

  • Sorry I've been MIA - trying to balance being back at work, a social life, and not letting my gym time slip has taken up all of my time. I'm so exhausted that when I decided to nap Friday at 5 pm I ended up sleeping all night. Although I wish I'd stayed more active in this accountability group I am proud that I've…
  • I'm up to 8 lunges on each leg! Today was a good day... after four days of poor eating choices and limited activity. I finished my day under my calorie goal with good food choices. I also made it to the gym!
  • Paige I love homemade soups and chills in the fall I look forward to taking my pup on longer walks in the fall since it is so hot in Vegas in the summer we only get short walks in when the sun's down. I look forward to going home for the holidays and taking lots of pictures with my nieces and nephew (without having to…
  • This is perfect timing for me! I was just talking to a body pump instructor about how hard lunges are for me and she suggested I do a few each day to build up to being able to complete the lunge track in class. I started today and completed five on each leg with proper form.
  • Thanks for taking the time to post all of the above! I needed to read some of these quotes this morning and 100% needed to remind myself that I shouldn't cheat myself out of something I want!
  • Food and Exercise - I went back to work today which means lots of goodies all around me. I didn't do amazing avoiding the temptations, but I did make better choices then I would have this time last year. Just one bit size snickers (despite the bowls of candy everywhere!) and just 1/4 of a chocolate chip muffin. I also went…
  • Last week went ok for me. I had a few days that I didn't eat as well as I could have but I did stick to my gym goals. I also added a few groups here on mfp which I'm hoping will help me keep motivated and accountable as I transition back into working this week. My goals are staying mostly the same as they've been the last…
  • Hi everyone! I'm new to this group and love how active it is! Food - Breakfast: Special K red berry cereal, almond milk and a banana Lunch: Big salad with lots of veggies and a small side of brown rice and black beans Dinner: TBD Water - 8 glasses down hopefully I can get another 8 in before bed tonight Exercise - Despite…
  • Hi! New to this group and excited to take part in my first role call even if it is a little late! Name or Username: Paige .... WVUKP What do you want to gain from MFP? Awareness of how my daily habits affect my body and a healthier body weight Favorite class (can be from any age): Psychology classes and leadership studies…
  • Good for you! At this point in my life style change journey I find its easier to not buy it at all then to only eat a small amount! I look forward to being able to have the self control to limit sweets and not just avoid them
  • My small victory was making the effort to plan a social event in a way that would not interfere with the week gym schedule I made for myself on Sunday!
  • Your story is extremely motivating to me! As someone also in my twenties and 5'10 I feel like I can relate. Your story gives me hope that I too can get results if I stay dedicated!
  • Thank you for sharing!!!