swinnie239 Member


  • Thanks for the help guys. I am currently shopping around for sample sized products. There is a Vega Sport sample on the way. Hopefully it's better than the other 2 I tried. I mixed with a banana and some strawberries and spinach and that made the protein surprisingly nice. I'm not sure that it's practical for post workout…
  • The Vega ones that I've tried are the Vega Nutritional Shake in Vanilla Chai and the Vega Clean Protein in Vanilla. Both were so gross. I'll try and see if there are single serving packets of the Sport and Essential to try out and see if they are better. I think that I've also seen the Naturade around so I'll see if I can…
  • I'm not really following a real "training plan". I only started a couple months ago. I've been adding onto the short run range by .5 mi per month (so next month will be aim for 2.5-3.5 on short days, etc.) but plan to cap the shorter ones at 4-5 miles and do that 3 times a week. Longer runs I'm increasing by increments of…
  • Hi, I'm Winnie. I've been primarily put in the EDNOS category. It's been primarily BED with off and on bouts of bulimia. I've been mostly stable for the last 4 years with a few lapses with binging, but as I've become unhappier, I feel myself backsliding and losing control more and more. For the first time in 5 years, I've…
  • As vcorz said, you can't really spot add. Strength shoulder exercises would allow you to add muscle tone to the shoulder which might offset some of the boneyness you are trying to avoid, but beyond that not sure. Body weight stuff with your arms and shoulder, maybe. Push-ups and plank variations, TRX (know that's…
  • There are the basic about whether you are weighing and measuring any oils and such as well, which I am sure a lot of people will bring up. But, if it's only week and it went that much, sodium, hormonal or time of the day is my guess. Weight fluctuates in women a great deal just over the course of a day so if you changed…
  • You can become addicted to food and eating. It is ridiculous to think that that is not possible and as someone in ED remission (with a couple lapses now and then, but mostly fine), I find it quite insulting. Also for the many people who actually do struggle with it, it isn't a matter of liking something more. I quite…
  • I want in. I want in! Companions, please! (if companions is full, time lords please)
  • It's Winnie, checking in. I've been pretty horrible about controlling my diet and carbs the past couple weeks. My normal days are usually fine, but I need to get a better handle on my cheat days. I also had pasta this week on a non-cheat day. So all in all, pretty bad on my part. I have started a cycle again (really close…
  • Kara, the net carbs are the total carbs less the fiber. Fiber absorbs differently into your system or something like that. I'm not really sure why it's sometimes counted as not as bad. I was trying for 50 gross (total) and could never get it, no matter how much I fiddled around with it. I'm at 50 net now. Some people say…
  • Ooh, and happy news. For the first time in 4 years, a cycle started on its own. I've taken provera a couple times to induce and didn't like it. (I'm not on bc, it caused way too many bad side effects for me and I was on a cycle 60% of the time when I took it. Tried 4 different kinds also.) I guess I don't need to take the…
  • After thinking about it, I'm switching to 50 net carbs for awhile instead of 50-60 gross carbs. Once I get more used to it, I'll switch to 50 gross, but I'm just having such a hard time with it for now. Weigh for this week, 156.3 lbs. I think I had a fake high number last week. I thought being sick would give me a fake low…
  • I have the Tam-X-ico low carb tortilla in my fridge. I'm going to use them for wraps tomorrow. It's largely the texture of toast that I miss. I loved avocado toast. Or an english muffin with some jam. Or tomatoes on toast. I love toast so much. I miss toast. I haven't really been resisting the craving all that well lately.…
  • It also feels so odd a lot of the time because my mind isn't fully used to it yet, that I can eat full fat cheese, not skimp on olive oil, use heavy cream and butter, but I can't have a freakin piece of toast. I love toast (or English muffins) with my breakfast. I used to do that pretty often. Now, no toast. I just want…
  • I have a bit under 50 left to go, am down a bit under 20 currently. For me, it's a bit confusing because the only time that I have been at a lower weight was during the time I was taking birth control. I'm not now and am stil trying to lose.Other than that, every since puberty, I gained a lot. I have an ED, so I chaulked…
  • Where is everyone finding cheap farmer's markets? The ones around me are highway robbery. The last time, it was $4 for a bunch of spinach and $8 for two pounds of apples.
  • A large way that I've been cutting the budget is by prepping my meals on Sunday and just eating the same thing all week. I vary things so that I don't repeat very often (compenents are repeated, but teh meal itself is not). I find that that cut everything down a good bit because I don't have to buy as many ingredients and…
  • My diary is open. I've only been doing it a couple weeks and flubbed a few days. I'm trying for 50, but generally end up with between 50 and 60. Really missing the carbs and days 3-7 kinda sucked, but trying to do better now.
  • Not sure how much help I can be, as I'm new to this (took doctors a long time to figure out what was wrong). I'm on low carb, but I'd be happy to be your friend.
    in HI THERE Comment by swinnie239 May 2014
  • Don't keep them in the house. That's a trigger. When you need, make yourself go out to get them each time. When you are out and need to have one, make yourself do an exercise before each one (unless it's something like M&M's, do those do in small increments, or if it's big, do a serving size. That way even if you do eat…
  • Your BMR is your baseline. Even if you were sleeping or laying down all day, you would burn that much. That is your net minimum. Now some people on this site eat back their exercise calories, some do not. That's up to you. Some eat back 1/2 as MFP overestimates the calories. I personally vary, sometimes I eat half back,…
  • Ok, I know that this one wasn't really brought up often in this thread, but it truely annoys me. Yes, the Liebeck lawsuit ahs become a poster child for frivilous lawsuits afterwards and many stupid lawsuits came from it, it was not that egregious a lawsuit though. The woman suffered 3rd degree burns and required multiple…
  • Well, partly. I mean, I want to do it for appearances sake as well, kinda shallow like that, but there is a health aspect to it for me too. I also started before the absolute cause was known, but there were general problems that I needed to face. It's not as extreme as yours, but after years of doctors being confused and…
  • I know that people say that you need to stick with this for it to work, and after a little bit it will be get better. I have to say though, I started on Monday (50-51 carbs a day) and this sucks. My workouts have been more sluggish and difficult to get through. I'm sleepy. My head hurts. I'm bloated. I haven't weighed…
  • Try resetting your loss rate to a lower number. MFP sometime really likes that 1200 number, which is pretty low. If you lower the rate, it'll give you back some of those calories. Once you get used to it, maybe you can put the rate back to where it was, but give yourself some time. There's also always exercise, go burn…
  • Thanks for the advice teddiebare. I appreciate it. One more questions, do fiber carbs count towards the carb count?
  • A year ago during Zumba, there was a section where you bring your elbow back and then a fist back multiple times. It was a new one, so I looked back at the instructor to see what was going on and punched myself in the head, hard. Had a big purple bruise on my cheek for over a week.
  • Salsa. Most condiments tend to be a good deal higher in calories and I thought it would be higher. I love it on eggs or a bit in half an avocado, adding it to wraps or salad. My fave has a bit more on sodium than I'd like. But in general, I love salsa.
  • It was a slip. It happens. Pick yourself up and tomorrow, you'll learn from today. (Also hot dogs, while high in sodium are between 100-150 calories depending on brand and meat type, so it could have been way worse.) There are a lot of the people on MFP (myself included) who have struggled with binge eating. It is hard. I…
  • Thanks for the recommendations! I'll definitely check out fitness blender and blogilates tomorrow and see about all the others.