

  • i have a tri colour Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, he hasnt long turned two :) Hes the one in my ticker, but hes just a pup there
    in Pets Comment by Hixena July 2011
  • id like to join :) SW 139lbs GW 131lbs
  • definately! as one of the smaller ones in my circle of friends i started putting on weight to a point where it put me in the overweight category and thought im doing something about this now not later, i met up wth friends for lunch told them how id lost 8lb and how (mfp exercise etc) hoping for some sort of encouragment…
  • heres someting you may find useful - Calories per alcoholic drink - Gin or vodka and tonic =126 Dark rum and coke =142 Medium glass of white wine (175ml) =130 Medium glass of red wine (175ml) =120 Bottle of wine (white) =555 Bottle of wine (red) =510 5% Lager (pint) =240-50 Cider (pint) =180-250 Stout (pint) =210…
  • What type of scales do you have? also how long are you leaving it before weighing again? weight flucuates throughout the day so the scales could be right each time. youre better off weighing once a week to get a more accurate weight.
  • Totally agree! i dont know why some people are so scared of the yolk, theres pros and cons with lots of food, got to weigh up it up :smile:
  • Beetroot juice is great for moving things along
  • i call it treat day instead, makes it sound like more of a reward for doing well all week rather than cheat which sounds like youre doing wrong :smile:
    in Cheat days? Comment by Hixena July 2011
  • Claire Nasirs Boot Camp DVD - four 20 minute sections working on different areas of the body, combines interval and resistance training. Each 20 minute sections burns 250-300 cals. The full 80mins workout burns over a 1000cals!
  • 2 days workout then 1 day rest, 2 days workout then 1 day rest and keep going like that. i used to work out everyday but find i get more benefit from how i do it now, feel better, more energetic etc :smile:
  • its best not to eat too much fruit, its full of natural sugars which can actually cause weight gain, i limit myself to fruit every other day and then its only a handful each of blueberries and raspberries, or a banana, but i make sure to eat veg every day (carrot sticks, celery, peppers, cherry tomatoes) i tend to eat…
  • ahh right, didnt know that was another name for it,lol. thanks :happy:
  • agree with lpowell1515, EA active is a really great workout for the wii, i love the marathon sessions :smile:
  • hi im welsh! :) live in a small village in the valleys. got quite a welshy accent, i hate hearing welsh ppl on tv though, sound so dull lol
  • im in wales, uk, aww :(
    in Which bread? Comment by Hixena June 2011
  • Thanks! :) are these uk products though because ive never heard of them, i hope they are :)
    in Which bread? Comment by Hixena June 2011
  • some fruit and veg such as brocolli, spinach and blackberries have a high fibre, low carb content
  • how rude! after such an accomplishment of losing such an amount they should be giving you loads of compliments, and should have been doing so from the start in terms of support. Well done on your weightloss!