engineergirl Member


  • Ohmygod!!! This thing has changed my life! I LOVE mine! Got it at Dollar General! Right now I'm stuck on pesto!
  • [ This has NEVER happened. Monsanto has never sued a farmer for GMO seeds spreading to other crops. In fact, if they find that their seeds have spread, they will pay to have that farmers crop cleaned up. I don't normally chime in on these debates, however, I have to correct you on this one. Growing up in farm country in…
  • BAHAHAHA this just MADE my day! The threads are HILARIOUS!
  • I have on occasion, especially after a difficult WOD, been emotional, so that may be part of it. I've just never not finished, so that really disappointed me. I absolutely gave it my all, so I need to just be satisfied with that. And maybe pick better weights next time, I obviously had too much for that amount of work.
  • BAHAHAHAHAHA This thread totally just made my day! Hats off OP!! Well played MFPers!
  • 9/11 Tribute WOD For time: (35 minute limit) (Flight) 11 Thrusters (135/95) 8 (AM) Wall Balls (20/14) 46 (AM) Situps (Flight) 175 m Run 9 (AM) Front Squat (135/95) 02 (AM (2x100m) Bear Crawl (Flight) 77 Air Squats 9 (AM) Shoulder Press (135/95) 37 (AM Push Ups (Flight) 93 Double Unders 10 (AM Overhead Squat (135/95) 07…
  • I tackled Fran for the first time today! She literally kicked my butt! Almost 10 hours later and I'm exhausted! But I finished! Bands on pullups and just the 30# bar, but I finished in 9:38 without puking!
  • Todays WOD: 3 Rounds for time: 400m Run (w/medicine ball) 20 Dips 20 Burpee Broad jumps I am SO HAPPY I finished it! And almost as Rx'd! I didn't carry the ball during the runs but otherwise performed as written! This is my 2nd week Crossfitting. I was dead last to finish, but I finished! AND I did 2 consecutive Double…
  • I just got my first visit from Health_Gal! I feel so special. She's been blocked, but her message to me was in direct reply to something I posted on a public board asking about Crossfit. I understand if you don't like it, it's not for everyone... but seriously, crazy lady, stop harrassing everyone that enjoys it!
  • Oh, and I forgot to mention, they're great about scaling excercises and modifying things for every level. You'll see beginners to long time crossfitters in the same session, all doing their different forms of the same movement. They're super aware of using good form and pay close attention to help prevent injuries.
  • I just finished my first week and I'm totally hooked! There's no possible way to get bored with Crossfit, the people are great and the workouts, while tough, are quick and dirty. You'll think as you're working out that this sucks, it's so hard, but once it's over you'll realize it wasn't so bad and you'll find yourself…
  • I just this week discovered a "hot chocolate" alternative if you will. I use 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder, mix well with 8 ounces of cold water. Then I add 4-8 ounces or so of coffee (you could easily use decaf or water) and mix again. The texture and taste is very much like hot chocolate, and it's an extra jolt of…
  • I make these ALL the time, they're one of my new favorite foods. I make it just the way it says, one banana, two eggs. It gets the best texture if you can throw it all in a food processor/blender, but mashing with a fork and then blending with the fork works just as well. It typically makes 3 "pancakes". I do add a splash…
  • Assuming you have a smartphone, the app uses GPS to track distance for you. I use it daily, on the distance mode. I've started and stopped c25k several times trying to run by time and now that I'm doing it for distance I'm doing SO much better! I recommend distance, as it tells you your pace and you can adjust accordingly.…
  • Just bored I think. I'll get over it. =)
  • I'm wrapping up week 3, still pressing play. I find myself increasingly bored/uninspired by the cardio days (Yoga, Plyo, Kenpo). Still running on resistance days and chugging along! =)
  • I'm just trying to eat healthy at this point. I've got the macros plugged into MFP, but I'm struggling, esp to get as much protein as it says I should have. I feel better already, so that's what matters to me. The scale has actually, frustratingly, gone up, but it is what it is. I'm also running every other day or so,…
  • Port Orange here! =)
  • Still here! Still pushing play. Took the weekend off due to strained lower abs and a mini vacation but now I'm back in action!
  • I started today too, so I'll try to keep up with the group here! Work may interfere with my posting here, but I'm vowing to NOT let it interfere with working out! Took before pics today, will post them in 30 days with my after pics. Hoping to be able to ROCK the short dresses that are soooo popular here in South Florida in…