Small Victories



  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    No victories today, I haven't even had breakfast yet. But one that's similar to OPs from a few months back.

    The company bought cupcakes for everyone, I went into the break room and grabbed one, as I was walking back to my desk I realized what I'd done and gave it to someone else instead. Small victories.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Nice victory for you. When I see food I don't need to eat,try to ask myself how that slice of pie,piece of cake,etc will look added to my hips or belly?
    Always in back of my mind is realizing I wouldn't need MFP if I had listened to myself long ago.
  • AliUnrau
    AliUnrau Posts: 405 Member
    Today I FELT like going for a walk AFTER my workout. I am gaining energy finally and my clothes are beginning to get loose!
  • conklil
    conklil Posts: 81 Member
    I bought a long navy lace/beaded gown online to wear to either a wedding and/or holiday party last year. I looked like a stuffed sausage in it. I tried it on again and it looks great. Too bad I have nowhere to wear it. I'm guessing/hoping it will be too big to wear at the next holiday party.
  • allangirl
    allangirl Posts: 56 Member
    I like celebrating small victories; it helps with positive self talk and positive reinforcement.What a great post. My small victory was not eating the entire Cadbury chocolate bar, but only having 3 pieces.
  • allangirl
    allangirl Posts: 56 Member
    My small victory is that I have not done any middle of the night snacking in quite a while. Last night was soooo rough and coming up with enough will power to not have a late night snack is a big little victory for me.

    Congratulations, I struggle with that too.
  • annpatalexa
    annpatalexa Posts: 38 Member
    Wifey and I made two loaves of zucchini bread and one tray of muffins. We literally split one muffin, saved two for later, and gave the rest to our neighbors. That's our version of will power.

    Haha, If I can't be skinny let me bake for my neighbors so they won't be either. :-) Love it!
  • jtm4210
    jtm4210 Posts: 108 Member
    Running 5 sub-8 minute miles this morning!
  • Small victory today; went to Sam's today and DID NOT use the mobility cart to get around. Walked around Sam's for 45 minutes and felt great doing it!!!!!! (Two months ago I was walking with a cane)
  • bpp23
    bpp23 Posts: 170 Member
    Posted on nsv.. but still consider it a victory.. Dr. took me off cholesterol and blood pressure meds now that I've taken up exercise!
  • wvukp
    wvukp Posts: 22
    My small victory was making the effort to plan a social event in a way that would not interfere with the week gym schedule I made for myself on Sunday!
  • wvukp
    wvukp Posts: 22
    I like celebrating small victories; it helps with positive self talk and positive reinforcement.What a great post. My small victory was not eating the entire Cadbury chocolate bar, but only having 3 pieces.

    Good for you! At this point in my life style change journey I find its easier to not buy it at all then to only eat a small amount! I look forward to being able to have the self control to limit sweets and not just avoid them
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    I turned down ice cream.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Way to walk away from the donuts!

    My small victory today?

    150 consecutive days of logging on to and tracking every bite of food I've eaten. Yeah for consistency!
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Posted on nsv.. but still consider it a victory.. Dr. took me off cholesterol and blood pressure meds now that I've taken up exercise!

    Whoopie! That's great!

    I'm hoping I will be able to go off blood pressure medicine after I lose a bit more weight.
  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    I have three:happy:
    1. avoided the tiny yummy one-bite cupcakes at work
    2. ran my fastest ever speed for an extended time on the treadmill...6.2mph
    3. held plank for 80 seconds
  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    Small victory for today? Went to the gym after work again. Got that feeling like I didn't want to - told myself "You know you have to. Besides, as soon as you get to the parking lot of the gym, you'll go in and have a good time." It was 3AM. Can't do it tonight though because of an early meeting.

    Second small victory of the day? I'm kinda pissed about that early meeting interfering with my schedule. Sheez!