Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Forgot to post my goals for this week:

    - really watch my sodium intake
    - Up the water intake (at least 8-10 per day)
    - 2-3 nights this week do my prenatal workout DVD's
    - Do yoga one night this week.
    - Ice my hands
    - take naps when I can!
    - try to increase veggies
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm starting my vacation (to next year) from tomorrow. With all the time in the world now, I can get back to workout routine:

    - Walk (5 days at least), 30 - 60 min
    - Workout DVD 3 times a week

    Hopefully I'll get my free stationary bike soon.

  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I am just a cranker-ella tonight. I tried posting last night, but something happened to the neighbor's internet that took ours out as well...and I had a big post with messages for people and everything...argh.

    So, my goals for the week are to do at least 10 glasses of water a day, 5 fruits/veg a day, and get back to my regular outside track workout every day this week. I am adding in tricep work as my arms are gross.

    Well, even after chocolate pudding pie topped with peanut butter whipped cream for dessert I am still a grump, so I am going off to bed!
    Hope you all had a better day that this green meanie ;)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Misti- Did your lil one not move too much after, like today I haven't really felt much movement, just sporadic. It's freaking me out. I feel your pain with those BH's, they drove me nuts. Hope they don;t keep me up this night.

    Sorry to hear your Dad's smashed finger, glad it was just a finger and nothing worse. TG, but I bet it was nerve wrecking.

    Take it easy, enjoy your days off with your son, I bet he'll appreciate that quality time.

    It's been raining in Vegas, so no walking the next days, so I plan on doing some PNyoga 2-3x this week.

    ~Brenda~28wks 6dys
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just a quick check in before I get to work today.

    I ran last night for the first time in weeks and it felt good but it is getting harder. I am SLOW and my heart rate seems to get high quicker so I did lower speed and shorter intervals. My lower back was killing last night and my inner hip is today in addition to my back although to a lesser degree. I am thinking running may be getting phased out soon. It just hurts my body too much at this point. Not sure if I'll get my workout in tonight as I need to get the last of my presents and finish decorating the tree. I cooked last and night and will again tonight so I'm doing good on that front.

    I'll check in later. Have a great day!

    33 weeks, 4 days
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning ladies,

    I had my first blown panic attack last night and I'm grateful that my hubby WAS NOT home to witness my meltdown. After my yoga I decided to soak for a while when I caught a glimpse of something pinkish shiny in the mirror. It's next to my belly button- YEAP, I got my first stretch mark!!

    I know that there is nothing that can be done to prevent them, and that they come with the territory but since I hadn't gotten any I was kinda hopin that I wouldn't? LOL....

    What are you ladies doing to minimize/prevent them?

    27 weeks
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Babeed - yeah the stretch marks... Mine are getting more and worse. Well, nothing we can do about those, it's from inside. Don't bother get those cream which claim reducing it, it won't. I only lotion my belly for preventing itchy skinny due to the cold dry weather.

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Ashley! Your picture from your maternity shoot is GORGEOUS! You look absolutely stunning! :smile: As for the running thing, yeah I can't imagine that feels very good at this point, I know when I tried to go running a few times around 15-18 weeks I was feeling pain so I just switched to lower impact type exercises.

    babeed - stretch marks...they are tricky aren't they? AND quite upsetting :grumble: I haven't gotten any on my stomach at all (FINGERS CROSSED) but I have gotten them on my boobs :sad: when I saw the first one I had a meltdown too :blushing: seriously, I'm not so happy about having a ring of stretch marks around my nipples :frown: not fun...but like you said comes with the territory and I really think it's genetic - but I still use Bio Oil and a shea butter bar everyday just in case it is helping in any amount can't hurt to moisturize and make sure your skin isn't tight and itchy :wink:

    AFM - last night was a TOTAL wash...I didn't do ANYTHING :blushing: I was so tired when I got home and my hands had been bugging me all day so I totally just vegged on the couch and watched E! tv until 9PM and then went up to bed lol...I really wish I had gotten something accomplished. Oh and I might have had 2 cupcakes from the 4 I received as a Christmas gift from someone at my office...whoopsies... Tonight will be a different story. I am going to do my Fit Mom DVD, start on the endless pile of laundry we have accumulated, clean my main floor and have a bath...those are my goals for tonight lol...hopefully I can get my butt in gear!
    I have my Rhogan Injection this morning at 10:30 - supposedly it's a big shot in your I'm not really looking forward to it lol. Has anyone else had to get this shot? It's because I'm A negative and my husband is O positive and I guess that can cause your body to produce antibodies that can affect your future pregnancies. I tested negative for antibodies but I have to get the shot anyways just in case. Better safe than sorry I guess :wink:
    3 more days until the 3D ultrasound! Seriously can't WAIT!

    Anyway back to work, happy Tuesday all :flowerforyou:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    babeed - stretch marks...they are tricky aren't they? AND quite upsetting :grumble: I haven't gotten any on my stomach at all (FINGERS CROSSED) but I have gotten them on my boobs :sad: when I saw the first one I had a meltdown too :blushing: seriously, I'm not so happy about having a ring of stretch marks around my nipples :frown: not fun...but like you said comes with the territory and I really think it's genetic - but I still use Bio Oil and a shea butter bar everyday just in case it is helping in any amount can't hurt to moisturize and make sure your skin isn't tight and itchy :wink:

    I don't know why but they are extremly upsetting!! :sad: How the heck am I suppose to wear a 2 piece with stretch marks?? BLAH :sick:

    Atomdraco- I haven't purchased any oils/lotions to counter react the stretch markts but I do have to agree with Rayna. It may not hurt to "extra" lotion up just to keep the dry itchy skin at bay....Meanwhile, I'm gonna pray that I don't get any more...

    Hey a girl can hope!!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Going in for my 3rd ultrasound today :grumble: Hopefully baby has turned over a bit. At least I will get to make sure baby is good cause Im still not feling alot which causes me to go over board with worry :ohwell: . Cant concentrate have to pee so bad already!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Babeed - Stretch marks SUCK!!!! Some people get lucky and don't get any or just a couple. I didn't get any with my son until I was 36 weeks, and I had him at 37 weeks, if they just would've waited one more week. They do lighten up a lot, and so far this time I have used Vitamin E oil EVERY day twice a day and I haven't gotten any. A lot of people say nothing works, it just depends on your skins ability to strech. I used Mederma and that really helped lighten up the ones I got from my son, you can barely see them now. Good luck, I think if your gonna get em' there is nothing gonna stop them. Wish I was one of the lucky ones. All we can do is hope for the best!!!

    Brenda - ya I have noticed she is less active after contractions. Had some last night and she hasn't been as active today yet as she normally is. I have an appt. today so I plan on asking my doctor about this. Don't worry to much, I think it's just part of the way it goes, but I am gonna try to find out.

    Rayna - We all need a veg night bere and there, don't feel bad. Your getting to the stage where you will be tired and somedays it's feels almost impossible to even care about what you should or wanted to do. Today's another day. Good Luck with your goals.

    Ashley - Good job running!!! I can't imagine running right now really. I get out of breath just going up and down my stairs a few times in a row while doing laundry. (16 stairs). LOL. I feel heavy though, even though I haven't gained too much weight, I feel way to heavy to run. Good Job though!!!!

    Last night was kinda busy, and I really wanted to get my yoga in and didn't. Hopefully tonight. My son helped me pack wood, we made dinner, did homework.

    A lil' boy in my son's class house burned down and they lost everything, even pets, their vehiciles.....EVERYTHING. TG they got the 3 kids and themselves out, but I ended up doing through all of my sons clothes and found a couple old backpacks, shoes, socks some outfits, winter coats and jackets they the two lil' boys might be able to wear. It was all in my yard sale stuff so I figured they need it way more than we do. I just feel bad, they have a 12 yr old lil' girl and I didn't have anything for her. Hoping to get her sizes and see if I can find anything at all. They are staying in a motel in town, I just can't imagine that and this time of year too. That has to be so hard. :cry: Glad I could at least help a little bit, but it don't seem like much. Tonight I plan on going through all my kitchen stuff and household items. I have some extra furniture and a vaccumn for them, but right now they don't have a place to put it.

    Ok, Back to work I go...........super busy but I'm leaving early for my dr. appt. My sister is goin with me, I gotta return some items and get stocking stuffers, then I can officially say I am DONE and ready for X-mas!!! Woo Hoo.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Here another from our shoot.


    Now to catch up.....
    Denise - not sure if you mentioned again, but I hope your pain is better. Also, I do not feel especially sexy right now either. I don't feel yucky per say; kind of amazed by my belly really. But I already summed up my feelings about sex right now. This too shall pass. :smile: Sorry also about the stretch marks. I have heard they are purely genetic, but also that they can fade. I still use Palmers lotion most days if nothing else to just stay hydrated. It can't hurt.

    Belinda - I'm glad you're off bed rest! I hope everything goes smoothly from here on out.

    Rosanna - thanks for the info on immunizations. We plan to immunize the baby; seems silly not to.

    jchecca - Enjoy FL! Lucky.....

    Nichole - I hope your week passes quickly and that you go into labor as soon as you get off work. :smile:

    Jaylner - good luck with the circumcission debate.

    Rayna - I hear ya. Our weekends go by so fast that I find myself waiting for them to come back so quickly! I think it has a lot to do with being so busy. Hope your hands feel better. You are probably already getting your shot, but I had the rH negative shot too and it wasn't that bad. The prick hurt and honestly brought a little tear to my eye, but then it was fine; no soreness or anything.

    Taldie - good for you for keeping up running. Be careful in the snow!

    Brenda - Glad you liked the hospital! Sounds nice. I don't even know what mine looks like, but my friend who delivered there said the rooms were really nice.

    Misti - sorry to hear about your Dad but I'm glad it was only a finger. Sorry too about the family with the fire. That's terrible.

    Agrimm - Welcome!

    Atomdraco - I hope your week goes by quickly too so you can enjoy vacation!

    MrsJax - we all have days like that. Hope today is better for you.

    I think I got everyone; sorry if I didn't. Back to work!

  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Welcome Ruthy & agrimm8! I’m wishing you both a happy and healthy pregnancy! Like the others said, check page one for specifics. Also, I’m probably not the best person to give tips being that I totally gave up on watching what I was eating. But my advice is to not become obsessed with your intake, but don’t totally cave to every craving (as I did). Stay conscience and try not to start bad habits. I keep track of my weight weekly and check it on the baby center’s Pregnancy Weight Tracker.

    Ashley, I feel you on the whoopy front! No increase here. My poor DH has been deprived for days (maybe even up to a week) at a time. It’s hard to get in the mood when I look in the mirror and see the lbs packed on and the not-so-pretty protruding belly. Ouch, sorry running is becoming painful. OMG What a gorgeous photo!! Very nice! I can’t wait to get some done!

    Brenda, that hospital sounds great! I hope everything works out. I have to agree, I feel pretty but not sexy at all either.

    Misti, hope your Dr. appt goes well. Our girl was super low last week, but I think she has flipped and moved because the pressure has finally let up. I can only imagine what it’s going to be like when I get further along. I had to chuckle while reading your weekend, that was exactly what mine consisted of. Well, except for your poor Dad’s finger. I hope he heals quickly!
    OMG, that poor family! I can not imagine. My prayers go out to them.

    babeed854, That nursery is super cute! Well done! Stretch marks suck! I haven’t gotten any with pregnancy (yet), but I do have some on my thighs. I hate them!!! I have been full of false hope that the lotion lathering will help, but we will see. No signs YET.

    Nice Goals Rayna, Hattie (I love my stationary bike. Now I just have to get my butt on it!) !!

    MrsJax11, sorry for the rough night. That pie sounds delish though!

    Rayna- That was my night too! 3 more days! How cool!

    Tara, enjoy your ultrasound! I’m sure everything is ok and baby is just in a comfy position and wants to stay there.

