Whenever I really need a fizzy drink I buy the ICE sparkling waters. They are very refreshing and zero calories. Maybe once or twice a week.
Not a song really, but . . . "Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar" Everytime I hear that commercial I sing it over and over for hours. I drive my kids crazy!
I am in the exact same spot! Request Sent
Sounds like a healthy weight to me as well. Good Luck!
I have a friend on here that logs food preperation, but it's for his job and schooling. He prepares food for hundreds of people. I wouldn't log food prep for just my meals. Hope this helps.
That is the best! Being healthy is what we should all be aiming for - I know I am! Congratulations!!!
Sorry to bump! Anyone?
My in-laws follow this guy. Everything you listed is exactly what they do & & they are both obese!
I am so working out on Thanksgiving - I am planning 2 workouts before I leave the house at 11am! Can't wait to get them done! Nothing douchey about it!!!!
Way to go on getting healthy and keeping it up!
Couldn't even finish the video - Do you think she is just joking? I hope so! Poor Girl!
I also do kickboxing and get dizzy. When I do I stop immediately and just step side to side and lock my eyes on a specific point. It ususally passes very quickly (5-10 seconds) and I can get right back to it.
That is an awesome accomplishment! Congrats!
My house isn't as clean as it used to be :)
Great loss! You look great!
Great Loss! You look fantastic!
I actually saw a difference when I used a waist sweat belt while doing kickboxing videos. My tummy really did reduce in bulk. Hope it helps!
You are looking great! Excellent muscle tone in the legs!