

  • I eat lots of steamed veggies now, it makes up calories, but not fat. Also fruit. I tend not to worry about the sugars if they are natural ones so extra fruit is in my routine now too. I don't add extra meats, cheeses, or breads to make up calories because that is where I would go over on fats.
  • Try adding some fruit and nuts to that cereal. Good stuff still going in, but it will result in more calories. Your body won't start thinking "starvation" after one day below calories. Just try not to let it happen too many days in a row.
  • I don't call them cheat days at all, and if I go over my calories I just make my days workout longer to absorb them. So I know if I eat that candy then I will have to workout for an extra half-hour. It is sometimes enough of a deterrant. I know too that I am not perfect, but striving towards it, so I never would say "I'll…
  • Relax. If you can take some time do a little exercise, if not there is always tomorrow. My wedding anniversary was this week and my diet went out the window for a couple days. But I just get back on track and start over.
  • TMI, but corn always makes me go. If you can find corn on the cob, or just frozen corn try it.
  • As long as you can get to 1200 calories per day you should be fine, even on days when you exercise. The body will think you are starving if you go under that amount too many days in a row, this will cause it to hold onto the weight you want to lose. Don't stress.
  • Relax. You CAN have those things, try not to go crazy with portions, and tomorrow is another day. I eat badly some days, I do a bit more on the treadmill the next day, and try to eat more carefully. We can all do this if we remember we aren't perfect. hug
  • I understand you. I have that carb/sugar monster in me too. If you give me a bowl of ice cream, I will eat the whole half-gallon. The thing you need to tell Ms. know-it-all from your work is that you don't abstain from all carb's and sugars, you get the ones you need in fruits and veggies etc. You just stay away from…
  • My morning weigh ins tend to be more than if I weigh at night, Dr. said it's something about water retention at night? But don't worry yourself, just get back on track with your workout and eating your 1200 calories. Hug (I always need a hug when the scale goes up)
  • That is a good one I will remember...... let them gain weight, while I eat my fat free yogurt!!!!! LOL
  • Good luck, you can do this! I find it easier than I expected it to be because of this site. I have lost 5 pounds so far, and am still eating most anything. When vraving sugar I do things like jello sugar free pudding, strawberries with "ideal" sweetner, or a banana. I like ideal sweetner best on fruit because it tastes…
  • Hi! I just started this week, and this is so very helpful. It allows me to eat what I want without doing all the math. If I eat something a little bad for me, I know that I need to compensate and eat healthier for the remainder of the day. I wish I had found this weeks ago! Good luck, I am sure you will do…