the day, I'm most likely going to eat some ice cream or something not so nutritional just for the sake on ingesting calories and I can't believe that is the best thing to do. I try to snack in the afternoon if I am low on calories. It has been such a shift in mindset since I have been a calorie counter for years.

    Brenda - I'm glad the other hospital was good even if they don't have the tea and massages. :wink:

    Denise - I hope your stress levels reduce. I am starting to get a little stressed at work too.

    Kristin - Good goals. We all have crappy weeks.

    Melissa - I'm glad things are going well for you and you got some peace of mind with the u/s.

    Nichole - I hope you dilate quickly! If not, just be lazy this last week. :smile:

    Jayln - Sorry to hear about your exposure and I hope everything goes well with that. Fruitcake huh? I got a tin of peppermint bark yesterday and I ate 3 of the 11 servings. Oops....

    Kelly - Glad your appointment went well.

    Ruth - Yes, the baby is an amazing thing! I only have gotten one ultrasound and that is all I will have, but every time I get to hear the heartbeat it's pretty cool. The u/s brought tears to my eyes and I am not a cryer. It is amazing that there is life growing in each of us.

    Kim - I hope your aches subside. I have one prenatal yoga DVD but I forgot the name of it. It is very easy and I've only done it a couple times.

    Dixie and Sarah - I have heard with 2nd pregnancies the showing starts earlier. My sister was amazed by how quick her pooch came on.

    I think I got everyone. Shew!

    AFM - I had a super productive night last night. I came home and did 20 minutes of strenght and about 30 on the treadmill. I incorporated 3 minute running intervals at a lower speed than on Monday and also did some inclines. My back and hips seemed to appreciate the lower speed and shorter intervals. The only things that was uncomfortable was the pressure in my lower belly. So we'll see how long I can hold out with the running. Also, and maybe TMI, but everytime I have gotten on the treadmill in the last 2 weeks I've had to get off to poop. Luckily my basement bathroom is literlly 10 steps from the treadmill. As I have issues in this department, I'm not really bugged by it other than having to take a break mid cardio session. Oh well. After my workout, I got all my familys' present wrapped so I can ship them off today. Then I made dinner and by the time I was done with my niece's gift it was 9:30 so I ate a cupcake and went to bed.

    Tonight I have dinner plans with some girlfriends. I am somewhat looking forward to it. The restaurant has an art gallery in the basement so we always have another drink or two and look at art for like an hour. I know me being sober and them not, I'll be tired, my feet will probably hurt, and I'll want to cut it short. I guess since I'm the DD, I can. :smile: Tomorrow night we have a family thing and that's about it. I wanted to buy a bunch of stuff of our registry this weekend, but I'm waiting on our discount card to complete the registry and have been told it doesn't mail out until about a month before the due date. Really?! That seems ridiculous. So I may just start washing and going through our newborn clothes and get as much done in the nursery as I can with what we have.

    Well I have taken entirely too much time doing non-work tasks this morning so I better get to it. I will most likely be MIA this weekend as usual, but I'll keep reading. Have a great weekend all!

    34 weeks
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks guys for all the kind words and support. We plan to do lots of walking this weekend along with other natural methods to help induce labor. Today is my last day of work for 12 weeks, wohoo! I just need the baby now:0) Good news is that my midwife told me yesterday that her head is engaged which should help the process. I'm dealing with some sciatic pain. I had a really bad episode last night right before bed. I literally all of a sudden dropped to my knees it was so sudden and strong. Hannah must be pressing right near my sciatic nerve. I take it as a good sign that she is really low. Gotta stay positive:0)

    Hope you all have a great day! Sounds like you all are staying active and doing healthy things for you and baby, keep it up!

    EDD 12/19
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope everyone is well! I am 8 weeks as of today and I woke up to a little belly pooch surprise! I know you tend to show earlier the 2nd time around but at 8 weeks!?! Sheesh! I didn't show until 7 months with baby #1. Well, hope everyone has a great day! :wink:

    My belly has "popped" now, but I wonder if it's really baby or if it's gas. :blushing: This is my first, so I figured I wouldn't show until I was like 5 months along or something. I don't know what to expect. I've heard that the second or third time around, you show eariler. Yay for baby bumps!!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope everyone is well! I am 8 weeks as of today and I woke up to a little belly pooch surprise! I know you tend to show earlier the 2nd time around but at 8 weeks!?! Sheesh! I didn't show until 7 months with baby #1. Well, hope everyone has a great day! :wink:

    My belly has "popped" now, but I wonder if it's really baby or if it's gas. :blushing: This is my first, so I figured I wouldn't show until I was like 5 months along or something. I don't know what to expect. I've heard that the second or third time around, you show eariler. Yay for baby bumps!!

    In the beginning it is a lot of gas and bloat. One day it will go down and you will worry that something is wrong and then all of a sudden you will really be showing:0) It's completely normal.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Thank you ladies for all of the helpful info. It may be that I'm a little bloated too....I've only gained 1lb so far....and I swear it must have all went to the boobage area...boy do they HURT lol! I don't mind if I do show earlier, I just hope he/she slows down a little after making an appearance...don't wanna get too huge!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope everyone is well! I am 8 weeks as of today and I woke up to a little belly pooch surprise! I know you tend to show earlier the 2nd time around but at 8 weeks!?! Sheesh! I didn't show until 7 months with baby #1. Well, hope everyone has a great day! :wink:

    My belly has "popped" now, but I wonder if it's really baby or if it's gas. :blushing: This is my first, so I figured I wouldn't show until I was like 5 months along or something. I don't know what to expect. I've heard that the second or third time around, you show eariler. Yay for baby bumps!!

    Well just remember everyone is different and carry their babys different. I had a "pooch" for the longest time and I was fine with having a pouch. I'm now 1 day from being 28 weeks and I seemed to have POPPED overnight. I even had a few people at work this morning tell me that the baby has definitely made an appearance!

    Either way, it's exciting to see your tummy expand. Minus the stretch marks.....:grumble: :laugh: