Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    midnight day dream- I eat medium rare steaks all the time! If the meat has been properly refrigerated and comes from a good source with good turn over (like a butcher- i won't buy meat from a supermarket where it sits on a shelf), then a medium rare steak should be fine. Its about contamination anyway, not about the amount it is cooked. If meat is contaminated, then it doesn't matter if its well done, you'll still get sick from it.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Rayna - It's funny because just as I read your question about sneezing, I was having a sneezing fit of my own. So I feel your pain!! lol

    I jogged intervals on the treadmill yesterday for 30 minutes and man, I could only do 3 minutes of jogging at a time and my heart rate was up around 160-165. I wasn't huffing and puffing too bad though so I feel like I was okay. I walked for about 3-5 minutes in between. Then I did 30 minutes on the stairclimber and that was a nice little workout. I was so happy that my husband joined me at the gym yesterday. He's put on a couple pounds since I've been pregnant and he's wanting to lose that. Haha!

    When did you ladies feel like you first noticed a little bump on your tummy? I woke up yesterday morning and felt like it was just there all of a sudden. I'm only 11.5 weeks so I feel like it's way too early to see anything, but it's there for sure. My abs were pretty flat and toned before so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. Probably not.

    That's upsetting that the Fre wine doesn't taste good. I was really looking forward to it. :( I do agree about the nice relaxed feeling you get from a real glass of wine though. So nice!

    I don't eat medium rare steaks, but I eat medium, which is what I usually ate pre-pregnancy. I've also read sushi isn't necessarily a bad thing either as long as you eat the proper low-mercury fish and eat at a reputable place. There aren't any good sushi places where I live or else I would have had some already.

    Have you ladies tried the dark chocolate Silk Almond Milk? OMG! It's so good!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yay Holly! I guess you are close to having your baby by now if not already. That's awesome. HOpe everything went/is going well.

    Rayna, I read somewhere that our nose tissue does something - becomes more sensitive or something. I have been sneezing more too.

    I love hearing about everyon'e running journeys. I have been a runner for about 14-15 years on and off, but mostly on. I started getting more serious - making it part of my weekly routines and doing races probably 6 or so years ago. I have never been a huge distance runner nor a particulary fast runner (I am 9.5 - 10 minute mile) . I have done 3 10 mile races and honestly I end up getting bored after about 6 or 7 miles. I am a 2-5 mile runner usually. Since I got preggo I just haven't been working out as regularly. Weekend before last I finally went for a run and was able to run for 5 minutes and walk for 1 for about 35 minutes. It felt great. Different, but great. I am shooting for another run this week. I love running and am excited to get back to it. A friend of mine and I had just started doing long Saturday runs before I got prego so I am looking forward to having my running buddy back. I also live in a great area of town near a huge park with running loops and trails.

    Kristy - I noticed a real bump probably around 15 weeks maybe. But I was definitely bloated prior though and felt I had a bump. Even now some days I feel like I totally look prego (like today...Chinese for dinner last night and pants that I barely fit in) and other days, like yesterday, I barely look bigger.

    Lunarokra - I have mocktails all the time. After the dissapointment with the Fre and NA beer, I just started with cranberry with a splash of OJ and lime. Then I found these Italian sodas at the wine store so I put them in a wine glass when my friends are over drinking.

    Heather - sounds fun....getting all did up for the big partay. Hair color change is fun too. I was blonde as a kid and have colored my hair half my life. I did red for a couple years, and then stuck with highlights in college and after. About a year ago I went to my natural brown color and I like it on me. I still sometimes think of myself as blonde though.

    Yesterday I walked to and from lunch and then walked around at a job site quite a bit so figured that counted for one walk this week. I didn't get home from work/getting my nails done until nearly 8. I packed my suit today so plan on a mile swim after work. Hopefully tomorrow will be strength and running.

    Happy Hump Day Mamas!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    What I miss the most....

