Gone too thin.

Hi guys.

I have just recently noticed that my shoulders have gone worryingly thin. You can visibly see the bones sticking out. Looks awful. Every other part of my body is fine. Yes I'm very slim, but still have a small amount of lower stomach fat, my thighs touch, my ribs or breastbone don't stick out. It literally is this one part of my body that has just gone way too small. It's so noticeable I have to wear tops that cover my shoulders, and you can still see the bone jutting out through the top.

I'm just looking for any advice as to how to fix this without putting fat onto the rest of my body as I am really pleased with how the rest of my body looks. I'm very active. I play tennis 4 days a week as well as go to the gym 5 times a week. I love being active and don't really want to cut down on the amount that I do. I'm not really a weight lifter, just in the gym to be fit and active so I'm fit enough to run around the tennis courts. I don't monitor my food intake, just eat what I want, when I want.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


  • Vcorz
    Vcorz Posts: 75 Member
    You cant spot reduce and you cant spot gain....the weight goes where it goes. If you want to add some fat to your shoulders, youll just have to gain some weight....and see where it goes....if youre that slim it probably wont be a problem if you do this.
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    edited February 2015
    As vcorz said, you can't really spot add. Strength shoulder exercises would allow you to add muscle tone to the shoulder which might offset some of the boneyness you are trying to avoid, but beyond that not sure.

    Body weight stuff with your arms and shoulder, maybe. Push-ups and plank variations, TRX (know that's equipment, but it's not weights).
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    I can share diet tips :) I have been successfully gaining weight since 1979 :)
  • AmandaLou4319
    AmandaLou4319 Posts: 73 Member
    I would consider adding some shoulder work into your gym sessions. This should help develop some muscle and change the 'bony' look.

    Weights are also an excellent way to decrease overall body fat.

    Try something new for a few weeks and see what happens!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    edited February 2015
    I found that I started looking gaunt when my focus was purely on losing weight/fat.

    Decided to up my food intake and lift heavy, plus do less cardio than I was doing (was doing a *kitten* load of HIIT).

    I am a fellow tennis fan (would love to play 4 days a week but don't have the time). I would recommend that you try weight lifting as it will improve your game. Focus on the compound exercises with the idea of building strength. It will build your core, make you stronger so you'll be able to hit harder, improve your balance and reduce the risk of injury.

    By compound moves, I mean deadlifts, bench press, squats, shoulder press, bent over rows. Each session should take no longer than 30 minutes.

    I would see where this leads even if you don't want to monitor your intake. Give it 3 months.
  • WanderingBomb
    WanderingBomb Posts: 69 Member
    OllyReeves wrote: »
    I can share diet tips :) I have been successfully gaining weight since 1979 :)

    LOL I'm with this guy!

    but honestly, it sounds like you've lost the fat you've wanted to loose and now its time to focus on body comp. some shoulder raises and such should "put some meat on your bones" so to speak. good luck!
  • Thanks guys. All your advice has been really helpful. I'll cut down in any cardio in the gym and focus on weights for the time being, and see if i can hide my bony shoulders with muscle