Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    happy friday everyone!!!! i am so thankful for this week to be over...ive just been struggling with my day to day work motivation! all i want to do is be home and organizing our house:ohwell: and speaking of organizing...the hubby and i had an EXTREMELY productive night last night!!! my goal was to go for a walk with the puppies after work...but we ended up getting a call from this car dealership we've been dealing with and they found a car for us they thought we would be interested in. long story short...i totally fell in love with the car and its within our budget ... so we shook hands and will be picking it up tomorrow!!! i am so excited about it and feel a sense of relief because we have wanted to offload the jeep for a while now. so we got home and i made the buffalo chicken pizza ( was fabulous!!!) and then started to go through things. i cleaned out half of the closet in Parkers room and went through my nightstand as well (thats where i kept so much random stuff...just needed to go through it) and just boxed things up and put them in the basement. it just felt really good to go through a cleansing process kind of!!! and kory has been working his butt off remodeling the basement. we're finishing one half of it and its coming along SO well!!! it will be such a great space once it is finished! so there is definitely more to do...big thing is to get the bed that is currently in the soon to be nursery into the basement for storage. once that is done...crib and changing table get set up!!! so hopefully within the next week!!! i just cant wait for his room to come together!!

    and more on the baby front...tomorrow i am heading over to my moms house to help her with the shower invitations! she is BIG into scrapbooking and card she is making all of the invitations and has invited her sisters, my cousins and my mother in law to help out! so i am totally looking forward to that!!!

    so that was definitely a long rant...sorry about that! hope everyone has a fantastic day!! :flowerforyou:

    jessica - 28wks 2days
  • kimmers99
    Name: Kim
    Hubby/Partner: Rob
    How many kids do you have: This is our 3rd
    Due Date: April 14,2012
    How far along are you: 20 weeks
    Do you know the gender: Our 3rd girl!
    Babies Name: Sarah Isabella
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Ontario, Canada
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Treadmill, elliptical, body pump and various prenatal exercise videos
    Fun Fact about yourself: Not really fun but currently dealing with 2 sick little girls at home. Vomiting and diarrhea = not much sleep! The secret joys of having kids. But they are so cuddly when they are sick so we are watching movies and snuggling.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi all...

    It's great to read eveyone's bios and see where everyone is living.
    Work up this morning and went to was freezing but it was a good bootcamp day lots of cardio which I always need.
    Doing a race tomorrow...only 9 miles but I have been training for it so shouldn't be too bad...I know I will have to take walk breaks but that's ok too...just want to not over do it while being active.

    bmfraize: I am keeping you in prayer...sounds a little scary...things you can do on bedrest...catch up on movies or a tv series, knit, organize pictures, make list of things to do when not on bed rest, plan out menu for the week.

    jchecca: congrats on the new car...we have been contemplating getting rid of my honda sport coupe and getting a more family friendly car but all the things I am interested are not in the budget so we are praying for things to work themselves out. We too are working on organizing our basement and trying to figure out what to do about the kids rooms...I really just want everything put away so when the baby gets here I won't be stressed out by a messy house.

    More about me:
    Name: Kelley
    Hubby/Partner: Corey
    How many kids do you have: This is our 3rd ( we have one son together a very busy 14 month old and I have a step son who is 10)
    Due Date: June 21, 2012 ( approx I have an u/s to confirm next Wed)
    How far along are you: 11-12 weeks
    Do you know the gender: not yet hoping for a boy..but healthy is all that matters
    Babies Name: we have one girl name but nothing yet for a boy
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Maryland
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: modified boot-camp for as long as possible, running, walking, want to add some yoga
    Fun Fact about yourself: When my husband and I met, we really hit it off because I was ok not having any kids and he was happy with his one son...we got pregnant the first time without even trying and the second time was just as that we have our son...we couldn't imagine life without him he's was meant to be for us to reproduce.
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Name: Christina
    Hubby/Partner: Jeff
    How many kids do you have: 7yo step-son Sebastian and 2yo son Max
    Due Date: June 23rd, 2012
    How far along are you: 11 Weeks
    Gender: Hopefully Girl, but happy for healthy baby either way
    Name: Haven't started considering yet
    Where do you live : Columbus, OH
    Workouts while pregnant: Walking, elliptical, running (if my hip cooperates) and yoga
    Fun Fact: My last name is a breakfast food and I'm hoping to have natural VBAC delievery this time!

