10 pounds in a week!?

So, just some information, I'm 19 Female, 5'8" was 193 and eat the usual 1,200 calories a day while also working out quite a bit with jogging and everything.
Last week, I stayed under my calorie limit, worked out, and etc.
Only to weigh myself this week and see that I'm now 203!?
Could it be water weight or something?
I do a lot of jogging, running, and cardio exercises, so it can't be muscle weight- I think at least.
- I do weigh all of my food and make sure everything is on point.
- I drink plenty of water
I have no idea what it could be though and honestly, it's bringing me to tears. I just had 6 weeks undone somehow in one week and it's destroying me.
I know it's not my medicine either, I have to take iron sulfate x 4 a day and prenatal vitamin x1 due to extremely low iron and my body's inability to make it. But I've had no issues until last week where there was no change in my diet at all...


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Water retention. TOM?
  • JM1481
    JM1481 Posts: 88 Member
    edited February 2015
    Is it possible you are near your period?

    Give it another couple of weeks. If you are certain you have stuck to your calorie goal (measure and weighing food) and still don't see results then you may want to visit your doctor and talk to them about it.

    There is no way it's fat gain. That's still quite a bit of water to hold on to though (if it's not near your cycle.) Are you using the same scale to weigh? Is it in the same spot and same time of day?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    10lbs of fat would equate to 35,000 fat calories over your TDEE. It's water weight along with some glycogen storage.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    You could also be retaining water if you just recently implemented a more strenuous workout routine.
  • swinnie239
    swinnie239 Posts: 423 Member
    There are the basic about whether you are weighing and measuring any oils and such as well, which I am sure a lot of people will bring up.

    But, if it's only week and it went that much, sodium, hormonal or time of the day is my guess. Weight fluctuates in women a great deal just over the course of a day so if you changed the time of day between weeks, that can account for some of it. Extra sodium can make the water weight skyrocket temporarily. Hormones also, based on time of month, I gain 6-ish lbs in the couple days at the start, no particular reason, just soething with hormones and the bloating and such and then it goes away.

    You have to mark the trends. If nothing happens for a couple weeks and it keeps going up, reassess your macros and workout routines. If you are at a deficit, no matter what, you should lose weight the macros determine more how you do and rate, but it can vary for different people. I would say to add strength training into your routine though, good for your and it will only enhance any workout routine you currently do.

    Don't worry too much about it. The human body is extremely complex and confuses itself sometimes. Sometimes, you do need to futz with the macros and what you're taking in and your workouts until you find what definitely works.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I'm 5'8 and 187 (24 yo) and eating 1590 + exercise calories. And that is to lose 1 pound a week.

    Get a good scale to weigh yourself. Enter the right info into MFP with a healthy deficit. MEASURE AND WEIGH all your food and drinks and log them correctly. If you exercise log it and eat it (about half...MFP rounds up). Do this consistently for a few weeks and the scale will start to go down.

    But seriously....you should not be aiming for 1200 calories...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You might need a new battery in your scale.

    Also, are you weighing yourself at on the same day...same time of day...same conditions, etc? Are you weighing yourself clothed?
  • ArcticSero
    ArcticSero Posts: 63 Member
    I am weighing myself with the same scale, same conditions, time of day and etc. Also, esjones12, I find that I can't complete 1,200 calories because it's just too much food for me to eat really. I don't eat much and get full really quick.

    Also, a lot of you guys are making a lot of sense. I am close to my TOM but I never really had this happen near my TOM which is why I don't know if it really is but it seems close enough to that sense (the human body is so weird augh), but as Ninerbuff said, it'd be 35k calories over the goal I have set which means I'd have been snacking out on McDonalds or something the whole week (so cringe worthy).

    Thank you guys though for your advice, hopefully this water weight does shed off as it's making me feel awful.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    ArcticSero wrote: »
    I am weighing myself with the same scale, same conditions, time of day and etc. Also, esjones12, I find that I can't complete 1,200 calories because it's just too much food for me to eat really. I don't eat much and get full really quick.

    Also, a lot of you guys are making a lot of sense. I am close to my TOM but I never really had this happen near my TOM which is why I don't know if it really is but it seems close enough to that sense (the human body is so weird augh), but as Ninerbuff said, it'd be 35k calories over the goal I have set which means I'd have been snacking out on McDonalds or something the whole week (so cringe worthy).

    Thank you guys though for your advice, hopefully this water weight does shed off as it's making me feel awful.

    Actually, it would be 35,000 calories over your maintenance calories...not your weight loss goal calories...I hardly think snacking on McDonalds all week would even put you close to being 35,000 calories over maintenance.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    For a 10lb gain I suspect the scale is having issues, maybe in combination with water retention.

    Sometimes a scale gets "stuck" even the electronic ones. Mine was stuck on the same weight for weeks. I got it un-stuck by standing on it with something heavy (gallon of milk or a weight). Then get on it without it. If that doesn't do it replace the battery or see if you can borrow another scale to verify it's still correct. Sometimes they just go bad.
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    For a 10lb gain I suspect the scale is having issues, maybe in combination with water retention.

    Sometimes a scale gets "stuck" even the electronic ones. Mine was stuck on the same weight for weeks. I got it un-stuck by standing on it with something heavy (gallon of milk or a weight). Then get on it without it. If that doesn't do it replace the battery or see if you can borrow another scale to verify it's still correct. Sometimes they just go bad.

    I have the same problem with my scale being "stuck" it's so weird! I have to sometimes grab something heavy in order to reset the scale.
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    edited February 2015
    My weight fluctuates a lot too. It was worse when I was younger. I know a lot of people recommend to only weigh once a week. But for me I started weighing everyday. That way I could see the fluctuations when they happened. Now the difference in weight doesn't bum me out so bad because I can average out the week and usually see a downward trend. Like I said though, this is not a popular idea, but it's the only one that works for me.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    May be time to replace the batteries in your scale.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    My weight fluctuates a lot too. It was worse when I was younger. I know a lot of people recommend to only weigh once a week. But for me I started weighing everyday. That way I could see the fluctuations when they happened. Now the difference in weight doesn't bum me out so bad because I can average out the week and usually see a downward trend. Like I said though, this is not a popular idea, but it's the only one that works for me.

    ^^ This.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    You might need a new battery in your scale.

    Also, are you weighing yourself at on the same day...same time of day...same conditions, etc? Are you weighing yourself clothed?

    This is what I was going to ask, too.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Also, that's a lot of exercise on 1200 calories (which is not "typical" by the way)!
  • ArcticSero
    ArcticSero Posts: 63 Member
    Also, that's a lot of exercise on 1200 calories (which is not "typical" by the way)!
    Is it really? Fitness pal calculated that much for me to eat but if I need to go over that's fine. However since I don't eat much usually and get full or sick I find it hard to even go over 1200 calories sometimes.
    katya_be wrote: »
    For a 10lb gain I suspect the scale is having issues, maybe in combination with water retention.

    Sometimes a scale gets "stuck" even the electronic ones. Mine was stuck on the same weight for weeks. I got it un-stuck by standing on it with something heavy (gallon of milk or a weight). Then get on it without it. If that doesn't do it replace the battery or see if you can borrow another scale to verify it's still correct. Sometimes they just go bad.

    I have the same problem with my scale being "stuck" it's so weird! I have to sometimes grab something heavy in order to reset the scale.
    Oh I didn't even think of that. I'll mess with my scale to see if it does need to be reset or get a battery replacement (although I don't think it is the battery). The scale could also be bad... I'll toy around with it