Diet and Fam

Hey guys! Well I was once 220 I lost about 25 lbs then went up and now I'm back on track to lose more. My problem is I don't want anyone to know I'm on a diet. I never let it show I'm uncomfortable in my body. Now I avoid visiting fam bcuz they always want to force A LOT of food onto me.. fried food, high fat food, delicious tempting food. How would I "gently" regect the food?


  • Brittney24
    Brittney24 Posts: 105
    I wouldn't reject it so much as have a very small portion of it and make sure I exercise enough to be able to incorporate it into that days plans.

    Restricting food eventually leads to binging on it in the long run.

    Don't think of this as a diet so much as a healthy eating plan, but every once and a while you're allowed to splurge, especially if you've exercised for it.

    You're not going to cut bad food out for the rest of your life.
  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    I have tried just serving myself healthy smaller portions but girrl omg! My hubbys fam EATs like two FULL plates. So they look at me like I'm regecting them, like I don't like their food. Almost as if I'm disrespecting
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I've read how some people use the broken record approach - "no thank you I've already eaten" or something similar over and over again, and people get sick of asking and getting the same response and just give up.

    There is absolutely no way you can sustain a weight loss if you do eat the food, so eventually you will just be the girl who has just a small portion.

  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    my fam is the same way, i plan on exercising my *kitten* off and eating quite a bit less for a day or two before visiting them that way I won't have to be too obvious about the change in eating habits. It might help to call them up and find out exaclty what they plan on serving so that you can plan ahead a bit. And girl, drink a mess load of water when you get home.
  • Brittney24
    Brittney24 Posts: 105
    Haha, my brother and I are so picky so when people feed us at relatives houses we never eat and are hungry after. So terrible, but they never look at us weird.

    I know this won't work everytime, but you could use this at least 1 time with different families that you ate a large lunch so you're supper full and can't eat anymore.

    I don't know really what else you could do other than say you're trying to watch what you're eating. I know you don't want to do that but perhaps they'd commend you for taking the right steps to being healthy?
  • monkeybelle83
    monkeybelle83 Posts: 141 Member
    I really think honesty is the best policy on this one. You don't have to say you're "dieting" but just "watching what you eat". If they get offended, it really isn't YOUR problem. You've got to put yourself first, and focus on what is best for you. If they're not supportive of that, then it's their choice.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I have a friend who "gets sick" whenever she has to do stuff with her hubby's family. LOL
    Always and option.
  • TheReluctantDragon
    Try serving VERY small portions... and then going back for more VERY small portions. They'll see you serve yourself twice, but you still won't eat too much.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Well I know if it were me getting my food rejected, I'd rather the person be honest. But that's me.


    Why not say the doctor told you not to eat foods like that? I heard that one before.
  • Gabriella34
    I think you should just be honest and clear about why you cant eat it. If they care, they should understand. If they become insulted, then thats their own train of thought.

    If you do go to your families home, and decide to eat the fast food for their sake, you can work out or excersize more than you normally would. That way you can burn the excess calories. Like the post above me, eat small portions. *thumbs up*
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Ugh I hate it when family/friends pull the "Don't you like this food? I slaved over a hot stove all day making it" sad-panda-pity-party. Eat what you need to and that's it. Lately I've just straight out started asking people why they don't respect me enough to allow me to decided what I do or do not put into my body. If you turn it around on them usually they think for a minute and they'll see how you feel.

    Oh yeah agreed with above, be honest. You never know, maybe they won't push huge portions on you if they know you're trying to stay healthy.
  • Jaynequ
    Jaynequ Posts: 39
    Make sure be very helpful and thoughtful by taking a dish with you. I usually take a large salad, and some nicely prepared fruit. Then there is definitely going to be something on the table that you can fill your plate high with, making it look like you are really tucking in.