    BTW... anyone dealing w/ crazy mood swings? Good Lord am I in a wretched mood right now.... just gonna blame it on the hormones. Makes sense... I've heard there are enough hormones coursing through a pregnant woman's body to kill an elephant... and I'm so irritable enough to kill an elephant right now... ugh.

    Very normal. Totally felt that way in the beginning. But no worries, it subsides! Just try to recognize when you're being overly moody and try to keep it in check. You don't want everyone around you hating you when your pregnant. :smile:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    happy friday everyone!!!! i am so thankful for this week to be over...ive just been struggling with my day to day work motivation! all i want to do is be home and organizing our house:ohwell: and speaking of organizing...the hubby and i had an EXTREMELY productive night last night!!! my goal was to go for a walk with the puppies after work...but we ended up getting a call from this car dealership we've been dealing with and they found a car for us they thought we would be interested in. long story short...i totally fell in love with the car and its within our budget ... so we shook hands and will be picking it up tomorrow!!! i am so excited about it and feel a sense of relief because we have wanted to offload the jeep for a while now. so we got home and i made the buffalo chicken pizza ( was fabulous!!!) and then started to go through things. i cleaned out half of the closet in Parkers room and went through my nightstand as well (thats where i kept so much random stuff...just needed to go through it) and just boxed things up and put them in the basement. it just felt really good to go through a cleansing process kind of!!! and kory has been working his butt off remodeling the basement. we're finishing one half of it and its coming along SO well!!! it will be such a great space once it is finished! so there is definitely more to do...big thing is to get the bed that is currently in the soon to be nursery into the basement for storage. once that is done...crib and changing table get set up!!! so hopefully within the next week!!! i just cant wait for his room to come together!!

    and more on the baby front...tomorrow i am heading over to my moms house to help her with the shower invitations! she is BIG into scrapbooking and card she is making all of the invitations and has invited her sisters, my cousins and my mother in law to help out! so i am totally looking forward to that!!!

    so that was definitely a long rant...sorry about that! hope everyone has a fantastic day!! :flowerforyou:

    jessica - 28wks 2days

    Isn't it a great feeling?? Glad you were able to get a vehicle that will grow with your family, but MOST importantly within your budget!! WOOP WOOP!! I'm all about being frugal these days! :laugh:
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    kcurtis05: Absolutely love the calender of due dates!!!! So great to see what our board looks like!! THANKS! :happy:

    bmfrazie: Hopefully the worst is past. I have never been on bed rest, but I get antsy just sitting around watching tv, so I couldn't imagine days on end. Maybe try to take up a new hobby like crocheting or knitting...?

    abeare: Hope the chiropractor helps!

    jchecca: Oh my goodness am I in the same boat. I have been nesting for weeks already, and I have so much to do at work. But I just can't concentrate. I run the office at my father's construction company, and help him manage 60+ apartments. This is no bueno. I need to get my crap together at work, or I can anticipate only being home for two weeks after delivery because I won't have a choice. Deep breathes... Congratulations on the new car!!! And have fun with the shower invites!

    kelley_m: Awesome job on the race! Good luck! Totally feel the same way about the house. Trying so hard to get rid of the mess so there is one less thing to stress about after getting home with baby.