    AFM: I know this update is a little late, but thought I would share.
    So we are having a very stubborn girl! LOL It took us an hour and a half to get all the required measurements and find out the sex. She was very active and they had to keep chasing her around to get the right view. Her head was down (I think she just flipped, weirdest feeling yet) and laying on her back facing out which made it impossible to see her spine and the back of her head/neck. It was incredible to see that she was happy, healthy, and comfortable (head butting my bladder at least is comfortable to her…). Towards the end when the tech was getting some good profile pics she even stuck her thumb in her mouth! It was so cool!

    I have been feeling her more and lately. I think it might have to do with knowing where she is and knowing that it is actually her moving that I am feeling and not just belly bubble and stuff. Like I said earlier, I think she just changed positions because I felt a lot of movement and made me think “woe, what are you doing in there?” because I could feel it in multiple places at once. Or I guess it could have been a large stretch or something. Man, sometimes I wish I had a portable ultrasound, just to keep and eye on her and to know what she is up to in there. LOL

    We need to work on finding a name. We had a boy name already picked, but that doesn’t help now. My hub has not been much of a help. Every time I bring up the subject of names he gives my “that’s fine…” or “yeah, sure.” RALLY!? Come on dude! Give me something!

    I weighed myself yesterday and had gained 2lbs in 5 days!! Really!? So needless to say, I will be logging again. It’s been a while. I know I have been eating like crap, but I have been ok on the gaining front. So, it’s a new day and I WILL get my butt to Zumba or on my bike, and I will be conscience of what (and how much) is going my mouth! The vacation is over.

    Drink 8-10 glasses of water
    Do something active 3-4 times
    Increase Fruits and Veggies
    Seriously cut back on the fast food!

    Sorry for the long post… it’s been a while

    19 weeks 3 days
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Welcome to Agrimm!

    Kim-Congrats on your lil girl. Yeah you'll start to feel more movement as you go. My girly is a lazy one. jijiji It took a good while before I felt her move more and still she sleeps alot.

    Misti-Thanks, it really helps to know that you are experiencing the same & good luck on your appt. Let me know what they tell you.
    You are doing a good deed helping those families in need. Kudos to you for giving what you can, that's what counts.

    Taldie-Best wishes for the baby to show!

    Rayna-You are right moisturizing the skin especially in this cold weather is better.

    Ashley- Your pics are great, you look so cute together. The scenery is awesome.

    Denise- Yeah those stretch marks are upsetting, I am using Palmers, but Rosanna recommended Shea Butter. The palmers i have right now has Shea butter, so I might go buy some Vit E oil.

    I already have SM from my son, so I know i might end up getting some more with this pregnancy. can I say how jealous I am my MIL had 3 kids & has no stretch marks??? :grumble: I know right!

    The hubby has been a real trooper, with this pregnancy. Going to the hospitals with me, getting things in the room done. Does anyone feel more appreciative or more loving with their spouse?

    I can't def say, this lil one has brought us more closer.

    ~Brenda~29 weeks today Next Ob appt is Fri. :love:
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    jchecca: Yay for getting stuff done. Love that feeling! Jealous that you have a short week.

    nkster781: Oh my exciting! Hopefully she won't cause much more pain because she will choose to join us here on the outside! Thanks for the article!!!

    jalyner: If you read the latest stats, the trend over the last 10 years is no circumcision. It is up to 78% no circumcision from 56%. Just an FYI. But I fully respect your decision and I hope that you and your husband find a compromise of sorts on the issue. And I agree with jchecca. Make sure you express to your husband why and just how strongly you feel. This is a lifelong decision for your child.

    Rayna: Awesome weekend. And again, jealous of your short week. :wink: And can't wait to see pics of the 3D ultrasound! With regards to the intimate time my husband and I share...well its been lacking. But honestly, its because he is also scared to hurt me/baby. My desires haven't really decreased much. And I can't say that the baby belly has really gotten in the way. Somehow we manage to have the same kind of fun that we used to (sorry if that is TMI). The one thing that has thrown me off, and I don't know if its just because we haven't been as active as usual, is that afterward, I experience EXTREME tightening in my pelvis for SEVERAL hours. I am not really worried about it because it isn't accompanied by any bleeding or discharge or anything really, just tightening. Anyone else experience anything like this? It isn't contractions, or at least as much as I can deduce, because it is really just my pelvis area. I feel like perhaps I should mention it to the doctor, but again, not really concerned because I don't have any other symptoms of something being 'wrong'.

