at my wit's end

ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok... i've been working out since September. I had lost 5lbs, but over Christmas gained it back. So back on the workout train I go. I'm eating healthier, watching my portions, bought a scale for my kitchen. I measure out everything. I eat more protien then I normally did. Since April 1st, I've gained 7lbs. I'm normally under my calorie count for the day, but I try to eat my workout calories back. I'm walking to and from work. I'm doing a "at home fitness" tape every morning.

Am I right that to loose half a pound to a pound a week, I shouldn't have to kill myself with workouts? My fiancee said I should start spending 2 hours at the gym each day with cardio and weights (alternating weight days of course). My diary is now public.... and I eating the wrong things? When I asked this last time (January?), people said "watch the salt" and I have been trying to. I get my water daily.

I am currently going through testing for my thyroid, as my NP says it's a little big, but my bloodwork came back normal.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm at my wit's end.



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    If it is your thyroid you need to get that sorted out before you will start seeing weight loss.

    I work out really hard, though. Circuits twice a week, a very intense aerobics class, and 2 10k runs every week, and I haven't lost any weight in a month now. And I never eat more than 1500, including exercise cals. I think my body must be very efficient! It certainly doesn't want to let go of an ounce more!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I am no sodium is HUGE for me. I am allowed 2500, but a day or 2 at 1500 sends my scale up. I also noticed that you rarely log food on weekends.....try logging your weekends and see what happens, (or maybe that is possibly part of the issue?If I didnt log on weekends, I would kill it for the whole week. Keeps me accountable) You are doing a great job working out, though! I think 2 hrs a day is unnecessary as MFP is set to have us loose, exercise not included. Hope all is well with your thyroid, :)
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I had a quick glance through a few days of your diary and here is what I am seeing. Somedays you are WAY under in calories you are not even consuming 1200. then other days you are WAY over in calories. Also your sodium more often than not is over too. So one you need to cut back on your sodium as it makes you retain water. 2. you should try hard to stay within your calorie limit everyday and eat at least 1200 or more on exercise days. Your body will hold onto all the extras when you starve it on other days. Therefore creating a weight gain. It thinks you are starving it so thinks right this day I have more cals than I need so I will store these as fat for the days I am not getting enough calories to live on. My opinion so take it for what it is worth.
  • maybe you need to only eat back half of your workout calories instead of all of them. I would hate to think of spending 2 hours a day in the gym. I don't know...maybe you are gaining muscle. Have you measured to see if you are losing inches? It seems strange that you would be doing all that and gain weight. I hope you find your answers and I really hope you don't give up because although you have gained weight you are still eating healthier and moving more so that in itself makes you a healthier person. Good luck...wish I could help.:indifferent:
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    It's difficult to tell from your diary, as there seem to be quite a lot of gaps (especially weekends). However, I don't know if you have Sunday as a cheat day, but if so that could account for the weight gain. A big calorie surplus like that (especially if it's eaten in one meal) can cause a large amount of fat gain and sabotage the good work you do for the rest of the week. If you also have a few drinks every weekend, those calories add up pretty quickly.

    I follow the principle that even if I am going to eat something unhealthy, I still eat it in moderation so that it doesn't negate the calorie deficit I had for the previous few days.
  • ReneeOfTheFae
    ReneeOfTheFae Posts: 117
    Did your NP explain the results to you? Sometimes the thyroid is downplayed...a lot. Get a copy for yourself and have your NP explain it thoroughly. Then, go online to Mary Shomon's patient advocate website. ( Sometimes, the levels and hormones that are checked aren't always the best view into the proper workings of your thyroid. Get the info and be sure. (I've been lucky; my doctors have been super patient and understanding with my condition. But I've heard that many docs will down play the issue, saying that the symptoms are imagined. Don't take that if you encounter it. Go somewhere you will be heard and tested for what you ask.)

    The other thing I can think is that you may be eating too few calories. My sister hit a plateau like that, so she upped her cals a bit. She has since seen the ball begin to roll again. Just make sure that you're not putting your body into starvation mode. Changing things up can make a massive difference. When your body gets bored, it stops showing progress.

