Most embarassing act at a gym?



  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I was walking on a treadmill, looked down, and saw my shoelace had come untied. My first thought was that it was going to get hung up in the machine and take me with it, breaking something of mine in the process. To save myself from certain death, I did a backwards split leap off of that treadmill worthy of a Bruce Lee movie and an award on America's Funniest Videos. However, my landing was less than perfect--right on my butt in front of everyone. :smokin:

    Edit: OP, yours made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the belly laugh this morning.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    I had been running on the treadmill for a good while, I reached over for a quick drink and my towel to wipe the sweat from my face. As I put the towel back the person on the treadmill next to me - who happened to be a very attractive man - says "I think those are yours" pointing down at a pair of lace underwear that conveniently fell right between our treadmills. I was mortified.

    From that day on I made sure to always, ALWAYS check my towels when I take them out of the dryer to ensure no underwear get folded with them.

    One day I was running on the treadmill and I had yoga pants on. I felt a lump on the back of my leg, so I pulled my pant leg up to see what it was, and it was a pair of my underwear. So I stuffed them back in my pants, and kept running. I am pretty sure 20ish people saw too.
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    I had been running on the treadmill for a good while, I reached over for a quick drink and my towel to wipe the sweat from my face. As I put the towel back the person on the treadmill next to me - who happened to be a very attractive man - says "I think those are yours" pointing down at a pair of lace underwear that conveniently fell right between our treadmills. I was mortified.

    From that day on I made sure to always, ALWAYS check my towels when I take them out of the dryer to ensure no underwear get folded with them.

    One day I was running on the treadmill and I had yoga pants on. I felt a lump on the back of my leg, so I pulled my pant leg up to see what it was, and it was a pair of my underwear. So I stuffed them back in my pants, and kept running. I am pretty sure 20ish people saw too.

    sneaky underwear I tell ya! :laugh:
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    I have a tendancy to walk into the machines or pieces of the machines...or like the other night when I was on my last reps with the Glute Machine and my foot slipped and yeah I dropped the bar and the weights SMASHED down...uh yeah PF member here and that damn Lunk alarm went off...ugh...ah well, I walked it off and went about my business...never had any huge mishaps though.
  • During spin class we were spinning quite fast. My long flaired workout paints got caught in the back wheel while we are hovered over the bike spinning away, and before I knew it my pants got so caught up in the wheel to the point they are pulled down past my hips. I couldn't get off the bike as the pants are so embedded in the wheel that I was trapped. The instructor had to get some scissors and cut my pants so I could be separated from the bike. I left the gym in a pair of pants that were less than flattering. At least I had something to cover up my *kitten* as I walked the walk of shame. To this day I have not returned to that location as I left with half my pants stuck in a spin wheel....only I would have this happen, only I.

    Oh, and a prior spin class I hopped off to get some water and walking in between spinners I ran into a back wheel and my pants where burned off and my shin was cut raw open. Good times I say...
  • bcoop911
    bcoop911 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I am surprised no one mentioned farting while doing sit-ups... I have done it before, but not in a crowd. Had a girl do it in a group fitness class though and that made the whole class laugh. NOW she was embarrassed!

    One of my stories; at my new gym (wasn't subconsciously familiar with the layout yet) I accidentally walked into the girls locker room while I was looking down at my phone changing songs. Was in front of a few girls on stair climbers who made sure to point it out while laughing their butts off . haha that was embarrassing for sure..
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    A year ago during Zumba, there was a section where you bring your elbow back and then a fist back multiple times. It was a new one, so I looked back at the instructor to see what was going on and punched myself in the head, hard. Had a big purple bruise on my cheek for over a week.
  • wnt2bhlthy4me
    wnt2bhlthy4me Posts: 121 Member
    Ugg, embarrassing and stupid mistake. Two days ago, after running 2 miles on the treadmill, I went over to the Smith machine for some squats. I adjusted my bar to the height I wanted, put the weights on and assumed the position. I dropped down to do my first one and got bounced up half way down. The bar stops (or whatever they are called) were in the way and adjusted half way and stopped me from going down. I've never had to adjust these before. They are always at the bottom of the machine. I felt pretty dumb and my neck/shoulder still is sore.
  • wnt2bhlthy4me
    wnt2bhlthy4me Posts: 121 Member
    During spin class we were spinning quite fast. My long flaired workout paints got caught in the back wheel while we are hovered over the bike spinning away, and before I knew it my pants got so caught up in the wheel to the point they are pulled down past my hips. I couldn't get off the bike as the pants are so embedded in the wheel that I was trapped. The instructor had to get some scissors and cut my pants so I could be separated from the bike. I left the gym in a pair of pants that were less than flattering. At least I had something to cover up my *kitten* as I walked the walk of shame. To this day I have not returned to that location as I left with half my pants stuck in a spin wheel....only I would have this happen, only I.

    Oh, and a prior spin class I hopped off to get some water and walking in between spinners I ran into a back wheel and my pants where burned off and my shin was cut raw open. Good times I say...