    taldie01: Sounds like you pulled a groin muscle. Hope you feel better soon! And be careful!!!!!! Would love to see pics of the 3D ultrasound later!

    babeed854: Insecurities will always be there. Every phase of our lives something will always take over. And at the end of the day, you're right, we have to overcome them. Just remember that you have a BEAUTIFUL little baby growing inside of you, and try to focus on all of the beautiful changes happening with your body. And remember, not one of us knows if we will ever have the opportunity to experience such a magical thing again. About two weeks ago, my husband noticed (and I hadn't yet) my first stretch marks on my lower belly (Brenda I think I jink zed myself). Now I am extremely self conscious of them, and not liking them at all! It has become a source of insecurity to me. But you know what my husband said when I quasi- freaked out? He said, they're cute and that he loves them. They are the markings of a mother. And that really is a beautiful thing. And I make myself think of them as just that now. When I look at them and I feel myself starting to get upset, I stop myself and I make myself remember what he said. And it makes it all better. I hope that you find a beautiful thought to hold onto about your changing body. Treasure every part of it. Try shea butter. I think its part of the reason I was able to make it to 34-35 weeks before my first presented. We have to remember, they will lighten over time. They don't stay that unattractive pink/purplish color forever.

    Better_Balance: I love that you're comfortable with us to speak detail. Not TMI! Reality and honesty! BTW, I find that any position that we don't face one another is most 'comfortable'. I do get a little self conscious that he will be focused on the belly and not the fun. LOVE LOVE LOVE the maternity pic.

    khrys1: Yay!!

    mistibergman: So sorry to hear about your dad, but glad he is doing ok. Also glad to hear that you had a nice change of pace from your EXTREMELY busy life!! Funny how you call it boring! Hope that the swelling goes down, and its a good thing that you have a doc appt because it could be a sign of blood pressure issues. But I'm sure all will be great!

    agrimm8: WELCOME!

    MrsJax11: Happens to me too for no reason. Hope you feel better.

    kcurtis05: Congratulations on having a baby girl!!!! Glad she eventually worked with you!

    AFM: Got my hair redone last night. Makes me feel so much better. I have so much hair, and I needed a trim/cut so badly. We are going to a wedding this weekend (still need to find a dress) and I feel good knowing my hair looks nice again.
    Got my maternity pics done this weekend. From what I could tell on the camera (the photographer is my cousins fiancee) they should be nice. She said she will have them uploaded for me within about a week. If they are nice, as we did kind of an artsier take, I will post. Also, tried to find a dress on Sunday at a mall, so did a lot of walking, but only found something that I plan to use as a backup if I don't find something after work today/tomorrow.
    Really trying to get AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE done at work this week. Would like to officially be able to start cutting back my hours a bit next week, and do so progressively until baby is born. I anticipate that I will be coming into the office for at least an hour or two until baby arrives. Which I'm fine with.
    Got some unfortunate news yesterday about my furniture.... I placed my order Oct 16 and was informed it would be an 8-10 week lead time until it shipped to the store from the manufacturer. And then we would need to schedule delivery to our house. Well yesterday made 8 weeks, and while I wasn't expecting the furniture yet, I thought I would call to get a status update as to whether we should expect it sooner or later in the 8-10 week period. The person at the furniture store decided to let me know (why it took me calling them I don't know) that my crib is on backorder and it will not ship from the manufacturer until Jan 13 (DD Jan 10). Which means I won't have my crib until the end of January. I am supposed to be receiving a call from the owner of the store sometime today to determine 'what they will do for me'. They told me they would provide me a loaner crib which puts me at ease that I will have something to put my baby in (because I opted to skip the bassinet stage), but that means I don't get to have the baby's room truly finished until after baby arrives. This wasn't part of the plan. Its disappointing, but I know its certainly not the end of the world. Who would have thought 3 months wasn't enough time to purchase furniture? The only reason I'm actually annoyed about this whole thing is if I hadn't called, when were they going to inform me? The claim that the customer service rep made is that manufacturer only notifies them of items being backordered if there is more than a 13 week lead time...well then why do you purport to your customers that they will have their furniture in 8-10 weeks?!?! Anyway, I hope the store owner is very accommodating when we speak later, because if not I'm going to have to get nasty...and I can get VERY nasty.

