

  • I lost 40 lbs then stopped dieting for the summer. Gained 15!!!! SO now im back to dieting so I can loose the 15 I gained plus another 30. Lacking motivation now after stuffing my face all summer! So maybe we can help each other.
  • I just try to stick to 20 -30 carbs a day. I dont worry too much about what foods the carbs are coming from as long as i dont go too far over my intended limit. Its been working for me. But I also keep my fat and salt intake low.
  • cheese , some peanuts aren't too high in carbs, sugar free jello with cool whip , strawberries, deviled eggs, atkins bars or shakes,
  • I believe 3.5 cups popped is one serving. so if theres 35 cals in one cup then ttheres about 122 cals in the 3.5 cups which is one serving. If you eat the whole bag i think it would be about 10.5 cups of popped popcorn- so like 367 cals for the whole bag. And one cup of popped popcorn is really not much so i guess thats…
  • Wow thats awesome! You should be proud!!! You look great!
  • where should i start?!?! italian sub- cookies- macaroni salad- CANDY!!!! and guess what ?! im still eating it today ! oops.
  • Im the same way! Can see the lost in face and chest - maybe a little in my waist hip and thigh area- but not much! I still have 30 lbs to loose- so im hoping those 30 lbs will come off my stomach, butt, hips and thighs! lol
  • Season it with whatever you want and squeeze some orange juice on it and then leave some orange wedges on it. Bake it according to directions- until it flakes easily.
  • When I started mid january i lost 15 pounds in about 3 wks- without exercising, Then I stopped loosing so I started exercising and I continue to exercise now- but I still dont really enjoy it! lol I justwanted to look good wiht clothes on- but now Im like eek i better keep working out if i ever want to look good naked!
  • As i wrote that reply to you I thought of the time I went to lunch with my sisters. I went there intending to only eat half my meal and skip dessert. Well I couldnt do it! lol I hate my entire meal AND then ordered a brownie dessert! And it was worth it! I went back to my diet the next day and that one day of splurging…
  • I think you should definitely go! Just try to eat small portions of the lowest cal food they have and try to avoid the worst ones. I don't drink so I dont know what drinks are low cal- but try to stick with those maybe. And if you drink too many calories or eat more than you should....o well! Tomorrows another day! Have a…
  • Thats awesome! Keep up the good work and you will be at your goal in no time!
  • I haven't tried this recipe yet- but i found it posted on here. Low carb pizza !!!! http://www.examiner.com/low-carb-in-national/cauliflower-pizza-crust-worth-its-wow-gold Chicken breast and green beans are a good dinner. Keep in eye on your salt and fat content though. CHeese is a great snack for low carb diets but its…
  • I am def. trying this! Im doing a low carb diet and having pizza without feeling horrible about it will be AWESOME!!
  • I do 20 carbs a day for 3 wks and then switch to low calorie for a wk-and jsut go back and forth. its been working well.
  • I don't like any sea food- but friends and family all say Tilapia is not fishy tasting. I have cooked it for my husband and it doesnt stink up the house . lol
  • I dont have anything i miss from childhood...but since starting my diet i miss tons of stuff! The most missed is ....... A GIANT DELI BAGEL WITH TONS OF CREAM CHEESE!! lol
  • Awesome!!! I want to hit 50 lbs lost so bad!!! Congrats on the baby!!
  • 31 lbs lost is great- must be doing something right.
  • Thanks everyone for the good ideas! Now if only I had brown paper bags! lol I never cook with oil so its not something I keep in stock around here. Wonder if theres another way to make in it the microwave since i have no brown bags- my son has a lunch box so i dont buy them lol. O well- if I must I will use a little of the…
  • I don't have any oil- except vegetable oil.
  • Great job so far. I would try lowering your carbs to under 100 every other day and lower your sodium to 1500-1800.
  • Great job so far and good luck with reaching your goal! I love this site! I swear it is the only reason I have stuck to a diet for 2 and a half months! I usually fall right off the wagon but this site keeps me right on track! Happy weight loss! And congrats on being a soon to be grandma!
  • WHoa! Are u saying i can eat brownies and loose weight?!!?!? You must be an angel!! Thanks!
  • LOL when i first found out why people were writing this i was like what? to make it get saved so u can see the replies later? why cant we jsut write hi or something like that.
  • Jog in place for 10 mins at a time or as long as you can. Its quick and easy. Thats what i do. Anything that keeps you in motion is betetr than nothign at all.
  • Keep an eye on your salt intake and drink tons of water. For me, carbs kill my diet. I would try and stay under 100 if possible. Everyones different but if i eat a lot of carbs i gain weight. which really stinks because i love carbs! anyways ur doing great !! so keep on going!