    Well, being that i'm SO early my list is quite short.
    1. Sleeping through the night without having to pee every 1.5-2 hours would be great!
    2. I will miss sleeping on my stomach! That is my #1 position, so I'm not looking forwad to the day when I can't.
    4. My diet Coke! I know I should have stopped drinking it a long time ago, but I love my diet coke!
    3. A margarita! I'm not a big drinker, but I do have to say I love a good margarita!


    My doctor told me to switch from Diet Coke to Diet Coke w/out caffinee. It's a gold 2 liter bottle. The taste is a bit different but to be honest I kinda prefer it more now. Its almost like theres less sugar in it? Its not as sweet.....and now I'm not even drinking very much of it....

    Thank you for that! I totally forgot about the cafeen free diet. I might try that if I really get a craving. Thanks!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    heathercrist ~ I'm not sure what that doctor's reasoning was....And I forgot to ask my "regular" doctor at the last appointment. I have one next week though, so we'll see what he says. I don't know if it was maybe more due to not having ran in a month & a half or what (which I've read)...I mean, if I didn't work out for even a week prior to being pregnant, it took me a bit to get my stamina back up.

    Oh how I miss the hard core workouts. So much that I even have dreams that I'm running & all of a sudden remember that I'm pregnant, so I stop. Weird.

    All of you hair ladies, I'm also considering going darker for the fall. I'm a natural blonde...but it's been getting darker & darker as the years go by (hello, highlights! :) )

    I woke up this morning to a bloody nose (since that comment was out there earlier). It's probably about my 3rd one so far durning pregnancy. I have a bad feeling that I'm starting to get a cold though too....a tiny bit of a sore throat & stuff nose (hopefully it won't turn into anything!).

    Are any of you considering getting a flu shot???
  • taldie01
    Smilegirl- good luck! I cant believe you ran till 40 weeks?!!! How the heck did you do it? My last pregnancy I think I stopped at 24 weeks there was just too much pressure.

    Heathercrist1- I just got my hair done and I put highlights back in I felt kid of odd going more blonde in the fall, oh well still feels like summer here, next time low lights for sure

    I went for a 40 mins walk yesterday and holy smikes it was hot hot hot!! By the time I got home cooked supper I was done I was in bed by 9pm. Righ now debating if I should do a swim arobics class or a spin class. I am having a tough time keeping my food in check. I need to get out for another run soon! Hubby is away till late tonight so no run as I have a toddler to care for, hmm mabe I could put her in the Chariot, theres a thought. Ya and do an easy 4kms. Cheers!

    What I miss most, wine and fitting into my normal clothes. It is always an emotional process growing out of all my regular clothes.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    What I miss the most:

    - dark chocolates (I lost interest 3 months ago)
    - sushi, or some other types of the fish I cannot consume right now
    - not getting up to pee 2-3 times (at least) in the middle of the night

  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    H-82, Your sore throat and stuffy nose could just be a pregnancy symptom, from what I've read. You could have a little bit of sinus drainage causing your sore throat. That does it for me sometimes and it's usually gone in a day or two. Let's hope that's all it is!

    I am considering a flu shot. I have never gotten one before, but now that I'm responsible for my health and the baby's I think I probably should just to be safe. I'm going to talk to my doc about it at my next appointment in 2 weeks. I hate needles so I always steer clear of them unless absolutely necessary. LOL

    I know what you mean about getting your stamina back only after a week off from working out. I'm the same way. That's why I try to go on a regular basis because otherwise my first day back is always a struggle.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Happy Wednesday fellow mamas-to-be! :bigsmile:

    Holly - so excited for you and thinking about you! Can't wait to hear about your precious little one's arrival! Don't even worry about your meltdown, I can totally understand why you would feel overwhelmed! Also, your running definitely has inspired me! I think it's so amazing that you kept running up to 40 weeks :flowerforyou:

    Heather - Your hikes sound so amazing, I wish there were some nice hiking trails near where I live ;) Have fun making your diaper cake!

