CaboScotty Member


  • Those results are awesome. Thanks for sharing, as I have just finished Week 1, this will help to keep me motivated. I didn't do the fit test either. I ran on the treadmill instead on that first day and will continue to do that on all of the other fit test days. Thanks again for sharing your success story and congrats on…
  • Day 18 done! Taking a break and will get on the elliptical trainer for 30 minutes or so.
  • Day 17 done! I am really liking Level 2. It is painful and and I feel the burn, but it sure feels good once it is completed.
  • Day 16 done!
  • Done. Day 4 Level 2. Missed 1 day so far.
  • My plan is to do P90x next and then in May hopefully I will be able to do Insanity. I attempted Insanity last year, but I wasn't up to it. I blame it on not being physically up to it, but I really believe I wasn't mentally ready for it as well.
  • Missed yesterday because of a head cold. Popped some pills and got through Level 2 today. Head colds aren't going to derail my desire for change and getting healthy.
  • I am really bummed I couldn't do Day 12 (Level 2 Day 2). My body just shut down as I acquired a nice little head cold. Plan is to pop pills and get up early tomorrow and do my workout. Congrats to those that completed Day 12.
  • I have the Polar FT7 and it works great.
    in HRM? Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • Thanks for posting! Congratulations on your success and I wish you more success in reaching your future goals! Your pictures are an inspiration for me to keep pressing forward and working hard to achieve my weight loss goals and to learn how to make this healthy type of lifestyle a natural habit.
  • Level 2 Day 1 done. I didn't want to do it. I was miserable doing it. Now as I am cooled down and making all of my entries, I am so happy I did it and I am feeling good and ready to do Level 2 again tomorrow.
  • Day 10 and Level 1 complete! I will watch Level 2 tonight and be ready to start it tomorrow.
  • Day 9 is complete! Looking to complete this level tomorrow and then move on.
    in Day 9 Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • Day 8 done! Added 24 minutes on the treadmill after and I feel great! Starting to get bored with Level 1, but will stick it out for 2 more days before moving to Level 2.
    in Day 8 Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • Day 7 done. Looking forward to the last 3 days of Level 1.
    in Day 7 Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • Day 6 completed.
    in day 6 Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • Day 5 done!
    in Day 5 Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • Day 4 done! Starting to notice changes in push ups. First set increased from 21 to 25 today, but the second set stayed the same at 13. Small progress, but progress none the less and I am happy about it.
    in Day 4 Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • You can add me. In fact, anyone can add me. I only have 2 friends listed and they actually aren't currently using the site. I could use the support and hopefully I will help to motivate others.
  • Day 3 is completed. Still wearing me out, but feeling good about it.
    in Day 3 Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • I don't like the first set of strength (pushups and squat presses). It just kills my arms and shoulders. I do really like the last long set of cardio, because my body is so loose and warmed up by that time, it just seems to me I could keep going forever, even though I am breathing hard when it does end.
  • Completed Day 2. Felt much better after the workout yesterday, but for some reason it kicked my butt today. Oh well, still looking forward to doing it again tomorrow.
    in Day 2 Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • I am 40, will be 41 this month. I am not new at this, but fell off of living a healthy lifestyle. I started tracking my food on Monday and started working out today. Feel free to add me. I could use all the support (encouragement) I can get and I will return the same.
  • Finished Day 1. Being a day off from work, it was hard for me to get motivated to workout, but I finally did it and I feel great. Looking forward to the next 29 days of this challenge.
    in Day 1 Comment by CaboScotty January 2012
  • I am in! I had great success with 30 Day Shred in the past, even though I put half of the weight I lost back on. Now I am looking to get back to a healthier lifestyle.
  • The heart rate monitor (HRM) is something you wear when working out. It has a chest strap and a watch. They are really easy to use and you enter your height, weight, etc. into the HRM, so it will calculate your calories burned while working out, as well as provide you with your heart rate while working out. I use the Polar…
  • Lefeh99 - I have found that yes we all burn different calories based on body make up. For example, when I did the 30 Day Shred - Level 1 on Tuesday, I burned 424 calories per my Heart Rate Monitor, which was my first day back to working out in several months. I know earlier in the year when I was working out quite a bit, I…
  • I use the "add exercise to the database" link and create each level as it's own exercise. Then I record my time doing each level and the calories burned using my heart rate monitor.