

  • Pilates uses a lot of upper body flexion, (the head float position) primarily to assist in core stabilization. Upper body flexion exercises should be avoided during pregnancy as this move places too much tensile force on the mid line connective tissue. Pregnancy hormones soften and stretch connective tissues of the mid…
  • During pregnancy, the fetus and placenta uses glocogen (stored carbohydrates) as fuel, and mom's metabolism switches to stored fat for energy. Because of this duel system, it is safe for over weight and obese women to moderately restrict calories to prevent excessive weight gain during pregnancy. As to exercise, both mom…
  • To repair diastasis recti after pregnancy, you need to start by building a lot of strength back into your deepest abdominal muscle, your Transverse Abdominis, or TvA. When contracted, the TvA compresses the abdomen. The TvA does not move bone. Then after this muscle has regained adequate strength, you need to do…
  • To find free, in depth info on all aspects of prenatal fitness and exercise, google my screen name. BeFit-Mom
  • At 5 days pp, you're probably not going to get an accurate assessment when you do the test for abdominal separation. But there are gentle exercises that you can do now that will help close the gap and begin to re-tone your abs. Start with abdominal compressions, either side-lying, seated, or standing. Do several sets of…
  • There are two distinct schools of thought when it comes to diastasis recti rehab. Tuppler, who is a nurse by training, not a fitness professional, has women doing literally thousands of isolations for the Transverse Abdominis, or TvA, and wearing of a splint (which she sells) every day for months. While most pre and post…
  • Good news! A one finger width gap at the mid line is totally normal after your first pregnancy, and is not wide enough to be considered a diastasis. The definition of diastasis recti is a mid line that is more than two finger widths (US) or more than two centimeters (Europe). Most likely, your mid line was wider directly…
  • To repair diastasis recti after pregnancy, you need to start by building a lot of strength back into your deepest abdominal muscle, your Transverse Abdominis, or TvA. When contracted, the TvA compresses the abdomen. (The TvA does not move bone.) Then after this muscle has regained adequate strength, you need to do…
  • To repair diastasis recti after pregnancy, you need to start by building a lot of strength back into your deepest abdominal muscle, your Transverse Abdominis, or TvA. When contracted, the TvA compresses the abdomen. The TvA does not move bone. Then after this muscle has regained adequate strength, you need to do…
  • Yes, you can absolutely repair diastasis with proper exercise. Are you pregnant or postpartum? BeFit-Mom
  • The advisory to limit HR to 140 BPM was lifted way back in 2002, so don't worry if your HR goes above that. As long as you do not pass your anaerobic threshold (no panting, or trouble speaking normally) you're in a good training zone. During pregnancy you want to maintain your fitness level, not seek to increase it. So up…
  • Have you tried rehab exercises to close your mid line? In all but the most extreme cases of diastasis recti, surgery is not necessary. To rehab diastasis recti after pregnancy, you need to start by building A LOT of strength back into your deepest abdominal muscle, your Transverse Abdominis, or TvA. When contracted, the…
  • To repair diastasis recti after pregnancy, you need to start by building a lot of strength back into your deepest abdominal muscle, your Transverse Abdominis, or TvA. When contracted, the TvA compresses the abdomen. The TvA does not move bone. Then after this muscle has regained adequate strength, you need to do…
  • Since your youngest child is 8, you most likely will not be able to close your mid line all the way, but you certainly can change the shape and functioning of your abdominal wall. Stop doing ALL abdominal exercises that lift/roll the upper body off the floor or against the force of gravity, as these types of exercises will…
  • To repair diastasis recti after pregnancy, you need to start by building a lot of strength back into your deepest abdominal muscle, your Transverse Abdominis, or TvA. When contracted, the TvA compresses the abdomen. (The TvA does not move bone.) Then after this muscle has regained adequate strength, you need to do…
  • To rehab diastasis, you need to focus on core exercises that utilize lower spine flexion, and/or exercises that require you to stabilize a neutral spline. Women with diastasis need to start by building A LOT of strength into the deepest abdominal muscle, the Transverse Abdominis, or TvA. When contracted, the TvA compresses…
  • You should be able to continue with your normal exercise routines until about 20 weeks or so. At that point, the placenta stops growing, so its' ability to transport oxygen is capped. After 20 weeks, you'll need to slowly taper down the intensity of your workouts, always making sure that you stay in a zone that you…
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