    Thanks for letting me vent ladies!!

    Eat out 1x, besides the wedding. We already have dinner plans with friends we haven't seen in a long time for Thursday night.
    Walk 4x (treadmill and outside)
    Strength 3x
    Yoga 1-2x

    36 weeks today!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Just an update!! Let me know if there are any errors, additions, or updates!

    19- Nichole (nkster781) GIRL

    10- Rosanna (rosannabarbar) ???
    25- Ashley (Better_Balance) GIRL

    5- Elce (emrogers) BOY
    12- Misti (mitstibergman) GIRL
    22- Jessica (jchecca) BOY
    22- Paula (paulandrea) GIRL
    23- Hattie (atomdraco) GIRL
    23- Rayna (rayna) BOY
    28- Brenda (lunarokra) GIRL

    8- Heather (H_82) BOY
    12- Denise (babeed854) BOY
    15- Cindy (MidniteDayDre) BOY
    23- Kristy (kristy_estes2) GIRL

    9- Brianna (breezy4sheezy) BOY
    10- Ashley (abeare) BOY
    11- Kristin (Kistinbee) ???
    13-Shelly (shellgib) GIRL
    13- Sharon (svgarcia) GIRL
    14- Kim (Kimmers99) GIRL
    16- Sylvia (80lbslost) GIRL
    21- Aimee (aimeeclaire) BOY
    27- Julia (onetxjewel) BOY
    29- Tara (taldie01) ???

    5- Kim (kcurtis05) GIRL
    9- Tanya (scutes) ???
    21- Kait (Millionsofpeaches) ???
    21- Linda (gisele246) ???

    1- Amanda (batgirlrox)
    9- Belinda (bmfrazie) ???
    17- Jane (9Honey16) ???
    21- Kelly (Kelly_m) ???
    23- Christina (stellcorb) ???

    4- Jalyn (jalyner) ???
    7- Mary (Roobean33) ???
    9- Audrey (amicklin) ???
    10- Melissa (cutmd) ???
    15- Becca (MrsJax11) ???
    26- Sarah (sas6575)???

    4- Kristin (ladybugmommy1) ???
    21- Alissa (EngiAli) ???


    How many kids do you have:
    Due Date:
    How far along are you:
    Do you know the gender:
    Babies Name:
    Where do you live (if you want to share):
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant:
    Fun Fact about yourself:
    Anything you would like to add:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Just an update!! Let me know if there are any errors, additions, or updates!

    19- Nichole (nkster781) GIRL

    10- Rosanna (rosannabarbar) ???
    25- Ashley (Better_Balance) GIRL

    5- Elce (emrogers) BOY
    12- Misti (mitstibergman) GIRL
    22- Jessica (jchecca) BOY
    22- Paula (paulandrea) GIRL
    23- Hattie (atomdraco) GIRL
    23- Rayna (rayna) BOY
    28- Brenda (lunarokra) GIRL

    8- Heather (H_82) BOY
    12- Denise (babeed854) BOY
    15- Cindy (MidniteDayDre) BOY
    23- Kristy (kristy_estes2) GIRL

    9- Brianna (breezy4sheezy) BOY
    10- Ashley (abeare) BOY
    11- Kristin (Kistinbee) ???
    13-Shelly (shellgib) GIRL
    13- Sharon (svgarcia) GIRL
    14- Kim (Kimmers99) GIRL
    16- Sylvia (80lbslost) GIRL
    21- Aimee (aimeeclaire) BOY
    27- Julia (onetxjewel) BOY
    29- Tara (taldie01) ???

    5- Kim (kcurtis05) GIRL
    9- Tanya (scutes) ???
    21- Kait (Millionsofpeaches) ???
    21- Linda (gisele246) ???

