
Hey all!

I am new to myfitnesspal, but have done WeightWatchers in the past. WW really worked for me, but since I have been away at college, I have had no problem gaining the "Freshman 15." I have foods thing on here set to where it shows calories, carbohydrates, fat, protein, fiber, and sugar. I always seem to forget about the sugar and end up in the negatives. I am allowed 27. But I never go over in anything else...except fiber...but I didn't think that was bad. Do you think this will slow my weight loss? Help? Suggestions...


  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    Though staying within your calorie goals while getting enough nutrition (incl. protein and fiber, those are actually good to go "over" on) should be the main event re weight loss, it's a good idea to use those percentages as a basic guideline for sugar and fat.

    Sugar itself isn't "bad", and it won't slow your weight loss as long as it doesn't put you over your calorie limit, but make sure that most or all of your sugar comes from nutritionally efficient foods like fruit rather than as added sugar in foods that rack up the calories but don't add much in the way of nutrition (like sweets, pastries, most cold cereals, juice, soda, etc.).
  • bep38
    bep38 Posts: 3
    I tend to go over with oranges (17). Thank you for your help.
  • Jaynequ
    Jaynequ Posts: 39
    I am way over every day because I have half a pint of semi skimmed milk, an orange and 2 apples - all very healthy. Ignore that column!!
  • bep38
    bep38 Posts: 3
    Thank you!