How to start on fitness

I'm prettty good when it comes to eating and nutrition and all that jazz. I actually love making meal plans and all that. But I'm losing drive on eating healthy because I've lost all the weight I actually want to lose. And I want to start some form of exercise routine. So my question is:
When you started being active how did you start? Did you just workout? Walk? Train for something? What kept you motivated? Basically anything about you beginning to workout.


  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    Everybody is going to suggest their own favorite activity, so I'll start with mine. Find a 5k in your area around two months from now as a motivation, then checkout Couch to 5K (or C25K as it's often abbreviated). A great way to get into running, and races are tons of fun. C25K will get you from nothing to running a 5k in 8 weeks.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member

    There's no one right answer as to what exercise you should do; find something you enjoy and do that. But a lot of people (myself included) go way beyond their ability right out of the gate and hurt themselves. Then not only are you unable to workout again for a while, but you have a really negative association with physical activity. So just take it slow and work on improving gradually, whatever you choose to do.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I started walking first. Then added Zumba which is fun, and I still do. However the best challenge I have ever given myself was the Couch25K. I never thought I would love running. I ran my first 5k on July 4th! Running gets my heart rate higher than Zumba these days and burns just as much calories in half the time. Every run I do improves my endurance for the next run.

    Nothing can make you feel better than barely being able to breath doing 1 min runs on week 1 to running your first 20 min run non stop (week 6 I think). The sense of accomplishment is amazing! :D
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    I think it just differs for everyone. Do something you enjoy or at least can stick with. I was dedicated to the gym for about 6 months and then I got burned out or bored to death. Now I jog at home and I've put a bike on layaway. I think the bike will keep me interested. We also have some weights at home to help with some strength training.
  • mocha106
    mocha106 Posts: 64 Member
    It doesn't matter the activity that you do, just do something. Walking is a great form of exercise. Start there. Make a point to get in 30-45 minutes of walking everyday. Gradually, try to increase your speed. Do walking intervals: walking/speed walking. Next thing you know you'll add jogging and running. Don't stress out about it. Just make up your mind that this is something that you are going to do.
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    I started by simply walking around the neighborhood. It was spring, and I could still do so because the weather wasn't oppressive like mid-Atlantic summers are. When I started feeling more comfortable with longer walking sessions, I joined a gym. It was actually though a "medical fitness" program prescribed by my cardiologist (I have hypertension). For a few months, I had the exercise physiologists (let's call them trainers) working with me to teach me the right ways to do things without hurting myself. But since that program only allowed me to use the gym three days I week, I "graduated" from the program, and became a community member of the fitness center, and I can go whenever I want, 24/7 now, and still have access to the trainers.

    While my case is a little special because of dealing with the hypertension (which is under control now!), I still recommend starting by just simply walking around your neighborhood. Then maybe try some aerobic DVDs, like "Walk Away The Pounds" (which sounds easy, but it's quite a workout.) If you've never done exercise before, I don't know if a C25K program is the best idea, unless you clear it with your doctor first to make sure your body is strong enough, because it *is* a pretty intense type of program. I'm doing a 5k training right now, and even though I've been regularly exercising 6 days a week now for a few months, it's still been challenging to me and my body to do the training days for the 5k....

    Good luck!
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 550
    I started with the Wii fit. Then added Just Dance on the Wii also.

    Now I cycle, and do various DVD workouts. I can't afford to join a gym (and probably wouldn't anyway!) so I have weights for strength training at home. I've just completed Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred", and am about to start her "Ripped in 30".

    You just need to find something you enjoy, the way I see it is as long as you're moving you can't go wrong!! Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    I started with just walking around my neighborhood with my dog... I kept walking until I was walking about 3 miles per day. Then, I began swimming and riding my mountain bike on the weekends. Now I go to the gym three days a week, walking on the elliptical or treadmill for about 20 - 30 minutes, then strength training for about 30 minutes. I go hiking in my area of Phoenix two mornings a week. I NEVER liked exercising before and now, I have learned to love and respect the feeling it gives me... not just when I step on the scale and see the pounds falling off... but the energy it gives me.
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Honestly, you have to find what works for you. When I was pregnant I just made myself get up early every morning to use the elliptical so it became a routine. Now that I had my baby it's hard to get into that routine again but I do take walks. I do miss working out everyday and I never thought I'd say that!
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    Really getting started is all about choosing an activity that you already enjoy. Unless you are one of those people who don't really have anything active that you like, if so then I suggest walking.

    Me, I started walking and jogging to supplement the activities I enjoy. Like dancing, martial arts, and weight training. I love doing these, but at times it's good to change it up, plus on day when I'm feeling drained and don't want a hard core working out, I walk. It clears my head and gets me off my duff.

    Try things out, do things you enjoy. Get moving, and keep on moving. Do what you can, at home, at a gym, with a friend. As you go, you'll find what works for you and if you study up on workouts and such, you'll be able to tailor your activities to what best suits you.
  • UnleashingLovely
    So apparently the C25K is very liked... Can someone give me a link? I'm having trouble finding the program...