Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member

    I also realize there are a few things my hubby and I need to discuss like the issue of circumcision if we have a boy. Eeek. Anyone have a strong opinion about this?
    Also, anyone plan on wearing something other than hospital gown for their labor/delivery? If so, what are you planning on wearing. I know that I would be most comfortable in some sort of more regular clothing, but I have no idea what to wear.

    Rosanna - I strongly recommend getting your baby circumcised if he's a boy. I was nervous about it with my son and he didn't even cry. My nephew didn't have it done and now he has to and he's 4. That is sad, will be extremely painful and the fact that they can touch it on makes infection more possible. Also a friend of mine's little boy had to have it done when he was 3. I would say yes, do it!!!

    On the clothes issue, IDK what to do about this either. I was thinking of what would be comfortable, I just wore the hospital gown the first time and I guess didn't pay attention to it being comfortable or not, might do that again if I don't come up with something by then I guess.

    This is a MAJOR FIGHT between my husband and I. If we have a boy, I want it circumcised and DH says "over my dead body". He's mad at his parents for making the decision for him when he was an infant because he claims that he's lost 60% (no idea how he came up with this number) of his sensation. I think he does just fine. :huh: He thinks it's outdated, no medical reason to do it, and that it's barbaric. I think it's gross to look at, number one, but number two, medically, aren't there a lot of good reasons to do it? Aside from that, I don't want to clean it out every time I change a diaper. I told him that he'll be changing all the poopy diapers if he's not circumcised. It makes me SO MAD to even think about it. He's been so stubbord about it and calls me "illogical" every time I bring it up. :explode: :grumble: :mad:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    i love the lists...the only thing that concerns me about myself is that i will pack WAY too much!

    question for the board (might be silly)...when do you add your baby to insurance?? is this something you do before or after they are born???

    I would contact your health provider. I am not able to add the baby until after the birth certificate has been issued and declared by the state. Although I didn't ask if a Social security # would be needed...because if it is then I'll need to get that before I get the baby added. BUT they did tell me that regardless of when I add the baby to my insurance it would be post dated to the date the baby was born.

    hope that helps!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Happy Friday!

    Tried fit mama yesterday and well if you like dancing you might like but I do not. Gonna try Jillian Micheals and just alternate it a bit. No more walking outside, to icey. Took my lil peanut to see Santa last night I almost started crying she listened to him so intently and was very serious about this Santa bussiness, shes 2.5. All she wants is a candy cane for Christmas, it blew her mind when Santa gave her 2!

    I really need to stop adding in treats everyday! I ate an entire brick of fudge, and a bit of McDonalds....

    Im also a little stressed out about baby moving, Im almost 20 weeks and rarely feel it if ever. My placenta sits anterios so that makes a difference, I just wish I would get to feel it a bit more so I wouldnt worry so much. I worry enough as it is!

    Busy weekend for us, my boss is having an 80's themed xmas party sat night, I am going to try to go as an 80s bussiness women with a big shoulder pad blazer and tights. Then we have our company kids Christmas party, complete with bouncy castles, magic shows, lasagna buffet, crafts, dance off, a few Calgary Flames show up, Santa comes in with a police escort, quite the todo! Im more excited than her!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    EngiAli-Thanks. I eagerly await that day, for sure. I'm sure DH will be excited for the 5th month. I soooo don't want to have sex. Poor man....

    Sandijones- welcome and congrats!

    Timnada2- Welcome and congrats

    Weird dreams are taking over my sleep! Last night I dreamt that aliens, who looked like us, were forcing me to eat spiders. Weird and gross.

    Question: Do your orgasms hurt? Mine are so painful I'm afraid of them! I get them in my sleep like 2 time a week and I'm not a fan.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member

    I also realize there are a few things my hubby and I need to discuss like the issue of circumcision if we have a boy. Eeek. Anyone have a strong opinion about this?
    Also, anyone plan on wearing something other than hospital gown for their labor/delivery? If so, what are you planning on wearing. I know that I would be most comfortable in some sort of more regular clothing, but I have no idea what to wear.

    Rosanna - I strongly recommend getting your baby circumcised if he's a boy. I was nervous about it with my son and he didn't even cry. My nephew didn't have it done and now he has to and he's 4. That is sad, will be extremely painful and the fact that they can touch it on makes infection more possible. Also a friend of mine's little boy had to have it done when he was 3. I would say yes, do it!!!

