

  • Are you all counting total carbs or Net carbs?
    in CARBS Comment by Urbanlamb April 2014
  • Hi everyone! I'm divorced, single, and at risk of turning into a crazy cat lady. I just signed my papers for surgery on Monday and now I'm waiting for the call to let me know the date. I should be happy and excited, but I'm more "meh, let's get 'er done". I've waited so long that now that it's here, I'm having a hard time…
  • I friend of mine ho went through weight loss surgery (RNY) had that problem, and it turned out she was allergic to one of the sugars in her protein shakes. It could also be something as simple as a new soap or laundry detergent though.
    in Rash Comment by Urbanlamb April 2014
  • Awesome girl!! *hugs*
  • Hmmm....yes I know about the protein thing and was thinking of adding protein powder to them to make sort of super smoothies (I imagine a protein shake with a little red cape, y'know....superrrrrr proteinnnnnn!) See the reason why I'm looking into this is that I'm also in the midst of dealing with bladder cancer. The goal…
  • Hello! http://www.bauerfeind.ca/en/products/supports-orthoses/knee-hip-thigh/genutrain-p3.html Seriously...anyone with knee problems due to injury should look at this product. I hope I'm not breaking any rules by suggesting a product, but I sell this at my Home Health store and am compeltely in love with it. Good luck!
  • I too would like to know what you're having for lunch. I used to crash pretty hard in the afternoons too and I realized it was because lunch was too heavy, and too much carb. These days, I have a protein snack midmorning with a fruit and then lunch is very light...veggies and protein only. Afternoon snack is when I will…
  • I can't look at your journal right now, but a thought hit me that perhaps you're building muscle? Have you taken any measurements, and are your clothes fitting a bit loser? Good luck and hang in there!
  • Muscle baby...you is getting lean muscle mass. Psst...that's good! :smile:
  • I workout in the evenings (at least I do when I remember to bring my flippin' sneakers). I like to make lunch my supper and vicey versa, since I'll eat late (8pm) after my workout. Invest in a really good lunch box with icepacks that will last the day. Pre-prepare meals by cooking lotsa chicken/fish and a pot of brown rice…
  • Oh heaven's to Betsy...I just took a peek at the diary too. Honey, load up on the protein and 'clean' carbs, and are you doing any weights at all? I see it's mostly cardio. Get some muscle girl, it's the muscle that burns your calories and the raises your metabolism...you'll be a mean lean calorie consuming machine if you…
  • Try circuit training maybe? Shake up things for your body and keep it guessing? Seems like your body is nice and comfly where it's at and you need to 'surprise' it.
  • I like mixing mine raw with frozen berries and a dash of splenda. By the time I get to work, the berries are thawed and the juices make the oatmeal soft. I top it off with a continer of Silouhette yogourt.
  • Ah Gawd, I'm laughing so hard over here!
  • Honey...I am sooo proud of you! *hugs*