    Alana - welcome to the board and congrats on your pregnancy! Jump right in!

    Kristy - Awesome workout! That's so amazing that your husband joined you! As for your bump, I popped at about 11 weeks too and I totally thought it was too early as well, but everyone is different - I'm really short waisted and I think that might have something to do with it? Who knows, embrace your bump! :bigsmile:

    Better_Balance2 - I hear you about being a runner, before I got pregnant I was getting pretty serious into running and had just completed my first half marathon last summer and did a lot of 10-15km races as well and some 7km trail races as well. I can't wait to get back into it, I also wanted to attempt a triathlon or something like that, maybe next summer - it can be my training program to get back in shape after the baby :wink:

    SO, I ran for the first time in like 5 months last night :happy: I went for 30 mins and did just about 3 kms (used to be able to do over 5kms in 30 mins pre preggo lol) I started off walking for 5 mins then running for 2 mins and walking for 1 min and switching back and forth. I felt pretty good considering it was almost 30 degrees Celsius out! The only thing was I definitely noticed my belly! It really felt different but still felt good! I'm really glad I did it. Thanks ladies for all of the positive encouragement! Then I got home and did my 30 min prenatal yoga DVD. It was a good night! :bigsmile: Tonight I'm going to a 60 min Iyengar yoga class and I'm really excited about it!

    I booked myself a facial and manicure for Saturday this weekend to give myself a little pampering :bigsmile: I'm really excited about it!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday! :flowerforyou:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Are any of you considering getting a flu shot???

    As a matter a fact that was the 1 thing my doctor said was a "MUST DO" when I returned from my vacation. Get a flu shot!! he said especially since I get the flu every year...

    I have to take my flu paperwork to my next apt so I have about a week left, time to stop procrastinating!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I agree about the flu shot. My dr. said I must get one. She also told me if I breastfeed that I will pass along the antibody to the baby and in essence it's like she got a flu shot too.

    Which brings up another question.....who is considering breast feeding? I plan on it - the health beneifts seem amazing, we were made to do it and it's way cheaper! I plan on taking 12 weeks off from work so we will see how long I can keep it up after. My sister is a dr. and works a lot of hours and she was able to keep it up for 5 months so I have hope! I think I'll shoot for the first 6 months and see how it goes.

    I'm not so work motivated today......hence all my posts. :tongue:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I am also not so motivated at work today :wink:
    I am planning on breast feeding, I get 52 weeks off work so I'll be good to go, I just hope it isn't a really difficult process, of course everyone tells you their horror stories about how difficult it was to get their baby to breast feed - but I agree I think that the health benefits really speak for themselves and as you said we were made to do it and it's free! :wink:
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Well I'm super excited that I had a great check up yesterday!! Doc said everything looked great! Kidney infection is pretty much gone 3 days left of anitbiotics. BP was good, and only had a little sugar in my urine, but had just ate lunch. I've only gained 8lbs so far which the doctor thought was really good. As for back pain, my pelvis is tilting and things are already spreading out. I thought it was way to soon, but maybe I'm right and a little further along. She gave me a prescription for a maternity support band, and said to wear it everyday and it will relieve the pressure off my back. (I sure hope so). I scheduled my ultrasound for Oct. 4th!!! Can't wait. I really want a girl, but all of a sudden I think it may be a boy, only 4 more weeks of waiting on that. Can't wait to see the baby in u/s.

    I'm still deciding about breastfeeding....tried the first time and it didn't work out. I was a lot younger then, and maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I have a lot of reasons I want to and a few that I don't but we will see. It's definatly better for the baby and cheaper.

    Welcome again to the new people. And good luck to Holly and Lexi!!! Your super close, and I hope all goes well!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    I'm thinking I should probably get a flu shot. Never really thought about it until now. Thanks for bringing it up! Just being here, reading all of your posts, is really helping me with questions for my first appointment in 3 weeks! Wow, it seems SO far away!

    Taldie~ I love my aqua-fit class! I really haven't been since finding out that I am preggo, but I plan to get back in very soon. Also, the fitness center was closed for disinfection after a staph infection outbreak. Good this I hadn't been in a while!

    Kristy~ Great workout with the hubs! I wish I could get mine with me more often. But recently, I told him that I want to at least walk on nights that I don't go to Zumba and last night he encouraged me to get up and out when I had no desire to. It's always easier if there is some one next to you, in my opinion.

    Rayna~ Glad to hear you had a great run! I have never been a runner, but a few months ago I actually started having cravings to run. Too bad that was short lived. I wish I had gotten into it more. A mani and facial sound wonderful! Enjoy! I completely share your feelings on breast feeding! 52 weeks!? I wish!

    mistibergman~ Good to hear about the kidney infection and everything going well! My DH REALLY wants a boy, but all of our siblings (3 sisters) have had girls first, so we will have to wait and see if we break the family pattern. LOL

    I’m doing just fine these days. I have noticed sneezing a lot more than I ever have in the past! The bloating has gone down and my weight has been fluctuating about a pound down and back up. I know it’s still early, but I am trying to get off to a good start. I have been looking at ALL the baby stuff that’s “needed.” Good thing you don’t need everything all at once! Wow there is a lot of stuff out there! We plan to breast feed and use cloth diapers. We will take anything that will save us $$ AND increase the health of our LO. Are any of you planning on cloth diapers? My MIL makes them and used them with her kids and all the grandkids. And call me a hippie, but I can’t stand the idea of all those diapers going into a landfill and staying there for YEARS. Ick! Not to mention all the chemicals in the disposables. I completely understand the convenience and everything but I just don’t know if that is the route for my DH and I.

    Hope everyone has a great day! *fingers crossed Holly!*
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Are any of you planning on cloth diapers? My MIL makes them and used them with her kids and all the grandkids. And call me a hippie, but I can’t stand the idea of all those diapers going into a landfill and staying there for YEARS. Ick! Not to mention all the chemicals in the disposables. I completely understand the convenience and everything but I just don’t know if that is the route for my DH and I.

    My husband and I have talkeda bout wanting to do this. We were at the farmers market a couple weeks ago and there was a booth set up with info about a diaper service (I'm not sure I'm trying to wash 15 diapers a day). They drop off and pick up so it sounds great! Only problem is, at 12 weeks the baby will be going to day care who I am certain will be using disposable diapers. If the service offers by the package and not a monthly fee or something, I think we'd like to try. Maybe we'll get motivated and wash ourselves at least on weekends. I'm with you....I have to think of all the waste from hundreds of diapers. And they're $$$!! My husband;s niece works for Proctor and Gamble and says diaper prices are going to go up by 5% and another 8% I think over the next 6 or so months b/c of a resin or something in them. There are so many reason to use cloth diapers, but I am going to be realistic and know it may not happen. But I'll try! :ohwell:

    Told you all I was not motivated today.....okay, I need to get some work done now.:sad:
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Misti - Honey, you will be showing soon enough, I wouldn't worry about it. Glad your infection is clearing up!!

    Heather - Sounds like you are going to be beautiful this weekend, have fun! My sister is a hair dresser, so I get to change up my hair pretty much whenever I want to. I am naturally a brunnette, which I love, but my husband tends to prefer me with heavy highlights(pretty much completely blond). I like mine brown with a hint of red, that's my favorite!!

    Holly - So excited for you!!! Hopefully by now things are moving along. Can't wait to hear when your precious package arrives.

    Alana - Congrats & Welcome!!

    Better_Balance2 - I Breastfed my first 3!! People told me that I had buttermilk, because I had the fattest babies. I had so much milk with my 3rd baby that I sold some of it to a lady in our church who had just adopted a new born! With my 4th, I thought my nipples were going to fall of, they were split and oozing green stuff, so I wasn't able to nurse him. My husband has asked me not to breastfeed this one just because he feels like it would be easier for me if everyone else could help, since I already have 4 others to take care of. We are still discussing it, I'm hoping to be able to nurse him for a few weeks at least.

    What I am looking forward to after the baby gets here:
    1. having my body back
    2. not having to get up and pee 4 times a night
    3. pilates
    4. being able to keep up with my other 4 kiddos

    I am feeling great!!! Hope everyone is having a good week!!! My oldest turns 7 on Friday, she is having a sleepover with 4 girls, I hope I can make it through!! Saturday, we will be watching the AUBURN football game at my parents and then having a little family party for Montana that evening. Sunday after Church, my Mom, my sister and I will be shopping all afternoon at our local consignment sale for fall & winter clothes. Will probably be a long day since I'm having to clothe 5 kids this year, probably will be shopping and going through clothes for 5 - 6 hours. I will probably be pooped Sunday night!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I agree about the flu shot. My dr. said I must get one. She also told me if I breastfeed that I will pass along the antibody to the baby and in essence it's like she got a flu shot too.

    Which brings up another question.....who is considering breast feeding? I plan on it - the health beneifts seem amazing, we were made to do it and it's way cheaper! I plan on taking 12 weeks off from work so we will see how long I can keep it up after. My sister is a dr. and works a lot of hours and she was able to keep it up for 5 months so I have hope! I think I'll shoot for the first 6 months and see how it goes.

    Yup, flu shot for me for sure.

    Definitely breastfeeding for me. I did that for my first kid, about 8 months. Although I wasn't able to breastfeed him, didn't workout for us, I use pump --> yes, I did that for 8 months, for the love of my child. :-)

    I hope this time it'll work out better. Once I go back to work, I'll also use the pump to keep doing it.

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I am also not so motivated at work today :wink:
    I am planning on breast feeding, I get 52 weeks off work so I'll be good to go, I just hope it isn't a really difficult process, of course everyone tells you their horror stories about how difficult it was to get their baby to breast feed - but I agree I think that the health benefits really speak for themselves and as you said we were made to do it and it's free! :wink:

    It's easy for some people, but some (like) me have hardest time. But I have full use of my electric pump - time consuming thought, but at least my kid get the full benefit of it.

    I just got a bunch of books about breastfeeding. Gonna again prepare myself, and hoping this time works out better.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Taldie - a 40 min walk holy cow!! I can't even walk for 10 min without getting out of breathe....

    Better balance - Thats a great question!! I want to breast feed and my DH makes all kinds of jokes that there is no reason that I can't since I've been blessed with 2 additional cup sizes. But, I'm a bit intimidated by it....Guess time will tell.....

    Misti- I'm on my 2nd infection with my 2nd round of antibiotics. Blah....Glad your doing better and hope that you are cured for good!! They are no fun!! And I'm right there with you on the yes/no breast feeding...

    Kcurtis- hunney don't feel like a newbie. I'm a first time parent and I have all kinds of questions myself!! So jump right in. We also have been blessed with lots of hand me downs (although they are new to me) and I even made a post on FB about needing anything and everything and to my surprise we've been blessed with lots of things!! Less for us to buy!!

    QUESTION :indifferent: ::
    Okay I am in fear of saying this out loud for it's going to make me a bad mother. :sad: I can't tell you how many nights I cry myself to sleep about this....:cry: I really want a boy. I desperately want a baby boy!!! My sonogram should be in about 4 -5 weeks and I can't think about what will happen if the doctor says I'm having a girl. :sad: I cant' tell you how bad I feel about this. I know if I was having a girl that I would love my baby regardless, but the disappointment is overwhelming!! Has anyone else experienced this? Is there something morbidly wrong with me? I know I'm a horrible mother...and the baby hasnt' even been born yet!! :sad:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    babeed854: You are not a bad mom! Google "dealing with gender disappointment". It happens all the time. Better to find out now then at the birth. That way you can have some time to deal with it if it is a girl. Either way you will be completely in love and the gender will not matter:flowerforyou: