Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Ladies, you are all so wonderful and I am so proud of you. I passed my baby tonight so I will have to leave you. :sad:

    Thank you for the inspiration and support!
    I'm SOOO sorry to hear that news. I couldn't even imagine. Thoughts and prayers are with you!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Cutmd, I am so sorry, my heart is literally aching for you - like heatherchrist1 said hope is not lost, grieve as you need to. I am so sorry - you will be missed on here more than you know - I wish that I had better words to reach out to you an convey my sympathy
    :cry: you are in my thoughts
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Cutmd --I'm so sorry to hear about your loss...<hugs>

    I'm so excited to get my u/s later today to find out how far I am. I'm bringing my 2 boys, 7&6 yr old with Mr so they can see and hear the baby's heart beat.

    Boy I've been so tired to work out. I've only walk/jog on wed of this wk.

    Take care ladies. Have a blessed 3 day wknd.
  • deanie0515
    deanie0515 Posts: 85 Member
    Ladies, you are all so wonderful and I am so proud of you. I passed my baby tonight so I will have to leave you. :sad:

    Thank you for the inspiration and support!

    I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you, I had a spontaneous loss Father's sucks no other way to say it. But on the other hand here I am again not even a cycle later with what is hopefully a successful pregnancy. I agree with what others have said about greiving the loss as you need to because it does impact us sometimes more than we think. Hope to see you back when the time comes :flowerforyou: Hugs to you!!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Cutmd, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, my thoughts are with you :flowerforyou:
  • taldie01
    Ladies, you are all so wonderful and I am so proud of you. I passed my baby tonight so I will have to leave you. :sad:

    Thank you for the inspiration and support!

    Really sorry to hear this.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    cutmd - I am so sorry to hear about your loss!!! I hope you will be joining us again in the near future. So so so SORRY!!!! :cry: Can't explain how sad this makes me for you. Good Luck, as it is so hard to believe but things really do happen for a reason. Lots of prayers to you and your family. :heart:

    911Girl - Your getting so close, Good Luck!!!! Hope all goes well when baby makes his/her arrival!!

    amcclure - I have a huge problem with migraines as well. The only time in the last 4 years I haven't gotten them was when I was on the HCG diet. I thought yay, I have HCG in my system now that I'm pregnant so I shouldn't get them, but I was wrong. Just got rid of one that lasted 4 days. My doctor prescribed me amitryptiline and propanolol for them, which I didn't take for more than a week. Once I got pregnant and met with my OB, she reccommended me not taking them. She actually said a 250mg hydrocodone would be better. Amitryptiline has a lot of side affects and isn't something someone should be on long term unless they have to be. I'm horrible about taking anything anyways, but I have found that cold compress migraine patches work pretty well. I figured those would be best for me, and they don't affect the baby at all. If the migraine is too bad they don't work though. Good Luck, I hope the migrains stop soon!!! I know how you feel and it's HORRIBLE!!!! Also, congrats on a baby girl!!!!!! I'm hoping for a girl too!!!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Ladies, you are all so wonderful and I am so proud of you. I passed my baby tonight so I will have to leave you. :sad:

    Thank you for the inspiration and support!

    cutmd, I'm so sorry to hear. You are definitely in my prayer.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    <--- Brave enough to post my picture (with my hair just got chopped very short -> not liking it...)

    I've been reading all the posts everyday to keep up with everyone. Good to see so many activities.

    Today I had my check up, 3lb gain in 4 weeks, from last visit. Baby heart rate is 159. When I lay down, I don't seems have much of the bump at all, just looks like getting chubby. I have very low blood pressure: 85 / 50. Doctor is not concerned at all. I think I'll just have a little more sodium to my diet (I've been hating salty food lately, which doesn't help).

    Next checkup, in 4 weeks, I'll have an ultrasound, which should be the time to find out the sex of the baby. I'll be counting down 4 weeks for sure, so excited. FYI, we have a girl's name(s) pickup last time when we have our 1st baby, but I don't have a boy's name at all (we seems have very hard time to agree on a boy name).

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Healthy baby girl! I'll catch up later.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Healthy baby girl! I'll catch up later.

    Yay, that's great!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Healthy baby girl! I'll catch up later.

    SO exciting!! Congrats!! :bigsmile:
  • taldie01
    Hmm Im barely pregnant, already am over eating and feel bloated grrrr what gives. Frusteration station.
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    So happy to join this group!!! I'm 5 weeks and 3 days along with our first. We have been trying for a year and starting in June I was taking progesterone to get my cycle regular. The combo of weight loss and progesterone did the trick.

    For exercise I love 30 day shred and hiking weekly. I will continue with both during my pregnancy. Wondering if the shred is a bit to much while pregnant?