    AFM: Totally stressed out yesterday. Dealt with a not-so-wonderful tenant refusing to pay rent, and the anxiety just would not subside after that conversation. I am giving myself two weeks to knock everything on my 'Work To-Do' lists out. But as I mentioned earlier, I just can't seem to concentrate long enough to get through more than the new things that come up daily. I never seem to get to the 'catch-up' stuff. I honestly think I need to put signs up around my desk reminding myself that if I want to stay home with my baby for more than a couple of weeks after s/he gets here, I need to get my act together NOW. UGH! And to add to my stress, I haven't been nearly as productive around my house and I was in past weeks. I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. Things just seem to keep piling up, and the weeks are flying by. I feel like I'm going backwards. I decided I need to take some time this weekend to sit down, re-evaluate all of my To-Do's (home and work) and buckle down and start knocking them out. I know its the only thing that will actually get rid of this anxiety that is starting to take over. This weekend couldn't come fast enough. I figure if I go nuts on my house-stuff this weekend, I will feel less distracted come next week, and I can go nuts on my work-stuff. Wish me luck! Anyway...getting back to the stressful day yesterday...I TOTALLY fell of the wagon. Aside from my strength DVD yesterday morning, I didn't do anything after work. No walking of dogs. No healthy dinner. Dinner was Doritos and gummy worms, followed by dessert. I know...gross. But today is a new day and I know what I need to do. Wasn't able to get a workout in this morning, but the sun is shining today, and I plan to get home early enough to walk the dogs before its dark out. I also have much healthier meals planned for today!!!

    Thanks for listening everyone!!! I really needed that.

    34weeks, 3days
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Becca - hearing the heartbeat for the first time is SO amazing! It's amazing anytime! lol - it's one of my favorite things :bigsmile:

    Heather - thanks for starting the new board for after all the babies arrive! I will definitely check it out, 12 more weeks to go for me!

    Tanya - I'm reading/researching about hypnobirthing too - what are your thoughts so far? Good idea about writing a letter to your birthing centre regarding providing your own tub - it can't hurt to ask, who knows maybe you'll get your wish! I would love to do a water birth as well, but I am birthing at a hospital that doesn't allow it and it's too late to change my plans now (believe me I've tried lol) Also so cool that you teach Zumba!

    Ash - Good luck with the Chiro appointment! Hope you can get some relief!

    Ashley - Have so much fun at your shower!

    Jessica - Awesome work! Sounds like you had a really productive evening! And congrats on the new car! I need to do some serious organizing myself!

    AFM - well yesterday was somewhat productive :wink: I ordered some prenatal workout DVDs on and a book on breastfeeding, then I ended up going to Chapters at lunch and buying a few more things lol...whoops! I got a sleep sheep with music, a couple books for Mason and a really cute owl rattle. I also went to a little baby boutique and bought a Moby baby carrier because I met a woman in the line up at Chapters who was carrying her baby in one. I always wondered about them, thinking they seemed like WAY too much trouble and way too complicated, but this woman was quite the advocate for them! She convinced me! Lol so I bought one! (did a little damage shopping yesterday! haha)
    Then after work I went over to my sisters place to hang out with my nephew and her for a bit and it was really nice. Then I went home and Jay and I hung up some pictures in Mason's room and it's slowly coming together - I love his room. I just need to get a glider chair and mount some shelving (well Jay will do that lol) and add a few finishing touches, hang some more pictures etc...Anyway then after that I was SO tired (8:30PM) so I went to bed and read Mason the story "The Gruffalo" (one of my favorites) and I got it in a box set with a second book called "The Gruffalo's child" and so I read him both - he was moving quite a bit and kicking me - I really enjoy this new ritual and feel like it's a really great bonding time. Then I read more of my hypnobirthing book and started listening to the relaxation CD that comes with it...well needless to say I was OUT like a light within 10 mins! lol
    Tonight is date night for my hubby and I, we're going to this new Brazillian BBQ place downtown and I'm really excited :bigsmile: Big weekend ahead, with plenty of things on the go! Really looking forward to my massage tomorrow afternoon.

    Happy Friday everyone - have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Wow February and April are going to be busy months!!

    19- Nichole (nkster781) GIRL

    10- Rosanna (rosannabarbar) ???
    25- Ashley (Better_Balance) GIRL

    5- Elce (emrogers) BOY
    12- Misti (mitstibergman) GIRL
    22- Jessica (jchecca) BOY
    22- Paula (paulandrea) GIRL
    23- Hattie (atomdraco) GIRL
    23- Rayna (rayna) BOY
    28- Brenda (lunarokra) GIRL

    8-Heather (H_82) BOY
    12- Denise (babeed854) BOY
    15- Cindy (MidniteDayDre) BOY

    10- Ashley (abeare) BOY
    11- Kristin (Kistinbee) ???
    13-Shelly (shellgib) GIRL
    14- Kim (kimmers99) GIRL
    16- Sylvia (80lbslost) GIRL
    21- Aimee (aimeeclaire) BOY
    29- Tara (taldie01) ???

    5- Kim (kcurtis05) ???
    9- Tanya (scutes) ???
    21- Kait (Millionsofpeaches) ???

    9- Belinda (bmfrazie) ???
    21- Kelley (kelley_m) ???
    23- Christina (stellcorb) ???

    15- Becca (MrsJax11) ???

    4- Kristin (ladybugmommy1) ???

    Kim I hope you don't mind that I updated it again. Love the idea.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey ladies I kinda went nuts at lunch yesterday, cheeseburger, milkshake and onion rings! Ahhh I felt so sick after. Ran for 40 mins after work indoors on a treadmill cause it was windy and dark out. Didnt do to much last night soup and toast for supper. Having a Jewellery party tomorrow, and my moms coming out on Sat to stay a few nights. Gonna try to take my daughter skating for the first time on sunday, that should be cute. Hope to get a run in on sunday.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    AFM: Totally stressed out yesterday. Dealt with a not-so-wonderful tenant refusing to pay rent, and the anxiety just would not subside after that conversation. I am giving myself two weeks to knock everything on my 'Work To-Do' lists out. But as I mentioned earlier, I just can't seem to concentrate long enough to get through more than the new things that come up daily. I never seem to get to the 'catch-up' stuff. I honestly think I need to put signs up around my desk reminding myself that if I want to stay home with my baby for more than a couple of weeks after s/he gets here, I need to get my act together NOW. UGH! And to add to my stress, I haven't been nearly as productive around my house and I was in past weeks. I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. Things just seem to keep piling up, and the weeks are flying by. I feel like I'm going backwards. I decided I need to take some time this weekend to sit down, re-evaluate all of my To-Do's (home and work) and buckle down and start knocking them out. I know its the only thing that will actually get rid of this anxiety that is starting to take over. This weekend couldn't come fast enough. I figure if I go nuts on my house-stuff this weekend, I will feel less distracted come next week, and I can go nuts on my work-stuff. Wish me luck! Anyway...getting back to the stressful day yesterday...I TOTALLY fell of the wagon. Aside from my strength DVD yesterday morning, I didn't do anything after work. No walking of dogs. No healthy dinner. Dinner was Doritos and gummy worms, followed by dessert. I know...gross. But today is a new day and I know what I need to do. Wasn't able to get a workout in this morning, but the sun is shining today, and I plan to get home early enough to walk the dogs before its dark out. I also have much healthier meals planned for today!!!

    Thanks for listening everyone!!! I really needed that.

    34weeks, 3days

    I think you maybe being to hard on yourself....Remember we are all pregnant. Hormones are FLARING and "Tis the season..." so on top of already being a compliated time for us (prego women) we have additional stress of holidays/ month end & year end.

