Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • Demwitted
    This is probably a dumb question, but I have a rule about bugging my gyn's nurse more than once a day and I do not get to have an appointment for another month.

    I read on some pregnancy website that herbal tea is bad?! I hope they just mean like herbal supplements... chamomile? red raspberry leaf? peppermint? Are those ok? I hope those are ok. They were not mentioned.
  • batgirlrox
    This is probably a dumb question, but I have a rule about bugging my gyn's nurse more than once a day and I do not get to have an appointment for another month.

    I read on some pregnancy website that herbal tea is bad?! I hope they just mean like herbal supplements... chamomile? red raspberry leaf? peppermint? Are those ok? I hope those are ok. They were not mentioned.

    They mean the tea itself. Red rasberry tea can cause early miscarriage or induce premature labour when you're further along
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    Last night was horrible ! I woke up with a pressure between chest and back what would not let me breathe !! it was really scary.
    my husband did massage and i laid down behind in a pile of pillows that removed a little pressure but just could not sleep, i still have some pain. i can't wait to my appointment in the afternoon :( I think the baby is pushing on my ribs or something.

    someone had something like this before??
  • batgirlrox
    Denise- Love the hair!

    Ashley- Great goals. I'm glad you got some of the bigger things for baby at the shower and I hope you get some more of the stuff you need next weekend. I would definitely be shaken up as well if I had a tumble down the stairs like that. I hope you have a productive and as non stressful of a week as possible.

    Kristy- I'm glad the service provided some comfort to you. I totally agree with the preacher. Good luck on getting back into the swing of things and with your appointment this week!

    AFM- I had a horrible headache for most of the day yesterday. I thought initially it was a dehydration headache but it didn't seem to go away even after copious amounts of water. But thankful I had nothing to do yesterday and it finally subsided! Today is a new day and feeling good. Hoping to get my swim in today before I have to go pick up the little girl I watch. My goals this week are swimming 4 times this week and getting some walks in for the puppies. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
    14W3D -3lbs
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Morning all! I can't believe it's Monday again - the weekend just FLEW by.

    babeed - your hair looks great!

    Kristy - so glad to hear the service was good and nice to have you back on the board! We missed you!

    Tara - I know easier said than done but try not to worry so much about the weight gain! You lost it all after your first one and you look fantastic, you'll be fine :flowerforyou:

    AFM - this weekend was a whirlwind, Friday night date night was amazing and just what we needed. The restaurant we went to was fantastic - it's called Pampa and I guess it was even on the Food Network's show "The Opener" (I think that's what it's called?) anyway - the food was unreal. We were super stuffed when we left lol. But it was really nice to have a night out with my husband. :bigsmile: Saturday I cleaned in the morning and then had my massage at 1:00 which was great, then cleaned some more and had a nap and went to church, Sunday we cleaned and organized more! (lol) and then went grocery shopping etc and both my parents and Jay's parents came over for brunch. Jay made a fantastic meal - waffles from scratch, bacon, sausage, eggs - and I made a fruit platter lol - we all had a really good time and we got to show them all the nursery and all the baby stuff. It was a really good day! Then was the clean-up :tongue: by the time I was done all the dishes and putting everything away etc I was exhausted! Then Jay and I relaxed and looked up different vehicles online to try to figure out what we're going to do about our car situation. I have a 2008 Mini Cooper and we need to upgrade to a bigger vehicle before the baby comes's a little small to say the least! I think we finally decided what we're going to go with and it felt really good. Now we just have to get a few things squared away with the Mini and then we can put it up for sale. Hopefully we can sell it privately and not have to use it as a trade in because I know we would get more money that way. But we'll see.
    I think we're going to go with the Kia Sportage. I really love it - it comes pretty much loaded, has a good warranty and is actually really good on gas...and I love the way it looks :wink: that's always a bonus. We're hoping to go test drive it this week.