    Struggling with eating, previously I was set to lose 2 lbs a week and was successful without eating my exercise calories most days. Looked at my maintenance calories and there is no way I could eat 2200 in a day mentally. So I settled with setting it to lose 1lbs a week or 1760 calories and will eat my exercise calories. My OB/GYN nurse says 1600 is where I should aim to hit and we will talk more at length when I go in on Sept. 14th.

    cutmd - you are in my thoughts. That is my biggest fear at this point. I know very little about pregnancy so I'm sure there are more fears to come.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Cutmd, I have no words...I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart goes out to you and your husband as you process and deal with this. As the other ladies have said, take all the time you need to grieve and heal. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for all the inspiration and knowledge that you brought to us! xoxoxo
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Good evening everyone. It was a busy Friday for me so I am just now getting to check in. As usual, so much to catch up on. I'll do my best, but please forgive me if I leave anyone out!

    Sylvia, great news! I am keeping you in my prayers that all continues to be well.

    Ash, yeah on the ultrasound. I remember seeing that first one, for me it really helped cement the fact that I did indeed have a bambino growing inside. Thanks for the sweet words too - you all inspire me and each and everyone of us have it in us to be fit and active during pregnancy.

    svgarcia, hope you had a good appointment today.

    Welcome Liz75, this is a fantastic group of women!

    Nichole, I totally agree, knowledge is power!! Hope you had a great class and are feeling good. Are you still doing the zumba?

    Madbabysmama, I very rarely do any dvd workouts as I tend to be a get outside and go kind of girl. For my strength training I just use good ole hand weights and exercises I've picked up over the years. I know Heather loves the Tracy Anderson Method and I have ordered one of her dvd's to use when I don't have the option to get out after bambino arrives.

    Ashley, I have loved doing prenatal yoga. I have an awesome instructor and it's been nice to meet other women who are expecting as well. A healthy baby girl! Will Oakes still work into the name somehow?

    Angela, good to see you and hear you are doing well. A girl for you too! Seems like lots of girls to come...

    Kristy, hope you enjoy the Blue Angels. I grew up with a dad in the Navy and have seen the Blue Angels on many occasions - it's pretty spectacular! Am I remembering correctly that your husband flies for the Navy?

    Atomdraco, love the bump picture. Sorry you aren't too happy with your haircut. Good news is that it should grow more quickly with pregnancy :-)

    Welcome Mundy86, you've found a great place to make friends and be inspired.

    Misti, Rayna, jruekert, hope you all have a great long weekend ahead.

    Heather, no real news to report. Boo! Had an ultrasound and nst today. As usual, all looking good. Bambino was sleeping during the ultrasound, but saw some really cute sucking movements. Passed the nst with flying colors and no one seems at all worried at this point (except me!) My OB would like to induce on the 7th and I am hoping and praying that this little one comes all on their own before that. I did my four mile run this morning - I figure more than anything it's what is helping to keep me sane at this point.

    Amy, enjoy the fun family weekend in Washington! I am thinking of you daily too - I keep waiting to see if you, Lexi or I end up delivering first. Definitely let me know if you are ever in Seattle as I'd love to meet your little ones ;-)

    Wishing everyone a safe Labor Day weekend with healthy decisions!

  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    CutMD~ I am so so so sorry to hear of your loss. I've been through 2 miscarriages and nothing anyone says can make it better, and most will just make you cry. I know when I had my miscarriages I hated hearing about how everyone was so sorry and giving me advice and telling me it'll get better, I also didn't want to be around pregnant women. I feel for you, and you and your little angel will be in my thoughts.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    For my news, I had my 12 week appointment on Wednesday and it went well. At first she couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler, so she got a portal ultrasound. I got to see my baby again, hear it's little heartbeat and even see it move around. I've finally started to pick up a bit more energy, and I've only gained about 2 lbs so far. I've even noticed that my bloating has gone down a little bit the past couple of days and I can kinda feel the hard spot where the baby is. Hubby has now even given me permission to go ahead and start window shopping and getting little stuff. We're both so excited now, this is the first time we've gotten this far and made it to the 'safe' point.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    This morning I'm pretty sure I felt baby moved, it's like little butterfly in my belly on one side, a few times. I'm psyched!

    Hope everyone have a great holiday weekend!

  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    This morning I'm pretty sure I felt baby moved, it's like little butterfly in my belly on one side, a few times. I'm psyched!

    Hope everyone have a great holiday weekend!


    so exciting! that was my favorite part of pregnancy - but I didn't feel my daughter until further along, you lucky duck! enjoy those comforting little butterflies!