    Hope this helps! Best of luck!
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    You are doing what I tend to do.

    I would say that your body is holding weight due to your erratic eating patterns.

    I went back a week or so on your diary, your food intake varies between 450 cal and 3000 cal plus, with the odd unlogged day.

    You are obviously quite slim, as your base cals are 1200 cal.
    When you overeat to such a great extent ( ie the 2000cal Pizza, not judging we all do it occasionally, me more than others) you wipe out multiple days of good behaviour. If you are in the green 300 cal on a good day it will take you nearly 7 days to correct the 2000 cal over eat. If you are over eating like this once a week you will stay the same, which is disheartening to say the least. If you are doing this 2 days a week you will see an increase.

    If you increase your exercise you will be able to eat more each day, this helps to smooth out your food cals, but I would say that you need to get your treat days under control. It is so easy to overeat, and so hard to burn it off afterwards. A bit of extra exercise and a half a pizza less and a salad may be all it takes to see you going in the direction you want.

    I hope this helps :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm sure you've heard it said before - results are 80% diet and 20% exrecise.

    I wouldn't worry about killing yourslef at the gym - you know yourself the areas in your diet where you could make improvements. I'd start there, and make small changes each day.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    In regard to the thyroid issue, a word of caution. The TSH test is actually very reliable (it goes without saying "very reliable" is not the same as perfect), and if it is less than 3.0, you are not hypothyroid. If it is normal, but slightly higher (3-5.6 in my lab), you may be at increased risk of hypothyroidism, but it is extremely unlikely your thyroid is responsible for current symptoms. There is a lot of misleading information out there regarding thyroid deficiency, including Mary Shomon's. I would like to think my thyroid is responsible for my problems, and I could take a pill to fix it, so I get it tested every 4-5 years. So far, it's been perfect.
    Chasing the wrong answer when it has already been ruled out will only delay you from finding more useful answers.
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    thanks so much guys :)

    As for my thyroid, i wasn't concerned about it until my NP said it was big, and sent me for bloodwork and an ultrasound. I get the results this Thursday.
    I am a former Bulimic, so my "cheat" day does tend to be off the charts. I've noticed it more and more recently that it's hard to control this side of me, especially with the stress of planning my wedding, and I am seeing a dietician today as well as starting up with my social worker again to calm me out.
    I never log on weekends, but I will start.

    A lot of what everyone is saying is making perfect sense... so much that I feel like an Idiot not seeing it myself!

  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Dont feel like an idiot. We are all here for support and advice. Sometimes, it is right there, but we just dont see it. :flowerforyou:
  • Jaynequ
    Jaynequ Posts: 39
    I checked out your diary, and in the 6-7 days I looked at you ate almost no fresh fruit and veg. If you tried eating at least 5 portions per day you would feel fuller, and therefore hopefully even out your calorie intake. Also, the improved nutrition would probably help you feel better.
  • george_ie_girl
    george_ie_girl Posts: 120 Member
    Hey, your nutrition's not that fantastic. A lot of white bread, processed meats, processed cheese, cakes and skipped meals. Try to have more fruit and vegetables I reckon and just generally more of a variety.

    Well done on the exercise though! I wish I could be motivated like that!
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    As for my thyroid, i wasn't concerned about it until my NP said it was big, and sent me for bloodwork and an ultrasound. I get the results this Thursday.
    I understand. A thyroid which is enlarged on exam is definitely worth checking and watching, although it may continue to function just fine. I just wanted to present a counterpoint to other posted comments.
    Good luck!
  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    How do you measure calories burned?

    That would be my problem without my monitor, MFP says I am burning more than I do. If I ate all those back I would be gaining for sure!
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    As for my thyroid, i wasn't concerned about it until my NP said it was big, and sent me for bloodwork and an ultrasound. I get the results this Thursday.
    I understand. A thyroid which is enlarged on exam is definitely worth checking and watching, although it may continue to function just fine. I just wanted to present a counterpoint to other posted comments.
    Good luck!

    thanks :)
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