

  • I was very surprised at your diary. I went back about a week and could not see anything you had cooked at home. Is she upset because you are not eating food she has prepared for you both, or you are not eating together? You have a lot of calories to play with, why not sit down together and plan some really nice, nutritious…
  • I did the WW thing with not logging F and V and gained 3.5lbs in 3 months, and I was sticking to it like glue. I cancelled my membership and joined this site, and log everything, especially F and V!
  • I checked out your diary, and in the 6-7 days I looked at you ate almost no fresh fruit and veg. If you tried eating at least 5 portions per day you would feel fuller, and therefore hopefully even out your calorie intake. Also, the improved nutrition would probably help you feel better.
  • When I had a lot of weight to lose (8 stone) I started by telling myself I no longer did not like anything healthy, and was only allowed to dislike unhealthy things. If you look at peoples dislikes, it is very rarely pizza burgers cake and chocolate, it is nearly always fish and vegetables. We now have a rule in the house,…
  • Can you swim well already? I mean a reasonable front crawl face in the water? If so start with 10 and work up. If you are more of a breast stroke head sticking up, make it less. Try not to stop too often, you would not stop every minute if you were out running, or on the cross trainer. Try and do a variety of strokes to…
  • Chicken traybake: chicken breast cubed, potatoes cut into 8 and any veg eg squash, courgette, mushroom, pepper, babycorn, aubergine, onion,, some chicken stock and your favourite herbs and spices. Put in medium to hot oven for 1 1 1/2 hours. Very little washing up involved...
  • 'Do you think that having to break down and eliminate them is as easy for your body as, say, maple syrup that comes from a tree?' I have to disagree fundamentally with the whole 'anything natural is good' belief. Aconite comes from a very pretty plant that grows in my garden. That fact does not make it easy for my body to…
  • Make sure be very helpful and thoughtful by taking a dish with you. I usually take a large salad, and some nicely prepared fruit. Then there is definitely going to be something on the table that you can fill your plate high with, making it look like you are really tucking in.
  • I am way over every day because I have half a pint of semi skimmed milk, an orange and 2 apples - all very healthy. Ignore that column!!
    in Sugar... Comment by Jaynequ April 2011
  • You can use sugar free jelly crystals to set the jam, 1 sachet to about 1 - 11/2 fruit. Keep it in the fridge. I made it loads of times last year, with berrie, strawberries, apricots, plums, apples whatever I has, including tinned fruit.
  • And of course if someone cuts a cake or loaf of bread and does leave it straight ... well tidying it up is a necessity and does not count.
  • Of course, you are right, anything you try when you are cooking is essential and definitely does not count (including the chocolate butter icing left in the bowl)
  • I just checked your diary and you have logged 1200 to 1400 per day. You are only logging 200 for dinner - that does not seem like enough for me. You logged turkey and feta lettuce wraps for dinner, no veg other than 2 pieces of lettuce, and no fruit. To meet most nutritional guidelines you need to increase your intake of…
  • It is alsways a good idea to eat lots of home cooked foods with plenty of fruits and veg, and very little processed food. However your body does not need to 'detox', it is doing that all by itself every minute of every day and manages it very efficiently. Your liver does not need a day off, it was built to work non stop…
    in Detox Comment by Jaynequ March 2011
  • Out of interest, why do people use olive oil to cook with? When you heat it it's molecular structure changes and it becomes a saturated fat, so has no health benefits at all. Most chefs would recommend cooking with sunflower oil and saving your expensive EVOO for salads. That said I almost never use oil anyway. I 'fry'…
  • I have clicked myself on the 'Active' section of the lifestyle assessment, and I would consider that to include 30 mins exercies 5 times a week, which is the UK recommendation for a healthy lifestyle, not a weight loss lifestyle. So I only eat back more that 30 mins moderate exercise 5 times a week.
  • Many thanks. I checked it out: could not find a fly, but be warned, stay away from termites, over 600 calories in just 100g...
  • I was on WW until 2 weeks ago. In 3 months of sticking to the new points system like glue, I put on 3lb. That is why I am here. For me the zero point fruit and veg thing just did not work. I eat a lot of F and V, and would not want to cut down on that. So I was eating all my points as instructed, then eating another…
  • I believe organinc is generally 'twice the price for half the quality' so don't buy it unless there is nothing else. I cook everything from scratch, using the cheapest ingredients I can find. I never wash any fruit, or peel any veg, and refuse to ever drink bottled water (so bad for the planet). My family is the healthiest…
  • My husband constantly suggests we eat out as a 'treat'. This makes me feel like a killjoy for always saying no. I do have one meal 'off' each week, but he still suggests more outings. Also we can't afford to eat out all the time, and I have usually cooked something helathy and nutritious. He is not deliberatly sabotaging…
  • I have a third of a cup of oats every morning made with 1 cup of water, a spoonful of bran, some cinnamon and a bit of sweeterner. I then have a piece of fruit. I have another piece of fruit mid morning, and that keeps me going till lunch. I have a glass of water and a cup of instant coffee at breakfast. That seems to be…
  • that doesn't look bad, but I don't know if they sell that batter her If you don't know how to make it use a packof pancake mix.
  • I'm happy to be friends with anyone, feel free to add me!
  • Slightly different, I was on weightwatchers. After 3 months I had put on 3lb! I have been here 10days and lost 7 1/2lb!! I know it is first week water loss, but I never even had that at WW. Tracking every calorie you eat has got to be the right way to go. Good luck!
  • Well done you. You have faced up to the problem and started to do something about it. You should be very proud of yourself! Just do one thing for the rest of us - chew that gum with your mouth closed!!!
  • Tinned tomatoes onions and garlic. That way you have the basis of so many things. Spag bol, chicken in tomato sauce, shepherds pie, 3 bean chilli, the list is endless. Make a whole load of sauce and freeze in sandwich bags, then just take out and add minced beef, beans, chicken, fish etc. Add chilli to the sauce if you…
  • Add me, I am new here too.
  • I am 5ft 11" (used to be 5ft 11.5" - where did that extra 0.5" go?!!). I am happy when I am 160-170. As the lady above said, we want tocome some of the top assets intact...