Most embarassing act at a gym?



  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Went to a gym class today, and there were about 5 other people in it. At one point we were laying on our backs with our feet in the air, holding an exercise ball between our feet. We had to move the ball around in a circle above our heads, so of course I drop mine straight onto my face, and it bounced off and rolled into the main gym into someone using the resistance machines.
    Only the trainer found it funny.
    Super awkward.

    I hear ya 1st hand there - very awkward.

    Glad I'm in the same boat as someone else now :laugh:
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
  • mnxl
    mnxl Posts: 48 Member
    i ate to much pizza before lifting and puked all over the floor after doing lunges. i splashed on my trainers white shoes. her shoes were stained with red sauce.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i am not sure how i pulled off the coordination to accomplish this but i did.

    was on the elliptical at a moderate pace of about 185 steps per. my arms and hands are at my side and i go to take a swig of my drink and i do so but somehow i lifted one leg off the pedals and made 1 and a half revolutions while maintaining my balance and not tipping over or spilling/dropping my drink
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    This just happened last night. Not to me but I still had to share. There is a guy that works at my gym. He is probably about 21 and a cutie patootie. There is this girl that I have noticed coming in more and more the past couple weeks and they have this flirty thing going on. It's cute as they are both so young it amuses me to watch. Anyhow. Yesterday I was on the leg press, said girl walked into the gym. clear disappointment on her face when said fella was nowhere to be found. She gets on the treadmill and then he walks in with a crap ton of towels. Anyhow, she saw him, then he noticed she was there and his face lit up like Christmas morning (it is actually quite adorable). Moving forward, said girl must have last minute decided to play hard to get because she pretended that she didn't notice him. Boy did this bite her in the rear end. He walked up to her and tried to say hello, she (still playing hard to get) looked up at him and gave him a grin and must have lost concentration for a sec because the next thing I knew girl tripped on her own feet and did one of those bounce biff bounce moves off the treadmill onto the floor. Seriously one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed!!