Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • My Dr. highly recommended me to get a flu shot this year. So, I got it for the first time (without preservatives) and had no side effects.

    We plan on having our baby fully vaccinated.

    Without preservatives? Is that a special kind or something?
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    My Dr. highly recommended me to get a flu shot this year. So, I got it for the first time (without preservatives) and had no side effects.

    We plan on having our baby fully vaccinated.

    Without preservatives? Is that a special kind or something?

    Preservative-free version is usually giving to young kids and prego. Thimerosal (is a compound that is 49.6% mercury by weight) is typically used for preserving those flu vaccines. You can read more about it online if you like, such as:

  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    EngiAli-Thanks. I eagerly await that day, for sure. I'm sure DH will be excited for the 5th month. I soooo don't want to have sex. Poor man....

    Sandijones- welcome and congrats!

    Timnada2- Welcome and congrats

    Weird dreams are taking over my sleep! Last night I dreamt that aliens, who looked like us, were forcing me to eat spiders. Weird and gross.

    Question: Do your orgasms hurt? Mine are so painful I'm afraid of them! I get them in my sleep like 2 time a week and I'm not a fan.
    I too,have been having the most vivid and strange dreams lately!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Babeed – your research looks impeccable! The hospital looks great, but of course the most important thing is to be in and out and to know their complication rate. Sorry to hear about the swelling, only elevating above your heart really helps though. Voting for the pediatric circumcision

    Melissa, 9w 4d

    Melissa, good point and this is exactly why I have my notebook!! Because peoples perspectives & opinions are GOLDEN!! Complication rate, got it...will definitely call and ask - or ask my doctor to research!

    Thanks again!!

    37 wks (today)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Happy Sunday ladies!!

    Moving very slow today, having some severe groing pain but from my reseasrch it shows that it's very normal. I'm 27 weeks today and it sounds like this baby is making it's home lower than I thought it was possible!?! LOL...

    Going to do some pilates this afternoon- I'm thinking the stretching may help and as Rayna mentioned earlier prehaps a soothing soak in the tub with epson salts may help out too!!

    Most definitely in nesting mode!! House is sweaky clean from top to bottom! You guys are welcome to come over and inspect with the white gloves!!

    Have a few more chores to do before I call it a lazy sunday.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am 9wks pregnant and a friend of mine just referred me to this group. I have been absolutely overwhelmed and frustrated with how tired and hungry I am all the time! Before I became pregnant, I lost 23lbs and have another 40 to go. I'm currently 10lbs above the top of a "healthy" weight range at 164lbs and a BMI of 26.5.
    Does anyone have any helpful suggestions for me? I've been struggling with knowing how much I really should be eating each day simply because my calories were set at 1200per day and I know that would not be healthy for me to continue. For me to maintain my current weight, calories would be 1860cal. Is that what I should be eating? I'm very confused, so any suggestions or friend requests to keep me on track would be really really helpful.
    HELP! I'm really trying to stay healthy and get back on track after I have this precious little one.
    Thank you so much!
  • onetxjewel
    onetxjewel Posts: 39 Member
    I'm new to this group! I'm 20w4d pregnant with my first child! I got married in July and my husband and i got pregnant a month later! It's definitely been a journey! I used MFP before I got married and loved it. After I got pregnant I wasn't sure if I should still use it and didn't. I'm dance director at a high school and try to be active but after dealing with non stop morning sickness and a 2 week cold I've gained way more weight than I ever thought! At my 20 week appt I have gained a total of 22 pounds and i'm only 5'2, so I decided that even though I have to continue to gain weight for my little one I need to go backto tracking my food, eating healthy, and staying as active as possible!

    Name: Julia
    Hubby: Jeff
    How many kiddos: This is the first but we have two furbabies!
    Due Date: 4/27/2012
    How far along are you: 20w4d...22lb so far
    Gender: Boy
    Baby name: Keaton Parker Collins
    Where do you live: Outside of Houston
    Workouts while pregnant: So far i've just been walking or dancing while I teach but since it's getting colder I want to get back to the gym ot do the elliptical and some light hand weights.
    Fun fact about yourself: I am an absolute dog lover!!! If I could be a dog walker/dog sitter and make as much as i'm making now, I would totally do it!! :)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am 9wks pregnant and a friend of mine just referred me to this group. I have been absolutely overwhelmed and frustrated with how tired and hungry I am all the time! Before I became pregnant, I lost 23lbs and have another 40 to go. I'm currently 10lbs above the top of a "healthy" weight range at 164lbs and a BMI of 26.5.
    Does anyone have any helpful suggestions for me? I've been struggling with knowing how much I really should be eating each day simply because my calories were set at 1200per day and I know that would not be healthy for me to continue. For me to maintain my current weight, calories would be 1860cal. Is that what I should be eating? I'm very confused, so any suggestions or friend requests to keep me on track would be really really helpful.
    HELP! I'm really trying to stay healthy and get back on track after I have this precious little one.
    Thank you so much!