    Anyway - last night was another rough probably didn't help that I decided to eat a PB&J sandwich right before bed...then Mason decided it was PARTY TIME and I just couldn't sleep with all those flips and kicks/punches, then I just woke up a bunch with the dog and having to pee and my hands falling asleep needless to say I'm feeling a bit like a zombie today.

    I have a chiro appointment tomorrow afternoon and my next obgyn appointment on Thursday

    Hope everyone has a great Monday.

    (28 weeks 4 days)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Oh sorry I forgot my goals for this week!
    - Yoga DVD at home 2-3 times this week
    - I'd really like to find some time to try aquasize this week
    - Strength training at home 2x's this week
    - More veggies! (fruit I have no problem, i just can't seem to get enough veg in!)
    - Drink more water, at LEAST 8-10 glasses/day
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Sounds like most had good weekends, not so much for a few others.

    Mine was super productive. Friday night my son wasnt feeling good, headache, belly ache, soar throat and whiney....So we opted to skip the wrestling tournament on Sat. I didn't want to take any chances so we stayed home. He was glad and so was I actually. (even though I know he wouldv'e done great). Friday night I wrapped all the presents I've bought and cleaned house a little bit. Sat., Zack got home, we went to lunch, I finally developed some wedding pics. and then just played board games with my son. Zack slept most the afternoon, he was up 26 hours with 2 hours sleep. We rented movies that night and I think we were all sleeping by 9:00. Sunday, I was so busy, my back hurts today, but it was worth it. Zack went to visit some family, I stayed home, did 4 loads of laundry, cleaned every room in my house, put together the crib, rearranged the nursery, put together the swing, hung blinds and curtains, got baby bedding all arranged, hung new shelves in my bathroom, made meals added more X-mas decorations and probably more, just cant remember. After all that though, I took a nice bubble bath, then read my book for a while. I felt tired, but only ended up sleeping about 2 hours. :grumble: :yawn: Hands kept falling asleep and of course had to pee 4 times, before I knew it, it was 30 minutes before my alarm was going to go off. So glad I got so much done yesterday I feel so much better about it now. I need to get some wall decor for the nursery and then it's done. :):smile: Lots of BH contractions the past couple days, nothing major but at times they can be a little uncomfortable.

    WATER, WATER, WATER - didn't drink near enough over the weekend.
    Yoga - hopefully 2x
    Walk - at least 3 x
    Get as much done at work as possible - got a list and I'm hoping to get it done this week, then next week I will start thinking about what will make things easier when I'm gone.

    Hope you all have a great Monday!!! Time to get busy and stay that way until the day is done!!! (See how much I can get done). :)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    Has anyone been wearing heels that are above 2 inches and experience any pain??

    I pulled out my winter boots that have a 2.5 in heel and man, I'm walking slower and slower!! I can feel that ligament stretch right under my belly...

    Just curious.
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Nichole - Exciting you can share your pregnancy with your SIL's. I have a cousin that is a month ahead of me so it has been fun sharing tips/stories with her. You are getting so close!!! :)

    Rosanna - Good goals for this week!

    Ashley - Scary about the fall! I can totally relate...I fell running and was freaked out for the baby. Glad shower #1 went well, hope you get some more bigger items on Sunday.

    Misti - wow! what a productive weekend. ...and some quality family time. Awesome! Hope your son is feeling better.

    Paula - sorry to hear about the chest pain. Hope you were able to get some answers from your appointment.

    Rayna - Date night sounded amazing. :) Good luck with your car situation. I am on the search for one as well. I think my husband is going to fix up my brother's blazer...which is fine with me. As long as I have something with heat and is safe! We have a brand new Malibu (love it!) but my husband commutes 140 miles a day for work so he takes that one.

    Brenda - Glad the appointment went well. Hope you get good results from the test! :)

    Kristy -Glad to hear you have been able to find comfort. You're still in may thoughts. I think 12 lbs for 24 weeks is a good gain! Good luck at your appointment. ...and YAY for an upcoming shower!

    Denise - love the haircut!

    Tara - try not to stress with the weight gain. I keep telling myself not to stress, but I know it is hard. I am determined to work extremely hard after the baby is born to get rid of everything! Just stay positive and continue with your healthy choices.

    Kait - your 16 week pic looks great! :)

    Becca - Happy to hear the M/S is not as bad. Hope things continue to go well for you!

    Amanda - Love that you are swimming. I am a swimmer and need to get back in the pool (especially because I have a pool here at work). What have you been swimming? Are you keeping track of distance or time? I need to set some swimming goals for myself.

    Thanks all for the baby boy name suggestions! ....I think we have are top 2!! (1 I love, 1 hubby loves and I don't like...of course).

    AFM, I feel like I have fallen off the workout wagon. The freezing temps and abundant snow have kept me from doing anything outdoors and my work schedule is crazy. ...but NO more excuses this week. I work at a YMCA and have access to so much---I just hate being here more than I have to. However, this week I am going to try to get on a treadmill or jump in the pool at least 45 minutes 4x! :) The weekend was semi-productive. Had to work out of town at a swim meet Friday night....Saturday I slept in...did some cleaning/decorating....but mainly I was lazy. Last night had a big Italian meal at my parents...which resulted in heartburn from hell all night. Ughh. I seriosly think I get it daily now :(

    My husband has been remodeling our house for over a year now (it was not touched since the 70s and rundown) we don't have much left but with working fulltime (and commuting everyday) he is exhausted. Of course, the last room we need to finish is the nursery! We are having someone come over tonight to give us a quote for drywalling it for us :) Hoping the quote is low and we can just get it done! I know my husband would relieved. Then we can start the fun stuff! Painting and decorating in there.

    Goals this week:
    Run/Walk/Swim - 45 Minutes - 4x this week
    8+ glasses of water
    No candy - sugary snacks
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Everyone-

    I'm only 21 weeks today and I'm having a lot of groin pain when I'm standing or walking. I'm going to ask my Dr. about it tomorrow but I'm wondering if it's because I'm using my elliptical everyday? Anyone else feel this pain? It feels different than round ligament pain but I guess it could be. I haven't been pregnant for about 9 years so I completely forgot about this pain. Maybe I'll invest in one of those pregnant belly support bands. Anyone use those and if so, does it help alleviate pain?
  • gisele246
    gisele246 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone :-)

    Name: Linda
    Hubby/Partner: Rob
    How many kids do you have: 2nd, they'll be 15 months apart :-)
    Due Date: May 21, 2012
    How far along are you: 16 weeks
    Do you know the gender: Find out Dec. 29th
    Babies Name: Waiting until we know gender, like Henry for a boy
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: weights 2x/wk, ellipse and walking. Trying to get in 30 minutes of some activity a day even if it ends up being scrubbing the bathroom. Been counting calories too.
    Fun Fact about yourself: I'm multilingual and we're teaching our baby French and English but we also want to incorporate Spanish as hubby speaks that. We've also started her on baby sign language. I'm big on communication, can you tell? lol
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Oh no, not you too... I've been having groin pain a couple of month ago. I finally asked my doctor and she is thinking I might have hernia. A few weeks ago, I ran to my car and drove to a store. Once I got out of car, my groin (right side) has a sharp pain (worse than ever) and I can barely walk for a few min. My doctor said if it is hernia, I can get checked it out and take care of it after baby is born. My pain is mostly manageable, so I'm getting a belly support bell to help out for the time being.

    Hi Everyone-

    I'm only 21 weeks today and I'm having a lot of groin pain when I'm standing or walking. I'm going to ask my Dr. about it tomorrow but I'm wondering if it's because I'm using my elliptical everyday? Anyone else feel this pain? It feels different than round ligament pain but I guess it could be. I haven't been pregnant for about 9 years so I completely forgot about this pain. Maybe I'll invest in one of those pregnant belly support bands. Anyone use those and if so, does it help alleviate pain?
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    bumping - I will start participating again soon! :)

  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    I have to do the 3 hr GC test tomorrow. :frown:

    Sucky. I am going to be positive although I had 3 cookies right before I got my dr's call today. I haven;t been able to walk, although i did register at BBRUS & Target this weekend, so I got my walk at the stores. Wow I put a list of 30 items at 1 store & 20 at the other.

    Ok, ladies I am feeling down so I'll check in later.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Dang ladies, you miss a couple days and look how far behind you get:0)

    I loved reading everyone's answers to the questions. I also love the idea of having a running list of when everyone is due. Looks like I am the first due next. It's pretty crazy. I'm 38 weeks today. I'm feeling really good and am not dealing with anything really uncomfortable so I feel very fortunate. We cleaned the house like crazy this weekend and did a lot of chores we had been putting off. I also went to Zumba yesterday and had a blast. I was a minute late and people were like oh my goodness I thought you had gone into labor since you were not here. Haha too funny.

    Well I definitley want to post some more personal posts to you each but I have to finish up my work day. Hopefully I will find time soon.

    Have a great day all!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    I have to do the 3 hr GC test tomorrow. :frown:

    Sucky. I am going to be positive although I had 3 cookies right before I got my dr's call today. I haven;t been able to walk, although i did register at BBRUS & Target this weekend, so I got my walk at the stores. Wow I put a list of 30 items at 1 store & 20 at the other.

    Ok, ladies I am feeling down so I'll check in later.

    Try not to eat a lot of carbs and sugary items before your test. Stick to more protein. Also drink lots of water to help flush your system.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Oh man...I know I've definitely had a growth spurt...SO...this may be TMI but when I first got pregnant, my boobs grew really fast and I had to get some new bras, I bought three and I rotate through them - I can't wear underwire anymore because it's just too uncomfortable so I have three that were my go to bras and I just cycled through them during the week...well now I'm on the last row of hooks and they are digging in and I'm spilling out lol :blushing: I think it's definitely time for some new bras...I'm so uncomfortable at work right now - I can't tell you how bad I want to take my bra off! haha

    So my question is, is anyone else dealing with this? I am 28 weeks almost 29 so I'm wondering if I should buy nursing bras so I don't have to buy bras again after the baby comes or what? bras are expensive! I am thinking I might just buy nursing ones but I'm not sure if I'm going to get bigger still? oy yoy yoy! :tongue:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Oh man...I know I've definitely had a growth spurt...SO...this may be TMI but when I first got pregnant, my boobs grew really fast and I had to get some new bras, I bought three and I rotate through them - I can't wear underwire anymore because it's just too uncomfortable so I have three that were my go to bras and I just cycled through them during the week...well now I'm on the last row of hooks and they are digging in and I'm spilling out lol :blushing: I think it's definitely time for some new bras...I'm so uncomfortable at work right now - I can't tell you how bad I want to take my bra off! haha

    So my question is, is anyone else dealing with this? I am 28 weeks almost 29 so I'm wondering if I should buy nursing bras so I don't have to buy bras again after the baby comes or what? bras are expensive! I am thinking I might just buy nursing ones but I'm not sure if I'm going to get bigger still? oy yoy yoy! :tongue:

    Rayna- At the beginning I was like that too, I have a nursing bra that still fits & a normal preggo bra. The sales clerk at motherhood maternity adviced me not to buy too many nursing bras yet becuase the boobs will probably be bigger when we are ready to breastfeed. I did buy a bra snap to adjust the bras I fit into now temporarily. Hope this helps.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Thanks Nichole, that's why i need to get myself back to logging my food like I did at the beginning.

    Yay so happy for you you'll have your beautiful Hannah anytome soon.