Jaminjo2 Member


  • What a great reminder of the power of the mind. It became easier & easier to think positive the longer I kept at it, good or bad.
  • This was all good information. I have been giving it some thought to try a spin class to build stamina.
  • You definitely help me feel good about the same approach you took for vacay. I had pretty much the same type of results as you. But the most important part was having a good time with family and friends and just enjoying life in general. Thank you for helping feel good about myself.
  • Hi, I'm a "teenager" senior at 53. There are some issues I can relate to and share my experiences if you like. I started doing this at the end of January this year. I was 244 and down to 210 and would like to reach 160 (I think). I have 2 artificial knees that limits me to weight bearing stretching exercises. I can walk,…
    in Seniors Comment by Jaminjo2 June 2014
  • Totally right, MFP works when you keep at it! I love the idea of continuous tracking of your workouts. I may have to add that to my paper journal.
  • I quit living and breathing the mission. I quit doing research on new ideas for exercise to keep boredom at bay. I stopped planning meals and snacks. I am not thinking about it 24/7 like I was for the last 4 months. I am starting to slip.....and I don't want to fall.
  • I feel proud and beautiful! I'm glad I finally started to wise up, it only took 53 years, lol. Thank you for being inspirational!
  • 16 slices of white bread, toasted with lots of butter. No kidding.
  • Robin eggs are my favorite...I cannot be trusted and I cannot stop! Malted malt balls (Whoppers) are not the same either. Is spaghetti the same as macaroni?
  • I'm crazy over homemade kale chips. 70 calories for 2 cups and they crunch like chips. You can make them any flavor you want. So far my favorite is sea salt and red pepper flakes.
  • A man with the right words! Well said my friend!
  • This isn't meant to be mean Jenny, but maybe the dress was tighter than think on New Years. Here's my story: In March I focused on losing inches not weight. I was terribly upset when I didn't lose and inches at my waist and hips. I lost on my arms, neck & thighs, and lost 6 lbs. But when I tried a pair of pants on that…
  • I've had the same experience this past month. I goal for March was to focus on inches lost instead of weight lost. I was really disappointed that I did not loose many inches considering all the extra effort I felt I was putting into my goal. BUT the winning outcome was that I am able to put on a size 20 pants without…
  • I would like to know that answer as well. I just assumed it was all totaled up just not mentioned in words.
    in Exercise Comment by Jaminjo2 March 2014
  • I am fortunate to have a small gym where I work. Here's what worked for me in the beginning: I would pick out 3 different pieces of equipment, and I would do only 10 minutes each. Ten minutes worked for me because it would get my heart rate up and by that time I was thinking this is too hard to go any longer on that…
  • I've been exercising regularly for 6 months, I'm not an expert or in top notch condition. What I have found that helps with the motivation and boredom is not to do the same workout more than a couple of days in a row. I own 4 or 5 dvds that I picked up at yard sales, the gym I use has a small selection of dvds and once in…
  • I love your name FatGuy2FitGuy & banner. AWESOME!
  • I have experienced all of the same habits as you have, except for the smoking part. It is crazy that we want to accomplish something so badly and yet it is the most difficult thing to overcome. I found coming in here reading good things and advice helped me a lot. It didn't happen overnight either. I just kept coming in…
  • You are fabulous and so is MFP! Let the goods feelings keep you going.
  • I don't think I really told anyone out right. When offered high calorie stuff or seconds I just refused politely with "not this time, thank you." Sometimes I add that I'm trying to watch my calories a little bit. I think this approach covers me 2 ways. For those who will try to sabotage your efforts, knowingly or not, they…
  • You don't need a gym. I find stuff on youtube that I can do at home. It's always interesting to learn new stuff and I can change the routine at anytime. I can combine different workouts for my capabilities. I love it.
  • I agree. I love MFP for tracking exercise & journaling. It's fabulous to have a place to go for support and ideas.
  • I use these boards for support and lots of good advice. I thank you for the topic. You can see that many have the same issues. I need to figure out a way not to weigh myself everyday. I could easily get rid of my scale at home but I work in a hospital setting and there are scales every where I turn. I am not too hung up on…
  • Been there done that! I also like to "sneak eat" and for no reason. Food is not scarce at my house and the people I live and work with wouldn't care how much I ate. I guess that means I do care what people see, but not as much about how I feel afterwards. WOW! That was deep.
  • Mine is pretty simple and possibly silly, but it's worked the longest yet. I bought a graph composition notebook. I start a new page at the beginning of every month. I put the dates across the top and weights down the side. I weigh myself every Monday & Friday, and I love to graph it. I also use the same notebook to…
  • I was walking in the parking lot of a strip mall crossing the part where the cars are parked to get to the sidewalk in front of the store I was headed to when this car intentionally ran the stop sign (really who pays attention to those signs anyway). I kind of freaked out and holler for the driver to stop and she yelled…
  • I hate AND love your title "I gave up on myself...but, I found myself again." I feel the very same way. I'm tired of giving up on myself all of the time. I AM worth so much more! It is time to put ourselves in the spot light so we don't get lost again. I am 53 and weigh 233. I would like to lose 85 lbs. I do not have a…
  • Heck, have you looked at what in the exercise database? Looks to me like you can log darn near anything. Because you said "lap swimming on and off for an hour..." I might record 30 or 40 minutes instead of the hour. Depends what you felt your effort level was.
  • I'm a Newbee too. Just decided today to put forth a better effort into losing weight. I hope to find encouragement and motivation in here when it gets really hard to stay on track. Best wishes to all~
    in Hello! :-) Comment by Jaminjo2 June 2013