    1- Amanda (batgirlrox)
    9- Belinda (bmfrazie) ???
    17- Jane (9Honey16) ???
    21- Kelly (Kelly_m) ???
    23- Christina (stellcorb) ???

    4- Jalyn (jalyner) ???
    7- Mary (Roobean33) ???
    9- Audrey (amicklin) ???
    10- Melissa (cutmd) ???
    15- Becca (MrsJax11) ???
    26- Sarah (sas6575)???

    4- Kristin (ladybugmommy1) ???
    21- Alissa (EngiAli) ???


    How many kids do you have:
    Due Date:
    How far along are you:
    Do you know the gender:
    Babies Name:
    Where do you live (if you want to share):
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant:
    Fun Fact about yourself:
    Anything you would like to add:

    Add me! :)

    Name: Andrea
    Hubby/Partner: Ty
    Age: 29 (30 in January!)
    How many kids do you have: this is our first
    Due Date: June 30
    How far along are you: 11 1/2 weeks
    Do you know the gender: nope!
    Babies Name: we like Mia Rose and Jack Owen right now, that can always change! Jack and Rosemary are my grandparents names
    Where do you live (if you want to share): CT
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: I wasn't allowed to workout for a while due to spoting, and once I was cleared I had a terrible chest cold! I am doing Summer Sanders DVDs and walking. I might try to throw in the elliptical or something, too. Open to suggestions and ideas!!!
    Fun Fact about yourself: We were given a 4% chance of conceiving on our own, so we are pretty excited/nervous! I have an appt next week, so I am hoping everything is good and normal. I think I'll feel better then.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Just an update!! Let me know if there are any errors, additions, or updates!

    19- Nichole (nkster781) GIRL

    10- Rosanna (rosannabarbar) ???
    25- Ashley (Better_Balance) GIRL

    5- Elce (emrogers) BOY
    12- Misti (mitstibergman) GIRL
    22- Jessica (jchecca) BOY
    22- Paula (paulandrea) GIRL
    23- Hattie (atomdraco) GIRL
    23- Rayna (rayna) BOY
    28- Brenda (lunarokra) GIRL

    8- Heather (H_82) BOY
    12- Denise (babeed854) BOY
    15- Cindy (MidniteDayDre) BOY
    23- Kristy (kristy_estes2) GIRL

    9- Brianna (breezy4sheezy) BOY
    10- Ashley (abeare) BOY
    11- Kristin (Kistinbee) ???
    13-Shelly (shellgib) GIRL
    13- Sharon (svgarcia) GIRL
    14- Kim (Kimmers99) GIRL
    16- Sylvia (80lbslost) GIRL
    21- Aimee (aimeeclaire) BOY
    27- Julia (onetxjewel) BOY
    29- Tara (taldie01) ???

    5- Kim (kcurtis05) GIRL
    9- Tanya (scutes) ???
    21- Kait (Millionsofpeaches) ???
    21- Linda (gisele246) ???

    1- Amanda (batgirlrox)
    9- Belinda (bmfrazie) ???
    17- Jane (9Honey16) ???
    21- Kelly (Kelly_m) ???
    23- Christina (stellcorb) ???
    30- Andrea (andreamichell) ???

    4- Jalyn (jalyner) ???
    7- Mary (Roobean33) ???
    9- Audrey (amicklin) ???
    10- Melissa (cutmd) ???
    15- Becca (MrsJax11) ???
    26- Sarah (sas6575)???

    4- Kristin (ladybugmommy1) ???
    21- Alissa (EngiAli) ???


    How many kids do you have:
    Due Date:
    How far along are you:
    Do you know the gender:
    Babies Name:
    Where do you live (if you want to share):
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant:
    Fun Fact about yourself:
    Anything you would like to add:

    Add me! :)

    Name: Andrea
    Hubby/Partner: Ty
    Age: 29 (30 in January!)
    How many kids do you have: this is our first
    Due Date: June 30
    How far along are you: 11 1/2 weeks
    Do you know the gender: nope!
    Babies Name: we like Mia Rose and Jack Owen right now, that can always change! Jack and Rosemary are my grandparents names
    Where do you live (if you want to share): CT
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: I wasn't allowed to workout for a while due to spoting, and once I was cleared I had a terrible chest cold! I am doing Summer Sanders DVDs and walking. I might try to throw in the elliptical or something, too. Open to suggestions and ideas!!!
    Fun Fact about yourself: We were given a 4% chance of conceiving on our own, so we are pretty excited/nervous! I have an appt next week, so I am hoping everything is good and normal. I think I'll feel better then.