    Your not alone on the stress/overwhelm- We all have something going...maybe TOO much going but this too shall pass!!! We just have to remember to have a good cry...Keep up on water...Remember to give thanks where thanks are do....Take a deep breathe every couple of minutes and when all else fails- Scream into a pillow! It really does help :wink:

    hang in there! ((Hugs))
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Oh geeze, I just had a reply all typed out to each one of you. Well I closed the wrong window and now I'm starting over.

    Just a quick reply now, gotta get to work.

    Thanks Kim for the list, it's nice to see who's next, (or possibly) I should say. LOL

    Taldie - don't feel bad about your lunch....I had Arbys this week and felt like crap!! It was good but so not worth it! I'm so GLAD I don't live near any fast food places, closest one is 75 miles away...woo hoo! That would be to convenient w/ my crazy schedule!

    Rayna - That's awsome Mason likes reading already. My son has to practice reading every night, usually I read the book to him then help him read it to me, seems like baby gets pretty calm during that time, maybe she's just listening, LOL. It's nice though, I feel like it's real quality time with both my son and the baby. :) Have fun on your date night!!!!

    Rosanna - I can totally relate to the crazieness!!!! There is way to much daily stuff to do at work, I don't have time to think about catching up on the old stuff. I need to though. My boss's wife is filling in for me when I have the baby. I really want to make sure things are done, completed and organized before then, hopefully I'll find some time for that soon. I really hope you get more than 2 wks off, I had to go back to work in 5 wks after my son was born and it was NOT enough time off at all. It goes by so fast! I plan on taking 8-12 weeks this time. I am going to bring baby to work with me so it will be easier to come back a little sooner than the 12 wks if I need to. Good luck with getting your stuff done, I will be doing the same thing in the next few weeks!

    Elce - Noah and Jackson were on my boys name list! I really love Noah!

    Bmfrazie - Hope things get better for you, how scarey! Babies are strong and I'm sure everything will be just fine. I was on bed rest during my last pregnancy, it SUCKS! I watched a lot of tv, spent a lot of time on ebay. Also did puzzle books and played handheld poker. Some times, I actually didn't stay down like I should've, it's hard to lay around. I was on bed rest for 6 weeks! Seemed like forever. Good luck with everything!

    Ash - Hopefully after your chiro appt. you'll be feeling a little better! Good luck!

    Ashley - Yay, enjoy your baby shower!!! They are so fun, I hope you get everything you need for baby!!!

    Jessica - I know what you mean, it's hard going to work knowing you have so much to do at home. One of my first thoughts everyday is a made up excuse of why I need to call in, but I don't. It's too busy here at work too, so I just deal. Congrats on the new car!!!

    Heather - Thanks for the post pregnancy board!!! Can't wait to join it!!!!

    AFM: Super tired today, got sleep but it's never enough. Got a lot accomplished yesterday though, work was crazy, went grocery shopping, got all stocked up on healthy food. Cleaned my refrigerator out, organized my pantry and even had a chance to do yoga. Felt a since of relief getting done some of what I wanted to. Tonight I plan on laundry, walking a few miles on the treadmill and maybe wrapping Christmas presents! Tomorrow my son has a state wrestling tournament, not looking forward to getting up at 4:30 a.m. and driving 2.5 hours but we will!! Plan on taking some of Sunday to just relax, and enjoy it! Part of the day anyway, Sunday is also my day to FINISH the nursery!!! Feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, too much to do at work and home and never enough time, and never any help! I'm glad Zack has a good job, but I do wish he was home more. Just once in a while having someone take the trash out, pack wood or make a fire, even a quick trip to the store for me would be nice. Oh well I guess, I can just imagine how much more busy it's going to be when a baby.

    Question: I am planning on breastfeeding, or at least trying it for the first few months. Any advice on how to explain what I'm doing to my 7 year old? I'm uncomfortable doing that around him, but it's not like I can lock myself in my room away from him either. Of course I'll cover up, but what's a good way to explain it to him?

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Misti my son is 9 and saw someone covered nursing before and asked about it. It was a little uncomfortable but we explained it in relation to a cow has milk to feed its do all other mammals. Not sure if that helps you out or not but it seemed to help my son understand that all mammals feed the baby like this.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    BB/Ashley, where does 1800 cals put you as opposed to what you normally eat? With exercise it's still under maintenance for me per my body media. Just wondering if you can gain on that amount. That's a great story about you and your hubby!

    Kristin sounds like you are doing great with staying active! Enjoy your decorating!

    Millions of peaches, nice to meet you.  The gender in an envelope is a nice idea, just don't look between the legs on the US!

    Babeed, congrats on the baby room! Loving your night time ritual, so cute! Hope your hubby loves his new job.

    Emrogers, hang in there, you will pull through restrictions and all. Hopefully a lot is water weight!

    Hi stellcorb, congrats! It will be great to be in your second trimester for Xmas!

    Rayna, the music headphones thing is so cool! So happy for you with all your nesting. I agree home DVDs are the way to go. I'm planning to get slim in 6 and redo p90x but haven't looked at pregnancy DVDs yet. Hypnobirthing sounds like an awesome idea! I love Brazilian BBQ, enjoy!

    Nkster, I love your introduction idea! I guess I would add weight gain/weight gained so far since you were going to start posting it anyway

    Shellgib, you look super tiny by pics and numbers, I think the weight gain jump is a good thing for the baby, so congrats! I use a little splenda but try to limit it to 1 packet a day. Supposed to be safe but who knows? Can't stand stevia, unfortunately. I am definitely waay moody!

    Kcurtis, I have only done zumba once but I loved it!

    Rosannabarbar, you're right there is no proof that exercise can cause miscarriage, but there is some data that too much/too vigorous exercise and high impact exercise causes early pregnancy loss.
    Even when I try to scale it down I'm always pushing 8 or 9, that's why I have a more regimented program this time around.  I'm sorry you've been under so much stress but things will work out!

    Lunaroka, you will have a teenager and a toddler at the same time! Could be scary.... Or convenient, hehe

    Misti, I like the fact you are going for two.  It seems like the partner that has the second one never regrets it but the one that doesn't get the second one they wanted is always a little sad. I think if you watch animal planet your son or visit a petting zoo he'll see every mother breastfeeds her baby

    Taldie, your toddler sounds cute, pretty soon she can get a step stool and help out! Hope you enjoyed your splurge!

    80lbslost, good to see you again! I told you that annoying mass would go away! Congrats on your pregnancy going so well, I'm sure you have time to even out the weight gain

    Hi ladybug, congrats on the surprise natural pregnancy!

    Jchecca, the DVD you suggested sounds interesting! Congrats on th new car and shower!

    Abear, that will be cool raising a bilingual child, what a great gift you are giving him!

    Atomdraco, your due date is a day before my birthday, a great time to be born, lol

    Paulandrea, love the anniversary conception date as well

    Aimee, you two will get lots of attention bringing in that first grandchild!

    Mrs jax, congrats on feeling at peace, I hope things continue to go as well

    Scutes, I love the zumba teaching, that's awesome!

    Bmfrazie, hoping that bleeding stops soon as your placenta heals!

    Kelley m, sounds like you are doing great. The car situation will work itself out!

    Oh, and AFM, my US went great yesterday, had a strong heartbeat and a little bean, I'm sad that I'm still more nervous than excited but decided to rejoin the thread as a show of faith. My last one died this week so I probably won't feel better until my newborn screen at the end of the month. I lost 4lbs of water weight before my appointment avoiding salt and using mild diuretics like lemon water so I feel a little better about that aspect.
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    I think you maybe being to hard on yourself....Remember we are all pregnant. Hormones are FLARING and "Tis the season..." so on top of already being a compliated time for us (prego women) we have additional stress of holidays/ month end & year end.

