100% Natural 2 Ingredient Pancakes



  • Shannafo
    Shannafo Posts: 121 Member
    sounds divine!!
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Hmm...interesting. Wonder how they taste.
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
  • mystry11
    mystry11 Posts: 34
  • jschway
    jschway Posts: 40 Member
    I have no excuse not to try these because they're so darn simple! Looks great. Thank you for sharing. :)
  • jessejames3ball
    I make those all the time. You dont need 2 eggs. One is usually suffice. 1 large banana and 1 egg. Make them small so you can flip. To much egg makes them almost a banana omlete. I put a tad of agave nectar or honey on them when they are done.

    Ive tried other fruit but bananas turn out the best. Applesauce gets runny and hard to hold together. Peaches worked a few times.

    How about instead of 1 egg using 2 egg whites? Or wouldn't that hold together enough?
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    oo will be doing these!
  • chopps_22
    chopps_22 Posts: 11 Member
    Made these for breakfast this morning. Pretty damn good =) I used 1 overly ripe banana and 2 eggs. Wisked together until kinda thick and frothy, and cooked like normal pancakes.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    Made them this morning and ate them with some Trader Joes honey -- really good! Followed up breakfast with a 4 mile run to burn off excess fat....
  • chevysarah
    bump for sure. this is a great idea!
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    I made them.
    Here's what mine looked like:
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    I made them. Try #1: I used one egg and one white and 1 medium banana. The batter was very thin. My rolled oats were right there so I tossed in a quarter cup and let it sit ...thought the oats would soak up some of the liquid...nope. cooked it as one big pancake. Delicious but not too good to look at. Difficult to turn over in the pan.
    Try #2: one egg and one small banana. Still got watery batter. Added the oats (I like the added texture) then Added a Tablespoon of powdered peanut butter that I had just discovered at a health food store. Now the batter was thick enough to pour. It made 4 small pancakes. They were a little too browned so I think lower heat would be better. I had it at medium high.
  • hdjjones
    hdjjones Posts: 130 Member
    I made them this morning added 1 tsp baking powder. They were great.
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    I made these today. I used one egg and then 3 tbsp of egg white (equals a second large egg). I also threw in 1 tbsp of chai seeds. Loved them. I think they would be even better with a riper banana. I then made them for husband as is, two eggs and one banana. Half way through I threw in a little cinnamon and a dash of vanilla. He loved all of them and at them all. Definitely making these again in future!
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    I made these this morning and added a tsp of peanut butter-delicious!!
  • slightlymad13
    bump!! yummy!
  • goodhuh
    This is awesome, I just used one egg and one pancake. Perfect. Want to try it with a pear or apple next. Thank you
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    I made them with pumpkin instead. Not great, but not bad. I added cinnamon to the mixture.
  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow!
  • engineergirl
    engineergirl Posts: 22 Member
    I make these ALL the time, they're one of my new favorite foods. I make it just the way it says, one banana, two eggs. It gets the best texture if you can throw it all in a food processor/blender, but mashing with a fork and then blending with the fork works just as well. It typically makes 3 "pancakes". I do add a splash of vanilla to mine for flavor. Add a sprinkle of pecans and it literally tastes like banana bread!