AnneTanne0 Member


  • I promised some pics... There are about 300 in my SmugMug album, so I'll try to show some here... (I hope this works...)
  • And you can add me too...
  • I'm Ann Van Roy, but currently not very active on Facebook....
  • Great! Running is so addicting! I started running when I was around 45 - but I never ever ran a race...
  • We were in Istria, a peninsula in the West of Croatia. It's just opposite Venice, on the other side of the Adriatic, and was under Venetian gouvernment for centuries. You find this influence everywhere in the architecture. The Croatian coast is beautiful, with an azure sea and many small bays. We were lucky to find a…
  • I was never able to loose weight on vacation, this is really great! Even maintaining my weight is difficult... especially when we go to Italy ;-). (This year we go to the Eastern part of Croatia, where the cuisine is said to resemble the Italian...)
  • Well, if you stayed within your calorie-goal, you didn't really break down! And as MissyCat suggested, maybe you could search for some yummie low-calorie recipes? I can't help you with that: I do bake every week, but only bread…
  • Thank you for sharing... @Ruth, no, this will be our first stay in Croatia... Since we only have 10 days, we want be able to see 'everything', and will probably plan to go back one day. But on the other hand: there are still so many countries we want to visit...
  • That's great Ruth!
  • For some people it may work... for some people it doesn't work, and for some people it seems to work. When you start eating low carb, your glycogen-storage is depleted. Because glycogen is water soluble, you loose lots of water together with that glycogen. And some people think: 'look, only two days on low carb, and the…
  • Not for me... Nuts, and most of all pistachio's are the kind of food that I can't resist once I start eating them. Or in fact: they are the kind of food I only should eat when I would be able to really mindfully do it: Concentrating on the taste, the texture... enjoying them... When I start mindlessly snacking nuts, I…
  • There is a nice group of 50+ ladies: And of course you can add me too... 50, living in Belgium with husband and 16 y.o. son...
  • One week later Wanda... How are you doing? = Ann
  • I just wanted to add: The fact that you post this here, already makes you accountable. It shows that you thought about whether or not to eat that brownie. And if after having posted this, you should decide to eat, it wouldn't be mindless munching, it would be a mindful decision... But having decided not to eat it, you feel…
  • Ruth... I don't know if I can help you... I just eat a mini-brownie an hour ago :-) But try to choose... How many calories have you left for today? Can you swap that brownie for something that you can miss today? You can decide to have that brownie... But if you decide to have it, you really have to enjoy it. Only choose…
  • When I was young, I had an average size body, but my Mama always told me I was fat. My mom was seriously underweight, but she was proud of it... (She still is... and I feel compassionate nowadays, not angry anymore.) And indeed, I was 'skinny fat', and I had heavy thights and a wide 'behind', but I did have (and still…
  • Well... Belgium is small of course... And almost all Belgians admit that Belgium has its ugliness (Belgians tend to be rather un-chauvinistic) - but it is lovely too, on its small scale... In Flanders (north, Dutch-speaking), you have the medieval town-centers like in Bruges and Louvain, but also in Antwerp, Brussels and…
  • Of course it is often said (at least over here in Belgium ;-)...) that you should eat breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a king, and dinner like a beggar... But since a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, you won't get fatter from a dinner-calorie than from a breakfast-calorie... However: If you stepped on the scale this…
  • deleted
  • In fact, I often cook Indian meals (following the directions of the cookbooks I bought in India) so I think I can say I'm uused to cooking with spices, but 5 spoons of cumin for one portion (i.e. the quantity one person is going to eat in one course)... Yes, that seems a lot...
  • Who is the 'they' that limited you to 2 fruits a day? You cheat day looks more like my normal day, and I'm having a hard time finding reaching my calorie-goal...
  • That's quite a lot... a spoonfull of dried cumin (not ground) is about 8 kcal, dus 44 cal means 5.5 spoons of cumin. And this all for one portion? I don't log spices and herbs, because I use them in quantities that are so small, that they would hardly add 10 kcal a day.
  • All oils of course. Since they are pure fat, they come on top of the chart you want. So the suggestion of adding a spoonfull (or two) of a natural, vegetable oil (un alteredm so no trans-fats) to one of your meals really makes sense.
  • My husband and I live with our 16 y.o. son in a small village in the north of Belgium. Our house is a tiny old farmhouse, and but our garden is rather large for Belgian standards (about 2 acres). Both my husband and I have full-time jobs, and not so much time for the garden, so it is rather unkempt (have a look at my…
  • I weigh every morning, and record my weight in the 'libra' app for android phone. This app calculates a 'weighed average' of your records of the last week. So even when your weight has gone up, the line connecting those daily averages will go down. This app has been the most motivating tool in my weight-loss journey.…
  • This would be my advice too... I don't know how it is/was in America, but over here in Europe, or at least in Belgium, people used to eat their main meal at noon (at least when they worked at home or in the neighborhood). When I was young, both my parents, my sisters and I came home from school (parents were teachers) at…
  • Fruit IS good... Banana's ARE healthy. And fruit of the season is always best. But as with everything: variation and moderation is the key. Where you can eat literally buckets of vegetables without reaching your calorie-goal, fruit does have a higher sugar content, and thus more calories. Just eat (and log) your banana…
  • I'm 51... At 45 my fitness was awfull, and my weight was 10 kg more than it is now. I started running, and kept an eye on my food intake. At this moment, my weight is then same as when I was 16... (From 18 till 45 it was always more...) For me, postmenopausal it seemed easier to keep off the kilo's....
  • Indeed, Decathlon in Europe... Wide choice, and Price vs Quality you can't beat them.
  • Although I have only a size A I must concur that a well fitted sportsbra is a very good investment. But... It can be hard to find one that is well fitting. I found one at last when I filled in a rather long and thorough questionaire at (Kies de juiste sportbh = choose the right sportsbra). De…