    On the clothes issue, IDK what to do about this either. I was thinking of what would be comfortable, I just wore the hospital gown the first time and I guess didn't pay attention to it being comfortable or not, might do that again if I don't come up with something by then I guess.

    This is a MAJOR FIGHT between my husband and I. If we have a boy, I want it circumcised and DH says "over my dead body". He's mad at his parents for making the decision for him when he was an infant because he claims that he's lost 60% (no idea how he came up with this number) of his sensation. I think he does just fine. :huh: He thinks it's outdated, no medical reason to do it, and that it's barbaric. I think it's gross to look at, number one, but number two, medically, aren't there a lot of good reasons to do it? Aside from that, I don't want to clean it out every time I change a diaper. I told him that he'll be changing all the poopy diapers if he's not circumcised. It makes me SO MAD to even think about it. He's been so stubbord about it and calls me "illogical" every time I bring it up. :explode: :grumble: :mad:

    Ok...again I have really strong opinions about this but please don't mistake my tone here - I am coming from a place of genuine caring about this issue not trying to mean or overly-opinionated....with that said.

    jalyner - I would have to agree with your husband on this - Like I said in my post yesterday there are no medical/hygiene benefits to circumcision - it is outdated and unnecessary. The foreskin is there for a reason, it wouldn't be there naturally if it wasn't there for a purpose. It is the protection for the penis against infection etc -Babies need foreskin to protect the “glans” (the part of the penis that is in the foreskin) from bacteria and infections – like the kind of infections that can be caused by a diaper full of pee and poop. AND you are not supposed to pull it back to clean it. The foreskin is there naturally and has a self-cleaning “mechanism”, much like a female’s vagina does. You should not retract the skin (especially infants and children) until it is easily retractable. All children need is a good warm bath to keep it clean.

    Anyway - if your only objection to it is that you think it "looks gross" I would seriously do more research because there are no founded medical benefits. Also, like your husband says, it does reduce sensitivity later in life because the glans is not protected by the foreskin. It would be like having your labia removed and your *kitten* out all the time...just something to think about :)

    Again in no way am I saying any of this in a nasty tone, I just am really passionate about people having ALL the information before making a big decision like with circumcision - because it's permanent and it is a big decision.

    Ok...I'm done! lol :smile:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Welcome to all newcomers!

    Jaylner- Welcome! I remember watching a show about sexual situations and there was one of a man who had been circumcised and as an adult he learned that due to his lack of foreskin he had lost sensitivity and intimacy was awful and went on to inventing a device to stretch the skin out. I can't say it's true, but something you can look up.
    Hope you both compromise and decide what is best for your baby, good luck.

    Taldie- Have fun at your Christmas parties,this year our employer is thinking of doing an office potluck thing. :grumble: Not so exciting!
    I also freak out that I didn't feel much movement around those early weeks either but I guess it depends how the placenta & the baby are positioned. It is worriesome though.

    Rayna- Awesome independence there getting through your crochet project without an instructor. It is irritating to get to place where no one shows up though! Good luck on completing your project & I'm sure you'll share a pix.

    As for the insurances are concerned, I know they request a copy of birth certificate under the one we have. It could probably vary from insurance carrier.

    Denise- Luv the lists, you are awesome. Thanks for sharing! :flowerforyou:

    Heather-thanks for all the advice too! :flowerforyou:

    AFM: I took it easy last night and was in bed by 9, not asleep yet just layed & watched TV while this lil one moved for a little bit until we fell asleep.

    ~Brenda~28wks 3dys
    Sorry if I missed anyone.
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    thanks all for the insight to my insurance question...i will definitely call my provider and see what the deal is :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    thanks all for the insight to my insurance question...i will definitely call my provider and see what the deal is :)

    I just met with my pedeatrician and she said the baby will be covered for the first 30 days under my insurance, not 6 months like I thought. And I really like the dr. and the office. She was very up front in telling us the office is "old school" and does all immunizations. I think a lot of young couples do not immunize b/c of fear of immunizations causing autism. What are you all's opinions on immunizing? We plan to get the full gammet. We were both immunized and turned out fine. Well mostly. :wink:

    Still demotivated,
  • Demwitted
    thanks all for the insight to my insurance question...i will definitely call my provider and see what the deal is :)

    I just met with my pedeatrician and she said the baby will be covered for the first 30 days under my insurance, not 6 months like I thought. And I really like the dr. and the office. She was very up front in telling us the office is "old school" and does all immunizations. I think a lot of young couples do not immunize b/c of fear of immunizations causing autism. What are you all's opinions on immunizing? We plan to get the full gammet. We were both immunized and turned out fine. Well mostly. :wink:

    Still demotivated,

    I feel like the fear of childhood immunizations is totally irrational. Even if there is a one in a million chance that there will be a side effect or a complication from the immunizations, the chance that an un-vaccinated child could contract a serious illness and suffer complications from that is much greater.

    That said, flu shots make me really nervous. I'm worried I'll be asked to get one this year. I have never gotten one and also have never gotten the flu. I have several friends who get both the shot and the flu every year. What have your doctors recommended about flu shots?
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Heather: Thanks for all of your helpful info!! I'm taking notes :)
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    My Dr. highly recommended me to get a flu shot this year. So, I got it for the first time (without preservatives) and had no side effects.

    We plan on having our baby fully vaccinated.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! So excited to start my 3 day weekend and hope to get a boatload of crap done (hopefully!).
    Got an exercise question for you ladies. I've got a yoga DVD that I like because it's challenging (Power Yoga w/ Rodney Yee) but there are a few moves that I'm pretty sure may not be a good idea for much longer (I'm only 12 weeks)... One move is the reverse bow, which I called a "bridge or backbend" growing up. The other is the regular bow pose where you lay on your stomach, lift your head, chest and legs and grab your feet. These I'm pretty sure I can skip, but I'm wondering about the overall DVD. I have a pre-natal yoga DVD, but it's a bit too easy. I don't consider doing keagles for 20 minutes a good workout (though I know the pelvic floor is important in birth).
    Is anyone familiar w/ Rodney Yee's power yoga? If so, what do you think? Ditch it all together and move on to pre-natal yoga and try to mix in strength training in my workout? Or does anyone have a pre-natal yoga DVD that's a bit more challenging as far as the strength bit?
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Just tried Jillian Micheals 30 day shred level one, wasnt dure on jumping jacks so I modified it and alot of crunches so again being flat on your back, any thoughts on thse moves ladies?

    19 Weeks Day 6
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Guys, happy Friday.

    I've been reading everyone's post but just have not found the motivation to comment.

    A quick update:

    I'm doing pretty good. My stomach is huge. We have been doing a birth and baby class at the hospital and we did our tour last night. The woman at the front desk asked me when I was coming to visit and that I look like I'm ready to pop now, haha. I can't believe the time is coming. I'm feeling pretty good. At my 36 week appointment I got the strep B test done and it was negative which is awesome because then I won't need antibiotics during labor. She had also did a cervical examine. at that point I was not progressing at all. This weeks (38 week) appointment I was offered to be checked again but I declined. I don't want to be disappointed plus things can change at anytime. She will check next week though for week 39. If there is no progress she will schedule me for an ultrasound the next week. They check to make sure the baby is still ok and that the amniotic fluid is still good. If it is I can go to 41 weeks but they will keep testing me to make sure things are ok. They will not let me go past 42 weeks. So hopefully there will be some progress next week. My midwife was hoping that I would have dropped by now (when babies head engages into your pelvis and stays there until labor) because it helps you dilate, but silly Hannah has been low this whole pregnancy but now is deciding she wants to move up more. Good thing is that she is head down so not breeched which is really important. So we will see. I have had no contractions so I feel like she is very happy where she is. I'm just taking one day at a time at this point and just trying to get as many things done around the house as I can. It's actually nice because there is so much going on this time a year that I don't have much time to sit and just think about it.

    Hope to catch up soon. Next week is my last week of work before I begin maternity leave.
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    So excited for you, Nichole! :) Keeping you and Hannah in my thoughts.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yay Nicole! You're getting closer!

    Tara, you can modify a lot of things, but I personally think 30DS may be a little much and require too much modiciation for pregnancy. I completed 30 days shortly before I got pregnant. Especially once you go up in levels. Mountain climbers while pregnant sounds terrible. You may ask your dr though.

    Stellcorb, I have gone to a slow flow ashtanga class later in my pregnancy and I have to modify anything twisting (I can't really do any twisting), laying on my back (I get propped up), and at the last class, the instructor and studio owner actully assisted me (held my shoulder) during balance poses. I don't think you are supposed to lay on your stomach to the extent of bow (I do cobra during ashtanga as long as my stomach doesn't feel like its pulling) and I doubt that any backbends would be recommended either. I know inversions are not allowed either. I was doing power yoga weekly prior to pregnancy but stopped after I asked my instructor about it and he recommended stopping that class during pregnancy. (It was a difficult.and rigorous class). I have only done classes where an instructor can tell me modiciations and I've done some prenatal stuff. Good luck!

    Aimee I hadn't gotten a flu shot in about 7-8 years but my dr. highly recomended it. I too got the preservative free (and its a dead virus) and had no side effects. A bonus is that if you breastfeed you pass the antibody onto your baby too which is good for mine who will be born in prime flu season in January.

    OK, I am going home now. You all enjoy the weekend! I'll check in over the weekend but probably not write.

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Quick check in. This week has been a complete disaster!! Hubby started new schedule which means we have to both adjust, had planned to work out all week and that never happened. I can't say I've been eating good or drinking my water. Had fun night in and allowed myself 1/2 a glass of red wine. Ive been so wrapped up with everything else, I had forgotten what it was like to just be a girl :smooched:

    Working late tonight and working tomorrow (Saturday) but I'm not complaining. Every little bit helps our budget :wink:
    Hubby and I are bound & determined to finish this year out strong financially, emotionally, physically !!
    So onward we go!! :laugh:

    Hoping to get a walk in with Neena tonight even if it's late & GOING TO work out tomorrow before I come into the office or after!!

    ((hugs to everyone))
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    I got the flu shot from my OB and I talked to him about it before & the mercury concern I had, and according to him the dose is specifically designed for preggos. The hubby was sick last week and thankfully (knock on wood) I didn't get his germs.

    Nichole-How exciting! Good thoughts, vibes & prayers for you & Hannah.

    I managed to get a 15 min walk during lunch , I really needed it from sitting in the chair too much.

    As for the workouts, I also slowed everything down from spin to yoga, and did some PNyoga DVD's. I know the workout isn't sweat drenching but they always make me feel good. I am checking some new ones from the library tomorrow. :wink:

    ~Brenda~ 28wks3dys
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hi Girlies!
    So much going on...hmmm...what to talk about first...
    Flu shot -- my doc didn't say anything, and I don't plan on getting it. I am just not into it. There is a lot of crap that goes into a flu shot, and I feel like my immune system is pretty tough from working around kids.
    Child immunizations -- most are needed...however, I believe in waiting longer to give them. I would prefer to wait until the latest point in the window when the child is more developed. I would also make sure to request mercury free shots. As for them causing Autism -- I have a friend that didn't immunize her child and he ended up diagnosed with I don't know about that.
    Circumsizing - I don't plan on it, and the majority of my circle of friends have not had their baby boys cut. I don't think it is needed in modern society. However, from what I have read, rates of cervical cancer (which is caused by HPV) are incredibly lower in jewish communities and it is said that the reason is the cut penises carry less germs/disease. I have no idea about pulling the skin back to clean it or whatnot -- I assume that I will be instructed in that along the way by someone in the know. I also did know a 4 year old who needed to be circumsized due to frequent infection...but he also was NOT potty trained, and I think that was the cause of his infections-- that and the fact that he did not allow his parents to bathe him regularly.

    babeed- I am with you on laming out on the workouts! I was good Monday, and did a little walking/cleaning on Tuesday and Wed, but nothing today or yesterday. It's ok-- we can get back on track this weekend:)

    Nicole -- so happy for your good news! sending positive thoughts your way that Hannah gets things moving on her seem like you are enjoying your last few weeks and staying healthy. Way to go!

    Everyone else -- Keep up the good work!!!! Santa is watching ;)

    AFM -- have had a lazy past two days...and allowed myself the extra rest. I am looking forward to biking or paddling this weekend, as well as getting caught up on cleaning. I may have to buy some yoga nice work jeans are too tight from the bloat, and it is too cold for dresses lately. I am up 2 lbs, which isn't too bad for 81/2 weeks I guess.
    I am so glad that next week is a short one -- 3 class days and then half days for exams...then Winter break. I will be happy when the first tri and m/s are over. It comes and goes -- today and yesterday were pretty rough....I know it won't last much longer though, and will be worth it in the end!
    Have a great night!!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    stellcorb, how did things go with your boss? And one pound? You are NOT allowed to complain!

    welcome and congrats to kellyrorie!

    rayna, you are positively glowing! Crocheting seems like a perfect way to bond with the MIL

    jchecca- sorry to hear about the gas but at least you didn’t get it so bad until this late, I already get it, lol

    luna/Brenda – congrats on the steals!

    Jalyn – impressive pedigree and training! I am curious as to what your ob will think of crossfit since some of them are against heavy lifting, lol. My energy level has plummeted as well, so I know where you are coming from! You’ll get it back! My uterus was contracting painfully during orgasm up to a week ago. Please see my post below re: circumcision

    Babeed – your research looks impeccable! The hospital looks great, but of course the most important thing is to be in and out and to know their complication rate. Sorry to hear about the swelling, only elevating above your heart really helps though. Voting for the pediatric circumcision

    offcat- sorry to hear about your computer but it seems you are thriving!

    MrsJax, you are doing great, much better than me! A lot of weight gain is just water. Keep up the good work!

    Kelly_m, sounds like you are doing fine, the occasional indulgence is ok, no?

    Better_Balance, sorry to hear about your doggie, the worst thing about pets are their shorter lifespans. Hope she keeps eating! Have you heard of using thundershirts for wetting behaviour? It’s supposed to calm the dog too

    Kristinbee – congrats on having a date set, how exciting!

    Kristy – congrats on the US, hope you’re off having fun at the party!

    heathercrist – you are doing ridiculously well aren’t you? 8 llbs from pre-preg weight – just wow! Keep the updates coming!

    amicklin – welcome and congrats! We are about the same along. I feel you on the nausea and DH and I used to fight about baby names when we were dating so we haven’t even broached that one yet, lol

    Nicoe – so exciting, you’re doing so great

    taldie – your kielbasa and pierogies sound delightful! Exercises on your back are not recommended after the 1st trimester due to uterine blood flow, most exercises you can modify so that they are in a standing position.

    misti – can’t believe how close you are already! I’m sure work will still be there when you get back, so feel free to dream of baby names!
    rosannababar – impressive bump! You definitely look all belly! Hope the heartburn relents a bit! Just remember whatever you wear will be soiled beyond belief. I support circumcision for hygiene and preventative care. I have seen too many kids come to the ER with problems from urinary infections to phimosis to balanitis and need late repair. (Rayna, we can agree to disagree on this one, right?)

    Demwitted – thanks for the reminder to all. Benzoyl Peroxide is safe during pregnancy so consider those products. There are a bunch of relative risks in pregnancy, you just have to decide if they are worse taking. I am skipping out on most risk this time around!

    atomdraco – sorry you’ve been so busy! Hope things calm down a bit

    Hi sandijones, how are you pulling off so little weight loss? Congrats!

    Welcome timanda and congrats!

    Aimee, glad to see you’re doing great and active as ever

    AFM, Very nauseated and tired this week, I haven’t worked out much and have mainly been sleeping. It's to the point where I have largely lost interest in watching what I am eating since my stomach is so finicky anyway :frown:. Not used to having so little energy so looking forward to 2nd trimester for several reasons! So far the LO seems to be surviving my danger week (from the quickie US I check in the ER) but I’m getting my Doppler tomorrow, hopefully I can pick up the hr already!a

    With regard to the recent issue coming up, i will say, I’m a doctor, not just any doctor but an ER doctor, so I see a lot of bad things happen to kids. I feel very strongly about immunization and am convinced by the very clear data on the medical benefit to circumcision. I am happy to debate usually. But this has been such a friendly thread, I think we should ask each other if we want to go down this road or if we should save the debates for other forums? We could also go ahead and start a group where we could have multiple threads going on, some about topics of debate, some about pregnancy progress, etc. Especially since we are getting so large. What do we think?

    Melissa, 9w 4d