Eating clean for a busy girl on a budget - help needed!

I would love it if you guys could help me compile a shopping list of basic foods that I can make easily and which are relatively cheap.

I really don't want an excuse not to eat clean. It is something I want to do and I can't put it off forever. Food should not have to work around my schedule, I want to be healthy and so I would like to start as soon as possible.

I am not going to lie, I love junk food. I have started my weight loss journey by surviving on quick and easy processed food, high in sodium and God knows what else.

I can't live the rest of my life like this and so far it has been easy to say, "I can't afford to eat clean" or "I don't have time to cook" but I can't do that any longer. I want to not only lose weight, but to be healthier.

So, that is why I need your help. Tomorrow, I am off to the supermarket to start my eating clean regime. It's not going to be perfect, nowhere near at the beginning, but a girl has to start somewhere.

I would really appreciate your help!


  • SWgal
    SWgal Posts: 62
    Frozen fruit and veggies (without any added sauces, sugars, ect) are a great "cheap" way to get your fruits and veggies in...

    beans beans beans! cheap and clean...

    brown and clean

    All of these items make excellent meals when combined together (along with some simple herbs and spices)

    Good Luck!
  • elloradannon
    Fruits, Veggies, Quinoa, Oatmeal, whole wheat or fortified pasta, beans, nuts, brown rice, agave syrup (use in place of sugar or honey) unsweetened almond milk. That's our basic diet! I'm not sure where you live, but check out or look for local farmers markets in your area. You can get A LOT of delicious organic produce for a good price. I always hate throwing food away, so it naturally makes me eat a lot of healthy things if my fridge is stocked with fruits and veggies! Good luck!
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    If you have the time to make your own food, eating clean should not be much more expensive. Just make sure when you buy fresh products you use them before they go bad. Processed foods may seem cheap at the time but if you buy vegetables, grains, and meat and can use them for more than one meal, it ends up being more bang for your buck. Not everything you eat needs to be organic, look up the dirty dozen. A good site for organic coupons is mambo sprouts. Good luck and your body will thank you.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    I've always been advised to shop around the perimeter of the store for the fresh fruits, veggies, etc....
    Get creative with veggies you aren't as familiar with, such as the many varieties of squash!
    However fresh isn't always cheapest :(
    Frozen is your next best choice.
    And when using canned veggies look for low-sodium versions and even drain & rinse them off with water before you cook them. You can season with no-salt substitutes if necessary. I rinse almost all my canned items, even chili beans, and alot of other items - even the sliced pepperoni's that I put on my family's fav. pizza. Gets rid of all that gunky greasy stuff. Just pat them dry with a paper towel before putting on your pizza.
    There are many low fat and low sodium dairy & cheese products available. All the little substitutions you make in the calorie, fat or sodium values, will add up to make a big difference in the long run.
    And my biggest advice is to CHECK the labels - yes, it will drive you crazy, but so many different brands of the same type of food will have alot of difference in the nutritional values. I love granola snack bars and there's a ton of different brands & flavors - all are different. I'm very picky when I choose what I put in my cart, which is why my hubby will no longer grocery shop with me anymore, he says I take too long!!!! LOL
    Good luck!!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Thanks for the replies so far. Just to let you know, I live in the UK, currently in Scotland, but originally from London.
  • necki696
    Take a big thing of chicken and grill or bake it up on a sun than it is ready and you have it for the week and you just create different sides everyday
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
  • Jaynequ
    Tinned tomatoes onions and garlic. That way you have the basis of so many things. Spag bol, chicken in tomato sauce, shepherds pie, 3 bean chilli, the list is endless. Make a whole load of sauce and freeze in sandwich bags, then just take out and add minced beef, beans, chicken, fish etc. Add chilli to the sauce if you like a bit of spice, or paprika for a ghoulash.

    Invest in a slow cooker. Put a load of healthy veg beans etc in with a stock cube and come home to a wonderful aromad and a great meal all ready for you. If the slow cooker does rice, chuck in brown rice with chopped up veg and chicken breast with stock cube, for meal in one pot.

    I could go on forever! Add me as a friend to save me boring the general community...!!!
  • Star1ing_Dar1ing
    Tinned tomatoes onions and garlic. That way you have the basis of so many things. Spag bol, chicken in tomato sauce, shepherds pie, 3 bean chilli, the list is endless. Make a whole load of sauce and freeze

    I could go on forever! Add me as a friend to save me boring the general community...!!!

    Fab Idea !!! :)
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    Take a look at this if you need a list
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Take a look at this if you need a list

    Thanks for this, I saw you posted a topic! It's an excellent list!