    Your not alone on the stress/overwhelm- We all have something going...maybe TOO much going but this too shall pass!!! We just have to remember to have a good cry...Keep up on water...Remember to give thanks where thanks are do....Take a deep breathe every couple of minutes and when all else fails- Scream into a pillow! It really does help :wink:

    hang in there! ((Hugs))

    Thanks for the advice! Definitely going to try the pillow thing tonight. At this point my goal today is to make it through the day. I have limited my work goals to something very manageable. The rest of the day I plan to spend scheduling next week. :smile:
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    AFM: Totally stressed out yesterday. Dealt with a not-so-wonderful tenant refusing to pay rent, and the anxiety just would not subside after that conversation. I am giving myself two weeks to knock everything on my 'Work To-Do' lists out. But as I mentioned earlier, I just can't seem to concentrate long enough to get through more than the new things that come up daily. I never seem to get to the 'catch-up' stuff. I honestly think I need to put signs up around my desk reminding myself that if I want to stay home with my baby for more than a couple of weeks after s/he gets here, I need to get my act together NOW. UGH! And to add to my stress, I haven't been nearly as productive around my house and I was in past weeks. I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. Things just seem to keep piling up, and the weeks are flying by. I feel like I'm going backwards. I decided I need to take some time this weekend to sit down, re-evaluate all of my To-Do's (home and work) and buckle down and start knocking them out. I know its the only thing that will actually get rid of this anxiety that is starting to take over. This weekend couldn't come fast enough. I figure if I go nuts on my house-stuff this weekend, I will feel less distracted come next week, and I can go nuts on my work-stuff. Wish me luck! Anyway...getting back to the stressful day yesterday...I TOTALLY fell of the wagon. Aside from my strength DVD yesterday morning, I didn't do anything after work. No walking of dogs. No healthy dinner. Dinner was Doritos and gummy worms, followed by dessert. I know...gross. But today is a new day and I know what I need to do. Wasn't able to get a workout in this morning, but the sun is shining today, and I plan to get home early enough to walk the dogs before its dark out. I also have much healthier meals planned for today!!!

    Thanks for listening everyone!!! I really needed that.

    34weeks, 3days

    I think you maybe being to hard on yourself....Remember we are all pregnant. Hormones are FLARING and "Tis the season..." so on top of already being a compliated time for us (prego women) we have additional stress of holidays/ month end & year end.

    Your not alone on the stress/overwhelm- We all have something going...maybe TOO much going but this too shall pass!!! We just have to remember to have a good cry...Keep up on water...Remember to give thanks where thanks are do....Take a deep breathe every couple of minutes and when all else fails- Scream into a pillow! It really does help :wink:

    hang in there! ((Hugs))

    Thanks for the advice! Definitely going to try the pillow thing tonight. At this point my goal today is to make it through the day. I have limited my work goals to something very manageable. The rest of the day I plan to spend scheduling next week. :smile:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Here's my bio thing:

    Name: Melissa
    Hubby/Partner: Rory
    How many kids do you have: None
    Due Date: July 10, 2012
    How far along are you: 8 weeks 3 days by US
    Do you know the gender: Nope
    Babies Name: Waiting until we know gender
    Where do you live (if you want to share): N. Cali
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: strength training (including with DVDs, elliptical, power walking)
    Fun Fact about yourself: I'm the only grandchild on my mom's side despite 6 aunts and uncles, so the pressure is on!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Short reply for now: Ob appt went good, we heard the HB 135BPM. Doctor measured the belly he said I am right on where I need to be & will start seeing me every 2 weeks now. Whoa! time is flying by I can't believe it. Go the GCtest so XXXXmy fingers it's good news, won't know until Monday.

    Misti-Thanks for sharing the cute pix.

    Heather-Thanks for the PBB. We will catch up to you later.

    CutMD-no kidding I keep wondering how it's going to be for my big boy with his lil sister. He seems to start liking the idea.

    Sorry everyone I don't have time to answer, but will catch up later.

    ~Brenda~ 27wks 3dys
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    BB/Ashley, where does 1800 cals put you as opposed to what you normally eat? With exercise it's still under maintenance for me per my body media. Just wondering if you can gain on that amount. That's a great story about you and your hubby!

    In order for me to gain a pound a week, I should be eating 2,190 calories a day. I'm still gaining consistently; I'm at 21.5 pounds gain total at 32 weeks and have gained between 0.5 and 1.5 pounds each week for the last 13 weeks so I feel like I'm on good track. There are days I reach my "goal" caloric amount and probably days I exceed. I was eating icecream almost every night just to get calories in but got to the point where I felt this may be a little silly as icecream, while it has some nutritional value, does not have that much. After dinner if I still have calories left I usually eat some kind of dessert (strawberry whole fruit popsicle, neopolitan icecream, or dark kisses - I am not one to eat fruit or something healthy at night :smile:) but sometimes just decide I am done. And sometimes after my dessert I still have calories left, so again, I just don't eat for the sake of eating. It's crazy to think before I got pregnant is was aiming for 1200 calories a day!

    I'm glad your appointment went well and hope your weeks to 2nd tri pass quickly!
  • rosannabarbaroflores

    AFM: Super tired today, got sleep but it's never enough. Got a lot accomplished yesterday though, work was crazy, went grocery shopping, got all stocked up on healthy food. Cleaned my refrigerator out, organized my pantry and even had a chance to do yoga. Felt a since of relief getting done some of what I wanted to. Tonight I plan on laundry, walking a few miles on the treadmill and maybe wrapping Christmas presents! Tomorrow my son has a state wrestling tournament, not looking forward to getting up at 4:30 a.m. and driving 2.5 hours but we will!! Plan on taking some of Sunday to just relax, and enjoy it! Part of the day anyway, Sunday is also my day to FINISH the nursery!!! Feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, too much to do at work and home and never enough time, and never any help! I'm glad Zack has a good job, but I do wish he was home more. Just once in a while having someone take the trash out, pack wood or make a fire, even a quick trip to the store for me would be nice. Oh well I guess, I can just imagine how much more busy it's going to be when a baby.

    Question: I am planning on breastfeeding, or at least trying it for the first few months. Any advice on how to explain what I'm doing to my 7 year old? I'm uncomfortable doing that around him, but it's not like I can lock myself in my room away from him either. Of course I'll cover up, but what's a good way to explain it to him?

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

    Misit: Thanks so much for the relation! I can't imagine how much harder it is for you doing it on your own. You ever need to vent, feel free to message me! Sounds like despite all the work, you're doing awesome though. Good luck accomplishing everything this weekend!! Regarding the breastfeeding, I would do it as scientifically as possible. Probably the same approach I would take to explaining sex. The cow idea is awesome. Maybe show him something that illustrates the anatomy.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Jackson (presidential )
    Austin ( also some what historical)
    Nicholas (Nick for short)
    Noah ( great name)

    Just a few I really like!!!
    Add one more to April! :)

    Name: Aimee
    Hubby/Partner: Tony
    Age: 26
    How many kids do you have: This will be our first!!
    Due Date: April 21st
    How far along are you: 19 w / 6 d
    Do you know the gender: BOY
    Babies Name: Need help! I have so many girl names.
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Upper Peninsula of Michigan (BRR!)
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Running, walking, swimming
    Fun Fact about yourself: I have 5 brothers and my husband has 2. No sisters! This will be the first grandchild on both sides of the family. We are so excited!!

    It has been really nice to read everyones bio's. Great idea! :)

    Aiden is currently the number 1 boys name in America... I have a little cousin named Aiden and he is so cute. Jackson is in the top list of names as well and another favorite of mine. But if I had to pick a favorite it would by Ryder because it is so sweet and is different.