    Oh, my goodness. Maybe you should try something less destructive. Yoga? : )
  • During spin class we were spinning quite fast. My long flaired workout paints got caught in the back wheel while we are hovered over the bike spinning away, and before I knew it my pants got so caught up in the wheel to the point they are pulled down past my hips. I couldn't get off the bike as the pants are so embedded in the wheel that I was trapped. The instructor had to get some scissors and cut my pants so I could be separated from the bike. I left the gym in a pair of pants that were less than flattering. At least I had something to cover up my *kitten* as I walked the walk of shame. To this day I have not returned to that location as I left with half my pants stuck in a spin wheel....only I would have this happen, only I.

    Oh, and a prior spin class I hopped off to get some water and walking in between spinners I ran into a back wheel and my pants where burned off and my shin was cut raw open. Good times I say...

    Oh, my goodness. Maybe you should try something less destructive. Yoga? : )

    It was an isolated event. I now do weights for an hour, then stair master for an hour then spin it out solo style in the empty room for about 1/2 an hour :)
  • wnt2bhlthy4me
    wnt2bhlthy4me Posts: 121 Member
    : )
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    I had been running on the treadmill for a good while, I reached over for a quick drink and my towel to wipe the sweat from my face. As I put the towel back the person on the treadmill next to me - who happened to be a very attractive man - says "I think those are yours" pointing down at a pair of lace underwear that conveniently fell right between our treadmills. I was mortified.

    From that day on I made sure to always, ALWAYS check my towels when I take them out of the dryer to ensure no underwear get folded with them.

    One day I was running on the treadmill and I had yoga pants on. I felt a lump on the back of my leg, so I pulled my pant leg up to see what it was, and it was a pair of my underwear. So I stuffed them back in my pants, and kept running. I am pretty sure 20ish people saw too.

    I've had both instances happen ... both at softball ... ugh. And to the poster that connected with the uppercut... just did that this week doing T25... you are not alone.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Not at the gym but during a 5k on the beach...

    was running then some ppl were coming up either side of me. on the right was a lady - who bumped into me, I slightly tripped - no big deal, on the left was a make shift sports wheelchair made for beach/sand w/a guy in it and another guy pushing. well, the person pushing that chair veered a sharp right and TRIPPED ME!!! I fell FLAT on my FACE!!! they did have the decency to briefly ask if I was ok before they went on their merry way finishing the run... however, the person to my right actually stayed to make sure I was ok, not the wheel chair that made me fall on my face!!!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I had been running on the treadmill for a good while, I reached over for a quick drink and my towel to wipe the sweat from my face. As I put the towel back the person on the treadmill next to me - who happened to be a very attractive man - says "I think those are yours" pointing down at a pair of lace underwear that conveniently fell right between our treadmills. I was mortified.

    From that day on I made sure to always, ALWAYS check my towels when I take them out of the dryer to ensure no underwear get folded with them.

    supposed to be embarassing - not super sexxxy ;PPPPP
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I was squating this morning, and farted pretty loud. I usually embarrass myself everyday :(

    lolz - I can relate on it being embarrassing daily :/ my gym is a block from my office, so when I was changing in my office I thought I was all by myself, so I was listening to work out music getting mentally motivated singing as loud as I could along with the music dancing right out the door, with the shirt off... and two ladies were just standing there staring at me... lol.. totally mortifying... and then the gym ordeal happens.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    During spin class we were spinning quite fast. My long flaired workout paints got caught in the back wheel while we are hovered over the bike spinning away, and before I knew it my pants got so caught up in the wheel to the point they are pulled down past my hips. I couldn't get off the bike as the pants are so embedded in the wheel that I was trapped. The instructor had to get some scissors and cut my pants so I could be separated from the bike. I left the gym in a pair of pants that were less than flattering. At least I had something to cover up my *kitten* as I walked the walk of shame. To this day I have not returned to that location as I left with half my pants stuck in a spin wheel....only I would have this happen, only I.

    Oh, and a prior spin class I hopped off to get some water and walking in between spinners I ran into a back wheel and my pants where burned off and my shin was cut raw open. Good times I say...

    ^winner. XD XD XD
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I stood up once during lat pull-downs and clonked myself on the head with the bar. I have also falling off the treadmill during my warm-up due to texting. Ill never text and walk again.

    LOL I closed my eyes once, thankfully at home, but I was going at a good pace on the treadmill and almost went off the back. Luckily my daughter said something. That would have sucked....
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    4. Self punch myself with an upper-cut during body combat class ... :drinker:

    That's so bad it's actually impressive. Did you knock yourself out?
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Last week, I got one of the staff to come over and help me with one of those step thingies, because I'd somehow 'broken' it - it was slanted and I couldn't get it straight... turns out the floor was uneven :embarassed:
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I fainted at my gym once.

    Was about 3 months pregnant - was on the treadmill for about 30 minutes - got off - started walking to the bikes - everything went black.

    I woke up with 4 employees staring down at me asking if I was okay - I was - I was just really embarrassed!