I need a "pick-me-up" after lunch. Any suggestions?

PayShi Posts: 55 Member
And what I mean by pick-me-up is a way to stop this dreadful "crash" feeling I've been having everyday for a week after I have my lunch. I used to drink coffee every morning and nipped that (mostly because of what I'd put in it as well as I have bad acid reflux.) I also would grab a diet soda with lunch to get the caffeine. Well, I cut that.
So, I've been drinking a cup of tea in the morning (normally with about 3 tea bags lol of random things like green tea, peach & mango etc) with one packet of Stevia.
And then at lunch I'd have another cup of tea, strictly green tea with one more packet of Stevia. But I continue to crash and HARD.
Any suggestions that would help give me a bit more energy that wouldn't ruin my diet or be very acidic? And IF possible, something I can make at work (so I don't have to waste gas ;P)

If you need to ask me any questions to help me in my quest, please feel free and I will answer as promptly as I can. Thank you for your time and hope all are well!!!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Some type of protein like nuts and Green Tea is always good.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    Are you able to leave your work place? Maybe a leisurely walk around the block as sort of a reset for the next part of the day.
  • PayShi
    PayShi Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for replying and I'm sorry for not replying earlier. dls06, great idea. :) I've been over-eating my protein however >_<.
    And Judith, I was walking outside on my break for around 15-25 minutes but living in FL it's very, very hot. However, it's not a bad idea to go to maybe the grocery store down the road and walk in their air conditioning. :) Thanks for the tip!
  • ThinningDownChick
    ThinningDownChick Posts: 95 Member
    What do you eat for lunch? The afternoon crash is probably more related to that.
  • Urbanlamb
    Urbanlamb Posts: 17
    I too would like to know what you're having for lunch. I used to crash pretty hard in the afternoons too and I realized it was because lunch was too heavy, and too much carb.
    These days, I have a protein snack midmorning with a fruit and then lunch is very light...veggies and protein only. Afternoon snack is when I will sneak in some carbs, such as melba toast or what have you. Stay away from white flours and sugars. They spike your blood sugar and then you can crash pretty hard afterwards.
    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    A apple is always good, gives me an energy boost without that nasty crash and burn I used to get from candy.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Based on what you have recorded in your food logs - them shakes are part of the picture here. Honestly speaking here, I would not be relying on Herbalife shakes for the majority of your dietary intake.

    Im not seeing adequate vegetables either.

    Sounds like your body needs real food and not those shakes...
  • pmh58
    pmh58 Posts: 8
    A few almonds and a banana?
  • Emily_Katherine
    I agree with cramernh. It might be a little more difficult in terms of planning, but I think if you allotted 400 calories or so to lunch and had a big salad with a some protein (chicken, cheese, tuna) and fruit you would feel much better in the afternoons.