Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Holding my place here. I will be back to comment on everyone's progress. The good news is no more spotting (and it was only a tiny spot). Still waiting for my OB to get back to me, I asked her for a serial hcg. I just want to get through this week, buy a fetal Doppler, and check it daily - I got the first trimester blues! :laugh:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    cutmd- Hang in there. The 1st trimester is rough. I worried a lot more than I thought I would have. Believe me it does get better.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Bump so I can keep lurking :wink:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Holding my place here. I will be back to comment on everyone's progress. The good news is no more spotting (and it was only a tiny spot). Still waiting for my OB to get back to me, I asked her for a serial hcg. I just want to get through this week, buy a fetal Doppler, and check it daily - I got the first trimester blues! :laugh:
    Okay, seriously too funny how similar in reaction we were! The day I had my spotting/bleeding episode, first thing I did was buy a fetal doppler online! :bigsmile: I always thought in the past that the women that had those were crazy....guess I'm the crazy lady now! I ended up getting a Sonoline B ($53 & free shipping)....but peace of mind = priceless!!!
  • deanie0515
    deanie0515 Posts: 85 Member
    Just wanted to check in on the Sept board... been doing pretty good, not really logging my food like I was or should. Still having major food aversions and flip flop stomach!! So I've just been giving into whatever sounds good!! I do feel lucky that I'm not throwing up, just feel like it at various times of the day :sad: I ran yesterday but couldn't get out of bed this morning, energy = ZERO!!! :yawn:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    My goodness! There is so much activity...and I love it! I love that this board is full of very active, healthy mama-to-be's! It is a beautiful thing! lol!

    Welcome to all the newcomers! Jump right in and let us know what is your poison of choice (mine is hiking, spinning, Tracy Anderson Method for toning, cardio kickboxing (which I haven't done since I got preggers cause of my larger than life sore boobies), and I plan on doing Turbo Fire after baby comes).

    Having so many fit and fabulous mommies makes it a little harder to keep up with everyone. So if I don't comment on something you said, please know I'm not ignoring you and I read everyone's posts word for word and take in everything everyone says. I'm so happy to be in your company!

    Nichole I'm all about knowledge being power! If I didn't do Bradley Method I would have totally done hypnobirthing. A lot of people connect Bradley to hippies, which I'm totally not lol, but it just made the most sense for me and Al. I'm all about the natural state of birthing and his practices just clicked for me. We just finished our birthing plan and it is feeling so much more real right now!

    cutmd sounds like things are going well. Glad there's not been anymore spotting! Any bleeding during pregnancy is scary. I agree that I was so much more worried during the first Trimester than I thought I would be, but then I came to the realization that all the worrying in the world wouldn't help so I kinda just gave it to God and prayed every day thanking him for giving me another day with Charlee.

    Ashley I love the new pic, you are so adorable! And yay for ultrasound tomorrow! Let us know how it goes! You will be in my thoughts. I also watched that Babies documentary a couple of weeks ago on Netflix. That poor kiddo that the older sibling kept torturing him! lol It was pretty interesting though. I about laughed when the one mom squirted her breastmilk on the baby's face to wash her! It is amazing how different our cultures are around the world but how at the end of the day we all want to protect and love our babies and give them the best we can.

    Kristy no worries....30 is pretty fabulous! lol

    Khrys I didn't really look pregnant until about 26wks. Before then I just looked like I let myself go. But don't worry about it. Everyone is going to carry differently depending on a lot of factors.

    Rayna are you eating plenty of protein as well? Protein is imperative for energy during pregnancy! I know you eat very well...just making sure you are eating plenty of protein. Hopefully this will pass soon and you will be feeling the wonderfulness of the 2nd Trimester "normalcy". :)

    Holly thinking about you every day! Any kind of progress happening? Whenever anyone asks me when I'm due now I always tell them 7-12wks instead of a date. Have you talked with your OB about a date to induce if baby doesn't come this week?

    80lblost I hope all turns out well. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Amanda I agree with Ash and know that the ladies on the board she referred you to will be of great support! Both Ash and I spent way more time there than we wanted...but we got very close to many of those ladies. They are all wonderful.

    Ash Yay for a successful u/s!!! I bet it just feels so surreal (at least it did for me)! I'm so very very happy for you. I can't believe the lack of midwives where you are! People tend to prefer Doctors and hospitals around here. I'm like you in that I prefer a midwife as well as a birthing center but the midwives deliver at the hospital here (the one I'm delivering at) but their office is full of OB/GYN's as well and whoever is on call is who you get and the people who work in their office are complete morons and incapable of doing their job (can you tell I'm a little resentful? lol). I love my Family Practitioner and love the idea that she will be Charlee's doctor even after she is born. I hope you get a midwife or a doctor that you feel really comfortable with! That is the least you deserve.

    Kim I hope you will be joining us soon! :)

    As for me the third trimester fatigue is starting to set in for sure. Some days I'm fine and some days I'm just so tired no matter how much sleep I got the night before. I try and nap as much as I can...but that doesn't happen very often. I've been busy with trying to get things together for our couples shower/party next Saturday. There is still so much to be done though. I'm excited should be a great time with family and friends to celebrate Charlee!

    The weather has gotten HOT HOT HOT again! Today the heat index was 110*F! This definitely makes me more tired and makes me want to stay inside! I did end up getting in a nice long hike with Ellie Mae (my German Shepherd) before it got too hot. This morning I woke up to weather in the 80s and 100% humidity so being outside was out of the question! This weekend is supposed to cool off though so hopefully next week I will get in more outdoor walks.

    I hope you ladies had a wonderful and healthy day!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Thanks for the advice, ladies! Yes, I'm a bit taller- 5'8", so apparently I have lots of space for the baby (although I have a really short torso, so we'll see!) You've all helped me feel a bit better, and I had my 25 week appointment today- baby's heartrate is 150, and the doc said I'm right on track for weight (gained 17 pounds so far), and right on track for size, so I'm feeling MUCH better! I also lost 40 pounds right before I got pregnant, so my body is probably trying to figure out what the heck is going on! ;o) Have a great night everyone!
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Back from my specialist appt. with good news! Baby's heart rate is 133bpm and Dr. said it looks healthy. Dr. thinks that the "mass" is either a twin that didn't develop or a small placental cyst. The good news is that it doesn't have blood flow to it so it can't get bigger...yay! He said that I still have a 10% chance of miscarrying so I'm just cautiously optimistic. I see specialist again in 5 weeks for my first trimester screen and genetic counseling since I'm "advanced maternal age". I'll probably get to know the gender at that 12 week appt. Yay for frequent ultrasounds!!! Thanks for the prayers!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Ya! Happy September. Thanks for the board, Heather and the offer to start up our baby board once we all start popping them out! I've enjoyed catching up with everyone (ie: all that reading on the August board).

    Been on Mat. Leave since Aug. 18th. Spending some time in Point Roberts, WA with my husband and our 16 month old at our trailer. Camping, but easier! My sis-in-law and her family and my mom and dad-in-law have cabins down here as well so there's lots of help (and sympathy!) for the very pregnant busy Mama. We're returning home to Vancouver on Labour Day to wait for baby's arrival... Elective repeat c-section is booked for Sept. 13th (if I don't go into labour sooner).

    Holly - You've been on my mind so much! I applaud you for your continous running at 40 weeks pregnant. I think you are a superstar! So much in fact I was raving about you to my husband last night before bed. The next time we're in Seattle I'm letting you know! Would be so cool to meet you and your new baby.

    Well, back to the relax time while baby naps. I've got my feet up. Ankles are a tad swollen these days but ocean swims definitely help. Been taking morning stroller walks everyday. Happy to report my weight gain has been right on target when I check in at the Doc's office weekly. My last pre-natal appointment is next Wednesday...and then we'll have our new baby girl or boy. I'm so excited!

    Will check in again soon, Ladies.

    ~ Amy
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Hi, ladies, exciting times! RootedRedwood, you mentioned the Lindsay Brin prenatal DVDs? I just bought the set at Target, I hope they are good. I bought her book, too, but thought it might be easier to follow a video than a book.

    My exercises of choice so far (5 or 6 weeks in) are elliptical, walk/run intervals on the treadmill, and tonight went to Zumba for the first time. Am trying to incorporate some strength training but find it so boring. I also just bought Jillian's No Trouble Zones b/c I heard it has just strength, no cardio, so may give that a try. Any other recommendations for good strength training? I find the machines at the gym too boring to tolerate.

    My first OB appointment has been scheduled for the 13th with an ultrasound, I'm so excited to find out for sure that there is really a little creature in there!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Holding my place here. I will be back to comment on everyone's progress. The good news is no more spotting (and it was only a tiny spot). Still waiting for my OB to get back to me, I asked her for a serial hcg. I just want to get through this week, buy a fetal Doppler, and check it daily - I got the first trimester blues! :laugh:
    Okay, seriously too funny how similar in reaction we were! The day I had my spotting/bleeding episode, first thing I did was buy a fetal doppler online! :bigsmile: I always thought in the past that the women that had those were crazy....guess I'm the crazy lady now! I ended up getting a Sonoline B ($53 & free shipping)....but peace of mind = priceless!!!

    Tell me about it! We are the same - I hope I do as well as you. I bled again without a BM just as I was calming down and spent the rest of the day crying. I did find some research articles showing that light bleeding is ok, especially around previous period time and placenta time, but I'm miserable. I know what will be will be, but I don't know whether to grieve or carry on. My ob is going to have her assistant book me earlier next week, I just pray I get to stay in this thread but if it's not meant to be I have to accept that.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ladies, you are all so wonderful and I am so proud of you. I passed my baby tonight so I will have to leave you. :sad:

    Thank you for the inspiration and support!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Cutmd...oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I will keep you in my prayers. :cry:

    80lbs, that is good news! I hope everything continues to go well.

    Amy, your vacation sounds amazing. Ocean swimming, camping....sounds lovely.

    Heather, hope your party is fun! It has gotten hot here in KY again too. It is supposed to be 100 today.'s September. Boo.

    As for working out, I enjoy short runs and run'/walk intervals. I've been doing a little strength training and had been swimming about a mile a week. Over the last couple weeks I've been working a lot and just really not feeling like going to the gym. My 13 year old Aussie Shepherd has been getting a lot more walks however. I just want to keep moving. I sit at a desk all day so if I don't do something, I don't really move during the day. I stopped doing my regular power yoga and really need to get into prenatal yoga. I reall miss it and can tell I've lost flexibility. I used to be very bendy. :smile:

    Better get my work done. It's a half day for me then off to see the baby for the first time! Hope you all have a great holiday weekend. I'll pop and let you all know the results!

  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    cutmd: I am so sorry to hear that!:cry: You and your family are in my prayers. ((hugs))
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    cutmd, My heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know there's a few of us that have miscarried in the past and know what a tough time it is. I'll keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Ladies, you are all so wonderful and I am so proud of you. I passed my baby tonight so I will have to leave you. :sad:

    Thank you for the inspiration and support!

    Nothing I can say can make it any easier....but going through two losses I know how hard it is right now. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry you had to experience this. As you know, so many women experience m/c during their first pregnancy and turn around having no more problems and delivering healthy beautiful babies. All is not lost. Grieve as you need to grieve and then allow yourself to feel okay. I hope you get to return to us as soon as you are ready. Take care of yourself. You will be missed.

    My heart truly aches for you.... :(
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Amy your trip sounds wonderful and relaxing...So wish we could do a relaxing trip before baby comes but my trip to AZ to visit Al several months ago was our "babymoon". So from here on out it is home bound waiting for baby to come! I'm so excited for you are so close now! Keep us updated!

    80lblost I had several u/s due to my miscarriages in the past and at my 12wk u/s you could see some features but the sex of the baby wasn't one of them. Usually it is way too early at that time to see the sex because the sex organs still look the same whether it is a boy or girl. Come closer to 15-20wks is when sex is easier to distinguish.

    Ashley good luck with your appointment today..I will be thinking about you! :)

    Today is another hot day is "misery" (what I call Missouri when it is a less than desirable place to So I guess I'll hop on the treadmill (blah!) and watch some tv to pass the time. Next week looks perfect with 70*F temps all week long! YAY! So that means lots of outside hikes/walks!

    Well I hope you ladies all have a wonderful Friday! Take care of yourself and those babies!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Cutmd - Grace to you!

    Ashely - Have a great appointment!! Yay, you get to see your little one!!

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend!!!!!
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    just wanted to say hi! i'm at 21 weeks and doing well except chronic migraines which i had an MRI for last Tues just to rule out anything else. i go back to the specialist on Tues so i'm hoping he tells me all is well. he started me on amitryptiline which i'm a little nervous about but everything i've read says it's one of the safer drugs for pregnancy. last week we had the 20 week's a girl!!!!! we are so excited. my husband is really nervous though, he already has her dating some punk he has to protect her from!!! i hope he calms down and gets to enjoy her. anyway all is good otherwise and i hope you all have a great holiday weekend!!!!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Had my follow up yesterday for the kidney ultrasound. One of my kidneys is slightly swollen, but she said it could be from the pressure of my uterus. The results also said something about pyramids or something in my kidneys. I don't remember exactly, nor do I really know what that means. LOL The doc said everything is functioning fine, but she still wants to send me to a specialist just to be safe. She said he'll probably say she's crazy and I'm fine, but she'd rather be safe than sorry.

    I'm 11 weeks today and am in a SUPER mood this morning. LOL I was crazy bloated last night and it was pretty uncomfortable and was to the point of making me slightly nauseous. My husband looked at my stomach and asked, "Are you starting to show?" to which I replied, "No, that's how bad I'm bloated! I told you it hurt!" Haha!!! Luckily I feel better this morning.

    I get off work in 30 minutes and will be enjoying our 3 day weekend. There's an air show on base tomorrow that we're going to. The Blue Angels will be there and I'm pretty excited since I've never seen them before. They were flying over our house practicing yesterday, which was pretty cool.

    I hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend. :)