  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Got some unfortunate news yesterday about my furniture.... I placed my order Oct 16 and was informed it would be an 8-10 week lead time until it shipped to the store from the manufacturer. And then we would need to schedule delivery to our house. Well yesterday made 8 weeks, and while I wasn't expecting the furniture yet, I thought I would call to get a status update as to whether we should expect it sooner or later in the 8-10 week period. The person at the furniture store decided to let me know (why it took me calling them I don't know) that my crib is on backorder and it will not ship from the manufacturer until Jan 13 (DD Jan 10). Which means I won't have my crib until the end of January. I am supposed to be receiving a call from the owner of the store sometime today to determine 'what they will do for me'. They told me they would provide me a loaner crib which puts me at ease that I will have something to put my baby in (because I opted to skip the bassinet stage), but that means I don't get to have the baby's room truly finished until after baby arrives. This wasn't part of the plan. Its disappointing, but I know its certainly not the end of the world. Who would have thought 3 months wasn't enough time to purchase furniture? The only reason I'm actually annoyed about this whole thing is if I hadn't called, when were they going to inform me? The claim that the customer service rep made is that manufacturer only notifies them of items being backordered if there is more than a 13 week lead time...well then why do you purport to your customers that they will have their furniture in 8-10 weeks?!?! Anyway, I hope the store owner is very accommodating when we speak later, because if not I'm going to have to get nasty...and I can get VERY nasty.

    Thanks for letting me vent ladies!!

    36 weeks today!!

    OMG I'm so sorry! That would send me through the roof! I really hope they can "do a lot for you!" Hmm makes me think, we should prolly get ordering sooner than later, huh? Do you mind sharing who you ordered from? DH and I think we will prolly buy from Buy Buy Baby if we can't find what we want for cheaper elsewhere.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Got some unfortunate news yesterday about my furniture.... I placed my order Oct 16 and was informed it would be an 8-10 week lead time until it shipped to the store from the manufacturer. And then we would need to schedule delivery to our house. Well yesterday made 8 weeks, and while I wasn't expecting the furniture yet, I thought I would call to get a status update as to whether we should expect it sooner or later in the 8-10 week period. The person at the furniture store decided to let me know (why it took me calling them I don't know) that my crib is on backorder and it will not ship from the manufacturer until Jan 13 (DD Jan 10). Which means I won't have my crib until the end of January. I am supposed to be receiving a call from the owner of the store sometime today to determine 'what they will do for me'. They told me they would provide me a loaner crib which puts me at ease that I will have something to put my baby in (because I opted to skip the bassinet stage), but that means I don't get to have the baby's room truly finished until after baby arrives. This wasn't part of the plan. Its disappointing, but I know its certainly not the end of the world. Who would have thought 3 months wasn't enough time to purchase furniture? The only reason I'm actually annoyed about this whole thing is if I hadn't called, when were they going to inform me? The claim that the customer service rep made is that manufacturer only notifies them of items being backordered if there is more than a 13 week lead time...well then why do you purport to your customers that they will have their furniture in 8-10 weeks?!?! Anyway, I hope the store owner is very accommodating when we speak later, because if not I'm going to have to get nasty...and I can get VERY nasty.

    Thanks for letting me vent ladies!!

    36 weeks today!!

    OMG I'm so sorry! That would send me through the roof! I really hope they can "do a lot for you!" Hmm makes me think, we should prolly get ordering sooner than later, huh? Do you mind sharing who you ordered from? DH and I think we will prolly buy from Buy Buy Baby if we can't find what we want for cheaper elsewhere.

    I concur with kcurtis!! Im pretty vocal when I'm not pregnant but I've become even worse now that I am...My temper just seems to flare!

    hope all goes well and call us if you need help! :laugh: