Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    What do all of you look forward to the most after having your baby? For me, besides the excitement of having my baby in my arms, I cannot wait to have a beer while watching the Ravens and to be able to keep up with my kids at the park!

    Wine. I miss having a glass or four after a very stressful day. I was a pretty big drinker before and it honestly hasn't been as bad to give it up as I thought, but I do miss having a glass and feeling that relaxed feeling. I also like to accompany really good food with wine and have a hard time having a very good meal without. Therefore, I also miss really good food. We haven't done many super nice restaurants since I've been prego. It's all worth it though.

    I'm with you on the wine!! We aren't huge drinkers, but we definitely love wine. I miss having a glass or two with dinner every so often. My husband had a glass with dinner on Sunday and I had a tiny sip and that was a mistake. It made me want it even more! haha! Before I got pregnant I always said that I would allow myself to have a 3-4oz serving of wine 1-2 times per month, but now that I'm pregnant I decided against it. :) I did buy some alcohol free wine recently though. It has 0.5% alcohol (just like O'Douls has a tiny bit of alcohol) so I decided to wait until my 2nd trimester to have a glass, but I'm still not going to overdo it even then. I will probably allow myself a 6oz serving once a week. The website for the wine said the alcohol content is equivalent to a glass of orange juice left out overnight. The brand is Fre. I bought a chardonnay and a merlot, if you're interested at all. It's also half the calories since the alcohol is removed.

    I tried the Fre and thought it was pretty terrible. There's somethinga bout the nice relaxed feeling you get too I miss.....I had a sip of my husband's very strong margarita on Friday and I got a tiny sensation like that. It was nice. :smile: I too thought I may have a glass every so often as early as second tri, but I think I'll hold out until the 3rd. A friend of my parents' daughter in law's dr. told her it was ok to drink. Period. I just couldn't keep it up reguarly. I would be too paranoid. My dentist also said she'd have a glass most Fridays but drink it over a 4 hour period. But, I think I may have a glass now and again come 3rd trimester. We will see.

    I never gave up caffeine. Well, I take that back - I cut back...quit drinking diet coke, which I probably had on avereage 5-6 a week. I absoluately love coffee and have probably 2 cups a day. When I told the nurse this her response was, "our mothers used to keep pots of coffee on all day...."

    I'm off to drive and take photos in the rain. Joy.....
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Oh, I definitely miss intense workouts and sleeping on my stomach! Not too much longer!

    As for alcohol while pregnant....I have had a wine spritzer here and there, just a spash of wine. I'm too chicken to try a straight glass of wine. I think after not drinking for so long that it would give me a buzz and I think that would make me feel horrible. I didn't like the non-alcoholic wine. I had an O'Douls at a party, it wasn't bad, but I felt like people were staring at me since it looks like a real beer.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I forgot this part!!!!

    What I miss the most....

    Thats a hard one!!!! I would love to not have to wake up 3 times a night and pee!!! Still sleeping on my stomach, but not as much, that will be missed very soon!!!! I would love a Beer with Clamato juice in it!!!! I never hardly drank those before but they smell and look so good!!! I don't think I could actually bring myself to do it though....I'll just wait it out, and drink tomato juice. LOL

    It will be nice too, to not have the worry when I know I'm overdoing it!!!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I forgot this part!!!!

    What I miss the most....

    Thats a hard one!!!! I would love to not have to wake up 3 times a night and pee!!! Still sleeping on my stomach, but not as much, that will be missed very soon!!!! I would love a Beer with Clamato juice in it!!!! I never hardly drank those before but they smell and look so good!!! I don't think I could actually bring myself to do it though....I'll just wait it out, and drink tomato juice. LOL

    It will be nice too, to not have the worry when I know I'm overdoing it!!!

    OMG mistibergman I totally need to add that to my list - not having to get up 3 times a night to pee! That is the worst!
    Last night was a 4 timer!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    What I miss the most....

    Well, being that i'm SO early my list is quite short.
    1. Sleeping through the night without having to pee every 1.5-2 hours would be great!
    2. I will miss sleeping on my stomach! That is my #1 position, so I'm not looking forwad to the day when I can't.
    4. My diet Coke! I know I should have stopped drinking it a long time ago, but I love my diet coke!
    3. A margarita! I'm not a big drinker, but I do have to say I love a good margarita!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Kim I'm so happy to find you here:0) A big congrats! I did everything normal up until 8 weeks. Then I had to back off a little and substitute some workouts. I was so tired in the beginning and nauseous in the morning. I still do Zumba although I cannot look at my self in the mirror while doing it because I look ridiculous, haha. I don't have as much bounce but I can still rock it out.

    Lexi , I can’t believe how close you are! How very exciting! You look awesome.

    Ashley congratulations on having a girl. We are also having a girl and I melt when I see all the cute little girl things.

    dmcohee I feel you on the sleeping. I toss and turn all night bringing my big old body pillow with me. I always mostly slept on my side but now because I can’t I want to sleep on my stomach and back. I wake up and my hips hurt and something is asleep like an arm or leg.

    babeed854 sounds like you had a fabulous time. I would love to visit Cabo someday. I’m glad all your tests came back negative. Hope your kidney infection goes away.

    Heather I also love the tree idea. I can’t wait to see pictures from your shower. My shower is October 1st and I can’t wait to see everyone. I miss my friends and family up north so much especially now.

    Holly I start my class this Thursday. I am still doing Zumba and now walking a lot on the treadmill… I think you will be the first to have the baby. I can’t wait! Good luck!

    This weeks Goals:
    Today: 1 hour treadmill hills
    Tomorrow: Zumba
    Thursday: 1 hour treadmill hills
    Friday: Zumba
    Saturday: Gotta start doing some weights again.
    Drink lots of water. Continue to cleanup diet.

    What I miss…
    Crazy awesome workouts. Sleeping comfortably although baby will be keeping us up for a while… The occasional wine and mixed drinks. Also my morning coffee! I cut back pretty much all caffeine. I miss my body being mine! But it is so worth it and I have enjoyed the experience.

    By the way we agreed on a name: Hannah Marie -- Love calling her by name:0)

    Well I have some work to finish:0)

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    My fitness goals this week:

    Tuesday - run/walk and prenatal yoga DVD
    Wednesday - Iyengar yoga class at Family Yoga Centre!
    Thursday - Spin bike for 30 mins and weights/strength training
    Friday - run/walk and prenatal yoga DVD
    Saturday - Spin bike for 30 mins and weights/strength training
    Sunday - off (weekly house clean ;))
    Drink lots of WATER!! And no eating ANY take-out or fast food this week!

    nkster781 - congrats on having a girl and choosing her name! Hannah Marie is precious! :)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    I forgot this part!!!!

    What I miss the most....

    Thats a hard one!!!! I would love to not have to wake up 3 times a night and pee!!! Still sleeping on my stomach, but not as much, that will be missed very soon!!!! I would love a Beer with Clamato juice in it!!!! I never hardly drank those before but they smell and look so good!!! I don't think I could actually bring myself to do it though....I'll just wait it out, and drink tomato juice. LOL

    It will be nice too, to not have the worry when I know I'm overdoing it!!!

    Misti, around here we call those "Mich-el-adas" and I so miss those!! When I was on vacation the bartender felt so bad for me since I was the only one at happy hour ordering water that he made me the Clamato w/ the spices and put it on ice for me...then he thru in a bit of ginger ale so I could pretend it was beer!! He totally made my day and my vacation =) Sometimes it's all about the little things in life.

    To bad it was short lived, teh baby DID NOT like all the spices but, it still made my day.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    What I miss the most....

    Well, being that i'm SO early my list is quite short.
    1. Sleeping through the night without having to pee every 1.5-2 hours would be great!
    2. I will miss sleeping on my stomach! That is my #1 position, so I'm not looking forwad to the day when I can't.
    4. My diet Coke! I know I should have stopped drinking it a long time ago, but I love my diet coke!
    3. A margarita! I'm not a big drinker, but I do have to say I love a good margarita!


    My doctor told me to switch from Diet Coke to Diet Coke w/out caffinee. It's a gold 2 liter bottle. The taste is a bit different but to be honest I kinda prefer it more now. Its almost like theres less sugar in it? Its not as sweet.....and now I'm not even drinking very much of it....
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Rayna - You know what, I used to run everyday pre pregnancy also, then they made me restrict working out for 4 weeks, I believe from week 8-12 (on top of already being lazy and barely working out before due to 1st tri fatigue). I started back up light jogging and worked my way back up to 6/7 mile long runs till 20 weeks, when my jump in weight made my legs hurt. Again, my miles went down to 2/3 but I built it back up to about 5/6 mile runs till I was about late 20s, then started declining. I think if I kept running every day like I normally did, I would still keep up with 5+ milers but right now at almost 40 weeks the most I will do is 3 mile jog intervals. Whatever works though, don't get discouraged!

    What do I miss most? drinking more than one cup of coffee a day. I cut it down from 6 but lately I have been so tired and my one cup isn't cutting it anymore.. Oh and I miss my body lol
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Holly just thinking about you! Sending happy baby vibes your way!

    Oh Nichole, Hannah Marie is so beautiful! She sounds like a beautiful, sweet little girl already. :)

    I just got back from getting a mani/pedi...then on Thursday it is hair day! I'm going back dark. I am a natural blonde but I like to spice things up and change up my hair according to the season most of the time. In the winter I like to go a chocolate brown. I'm excited for the change. So for my party on Saturday I will have my feet/nails and hair done...along with my eyebrows and I have a black maxi dress I'm wearing with some really cute pink accessories I got from Charming Charlie's (how I love that store!). I still feel pretty and not like a beached whale (most days) so I'm just hoping that I can hold off on getting TOO big until after October 4th when I have my maternity pics. I will be 35 weeks then so we shall see! My arms and my face still look normal but my belly has definitely popped even more over the past several days.

    Well I'm gonna go finish my walk I started this morning...Hope everyone had a great day!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Heathercrist1 I totally know what you mean about changing your hair according to the seasons, I've gone chocolate brown quite a few times in the fall :) I'm naturally blonde as well but I like to mix things up too. I'd really love to go brown this fall too...maybe I'll just get more low lights and darken it up a bit! I get so bored with my hair so easily!
    I would love to get a mani/pedi that sounds marvelous!
    I keep forgetting about a free facial I have at a local salon! I'm going to call and make that appointment ASAP!

    Random question - has anyone else experienced an increase in the amount they sneeze?? I sneeze like 10+ times a day, it's the worst in the morning but I get random sneezes in the afternoon and evening as well. It's driving me NUTS! I've never sneezed this much consistently for this long a period of time in my life! I'm starting to get mad at people for saying "Bless you" after I sneeze because I hear it so much!! LOL
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hello to all my fit, fabulous and pregnant friends!

    I'm totally embarrassed to admit this, but feel I should. I had a complete and total breakdown on Sunday. My emotions just couldn't take the suspense and waiting anymore. I know all our family and friends are just anxious and excited for us, but the constant flood of questioning (phone calls, emails, texts) whether or not bambino had arrived got to me and I spent the entire day crying and feeling deflated. My dear, poor husband didn't know what to do for me. Happy to say that I am feeling much more like my self again.

    Well, my prayers are being met in some other way because they started my induction process at this afternoon's appointment. I have a 40cc balloon (Foley catheter) inserted with the intent to get me to dilate. Good news is I am effacing nicely and bambino is engaged (which does make it interesting for them to get that catheter in there!) We have a 5a call time at the hospital for tomorrow. Bambino responded well to the nst and apparently I am having some pretty strong and regular contractions.....this has been a huge fear of mine...I have an incredibly high pain tolerance and have been worried that I wouldn't recognize contractions...appears to be the case for now.

    Heather and Ashley, I am so right there with you gals about not wanting to let someone else do the work for me. I am pregnant, not sick! And Heather and Rayna, I wish I had your braveness for changing my hair color. I am so boring in that department!

    We are FINALLY starting to have some summer here in Seattle. We've been in the 80's for about the past five days and they are predicting into the high 80's by the end of the week. I have been loving the warmth and sunshine!! I've been taking my furry, four legged daughters out for early morning walks. Today we walked to my sister's house (two miles away), walked about 45 minutes and then walked home. My major fitness goal for the week is to have this bambino - I am ready to meet him or her!

    Future fitness goal - hoping that I will be able to get back to the running (for all the newbies here I ran until 40weeks, 3 days) within a week or two. Sadly, I too am looking forward to a nice glass of wine or cocktail - my weakness is a Bombay Sapphire martini with Stilton stuffed olives. Yum! I also can't wait to sleep on my back again and to not get up 6-8 times a night to pee....yes, that's how bad it's been lately!

    Planning to stay close to home tonight and making some Amaretti cookies. I wish you all luck in meeting your nutrition and fitness goals this week. I've heard many of you say that my running throughout pregnancy has been inspirational - I just want you all to know that we are all capable of our goals and each and everyone of you give me motivation and inspiration! Looking forward to sharing some news soon!!

  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    congrats, Holly, so exciting! good luck with everything!

    as for me, I already miss sushi terribly - and it's only been a few weeks. my friend (who knows I'm pg) forgot and bought sushi for our grown-up snack on a playdate with our kids this past weekend - of course I couldn't eat any but had to stare longingly at her plate. The grapes and pineapple were ALMOST as good :)

    I went to a Zumba class yesterday - I felt silly not being able to jump and hop, but decided I wanted to take it easy. Still got a great workout.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Holly I'm so excited for you! I'm sorry you had a less than stellar day on Sunday...we are only human. But you picked yourself back up and are well on your way to meeting your little one so soon! I will be praying for you and waiting patiently to hear all about it! Also, it is strange that only now you are feeling warm temps when this is the first week in months the temps have been mild (highs in the 70s)! It is more than wonderful! I love having my windows open and a cool breeze throughout the house! Well enough weather talk...good luck with everything! We are all here rooting you on! We will miss you until your return. Take care of yourself! Hugs!

    Rayna I went through some sneezing fits months back. It was more than annoying. It went away you have that to look forward to. :) Now I always feel like I have gunk in my nose. I'm always blowing my nose and digging around (with tissue and washing my hands of course! lol). I think it has to do with your mucous membranes creating more mucous during pregnancy. Nose bleeds are also very common in pregnancy. I've yet to have that happen though.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    I think the thing I look forward to most after pregnancy (besides the joy of my sweet baby) is to be able to get back into intense workouts and sleeping on my stomach! I mean don't get me wrong...I'd love a beer with a slice of pizza and a margarita with some chips and salsa....but what I REALLY miss is being able to jump, kick, and sprint my way to a wicked burn and a puddle of sweat on the floor! I miss pushing my body to the point of almost breaking. And the sleeping on my stomach...oh how wonderful that will be! :)

    I'm with you, heather! I want to stretch out on my back (like the final relaxation pose for yoga! Or just sleeping!!) and I want to start running again. My daughter (almost 13) is interested in starting running and I want to encourage her and run with her and my husband. We got a travel system with a jogging stroller so I will be more encouraged to go running after. I also want to get back into serious weight lifting (well, serious for a woman toning up, not bulking, but you know...) Never been a drinker, so I'm not missing that at all, lol.

    My doctor told me that 1 caffeine drink a day was okay. Since coke has about 1/2 the caffeine as a cup of coffee (and I don't drink any coffee), I'll still get a diet coke when we go out to eat (and get refills), or a 20 oz bottle at the store, and figure I'm okay there. I don't drink it every day, and even limit myself to just 1 can most of the time when I do. And, honestly, that's a habit I want to keep up; a little caffeine is okay but too much is too much, even when not prego.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I really miss sushi and rare steaks... Can't wait to have those again! As far as exercising goes, I had stopped when I found out I was pregnant. I know that exercising doesn't lead to miscarriage, but after 2 mc's and then years of trying to get pregnant again, I was just out of my mind paranoid. Now that I'm only 8 days away from my second trimester, I've started to go out walking again. Of course up here in Alaska, the nice weather will only last for another month or so before we get snowed in again for the winter. I do kinda miss those hard core, burn my butt off elliptical sessions though.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hahaha I completely forgot about the new month and kept logging on the august. Oh well, it's so nice to hear everyone's milestones.

    Cutmd you're in my thoughts & prayers.

    BB2 -Congrats on your baby girl. How exciting.

    Rayna-cute pix!

    MidniteDD: So glad to hear you're feeling better, and congrats on getting closer to the 2nd tri.

    As for me, I'm counting down the days to the OB on friday. I tend to walk at least 20 mins 3x a week. I was doing double workouts before but the dr told me to take it easy due to the Ect Pregnancy earlier this yr plus I am still sleepy all the time.

    I am 15 weeks today! Def not looking preggo yet, just gaining weight around the belly.

    My goals this week: Go to the gym and do the elliptical or some 5lb weights & eat healthier foods.
  • Hello, i just found out yesterday i'm pegnant and i was wondering if i can join this group,
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    So I posted a pic from yesterday (31wks) and I am obviously larger than I was even last week but I've not gained any weight in 3 weeks...This whole pregnancy thing still amazes me. Your body does some crazy, weird, amazing stuff that's for sure! How does one get bigger but doesn't gain any weight? lol

    Anyhoo....well I'm going for a hike today with my friend and then we are doing an hour of toning. After we workout we are going to take her kiddo to storytime at the library and then go have lunch with our hubbies (they are work bff's lol). We are gonna come back and work on some projects for the party like the diaper cake. Should be a great day!

    Hope you ladies have an awesome, healthy, fit day! Again I want to tell everyone how proud I am to surround myself with mama to be's that make their fitness a priority even during pregnancy! So many people lately have told me "when I was pregnant I sat on the couch and ate donuts and then wondered why I had gained so much weight!" lol! It takes a lot to fight past the fatigue and uncomfortable body stuff going on and still rock out to a Zumba class, kick butt in a cardio kickboxing class, climb hills hiking, and drip with sweat from a great run! You ladies are awesome and a true example that just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to be an invalid that lets people cater to you and sits around complaining how tired and uncomfortable you are! You are truly LIVING your life instead of being a passenger in life...and you rock!