Merrylass4ever Member


  • Fiber requirements are based more on age/gender: Male (19-50) = 38 grams minimum Male (over 50) =30 grams minimum Female (19-50) = 25 grams minimum Female (over 50) =21 grams minimum The various low carb diets have similar macros but the % may vary between the Protein & Fat ratios. As examples: Low Carb (induction): 65%…
  • Way to go! Everyone is doing so well! Alas I have been remiss -- in my excitement, I managed pull a muscle a couple of days ago so I'm behind on my "shreds". Thankfully I've been able to walk but I'll be back to "shredding" in another day or two. In the meantime, ROCK ON, everyone!!
  • Your words are so evocative and compelling -- you managed to convey the struggle, the little triumphs and the amazement of your accomplishments in a way that those of us at the beginning of our own journeys can appreciate. Thank you so much for the honesty and the inspiration!
  • It was a long rainy day but I'm singing "'It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the spirit of our rival" instead of "Rainy Days and Mondays always bring me down" !!! It was done a bit late (10:30 pm) BUT I've completed Day 6, Level 1 ... Let's DO this!!
  • Day 5 done -- joined the party late. Look forward to "catching" up with the rest of you!
  • Come on, everyone!! We CAN do this!! Day 5, Level 1 complete -- it wasn't easy because my muscles are sore. How is everyone else doing?!?!
  • I have done Atkins twice, South Beach, and the Dukan Diet (all variations on the low carb diet). IF you follow the diets, yes you can lose weight and in many cases, lose lots of weight quickly BUT (you knew there was a "but"), the diets are not fun and I think they set you up to do "yo yo" dieting. Although I was…
  • YIPPEE, SKIPPY!! Day 4, Level 1 done!! In some ways it was less painful than yesterday but I still hate jumping jacks the most ... even with a really good sports bra, the "bounce" is not comfortable :embarassed: I hope everyone is doing well! Missy, welcome to the challenge! :flowerforyou: Jakesgirl, way to go -- I'm still…
  • jakesgirl, you are too kind. Thank you but I think we are ALL great -- we have each decided to MOVE and make some changes in our lives. HOORAY to US!! Now if I can only convince my little dogs NOT to sit on my stomach whilst I'm trying to do my ab work:bigsmile:
  • WOO HOO!! Day 3, Level 1 is DONE!! Yippee ... sad that I would be so excited to complete the day's exercise but it was a toughie today. I'm also walking 10,000 steps per day (love my Fitbit) and usually it's not too bad BUT with all the rain today, I wasn't able to walk until right before doing the 30-day shred ... I…
  • I reported Day 1, Level 1 as "aerobics, low impact" and the calories burned showed 156 calories. After reading input from others, I reported Day 2, Level 1 as circuit training - generic and the calories burned showed 311 calories for 25 minutes. Now I need to get ready to do Day 3, Level 1 :cry:
  • Ohtender, congrats on your first day!! When your guests are visiting, you can either invite them to work out with you OR give them the opportunity to explore on their own. It can be a lot of fun to do an exercise video with friends:drinker: jakesgirl, I should have started with 2lb weights instead of the 5lbs but I know…
  • jakesgirl, thanks for the encouragement! I'm catching up to you :laugh: -- I just completed Day 2 Level 1 and I am thrilled to be DONE (with the "shred" for today) ... now I have another 5,000 steps to walk to meet my Fitbit exercise goal for the day. WOO HOO, I'm NOT giving up this time:bigsmile:
  • I didn't even think of looking up circuit training -- which is far more appropriate than "aerobics - low impact" which is what I used to record my first day. Thanks for the help -- now I just need to make it through day 2 :cry:
  • Does anyone know if this exercise is in the database? I tried to search for it but no luck. How is everyone recording this as part of their exercise? TIA!!
  • Hello! I started 30-day Shred today and I'm determined to meet this challenge:smile: I've told myself that there are NO more excuses so here I am:embarassed: Looking forward to getting through this with all of you.
  • I just joined MyFitnessPal AND I'm looking forward to the 30-day challenge. I will re-start the 30-day shred tomorrow and I look forward to completing it with everyone!