    Ruthy, I'm definitely not the person to be giving advice on how much/ calories to eat while pregnant but if you go to page 1 of this thread- there are a few postings that may help clarify things!! Best to ya!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Ok, I've been promising pics forever and since I still have a bit of energy left I thought I would take pics of what we have done so far. We still want to do some type of mural (don't know when or how) over the crib. We're thinking name or initials....Other than that we're going to keep it very simple...Again, a very special thanks to everyone in our lives that made this nursery possible at the worst time in our life (hubby unemployed) without them this wouldn't have been possbile :smooched:

    Theme: Transportation (remember we got this on ebay for $30)

    Rocker my moms gave us as a house warming gift a yr ago, Crib gifted by my mom & sister, dresser given to us by my mom's employer. The picture frames are photos that I found online, blew them up and framed. Don't know exactly where to put them??

    Dresser that we TLC'd back to life

    Sideway swing also donated by my mom's employer
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    I have posted a few times but am now officially joining this group.
    Name: Alissa
    Hubby: Jeff
    How many kiddos: 1 DD who will be 3 in April
    Due Date: 21-Aug-2012
    How far along are you: 4 Weeks
    Gender: Let you know in 14 weeks or so
    Baby name: That will be a surprise - we told no one last time
    Where do you live: Calgary, Alberta
    Workouts while pregnant: Literally just found out yesterday, but the plan is to continue with C25K as well as "New Rules of Lifting for Women" (heavy weight lifting), as well as playing hockey once per week while the little bug is still protected by my pelvis, skate treadmill once per week. I'll start changing and adapting what I have been doing as my body starts to change.
    Fun fact about yourself: I delivered my first baby at home in our bathtub with Midwives. It was the most amazing experience. I am a big advocate of low intervention natural birth, midwives and Bradley Method. I used a accupuncturist to deal with my morning sickess and a specialized chiro to keep my body happy. Plan is to do it all the same this time.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Ok, I've been promising pics forever and since I still have a bit of energy left I thought I would take pics of what we have done so far. We still want to do some type of mural (don't know when or how) over the crib. We're thinking name or initials....Other than that we're going to keep it very simple...Again, a very special thanks to everyone in our lives that made this nursery possible at the worst time in our life (hubby unemployed) without them this wouldn't have been possbile :smooched:

    Theme: Transportation (remember we got this on ebay for $30)

    Rocker my moms gave us as a house warming gift a yr ago, Crib gifted by my mom & sister, dresser given to us by my mom's employer. The picture frames are photos that I found online, blew them up and framed. Don't know exactly where to put them??

    Dresser that we TLC'd back to life

    Sideway swing also donated by my mom's employer

    Your pictures are darling! Thank you for your advice---I will check that out right away. :) I'm looking forward to finding out if we're having a boy/girl and starting the decorating, baby shower phase!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning Mamas! Ugh, another Monday. Weekends are entirely too short.

    Welcome to all of the new peeps. Our board is just growing!

    Nicole - How are things coming? I guess you are next. I think Rosanna is after you. How exciting. I hope you are both feeling good.

    Denise - you posted you were 37 weeks on one post and I was totally confused! Then I saw the following post saying 27 weeks. You nursery looks really cute; I love the theme. Good for you for being so productive. I need some productivity, but mostly time in my life to get it all done.

    Ruthy - you should set your calories to maintenance in your first tri and then add on each trimester. There is info at the beginning of this board that Heather put together. I was eating about 1200 a day trying to lose a few pounds before I got pregnant so 1800ish calories seemed like a lot to me. But I only gained a couple pounds during my first tri. I am up 23.5 at about 33 weeks so have been happy with my steady gain. I pretty much followed the calorie recommendations and typically am right at or barely under my goals each day. Some days I know I exceed but I probably average out around what I should.

    Julia - I love the name; sounds very distinguished.:smile:

    Alissa - you may ask your dr. about heavy lifting as many don't recomend heavy lifting. I know my dr. told me to back off and lift lighter weights; ones that I don't strain with. In the beginning I had just started a new heavy lifting strength program and actually continued with it probably until 9 weeks when I went to the dr. and they recomended the lighter lifting. We are also keeping the baby's name a secret.

    AFM - we had a super busy weekend. Friday night we had dinner out and then went shopping for a new outfit for my husband for maternity pics Saturday. He got a pretty sweet bonus Friday which is so needed to finish out our want/need list for the baby. We didn't get home till nearly 10 so vegged a little and went to bed. Saturday we drove about an hour away for our pictures. It was cold and we had planned on doing them outside and considered trying to find an indoor location, but the sun made the temps bearable and I think the pics are goign to turn our really cute. I'll post some later this week. Then we drove another half hour to hang out with some old friends and have dinner and got home around 830 that night. Sunday we both managed to be productive - Eric worked on his wood working art that he is selling and giving as gifts and I painted a piece of furniture for the nursery. I did manage a 30 minute walk with my furbaby which she enjoyed even if she was dragging towards the end. We had our friends shower at 2 which was a lot of fun. We got some really cute clothes and homemade stuff. My friend crocheted us an amazing quilt and hat, and another friend knitted a blanket and another friend knitted another hat. I was supposed to go with my husband to his sisters' birthday part but I was beat so went home and vegged on the couch with a heating pad. It was much needed.

    This week I am going to set some goals and encourage you all to if you'd like! This tends to be my forum for setting up my weeks. :smile:

    Monday - treadmill; strength if time
    Tuesday - run/walk outside
    Wednesday - Christmas party
    Thursday - maybe some treadmill

    Get tree decorated, cards made and printed, complete Christmas shopping.

    My workout schedule looks pretty lame. Tis the season! It has to be better than last week. I also want to try to eat most meals at home this week unless we have something planned. I barely cooked last week and hardly had any veggies. So eat more veggies this week!

    I've been feeling good still. My back has been bothering me some but really just when I do things like painting and lots of walking. Some of the baby's kicks are becoming a little painful, almost like menstrual cramps, which I have been feeling some mild ones even when she doesn't kick. Is this Braxton Hicks contractions? As this is my first, I have no idea what a contraction even feels like. I'm still sleeping pretty well; sometimes I lay awake for 1-2 hours after I get up to pee, but sometime I go right back to sleep.

    Now that our showers are over we need to figure out what we need to buy, finish the nursery and then I will be happy. Oh, and the cleaning; I guess I will get to a point where I'll want to do that too. My husband tends to be a clean freak and has already let me know that we have to do a major clean before the baby comes. Maybe he'll be the one to nest instead of me. :smile:

    Sorry for the long post. Just trying to catch up from the weekend! I better get to work. I was actually pretty productive last week and feel pretty good about my shortening list of things to do before I leave for maternity leave. Have a great week all!

    33 weeks, 3 days
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning and Happy Monday!

    I tossed and turned all night. The groin pain hasn't gone away, not sure it's going to.... Every move hurts, I think I just need to keep moving until my muscles warm up?? Crazy busy day (possibly week) ahead but what else is new? LOL...

    This Weeks Goals-
    Monday: Yoga
    Tuesday: 10 minute Pilate session; then Book Club (we're doing an ornament exchange and I'm super excited)
    Wed: Yoga
    Thur: 10-20 minute Pilate session
    Friday: Yoga
    Saturday: 10 minute Pilate session- Hubby's Annual Family Xmas Party
    Sunday: Full Pilates or Yoga

    Increase water intake this week!

    ~* 27 weeks *~
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Sorry I went missing. I spent a total of 12 days on total bedrest. Saturday was my first day of being on limited activity. It is so nice to be able to move around my house as I like and take care of some last minute Christmas stuff that had me super stressd out. Thank you for all of your well wish and positive thoughts you sent my way. I just hope everything goes smooth from here on out.

    My goals for this week:
    Walk for 30 mins 3 times this week
    Stretch daily
    Drink 3 Liters of water daily

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and I will try to read through what I missed.

    Belinda - 14 weeks 4 days
  • Better_Balance: I feel that immunizations are necessary, and from what I've read, most feel they are...rather its the timing of the immunizations that they have found correlations to autism. The common practice of giving numerous immunizations at one time is what is being questioned. I plan to time the immunizations so that with each visit to doctor baby isn't getting more than 2. I believe that if it won't harm the baby to space the immunizations, then I am going take these latest findings seriously. And yes thank you! Feeling awesome!

    The issue of circumcision: Thanks for all the feedback ladies! I certainly was not trying to turn this into a debate or anything of a negative topic. This forum is full of extra-ordinarily wonderful, caring, intelligent and well-versed women that I merely wanted some feedback and I wanted OPINIONS. I think everyone in this group is conscientious and respectful enough of one another to understand that no one was or is trying to force an opinion onto anyone else. For what its worth, my current stance on this topic is this:
    If we have a son, I don't want him circumcised. I actually quite agree with Rayna, the penis is as it is at birth for a reason. All parts of the human body serve a function. I think it is an unnecessary procedure thought up by someone at some point for an unsubstantiated reason much like female genital mutilation (obviously not quite so drastic). My husband on the other hand (not circumcised) recalls the infections that he suffered as a young man and wouldn't want our son to deal with them. He was also raised by a single mother who likely did not take the time needed to show her son the proper ways of cleaning as he grew older. Our son would not have that same disadvantage. I trust that my husband would guide our son. And for what its worth, any child can get infections in their genital area. I remember as a young woman that on a couple of occasions I suffered from vaginal itch and discomfort because I wasn't taking proper precautions when washing. My mother told me what I was doing wrong and I was fine thereafter. I know this is a sensitive topic, and I appreciate all the feedback. The conversation you ladies have volunteered has reaffirmed my own desires and I plan to discuss it with my husband again. We have discussed in the past and I was going to yield to his wishes because I felt that I didn't have a right to make a decision about something I had no personal experience with, but I now feel better equipped and more confident to make my arguments for not circumcising. Thanks!

    Demwitted: Most doctors recommend the flu shot for pregnant women. Studies have shown that pregnant women that end up with the flu have a higher risk for hospitalization than non-pregnant. I didn't get a flu shot much to my doctors dismay.

    nkster781: Sounds like you're still feeling great! That's wonderful. Hopefully before discomfort kicks in Hannah will be ready to join everyone out here.

    SkinnyRuthy: Set your calorie goal to maintenance for your first trimester and modify it to add 300-400 calories/day when you hit your second trimester. Hope that helps!

    EngiAli /onetxjewel/SkinnyRuthy Welcome!

    babeed854: ROOM LOOKS ADORABLE!!!!

    bmfranzie: Glad you're off bedrest! Make sure you don't jump back into things too quickly.

    AFM: Doctor's appt went well. Heartrate was great. I've been up-ed to weekly appointments now for the last 4 weeks. Baby is measuring correctly, and at my final ultrasound (based on mass) the calculation is that s/he was approx 5.5 lbs which makes me very happy because I was getting a lot of criticisms from family/friends that I am not feeding the baby enough. Doctor told me to purchase Pepcid Complete (over the counter heartburn medicine) and I did. Amazing! I feel so much better. Glad I gave in to taking that medicine. Finally decided to purchase a couple of nursing bras and some other recommended miscellaneous items (Milkies, Soothies - thanks Heather!) so I can't wait to get them in the mail. I had no idea what bras to go with, and especially because of my size and my need for support, I was that much more daunted in making a decision. After reading several reviews I decided on the Elomi Seamless Underwire Nursing Bra. I will let you know how I feel about them as they might help someone else. They aren't the most expensive, but they certainly weren't cheap. I purchased two and hope that I can get away with that. They offer a WIDE range of sizes. I'm currently a 36DD and based on what I read you can anticipate going up a full cup and band size when breastfeeding. They had LOTS of options.

    Goals for the week:
    Walk 4x
    Drink lots of water, 8-12 glasses/day
    Veggies daily!!!

    Gotta run! Had a few more things to add, but will do so later. Work is beckoning.
    Have a great day!
    35 weeks, 6 days
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    morning ladies!

    babeed - in looove with the pictures...the room looks fantastic!!!

    felt good this weekend ... did a lot of running around but feel that we got a lot accomplished. my husband has been working his tail off on the basement and its totally coming together! he did all the drywall and painting and its starting to look like a real room!!! we just have to get some furniture in there and we'll be good to go!!! it will be so great to have that space once Parker comes!

    this week is a short week for me...three days of work and then we're heading off to FL to visit my father in law and grandparents. so i am looking to be ULTRA GOOD for these next couple days because i know we will be eating out a lot this coming weekend. so good healthy meals and exercise is on the mind:wink: and i have my dr.s appointment on wednesday where i will hear about my glucose test results!!!! need those positive vibes!!!

    goals for the week:
    1 hour of exercise on monday, tuesday and wednesday.
    bring walking clothes to FL to get some good walking in!! (soak in that vitamin D hopefully!!)
    drink plenty of water
    no desserts monday, tuesday and wednesday
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    hi ladies! i am glad to have found this thread. i have 2 boys (3yr and 20 months) and plan to try to concieve our 3rd in just a few weeks! right now i run 5- 10 miles a week and do 2 hour long bootcamp classes at the ymca a week. i plan to keep up this activity as much as possible during my pregnancy to avoid gaining back the 50 some pounds i have recently lost!
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    Im sharing this with a friend.. I'm sure she would love it! Great idea by the way!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    babeed854 your nursery is adorable!

    Well I'm 39 weeks today. This is my last week of work before my 12 week maternity leave. Hannah is due Dec 19 which is next Monday. I have no idea when she will actually be here. I get a pelvis check on Thursday. I have been dealing with some hip pain and some really painful gas. Not sure if any of it is contractions. Hannah also like to to do some uncomfortable stretching in my poor stomach. I'm hoping she will come this weekend but we will see.

    Hope you are all doing well. I gotta finish up some projects at work before I leave so I am pretty busy and hope to catch up soon.

    39 weeks
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member

    I also realize there are a few things my hubby and I need to discuss like the issue of circumcision if we have a boy. Eeek. Anyone have a strong opinion about this?
    Also, anyone plan on wearing something other than hospital gown for their labor/delivery? If so, what are you planning on wearing. I know that I would be most comfortable in some sort of more regular clothing, but I have no idea what to wear.

    Rosanna - I strongly recommend getting your baby circumcised if he's a boy. I was nervous about it with my son and he didn't even cry. My nephew didn't have it done and now he has to and he's 4. That is sad, will be extremely painful and the fact that they can touch it on makes infection more possible. Also a friend of mine's little boy had to have it done when he was 3. I would say yes, do it!!!

    On the clothes issue, IDK what to do about this either. I was thinking of what would be comfortable, I just wore the hospital gown the first time and I guess didn't pay attention to it being comfortable or not, might do that again if I don't come up with something by then I guess.

    This is a MAJOR FIGHT between my husband and I. If we have a boy, I want it circumcised and DH says "over my dead body". He's mad at his parents for making the decision for him when he was an infant because he claims that he's lost 60% (no idea how he came up with this number) of his sensation. I think he does just fine. :huh: He thinks it's outdated, no medical reason to do it, and that it's barbaric. I think it's gross to look at, number one, but number two, medically, aren't there a lot of good reasons to do it? Aside from that, I don't want to clean it out every time I change a diaper. I told him that he'll be changing all the poopy diapers if he's not circumcised. It makes me SO MAD to even think about it. He's been so stubbord about it and calls me "illogical" every time I bring it up. :explode: :grumble: :mad:

    Ok...again I have really strong opinions about this but please don't mistake my tone here - I am coming from a place of genuine caring about this issue not trying to mean or overly-opinionated....with that said.

    jalyner - I would have to agree with your husband on this - Like I said in my post yesterday there are no medical/hygiene benefits to circumcision - it is outdated and unnecessary. The foreskin is there for a reason, it wouldn't be there naturally if it wasn't there for a purpose. It is the protection for the penis against infection etc -Babies need foreskin to protect the “glans” (the part of the penis that is in the foreskin) from bacteria and infections – like the kind of infections that can be caused by a diaper full of pee and poop. AND you are not supposed to pull it back to clean it. The foreskin is there naturally and has a self-cleaning “mechanism”, much like a female’s vagina does. You should not retract the skin (especially infants and children) until it is easily retractable. All children need is a good warm bath to keep it clean.

    Anyway - if your only objection to it is that you think it "looks gross" I would seriously do more research because there are no founded medical benefits. Also, like your husband says, it does reduce sensitivity later in life because the glans is not protected by the foreskin. It would be like having your labia removed and your *kitten* out all the time...just something to think about :)

    Again in no way am I saying any of this in a nasty tone, I just am really passionate about people having ALL the information before making a big decision like with circumcision - because it's permanent and it is a big decision.

    Ok...I'm done! lol :smile:

    Thank you for your opinion. I didn't take it as "nasty" at all. I'm more than willing to listen to counter arguments. I guess these are my reasons:
    I have a problem with my baby being different than all the other boys, since the majority of baby boys born are circumcised. Also, I don't want him to have to have it done later in life, like I've read about happening due to infections, because I think it will be worse for him. Better to get it out of the way, sort of thing. Lastly, I don't like the look of it. I know that seems weird and maybe just rude (since God made it that way), but I'm just used to seeing it cirumcised and I like it that way. My husband thinks I have a hangup about it since I was previoulsly engaged to a man who wasn't circumsiced and he was so abusive and mean, that now I have an issue with penises that look like his. I don't know. Maybe that's true, but I can't help feeling "grossed out" when I see one. It also doesn't help that I have "no choice" in the matter because my husband is so adamant about it.
    I guess it's just something I'm going to have to get over, but I honestly don't know how. :frown:
    It makes me sad.
    Thank you again for your comment.